Cockroaches, Cockroaches Everywhere at Night

Hey guys,

I live in a unit with two entry points that cockroaches may come in: the front door and from the balcony. Since summer started or even coming up to summer, our unit been gradually increasing in cockroaches every night.

It went from 1 or 2 seeing them at night, then now its prob now up to 10 per night I see when I go for my midnight snack and turn the light on.

Last november I purchased those insect, cockroach spray protect barriers and pretty much sprayed my front door and all of my balcony, my balcony door as well. I did this every 2 weeks even though the spray said protection up to 6 months, but they keep coming!

My housemate and I did a full spring clean of our unit, behind the fridge, desks etc…. we felt really good! We cleaned the oven, took out the dishwasher etc…..

We also sprayed inside our unit with the protection spray, behind the fridge, behind the dishwasher, entry of the balcony, behind the couch, tv etc……

Also our unit manager sent us an email of the building fully being pest sprayed in Dec but in our unit, it seems to be worse.

I honestly believe we are not dirty people, we put our dishes in the dishwasher after we eat, kitchen is clean, we don't leave food out. There's something triggering these cockroaches.

Also more tiny cockroaches appearing, so they are breeding in our unit?

The type of cockroaches are not the big ones, more so medium to tiny, I think it's the German Cockroach?

Any tips on how to reduce or get rid of these?


  • Suss out the neighbours, they might be the dirty ones?

  • These bastards hide where you least expected. You need to spray into your kitchen cabinet (obviously empty them out) and all the gaps. Even he power point in the kitchen. I once moved in a townhouse that looked clean on the outside but it was infested with cockroaches in the kitchen. Lucky I had time before I have to move in so I spent a few night keep on spraying and cleaning the kitchen. The next thing is to keep a clean kitchen to prevent them from going back.

  • Are the german roaches are the bad ones? The larger ones are less diseased if I recall correctly?

    • +7

      The German ones (small to medium sized usually) are the ones that breed like crazy, that's why they're so dangerous. The big ones just tend to fly at your face to assert dominance.

      • +1

        I hate the bastard flyers. The thought of one of them touching my face.. Ugh.
        That's it, I'm sleeping with my flame thrower tonight.

  • +1

    Tell me more about this midnight snack, please.

  • I used to hate those things so much. In the middle of the night I'd get up to take a piss and as I walk down the corridor… "crunch!"… and I had all squished guys and all stuck to the bottom of my foot! So f'n gross!

  • +2

    Why don’t you get your unit professionally treated? The stuff pesties use is much more potent than what you get over the shelf

    Cockroaches can come from anywhere. In my place (apartment) near the drains but also in the duct where the electrical board is. If you’ve got loads of them it’s quite hard to do and locate where exactly they are coming from

    You guys may be clean but if you have dirty neighbours then you’re going to get them too

  • +1

    close all the gaps

  • I've been noticing more cockroaches and mice recently. I think the people I live with aren't vacuuming and mopping on their weeks like we agreed. And I'll be damned if I'm going to be their slave and do it for them, or their mom and nag them about it.

    At least the mice give the cat something to do during the day.

    I've been thinking of leaving kitchen light on all night to discourage the cockroaches from coming out of their hiding places, could be worth the few cents of electric.

    • +1

      Sadly light won't keep them away. They come out at night because there's little to no human movement. And the reason they scuttle away when we turn the light on (making us think that's why) is because they sense us moving, not because of the light itself.

      • Maybe that's why my cat has stopped sleeping with me and spends all night in the kitchen, he knows there are cockroaches and mice hiding about.

        • What do U do to kill the cockroaches? My cat is in the kitchen all night too.. I'm using deatomic earth, kinda worried about her

          • @ivyholmes: I spray them with Aldi brand crawling bug spray. I'm thinking I should probably get a little cockroach proof stand for the dry food hopper. Or start putting the hopper away at night, but that sounds like a PITA. I do have some bug bombs but not sure how to bomb the whole house with the cat here. The bombs probably wouldn't get behind bookshelves and stuff anyway.

  • +1

    I found these to be very effective for all sorts of insects :

    A word of caution, the smnoke alarm may go off, so be ready to silence it if needed, i.e keep a mask handy.

    • Recommend the same, but takes a lot of effort.
      Will need to make sure to remove or clean eating surfaces after.

  • +1

    Any tips on how to reduce or get rid of these?

    It's called pest control. For a general spray of only your unit, calling in a professional is not that cost-prohibitive.

  • +1

    we put our dishes in the dishwasher after we eat, kitchen is clean, we don't leave food out. There's something triggering these cockroaches

    99% certainty that it's one of your neighbours. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about that, but you'll have to fight the infestation in your own place as well, otherwise they will take hold. And they can come in through tiny gaps and crevices, it's almost impossible to make your apartment airtight, particularly since Aussie homes are more like tents.

    As others have said, baits and gels are the way to go (you need to kill the baby cockroaches and the nests), and hiring a professional pest controller is a good option as well.

    Roaches can survive off just about anything BTW. Cardboard, glue, water etc. No need for actual food scraps/crumbs for them to thrive.

    • What about the kitchen bin ?
      If there’s unsealed food scraps in the bin then the cockroaches will be feasting

  • +5

    They will get into everything that they can find warmth in.
    We've been figting the same battle for a little while now as we have chickens and toddlers who aren't great at cleaning up after themselves - one day it was just seeing one, then another and before you know if you've seen 5 in one night. We found a few hiding places for them which took a while to discover but once we did and we bombarded them with spray, it absolutely decimated their numbers, but you still see one here or there.. the other day I had one crawl on my mic boom mid-meeting. I'm sure my colleagues got a laugh at my eyes widening before I turned off the camera!

    Common hiding places we've discovered:

    1. In the dishwasher itself - we pulled the thing out, disassembled the door and a few other places, you can see evidence of them. We replaced the dishwasher due to hygeine reasons
    2. Microwave - most have a small transformer to run things like the display, we found 2 of them hiding in it
    3. Networking devices - we have a few network switches and found them hiding in them. I pulled them apart, threw them in the dishwasher (that we replaced .. it was outside and we could connect it to the garden tap!). The 2nd time around I just kept the covers off so it's less tempting.
    4. Fridges - they like to hide out near the compressor
    5. Surge protectors / power boards - evidence was on the board - not worth pulling these apart when they're so cheap. Replaced and plugged up the unused slots. Confirmed they were in there by snappnig it in half and finding evidence of them being in the board.
    6. Under kitchen bench - unloaded two whole cans of surface spray under there. Haven't seen one hiding there since. Obvious warm area due to oven, stovetop, dishwasher, plumbing, etc.
    7. Anywhere that has a small gap to hide in (think two kitchen panels meeting with a small gap, the space between a rope light and the cupboard its clipped to, etc.
    8. Coffee grinder - seeing one run under the screen was about all I could handle, threw it out immediately. Turns out it has a small transformer in it to keep the display on standby.

    Basically you want to look out for warm places or appliances that generate warmth as they'll hide out there. Put bait gel around these areas and unplug them when not in use. It'll dwindle their numbers something firece pretty fast. It's a long battle and not one you can win overnight so be prepared for that but it's rewarding when you win.

    • +1

      This exactly.

      They'll eventually ruin your gadgets. I recall them burning out our lcd screen on the microwave due to eating wiring/shorting out circuit board.
      Once you see the baby ones you're screwed as they can get into anything.
      Someone mentioned parramatta but it can happen anywhere (ashfield for me). Once you have a person in the block who doesn't care, it's over.

      Recommend professional spraying - at least it'll make em stay away from your 'clean' apartment and stick to the dirty ones.
      It's probably one of the reasons i didn't want to live in an apartment anymore.
      I still see the odd bugger, but they're mostly big and easier to kill.

      • +1

        This is the answer. If you see baby roaches regularly, its too late for quick fixes and you have an ongoing infestation.

        I had some filthy neighbors (totally cockroach infested, one time I went over to help with the fuse box in their kitchen and when I opened it dozens of roaches poured out). The roaches moved into my place, and after trying on my own for months I got a pro in. He treated all entrance and exit points, drilled holes and sprayed inaccessible areas in fitted furniture and then plugged the holes, checked all appliances, and gave great advice. It sorted 99% of the infestation, the only ones I found after were nesting in a crack in a knife block.

        After that point the problem was external only. You'd see roaches coming in but never any baby roaches. When the neighbors moved the problem magically disappeared for good.

      • i had one in my microwave that turned it on and cooked nothing for a few minutes, we had to enable child lock for the little shit, its things like this can cause your house to burn down

    • +4

      I buy / fix old broken game consoles. Cockroaches love to hide and shit inside them too :(

  • +1

    My first thought when reading this post was this

    • +1

      Holy f, that was traumatising.

  • +2

    You need Advion cockroach gel and the sticky traps that comes with a baiting tablet

    • +1


      I was going to jump in to say this. Best stuff and lasts for ages!

      Pop a tiny dot under the hinge of every cupboard, near anything that gets warm or moist (e.g. under washing machines, behind coffee machines, etc.). I even had an issue with them in a pot outside and just popped a tiny dot there that lasted for ages.

      You'll find dead bodies within days everywhere.

  • +1

    There's something triggering these cockroaches.

    Are you watching Sky News?

  • +1

    I use permethrin as surface spray in a 5L sprayer from bunnings.
    David grays termite spray is good but the addative smells , if you can find coopex its prob better for indoor use as it has same poison but does not smell. Safe for humans, you can spray everything, follow the instructions. It can leave a white residue.……

    • According to the pest control guy (and I can personally vouch for this)
      For termites and perimiter - Hovex 1L Ultra Lo-Odour Termite Concentrate
      For ants - can't find a link but looks like a small white square bottle and it's about $75 for 250g
      For cockroaches and spiders - Bayer 25g coopex
      The rest are too weak or require too frequent application.
      The above is expensive list but i only do this 3-4 time a year.

  • +1…

    Bug bomb the whole apartment. Come back in 1 hr time. You will see a lot die on the floor the next day.

    I do this every six months or so. Have been keep the place bug free for a while.

  • Your unit isn't in Parramatta by any chance? My Dad when he first moved to Sydney lived in an absolute SHITHOLE of a unit in Parramatta that was constantly full of cockroaches.

  • +2

    you need professional treatment… for a small unit $150-$200 should do it

    first the general cockroach, spider and silverfish treatment and then they would put some bait that is harmless to humans

    cockroaches eat it and take to their hide out and then there young goes crazy and start eating each other

    • there young goes crazy and start eating each other

      Cue my next nightmare. I had no idea they had their own tiny version of the Hunger Games

      • +1

        Ya it's insane

  • +2

    Do you have palm trees outside? Apparently they love them.
    A pest man once said he could never get them under control in a strip mall of food outlets as there were palm trees lining the streets outside which was their nest.

  • +1

    A lot of these solutions are toxic to you as well, all those sprays and bombs… baits and gels won't poison you!

    • As long as you don’t get too drunk…

  • +1

    Had a similar issue. Sprays don't work. You need bait. They eat it and carry it back to the nest and it kills the nest. Get bait strips from woolies or Amazon

  • +2

    Not all Cockroach are the same, German cockroach is harder to kill imo.

    • +2

      Where is the WHO when you need them? They should immediately announce the renaming of the “German” cockroach to the Steven Seagalroach. Or Bruce Willisroach — I’m flexible

    • +2

      Advion gel worked really well on German cockroaches that was accidentally introduced to our home from guests.

  • Use cockroach bomb close all windows set it off then leave for few days repeat 5 times its like getting rid of cuckoos in the hair hair gets bombed 5 times no hair left all grows back when new hair grows no more cuckoos

    • That’s a great analogy with the cuckoos. I think it’s not yet time to go nuclear, though

      • I stand corrected the ones in the head are coochie coos not cuckoos
        both are just as annoying as coach I mean roach. Coach is a premium leather bag

  • Combat roach strips from supermarket. Only thing that works for us besides the pest man.

    • +1

      I'll second this. When we had a roach problem at our last place (an old post-war weatherboard home with so many potential entry points it was impossible to keep them out), these eliminated the problem exceptionally quickly. You'll probably get at least 1-2 more generations after you lay them out, since there's going to be eggs already laid that they won't do anything about, but it should progressively thin out the numbers.

  • Human manages to bring a lot of species to extinction, allegedly. How come no one has ever come up with a plan to make all German cockroach goes extinct? At least those that live in human settlements.

  • +2

    If they are germans, they have probably taken over an appliance (something that has water in it, usually dishwasher or coffee machine). Germans need special treatment, a regular pest control is not enough. We had two specialty treatments and replaced a dishwasher to get rid of ours.

  • +1

    ALDI surface spray will kill everything

    Babies mean your are completely infested

    Pay there money for a commercial pest control and then use Aldi surface spray to maintain

    Otherwise MOVED HOUSE!!!!

  • breeding in your electricals, microwave/toaster/fridge motor etc

  • A lot of bugs get in through cracks in windows (not just the window itself but around the trims. It doesn’t hurt to spray around the gaps in trims.

    Other places include drains, behind cupboards, trim gaps, through the floors, gaps in walls and ceilings, and out of thin air.

    Really a case of setting traps under cabinets and cupboards, and spraying everywhere that might be possible (not just doors and obvious places).

  • A Scanner Darkly.

  • A place I lived they were absolute plague in high summer … Plugged in large capacity powerful vacuum cleaner and leave on floor in kitchen .. go to bed , set alarm or get up about 2.00 …Go into kitchen , turn on all lights and vacuum - surprisingly you will get almost all of them sucked up .. then need to either seal vacuum with tape till morning or dispose of otherwise - use insecticide or more eco friendly cockroach kill method .Good Luck …

    • +1

      I wouldn't do this unless the vacuum was turned on/off via a movement sensor. Most vacuums use cheap universal motors with carbon brushes pressing against a commutator. The brushes are like a block of pencil lead and have a metal spring behind them pushing them against the commutator. They can last years in a vacuum that's used for 30 minutes once a week. But leaving it running for hours can wear the brushes down until the spring and/or woven braid or wire connected to them is now scraping against the commutator which creates sparks like an angle grinder cutting through steel.

  • +1

    Find the source if you can. Someone's compost bin nearby? Maybe opened bins or even soakwells.

    You have to treat the entire area, not just your unit.
    First, go get some good gel bait in a syringe. I highly recommend Surefire Pro Cockroach Gel as it's Fipronil. Harmless to pets and birds and is the stuff used for termite barrier. It's super effective. Get the big 30g tube. Less than $40.

    Then go around and put little pea sized dots every 2 meters or so all around the outdoor perimeter, and directly at any suspicious sources. No need to use up the entire syringe if it's not a huge area. Repeat applications will be more effective than 1 big hit.

    Sit back and wait a week. Look for dead roaches but DO NOT remove the bodies. Their friends will eat the dead ones and poison themselves too.
    Repeat after a week if you are still seeing them in the house at night.

    Once you stop finding new dead roaches, it's time to put a barrier down to stop newly hatched ones from moving back in.

    I second the Coopex that many have suggested for indoor. It's Permethrin in a powder form that is mixed with water. Use that at all suspected entry points indoor. Note that this is NOT CAT SAFE. Do not use if you have a cat.

    A much cheaper barrier would be to use cheaper alternatives outdoors. There are many Permethrin and Bifenthrin concentrates that can be used outside. I use them once every 16 weeks. A good sprayer and some effort is needed, so if that's too much, stick to the gel bait

    • +1

      Find the source if you can. Someone's corpse nearby?
      you could have help solved a missing person or a murder case for the police - good job!

    • Is Surefire Pro Cockroach Gel safe for cat?

      • +1

        It's Fipronil, which can be found in flea medication for cats. Just don't let the cat go outside and eat up all the freshly placed gel

        • Let's say I use Fripronil for outdoor, how do I use it for indoor? Will my cat be safe if she ate poisoned cockroaches? Because there will be a chance that the poisoned cockroaches come to my unit right

  • +2

    Surefire pro cockroach gel. It contains fiptonil which is the best chemical for this and what the pros use. So easy just squeeze a bit in a few corners and they'll be gone in a week.

  • What about Diatomaceous earth(food grade), will it be working? I just started to spray it out in with duster everywhere.. I'm worried about my cat safety. It is indeed pet and child safe but how do we know this is working or not?

  • +1

    Only seen it mentioned in one other comment here.

    Get something with Fipronil in it. It solved our cockroach problem with just a few spots dotted around the place.

  • +1

    Becareful with your delivery packages too. Cockroaches can fester in these especially if they've travelled from warehouses, overseas etc.

    I would throw out my boxes as soon as possible and not leave it lying around in the house. Knock on wood, no german cockroaches since i moved to my new place and have been quite strict with this rule.

  • Years ago, we had them in our fuse box. Looking for warmth I guess.
    Ended up using a roach-bomb.

  • You need Chaindrite

  • It happened in my unit when there was a drainage leak. Baits sloved the problem within a week

  • If they are still coming everywhere despite you spraying all the entry points it means they AREN'T coming from outside, they have nests inside. look for and spray backs of cupboards, under furniture, places they can hide and breed like behind fridge or drain entries.

  • +1

    Ze German cockroaches? Just don't mention the war and you should be fine.

  • I know a place were a supplier had them in cardboard boxes and they migrated into the workplace e from that box. Check all warm spots where they nest. And have you had anything delivered from overseas that they may have snuck in with?
    I’d suggest a torch at night to trace the nest. Under ledges etc.

  • burn the whole place down. there is no other option

  • +1

    Stop killing the huntsmans, they'll clear the place out for you

  • Call a Pest Control company to come and do something about it.

    For German cockroaches, they have a special gel like thing to stick around kitchen to get rid of them for good.

  • Check ALL water sources. They must be coming for water if the living area is clean.

    Use these to help kill nests you cant see as well as perhaps nests OUTSIDE your apartment:…

  • The small ones are very difficult to get rid of but not impossible:
    1. Get pest control in that uses the professional gel that gets left so they eat it and die.
    2. Sticky traps so that you have an idea of how infested you really are and when to lay more gel.
    3. Pull apart your electronics and clean them out with metho. Especially do this to things that get warm. e.g PS4, the base of your kettle, fridge etc.
    4. Block entry to your apartment with space invader foam, adhesive foam tape, flyscreen and door seal strips. You will often find gaps around pipes and electric cabling that enters your apartment.

  • Tried Gel and spray. No luck.

    Get a clean jar. Oil the inside only. Peanut butter & Cheese in the bottom. Leave overnight

  • +1

    No one has suggested the easiest solution: pest control - let the professionals do the job.

  • I live in a country with true winter, and in the cold winter I have seen none of them. Summer is all full of them. Food attracts them mostly.

  • Strata doesn't have pest control?

  • Get professional pest treatment. I moved into a place with 100s of German roaches coming out of the cracks every night. Tried everything to no effect. Got one professional treatment, paid $300, and didn't see one the rest of the tenancy (about 7 years).

    They advised us that the biggest draw for them was water. Any leaking or sitting water or damp areas can be an issue. Might be hard to control it your a fiend for house plants.

  • -1

    Buddy, get exterminator every 6 months twice a year. It will get rid of everything. These coles and Woolies shit don’t work at all.

  • I'd be making a clamor for the owners to deal with it. I had a small cockroach infestation (nowhere near as bad as yours) when I moved into an apartment in Japan and saw 2-3 cockroaches every day. Pretty sure they were coming out from the drains under the kitchen sink so I taped that cupboard shut. The apartment owner gave me some cockroach bait and after putting it out, I never saw another live cockroach for the 1 year I lived there. Just had to clean up some dead cockroaches that were under my mattress, etc.

  • +1

    I used Talon bait bought from coles when I rented an apartment 2 years back.

    Apartment was 40 years old and was full of not just roaches but ants and other insects.

    Talon worked like a charm, no visible roaches within 4 weeks. That's a significant difference as there were around 5 to 6 smaller German roaches per sq metre

  • +1

    Advion bait..

  • I use cockroach gel and works wonderful.

    • That's Ant Gel?

      • +2

        Oops… wrong product. Here's the correct one.…

        • I wonder if it is as good as this Advion one that everyone is talking about…

          • @John Kimble: Never tried Advion. Seems like both are good products.

          • +1

            @John Kimble: I would try the above product before trying Advion. Active ingredient is the same whilst being less than half the price. Have been using Advion as prevention for last few years and it works wonders though.

            • +1

              @Phlume: I already placed an order via ebay the other day due to the recommendations from the other comments. 😂 But I'll definitely try it next time!

              • @John Kimble: Yeah I'm in the same position. Wished I knew there was alternatives to Advion before buying a 4 pack on Ebay.

                • @Phlume: My Advion just arrived, they wrapped it in a Costco Microfibre cloth instead of bubblewrap…a small consolation for spending 4x as much 😂

              • +1

                @John Kimble: You won’t need to try next time
                You made the right choice
                After spending hundreds of dollars on sprays over the years of moving into an infested house and believing I’ll never get rid of them
                One tube of Advion and it’s a miracle

                • +1

                  @Onechickandapc: Advion one pack is 30g, talon one pack is 5g, however you can use advion for half of it (15 g) that it will good enough for small kitchen

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