Hey guys,
I live in a unit with two entry points that cockroaches may come in: the front door and from the balcony. Since summer started or even coming up to summer, our unit been gradually increasing in cockroaches every night.
It went from 1 or 2 seeing them at night, then now its prob now up to 10 per night I see when I go for my midnight snack and turn the light on.
Last november I purchased those insect, cockroach spray protect barriers and pretty much sprayed my front door and all of my balcony, my balcony door as well. I did this every 2 weeks even though the spray said protection up to 6 months, but they keep coming!
My housemate and I did a full spring clean of our unit, behind the fridge, desks etc…. we felt really good! We cleaned the oven, took out the dishwasher etc…..
We also sprayed inside our unit with the protection spray, behind the fridge, behind the dishwasher, entry of the balcony, behind the couch, tv etc……
Also our unit manager sent us an email of the building fully being pest sprayed in Dec but in our unit, it seems to be worse.
I honestly believe we are not dirty people, we put our dishes in the dishwasher after we eat, kitchen is clean, we don't leave food out. There's something triggering these cockroaches.
Also more tiny cockroaches appearing, so they are breeding in our unit?
The type of cockroaches are not the big ones, more so medium to tiny, I think it's the German Cockroach?
Any tips on how to reduce or get rid of these?
Suss out the neighbours, they might be the dirty ones?