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Bosch WAW28620 9kg Washing Machine $1323 Delivered @ Appliances Online eBay


First time posting deal.

Been keeping an eye out for this Bosch front loader with i-DOS.
Been hovering around at $1588 for a while.
Saw this at Appliance Online for $1443 and actually bought it. Then realised on Appliance Online eBay with coupon code it comes down to $1370.85 so even better.
So I cancelled and reordered with eBay.

Edit: Above code was FEBTOP5
Just saw this eBay code which makes it $1323 delivered

Original Coupon Deal

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Referral: random (243)

Until 31/7/2025, $50 off minimum $500 spend voucher for referee and referrer.

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closed Comments

  • Good price, I paid $1,333 two years ago but obviously there has been lots of inflation since then.

    Good machine.

    • Not only has there been inflation, but probably a few wash cycles. I don’t spin the cat, though… that’s overly cruel

    • Series 8 and above is made in Germany right?

      • This one is German made

  • Can you use softener liquid without using i-DOS? I see that there's only 1 compartment in the tray and that's for the detergent, there isn't a separate compartment for softener.

    • +1

      There are two containers - 1.8L for washing liquid and ~500ml for softener

      I have used this model for 2 years and am very happy with it (especially the i dosing system!).

      • Sorry I meant non-iDOS compartment. There’s only one?

        • +2

          There's two lids for two idos containers to dispense two liquids, check the last picture. The flower icon lid in the middle is for softener.

          You can skip the idos system by putting liquids/powders in the far left section which goes directly into the current wash.

      • +2

        Saw somewhere that softeners should not be used in washing machines, even if they “support it”. Apparently it’s a common cause for washing machines to break down…

        • Username confused it even more

        • +1

          Yup, vinegar is the way. Removes oils.

        • Agree - spent yesterday fixing a front loader and the amount of fabric softener sh!t that was everywhere through the machine was astounding

          • @ziggy1312: It might have been a documentary or something, but it was explained by someone who fixes washing machines all day long.

            I believe he also recommended cleaning the washing machine by running it with vinegar every now and then

        • Actually did the research with the missus last night, this is what I gathered generally - its not really worth it for natural fabrics like cotton as they are already soft. The way softener works is it coats the fabric in a waxy residue that makes the fabrics softer. The waxy residue can cause blockages in the machine and subsequently kill it, it can also help in locking in odours and stains making it harder or even impossible for the washing liquid/powder to actually clean the clothes.

          I asked for some personal opinions, out of the few that I asked 2 only use it cause their parents always did, 1 uses it due to a skin allergy and its some sort of special additive, 3 don't use it anymore because of cost and none have noted any change in the feel of their clothes.

          So yeah we have decided to hop off the softener wagon now.

    • To actually answer your question - no you can't, unless you catch it just before the final rinse and sneak it into the drawer.

      But, why not just fill the softener i-DOS container? You can manually switch auto-dispensing on and off for either or both dispensers, if you don't want to use it for certain loads.

      • +1

        It’s just more of a Plan B if the i-DOS fails in the future. Will I still be able to use the machine.

        • It's unlikely to fail - we've had our machine for 6 years, and the iDOS still works fine - although it does sometimes complain that it needs refilling when it clearly doesn't.

  • +2

    Is i-DOS really that necessary?

    • +3

      Not in the slightest.

    • +3

      Its not necessary, but its really good

    • +2

      Just very convenient. Only have to consider detergent handling every few months, otherwise it's just turn on, select cycle, press start.

    • +2

      It's by far my favourite additional feature on my machine.

    • I thought the same, didn't think I'd need it, but brought this model with the i-DOS anyway. It's great and others said, it's up there as one of my favourite features.
      Set and forget, plus you use much much less detergent as it measures an optimal amount of detergent to use. I reckon we use at least 50% less detergent than previously.

      I used the in-laws serie 4 front loader over the holidays, and I did two loads without detergent as forgot to add detergent.

      I'll repeat what others have said…..it's not necessary, but it's better than you think.

  • +1

    All the comment that I’ve read from users say it’s not a gimmick and is actually a great feature.
    I shall find out for myself!

  • +5

    I have this unit and the iDos failed after 2 years. $300+ to replace the iDos drawer. You can still use it without using the idos drawer but the other functions no longer work without the drawer in place. Bosch was not helpful in replacing the drawer.
    Also want to add that the idos was awesome when it worked.

    • +2

      Was it out of warranty? Did you argue ACL and that it should last much longer than 2 years?

      • Yes it was. I argued ACL, in writing, got rejected. 300 bucks was the price if I wanted a new drawer.

    • +3

      I had to fix my drawer, the pumps got gunked up with old detergent. I blasted water through the pumps from both ends with a hose, then just attached a 7V battery to the terminals to manually run each one and clear them out. Works fine now.

      • +1

        I’ve done the same but servicing/cleaning the drawer is to be expected I’d say, not a fault with the machine or anything.

        We stopped using fabric softener after I last cleaned it (a year ago) and I don’t think I’ll have to clean it again for a while.

        Idos was a feature I thought may have been a little gimmicky prior to purchase but after using it I don’t think I can buy a machine without it now.

      • Thanks Alzori. I will try this this my drawer. I tried hosing it all out but never tried running it outside of the machine. I will give this a go. Thanks for the help. I use a blue detergent in my washes and I could still see some blue in the detergent pump. Perhaps I just didn’t flush it out well enough.

        Oddly enough I never used fabric softener. So it wasn’t the fabric softener compartment.

      • +1

        @Alzori Would you mind sharing how you attached a 7V battery to the terminals and manually run it? Thanks

        • +1

          I forget the exact configuration, but basically the tray has 6 terminals. Three at one end for the fluid depth probes, with the middle of the three being the common wire for both containers. If you attach power to these nothing will happen, so no harm in playing around.

          Similarly at the other end of the plug is three terminals for the two pumps, with the middle of the three being a common terminal. So just attach power to the First and second pin, or to the second and third pin. I forget the polarity, just try it both ways.

    • Mine also broke 1 month after the 2 years warranty. I didn't even have to argue, Bosch said ACL applies and they replaced the whole iDos unit for free. Then it broke again 3 months after, and they replaced it again. Pretty fragile feature, I reckon.

      • Great feature when it works! but only when it works.

  • Diese gut!

  • This the older model? I’m seeing some newer models in the series 6 and bigger series 8 10kg ones

    I’m wondering when the 8kg series 8 new model will come out

    • Yes this is an older model.
      I bought one of these in 2019 for around $1050 from memory.

      Excellent machine, highly recommend it but I am surprised it hasn’t been superseded yet.

      • Yer I’m waiting for the new model

  • $980 gets you the WGA244U0AU, which is the Serie 6. Pretty well the same machine, except made in China (still 10 year brushless motor warranty) and no idos.

    We paid $903 from Winning Appliances, couldn't justify the $400+ difference to the Serie 8.

    Oh and the WGA244U0AU is the #1 rated washing machine according to this month's Choice magazine.

    • +1

      I personally think all Bosch appliances across the ranges are pretty good bang for buck but “pretty well the same machine” is a bit of a stretch lol.

      A little post-purchase rationalisation helps us ozbargainers sleep at night I guess.

      • It's similar to BMWs which are assembled elsewhere China/USA/South Africa. Pretty much the same car but some finishing details are different eg material spec is different, panel alignment not as good as the German ones.

        • +1

          This is the same with almost every German/Japanese product that has locally made examples vs foreign examples.

          I trust that these companies would have adequate QA in their foreign factories and if a product is from a manufacturer I trust I can honestly say the country of manufacture doesn't really affect my decision to purchase but there is no doubt that the locally made examples are often better made.

          My Made in Japan G Shocks are better
          My Made in Germany Bosch tools are better
          My Made in Japan Makita tools are better

          I don't want my post to come across as being snobby to the country of manufacture, it was more so to the fact a $340 premium for the iDos feature, a Serie 8 product vs Serie 6 and Made in Germany is well worth it and does not equate to "pretty well the same machine" in my opinion and is not good advice to give on the forum.

          It's more frustrating that many ozbargainers purchased the same Serie 8 for between 1000-1200 a few years ago which is now the same price range for the Serie 6.

    • $400 seems cheap for German made and idos, just German made vs China made easily accounts for the $400.

  • A truly excellent machine - love mine which I bought from Appliances Online in September 2021 at a great price thanks to OzBargain.

  • When you guys upgrade, what do you do with your perfectly good machine that you already have?

    • +1

      Appliances online usually take old appliances if you let them know before delivery

      • Yea, I know, but that's such a shame, to let go of a perfectly good, working machine, for nothing.

        I have an LG, this looks like a great upgrade, at three times the cost of the LG. It's about 5 years old, has been going really strong.

        • +1

          If it's perfectly good and you feel it's time for an upgrade or happy to spend the money then you sell it 2nd hand.

          The other option is wait for the current one to break, then you have to buy one current price no matter what. Which usually ends up being at it's most expensive knowing my luck.

          In the last few years have done both ways.

          On a dryer I was able to sell on the old one, but also a dryer isn't a necessity and we could have lived without one for months.

          And then our washing machine actually broke and the cost to fix wasn't worth it.
          So picked the machine we wanted and had to pay the non sale price. Can't live without one for long.

          The only other items that break and need replacing no matter the cost are really fridge and hot water system anyway.

        • I personally only replace whitegoods when I can see the beginning to fail, we spent $400 on our washing machine and its been going strong for 8 years, see no reason to replace it so just gonna keep running it into the ground honestly.

          Chucking it up on facebook marketplace for cheap will likely get rid of it pretty quick.

    • The drum in my old bosch broke and was touching the heating element shorting the house everytime it went to heat, so it was a replacement and an upgrade.

      Salvaged the drum for a fire pit and the rest was picked up by hard rubbish.

  • Can use code FEBHNG for $100 off, so close to the OP.

  • Thoughts on Bosch vs Direct Drive machines?

    How frequently do you have to change the belt on this puppy?

    • +1

      I've had the WAY model washing machine for several years now. No belt changes required. Runs like a trooper.

      Also, belt driven machines mean a deeper drum so better washing.

  • +1


  • Price gone back up to original.
    Good find OP.

  • +1

    More Bosch washing machine and dryer deals please. Ours are finally throwing in the towel after 12 years of solid use

  • The main issue I have with our Bosch is that a small grey water hose inside sprang a leak after three years. I replaced it and three years later it did the same thing again (this time I bought two replacements so I have one ready for early 2026 when I'm almost sure it will happen again).

  • Any recommendations on Liquid Detergents?

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