Cockroaches, Cockroaches Everywhere at Night

Hey guys,

I live in a unit with two entry points that cockroaches may come in: the front door and from the balcony. Since summer started or even coming up to summer, our unit been gradually increasing in cockroaches every night.

It went from 1 or 2 seeing them at night, then now its prob now up to 10 per night I see when I go for my midnight snack and turn the light on.

Last november I purchased those insect, cockroach spray protect barriers and pretty much sprayed my front door and all of my balcony, my balcony door as well. I did this every 2 weeks even though the spray said protection up to 6 months, but they keep coming!

My housemate and I did a full spring clean of our unit, behind the fridge, desks etc…. we felt really good! We cleaned the oven, took out the dishwasher etc…..

We also sprayed inside our unit with the protection spray, behind the fridge, behind the dishwasher, entry of the balcony, behind the couch, tv etc……

Also our unit manager sent us an email of the building fully being pest sprayed in Dec but in our unit, it seems to be worse.

I honestly believe we are not dirty people, we put our dishes in the dishwasher after we eat, kitchen is clean, we don't leave food out. There's something triggering these cockroaches.

Also more tiny cockroaches appearing, so they are breeding in our unit?

The type of cockroaches are not the big ones, more so medium to tiny, I think it's the German Cockroach?

Any tips on how to reduce or get rid of these?


                  • @ivyholmes: Oh, you're right! I'm an idiot, works out better then. 👍

                    • +1

                      @John Kimble: John do not use any sprays when your using the Advion and only a small amount if you put too much they don’t go for it
                      have to keep checking and reapplying when needed

                  • +1

                    @ivyholmes: Better to invest in the Advion I think as it’s what the pest control use themselves
                    It’s a better investment for an infestation
                    I highly doubt that talon is going to work if so it’s going to take more than yes the 5g

              • @John Kimble: Hey Johnno,

                where did you buy the Advion from, i want to get some too

  • +1

    first use insect bombs, then bait, for barrier spray make sure at least 30cm depth.

  • Nuke your place from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

    • -1

      Start with Russia, North Korea and Mt Druitt.

  • Anyone know how to get rid of silver fish?

    Seem invincible.

    • I've only ever had them when there's something they're eating like paper or cardboard boxes.

    • get some white fish and create friction between both, you should be left with only white fish afterwards

  • They're probably inside and hiding during the day more than the few coming in from outside. I rented a place once and found they were living inside the front door. There was a bit of wood missing from the top of the door that could only be seen by standing on a ladder. So all the spraying around the floors did nothing because they'd crawl out of the top of the door then down the walls. I emptied a can of spray into the door.

    Put all food scraps into the freezer, not into a bin or bag hanging on something, then out to the bin on or before garbage night. Wipe all crumbs down and sweep kitchen floor/dining room immediately after meals. Get rid of any cardboard boxes. Seal gaps around bathroom/kitchen/laundry pipes behind toilet, under sinks, inside cupboards, etc where the pipes go through the wall/floor with silicon, no more gaps, whatever. Then move all furniture out into the common hallway or whatever, get the carpets cleaned, then get the pest controller in, then cockroach bombs. After it dries/the air clears move your stuff back in.

    Also look in the section of Bunnings that has adhesive foam strips that go around door frames so when the door closes it presses against the foam blocking most of their entrance. e.g.…

    There's probably some kind of homemade powder too if you look on youtube. I made one for ants from borax and sugar. They can't tell the difference so they carry it back to their nest and a few weeks later the entire colony is dead. There should be something similar for cockroaches. Most people expect this type of thing to work in a couple of days but keep putting fresh stuff out for several weeks.

    If that doesn't work, move.

  • +4

    Get Advion Gel I haven't seen a cockroach ever again. Amazon description was cockroach Armageddon.

  • Build a natural defence. Get a big army of big pitcher plants where you see them

  • +1

    The best thing to kill cockroaches is gel based poisons containing active ingredient fipronil. I used Maxforce Gold in the past, but there are other brands.

    It comes in a gel and you put a little bit of it everywhere e.g. every 50cm along the wall.

    It's a slow acting poison which is great because it doesn't kill them right away. They eat the poison in your kitchen etc then go back to their nests.

    Once back in their nest, they die.

    Since cockroaches are cannibalistic, their mates eat their bodies and they die too. This cycle continues until all cockroaches are eventually dead.

    Fipronil takes a lot longer to see results, but it lasts a lot longer than surface sprays/spray bombs etc.

    • Also, check if there might be a different source for the cockroaches. A friend had a housemate bring home a couch once. Unknown to both of them, there was a colony of cockroaches living in the couch so needless to say they started having problems soon after.

      They got rid of the couch :)

  • Do you have cardboard at home or use paper to line your kitchen cupboards? I know someone where the cockroaches didn’t go away after getting their unit sprayed by a professional. It turned out their neighbour used paper underneath all their kitchen cupboards. It’s a food source for the cockroaches. If all else fails, I’d talk to the neighbours and find out.

  • +1

    Get a cat. They also kill spiders. Or a lizard.

    • I got a cat but she is lazy, she only wants to hunt the big ones, the small one is not interesting for her

      • Motivate her by feeding her less food :P Or maybe she is merciful, like we are supposed to throw little fishes back into the ocean and only take home big catch.

        Mine do not care for ants because there are too many, but would jump on anything to get a fly, torture it and not eat it. Then the dead fly would become ant food. Hmm now that almost sound like the ants have a pact with the cat lol

        • Lol I can't give her less food otherwise she will wake me up early in the morning.. she is very naughty cat

  • +1

    After a while they turn into wiggles

  • Nothing from the usual stores worked on my Sydney German roaches including Coopex, Raid baits, sprays. First step was a massive cleanup including removal of kitchen kickboards to clean hundreds of carcasses. Seclira WSG and Maxforce gel reduced sightings instantly and the problem was gone within a week or two even during La Nina’s humidity. Read and adhere to all safety instructions, your mileage may vary. Call a professional if in doubt.

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