HN Osb Park have following games from $10 but maybe around 5 copies of each when i was there this evening:
Both xbox/ps3
Rage $10
Bulletstorm $10
Gunslinger $15
Need Speed Run $15
Batman AC $20
Saints row 3rd $20
HN Osb Park have following games from $10 but maybe around 5 copies of each when i was there this evening:
Both xbox/ps3
Rage $10
Bulletstorm $10
Gunslinger $15
Need Speed Run $15
Batman AC $20
Saints row 3rd $20
Sorry to say but No. Just been to HN Blacktown last night and the prices that they have is nowhere near the ones in this post. I lived in Perth for 2 years and I am missing HN over there. They ridiculously mark games 6 months or older way cheap compared to NSW.
i want ssx for 30 bucks. thats probably the cheapest ive seen that. no way of getting there. nOooOOoOo..
Am I the only one who misread this comment at first? o_O
Yep misread this one.
First thing i thought - Tell em hes dreamin!
Anyone know if this is available at any other Harvey Norman in Sydney. Need For Speed Run is on sale for Xbox or PS3.