This was posted 2 years 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

5.15% p.a. Interest on Balances up to $50,000 for 14-35 Year Olds (Monthly Criteria Apply for 18+) @ Bank of Queensland


Just saw this posted on BOQ's facebook page. After not cracking 5% with last months update this is some good news!

"To support our savings customers, we’re excited to announce some updates to our range of myBOQ products.
From 3 March, customers will be able to earn up to a market-leading 5.15% p.a. with our Future Saver account. You’ll also be able to earn up to 4.60% p.a. Smart Saver and 4.50% with our Simple Saver accounts. Monthly criteria and terms and conditions apply. "

To be eligible to receive this rate, customers will require $1,000 minimum monthly deposit with a minimum of 5 eligible transactions on their linked Everyday Account every month.

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Bank of Queensland
Bank of Queensland

closed Comments

  • +46

    Here come the “This is age discrimination!!!” sooks

    • +47

      I dunno about 'sooks', but it is quite obviously age discrimination.
      Of course, so is age pension entitlement.

      • +8

        Age Discrimination Act allows for “positive measures to be taken on the basis of age” - and like you pointed out, pension entitlements/senior discounts are similar age based benefits.

        • +5

          "Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome."

          But fudge it - let's stand-up against this discrimination !!

          • +1

            @Easygoingjoe: It's not really equality because it is so broad - you could have trust fund kiddies who are wealthier than pensioners using this deal. The real reason why this exists is because younger people take out mortgages, which is where banks make their money. There's no incentive to attract deposits when savings accounts are basically loss leaders to attract people to take out more profitable lending products.

            • +4


              you could have trust fund kiddies who are wealthier than pensioners using this deal

              That's the exception rather than the norm mate. But agree on what the bank looks to be aiming to do catering to this age group. Mortgages (market share), and spending habits (read: data, which is the avenue to promote more products).

            • +1

              @Tyrx: Is there a link to any evidence supporting the claim that savings accounts are loss leaders?

              • +3

                @chyawala: They don't invest funds on the open market or make money directly from retail deposits. APRA enforces liquidity requirements on banks which requires them to fund particular percentage of lending from retail deposits. That's why the big 4 have such low rates for savings accounts - they don't need to attract retail deposits because people deposit money with them regardless.


                • +1

                  @Tyrx: That makes sense. And thank you for providing the link to APRA, that was genuinely useful.

                  Although I'm not sure I would classify that as a "loss leader".

                  Rather, they are offering an attractive interest rate on deposits as a means to attract liquidity, to meet their liquidity requirements.

                  That's why the big 4 have such low rates for savings accounts - they don't need to attract retail deposits because people deposit money with them regardless.

                  Agreed. That's why people should move their $ away from the big 4 banks. They are getting away with low-interest rates on their savings accounts because - in general - Australians tend to not be willing to move their money elsewhere.

                  Money talks. We should be willing to move our money to other banks that are willing to better compensate depositors. Reward good behaviour.

      • +1

        Ah, but discrimination against self funded retirees. i.e. The best value citizens the state could wish for.

    • +2

      Yeah for sure. All them boomers with over $3M in super

      • +3

        Being just over this cut-off at 37 means I'm a boomer? Where do I claim my 3 million :/

        • +1

          Wait. That means I can claim my 3 million clams too

        • +1

          hey I am 15 years older than the cut off and I aint even close to being a boomer, wheres my money? Even in the boomers though those over 3m are a tiny percentage.

      • +2

        ~5,500,000 people over 60 in Oz and about 70,000 of them in the $3M+ category.
        "All them Boomers" is ~1.3%

        Had to laugh at billionaire John Gandel whinging that the $3M ceiling is "unfair on Aussies who worked hard for their money." Apparently doesn't know why the 15% concession was originally given and will struggle when he retires on his $US3.3B.

        • "when he retires" - he's 88, you mean he hasn't retired yet??

          • @Mr Bob Dobalina: Google and see.

          • +1

            @Mr Bob Dobalina: Extremely wealthy people don't retire because what they do isn't work in the normal sense. It's an enjoyable exercise of power.

    • +1

      Govt pension age is discrimination too

    • Health insurance is age discrimination, rob from the young to give to the old.

      • +1

        All tax is discriminatory and its benefits unequally shared. Getting the balance right is key, but extremely difficult.

        Health insurance as it currently stands exists to prop up private health systems. Blame Howard for that, and plenty of other rubbish economic decisions which cost the common wealth plenty and left structural deficits, the consequences of which we're now "enjoying".

        Here's a few of the Howard-Costello LNP blunders. Add in $100B of unnecessary tax concessions to gas producers.…

    • endless bananas

  • +1

    I love the ANZ Plus App and have about 30k saved up there for my first home.

    How is the App for BOQ?

    • +42

      imo the app is shit, slow and clunky, but u cant ignore the rate - I just put up with it

      • Hahaha. Same app as the virgin one. My friend showed me the bow one and I just said it's the same shit in blue.

        The virgin ad showing the app was funny. The guy logs in and because it takes ages to load; they cut the loading 🤣

        Still have BOQ for the sweet rates though.

    • +5

      if your account is locked or any problem, good luck trying to talk to someone !

      • +2

        There are branches in which you can talk to actual people and the branches have their own phone numbers. Shits all over ING who I was with before.

        Feel like it can be said for any bank if you rely on their generic 1300/1800 number or email support will be quite lacking.

        • +1

          It really is the worst bank I've ever used.

          I opened an account, deposited and a few months later I wanted to withdraw and can't, system is locked. I've been countless times on the phone and at the branches (all far from home) and it's been useless. On the phone say I have to go to a branch, at the branch say it's an IT problem.

          Now emailing with the Bank Manager to get it fixed and it's still taking long time.

          I will fix it and close all accounts. Never again.

        • I called branches, they couldn't help, it a separate system if you open online. I got nowhere to ask, I was literally waiting for 1 hour each day for 5 days, still no human answered, music forever. I gave up , send complaint online, asked them to close my accounts, I just left it there, deleted the app and forever forgotten, who knows what happen to my account.

      • Even if you talk to someone like I have, good luck getting anything fixed. They really are the worst.

    • App is garbage but the interest rates are good lol

    • +10

      By far the worst bank app I've ever used.

      I only have to interact with it once a month though, worth putting up with for the rate.

    • +1

      Do you remember the very first online system your bank had circa 2000? That’s literally what BoQ still use.

      • +2

        CBA was probably still better back then than BOQ is now.

      • +2

        Boq future saver is a new myBoq app, not available in their online banking, just in MyBoq. It’s not too bad, but sometimes the bank accounts don’t load when you go to transfer money which makes you think your funds are locked in there lol… but it usually fixes itself in a few mins

    • Have you found any hidden issues with the anz app? I am considering using it

      • It is really nice for young people. I like the idea of setting goals and seeing it grow.

    • Both App and Internet banking are the worse. Terrible customer service. Bad service across all areas. I'm about to close all my accounts with them.

      • +3

        Thanks for the heads up.

      • +1

        If you're opening a new account, only the app is the worst.

        …Because the internet banking literally doesn't exist.

    • I believe the boq and myboq are 2 different apps. I’ve only ever used the myboq (newer) and it’s not terrible. I’ve used worse.

  • +3

    Just turned 36. Dammit

    • +1

      Ive been building a time machine just so i can invest with BOQ .

    • According to what calendar though?

    • Start dating them young girls to get a good rate.

  • +11

    Good. This is much more like it. And they finally broke 5%.
    But they seriously need to invest in fixing their damn app and IT systems. It's the most unreliable in the industry.

    • They just took the virgin money app. You cannot access your funds through a web browser as they only maintain the app.

      So yeah, the rest of their IT is going to be a lot worse than the app

  • -1

    Damn 5% on $500k for <35 yr olds. Tell me the property market is collapsing without telling me.

    • +7

      50k not 500k

      • +6

        Yeah Im going blind.

        • +33

          Think you might be too old for this offer…

      • +1

        although you can open multiple saving accounts. i think up to 9

  • Nice one BoQ.

  • +3

    One can hope that the BOQ owned Virgin Money increases their rates too.

    • +3

      Yes Virgin Money is so slllllllllllllllllow!!!!

    • Schedule a partial withdrawal to move funds from a locked Boost saver. You'll still earn the full locked bonus, and be free to jump ship after the 32 days notice.

  • +1

    *$1,000 minimum monthly deposit

    Transfer from an external bank account a minimum of $1,000 each month (like your salary or wages) into your linked Everyday Account. Cash and cheque deposits are not counted.*

    My daughter needs to move banks. Is BOQ decent to deal with? Could the $1000 be a transfer from your other bank into this one?

    • Yep!
      One of my employers still pays to my older account so I just move 1k every month to the everyday one.
      I've never had to deal with the branches in person but the online chat staff seem pretty helpful.

      • Thanks for that. She taps 5 times in a month, I'm sure, & occasionally uses an ATM, so this would be great for her.

      • The $1000 amount doesn't need to come from an employer though.. right? One can simply transfer it from another bank account and move it back.

        • Yeah can just be from another bank

    • So only possible by wages/salary?

      • +1

        Can be any sort of payment as long as it's electronic (i.e. not cash/cheque)

        • So I just do monthly transfer and also met 5 criterias

            • +1

              @freoleo: Can the 5 criterias, send 5 x $1 each to the same external bank account ?

              • @yht: From your linked Everyday Account each month. Eligible transactions include direct debit payments, ATM withdrawals, BPAY payments or purchases with your Visa Debit Card

                from this no, just transferring money to another bank account doesn't classify as "eligible"

                each month I just transfer 5x $5 BPay payments to the same credit card and that qualifies

                • @MrThing: I'm very confused how this works, so I have my money I want interest on in the FUTURE savers account but I need to put 1k a month into my EVERYDAY saver account? How's that work and why. Can I take out the money straight away and put it into my future savers account or does it need to grow 1k every month.


                  • @abjsdhasehasee: it needs to come from an outside boq source.

                    I just transfer my pay to my everyday saver, then straight into my future saver. box ticked

                    • @MrThing: I see, so pay goes into where it goes right now, then I put it all (atleast 1k) into the everyday saver, then put straight into future saver.

                      easy, thanks

              • +2

                @yht: If you do the five transfers via Beem it counts

              • +1

                @yht: You can do 5x bpay to the same account, pay off your credit card for instance

                • @greatlamp: yep doesnt even have to be much, $1 is all it takes to count as eligible

              • +2

                @yht: Split payment at Coles or Woolies is my go to, you can split as small as 1cent hahah, so you could meet the promotion spent for 1cent X 5

                • @ivyholmes: Did this still work for you this month? My bonus rate is not activating. I split one bill by 0.01 in one transaction 5 times. Suspecting i need seperate transactions

        • I'm mainly paid in cash. Is a cash deposit via AU Post considered electronic?

          • @Geekomatic: Wouldn’t count on it. Just transfer the money from whatever account you are currently using to BOQ.

    • They're not too bad. Yeah just transfer in. Bonus criteria is given on the house for the first month.

  • They waited all this time to avoid paying the extra interest this month!

    • +10

      Interest is calculated daily..

      • +19

        I don't think kron was referring to how interest is calculated

        Rather, kron was pointing out the delay between the RBA increasing the cash rate by 0.25% (the 7th of Feb), and BoQ increasing the interest on their savings accounts (the 3rd of March).

        Even though interest will be calculated daily from the 3rd of March onwards, it is not retrospective from the 7th of Feb.

        I should note that while I agree with kron in general, I can't really fault BoQ since at least they have a high savings rate.

        The big 4 banks (CBA/NAB/Westpac/ANZ) have no excuses.

        They are both the most well-resourced banks as well as having the lowest interest rates on their savings accounts.

        To anyone reading this - not only should you swap banks from the big 4, but please spread awareness of how low interest their savings accounts are, and how long they take to pass on these increases to depositors (i.e. savings accounts).

        The reason they don't change is because their customers don't do anything about it. Our inaction is seen as tacit approval of their practices.

        Vote with your wallet - move away from the big 4 banks.

        • +2

          Thanks…that's what I meant. Maybe I should have phrased it better.

          • +2

            @kron: All good mate. I gotchu ;)

            I should also point out that it seems like BoQ is actually front-running the expected increase in the cash rate next week. Since on the 17th of Feb, they already increased their interest rate in response to the RBA's increase in the cash rate on the 7th of Feb (source…).

            AFAIK BoQ is one of the only banks that do this.

            But it seems that since they are fairly certain of a 0.25% increase in the cash rate next Tuesday (the 7th of March), they are preemptively increasing their interest rates.

            Honestly, this makes BoQ a double-winner - not only do they have one of (if not the) highest interest rates on the market. But they pass on increases in the cash rate to depositors before they've even benefitted from it.

            Zero hate from me. I wish more banks did this.

            • @Culpable: Ah…I didn't know that. I thought this was from the last rate hike….. hence my comment. Been quite happy with BOQ so far, except for a few hiccups with their mobile app.

        • You might wanna do your homework. myBoQ Smart Saver increased 0.25% a week ago. They just announced another 0.35%. Making 0.60% rise after last RBA announcement.

        • PS: Suncorp is owned by ANZ. FYI.

          • +3

            @Geekomatic: Yep.

            And Bankwest is owned by Commbank.

            And Ubank is owned by NAB.

            And St George is owned by Westpac.

            That notwithstanding, the subsidiary banks (Ubank/Suncorp/etc.) are still separate companies, with different objectives, incentives, target markets, liquidity, and cost structures.

            The net result is that even though Suncorp is owned by ANZ, Suncorp is offering a much better interest rate than ANZ.

            To be clear, I'm not saying there is zero connection between the big 4 banks and their subsidiary banks.

            But to the end that I'm aiming towards, this connection doesn't matter.

            Because I'm not coming from some kind of anti-profit standpoint where I want the big 4 banks to earn less money.

            But rather, I want people to get a better rate on their deposits.

            And be aware of the fact that if they choose to keep their money with the big 4 banks—who have lower savings rates and take longer to pass on rate increases—they are in effect, tacitly voting on the behaviour that they deem acceptable.

            I think people don't realise the impact that they can have on the behaviour of these banks.

            Sure, they may not care about your 50k. But they will care about the 50k of everyone you know, and everyone they know, and everyone they know.

            So the next time Commbank have a choice between dedicating $10m to a new propaganda branding campaign or to giving their customers a higher interest rate, perhaps they'll be more inclined to the latter.

          • @Geekomatic: Not yet

    • +1


  • Anyone know with BOQ, if you withdraw from your saver does it penalise the amount of interest earned for that month?

    • +1

      I've had this account for a few months and I haven't been penalised for withdrawals from my Saver Account. You just need to ensure you meet the minimum monthly deposit into your Everyday Account.

    • +1

      interest is calculated daily and there’s no requirement to grow your balance.

      so you can withdraw without any issues

    • no, just meet the criteria and u can add and remove as you please

  • That's a good rate. Higher than some home loans e.g hsbc

    • +3

      Yeh but after tax would not make it worth redrawing your home loan

  • What has happened here, have they gone ahead of the rise for once? usually its like 20th of each month that they rise?

    • Balance the books a little bit, still make money from the spread I think.

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