Plastic Straws Are Now Banned in Victoria

As of today, plastic straws are banned in Victoria.…

"Businesses caught using those items can be fined $1849 and individuals face a fine of $370."…

I've stocked up for a couple of decades because I can't stand the paper ones at Maccas and 7-Eleven.
Will be using them illegally I suppose behind closed curtains at home.
So will I be fined if I BYO when I get an iced latte at Maccas or a Slurpee at 7-Eleven?

Who will be policing this? Will Dan Andrews hire Protective Straw Officers (PSOs)


        • How many people suicided cause of robodebt?

          Is that why the straws are banned?

          • +1

            @jv: plastic doesnt break down and disappear like a banana peel.

            It breaks down into micro plastics, and guess what other animals etc in the food chain eat those microplastics and it comes back to humans.

            The durability of plastics that make it good for making stuff also means it will last a long time in the environment.

            Dont believe me search for the various reports from various US and EU governments about microplastics entering the food chain.

        • +3

          Do you like seeing a beach covered in filth like straws, plastic bags and more ?

          The health of sea and every where else is very important, because if they die, so does our source of food.

          We dont live in isolation, if the animals die so will we. A big problem is bees, they are dying in crazy numbers because of pesticides and so on, and guess what no bees, means our food will die. Fruits, vegetables and more plants which we eat and the meat we consume eats, will have far less food.

          Nothing is free, you shit on the ocean and it shits on you back and all the money in the world wont fix that.

        • …what

  • Another example of fake green policy. They should be charging $10 per straw, and $10 for can or plastic container and you can be sure there will be no disposed straws etc.

    • They should be charging $10 per straw


      • +1

        Becuae plastics break down into micrplastics which reenter the food chain……

        • +1

          Becuae plastics break down into micrplastics which reenter the food chain…

          Not if it is disposed of properly, or recycled.

          That applies to all waste, not just straws.

          • +1

            @jv: Of course it applies to all waste, im simply pointing out that throwing plastic in the environment isnt free it will and is coming back to haunt and hurt us.

            • +1

              @CowFrogHorse: So why not have significant fines for the single digit percentage of people who litter, rather than banning things for the rest of us?

      • Nothing is free. what goes around comes back…

        • +1

          Nothing is free

          I paid around $2 for 100 straws.

          • -1

            @jv: How long can you survive on eatting those straws. Are they tasty ?

  • +1

    But the meat and dairy industry isn't 💀

  • +2

    Don't worry that old Covid rule is back:

    From 1 February 2023, if you need a straw,
    you should be aware that:
    • You will need to request a single-use plastic
    straw at a shop or cafe as they will not be
    accessible to the public without the assistance
    of a staff member. This does not need to be
    a verbal request.
    • You do not have to show or share proof
    of disability or medical condition.

    They are not banned in the slighest

  • +2

    i'm still waiting for apple to release an iStraw.

    I'm expecting an adjustable flow rate to customise how much each sip takes. A maximum drinking limit to stop the straw sucking. Multiple colours to match my vibe. Also should upload how much I drank of what type of liquid. Should also attach to the ipad like the pencil for recharging.

  • +11

    I love the childish outrage at such a minor inconvenience haha!

    • I know right

      All this talk of limp paper straws and sucking badly

      The irony

    • +1

      The childish one in this case is Dictator Dan.

      • +3

        Boo hoo.

      • +3

        How can you have such a brain dead take, bans of single use plastics have been implemented in countless places worldwide without the world coming to the end. It’s a mild inconvenience to prevent a lot of waste entering the environment.

        • +4

          There's something about JV's demographic that just simply dngaf about those that come after them.

      • +2

        …is this where you stamp your tiny, ineffectual feet and clench your tiny, ineffectual hands and pull a tiny, ineffectual face?

        Let's see if it works

        Nope, straws still banned

  • +2

    We use reusable straws at home and return any disposable straws offered (paper or plastic)…

    But banning and fining is not the way to do things. As usual, it hits the poor/disabled the hardest.

    People should be educated, encouraged and convinced to do the right thing. This feels like political posturing or greenwashing.

    • This feels like political posturing or greenwashing.

      It also doesn't address the issue at all and will have next to no impact to pollution.

    • -2

      ITT: conservative muppets suddenly concerned about the poor and disabled

  • +1

    I refuse to have my Sharetea through a paper straw. The cars glove box shall be renamed straw box.

    • i saw earlier you can still get them from ebay… stock up

  • -1

    Companies are just being tightass by buying paper. Biodegradable no plastic but plastic like straws exist.
    Looks and feels like plastic, breaks down completely in landfill in 26 weeks.

    • -1

      Its also 5 times the price.

      • -1

        Charge a fee! Ill pay $1 for my straw and I'll keep and reuse it while i'm at the venu. Better than the paper straw that causes cancer and is no better for the environment and only lasts half the drink!

      • Plastic bags from supermarkets used to be free :)

  • +3

    Funny how you used to waste time posting nutritional information whenever someone posted a fast food deal and here you are whinging because it will be too difficult for you to consume your unhealthy drinks. Maybe you can write a strongly-worded letter to your local member of government.

    • +2

      for you to consume your unhealthy drinks.

      I only buy the non sugar varieties

  • +3

    Am i the only one here dont mind a paper straw?😕😕

    • +5

      It seems you are… Paper and liquids do not mix well imho.

    • +3

      Am i the only one here dont mind a paper straw?

      The glue used for those straws have an increased risk of kidney or testicular cancer

    • +2

      Man I don't even think about it until I see the people having a sook about it.

  • Could you buy them from international sellers on ebay etc I wonder? I hate those paper straws, almost useless.

    • +1

      Could you buy them from international sellers on ebay etc I wonder?

      or from a Tasmanian seller.

  • Do they make bamboo straws? They might work better….

    • Won't be able to clean them properly, the surface is too rough. But it might be mould resistant depending on the bamboo.

  • +3

    Many claims online that the adhesive used to "glue" paper straws together and make them water resistant leaches into your drink.

    • +2

      leaches into your drink

      Dan really hasn't thought this through properly. Has he?

      Some of the chemicals (PFAS) used in plant based drinking straws can lead to an increased risk of kidney or testicular cancer

      • +1

        Does he ever think things through? My Lord I cannot believe people elected him again. I know the liberals are awful in Victoria as well but still….

        • +1

          I cannot believe people elected him again

          Only about ⅓ of Victorians actually voted for him. Most are smarter than that…

          He only got about 2.5% more primary votes than the coalition, which says a lot about how little he is supported.

          • @jv: So…still more than the Coalition?

        • +2

          all the youngsters voted him in, clowns like Greta

    • Yeah, wonder how many emissions are generated by the health care system.

      Same thing for the greenies who want to ban meat because of cow farts, not considering the impact when we're all obese yet malnourished vegans dying of diabetes and autoimmune disorders.

  • +1

    Just have a silicon or metal straw in your car for such instances.

    • +3

      Silicon straws:
      - Silicone straws are not tasteless.
      - Food can quickly stick to the material, which can also get statically charged and attract dust particles. This is why silicone is not very hygienic.
      - Plasticisers such as BPA are often used to make silicone straws.
      - Silicone is not biodegradable and very difficult to recycle.

      Metal straws:
      - Metal straws can cause bacterial infections
      - Resource-intensive material to produce.
      - Stainless steel is not completely tasteless.
      - Metal straws can be dangerous.

      • Im curious how can metal straws cause bacterial infections compared to other alternatives?

  • +2

    Lol, aren't we one of the last states in Aus to ban them?..

    • aren't we one of the last states in Aus to ban them?..

      and ???
      That doesn't justify it.

      They are still available in Tasmania.

      • +5

        More pointing out the finger pointing at Dan Andrews and making it sound as if its only Vic banning them. I think you'll find most Australians who aren't entitled boomers agree they should have been banned a long time ago…

        Straws are really only required by a few disabled people, elderly, and young children aren't they? Maybe it's time to learn to use a cup like other adults, or keep a spoon handy if you still enjoy Slurpee's with the children?

        • +1

          as if its only Vic banning them

          Only Vic is banning them this month.

        • Straws are really only required by a few disabled people, elderly, and young children aren't they

          Ah I get it, "fuсk disabled people" amirite?

          • +6

            @idonotknowwhy: Of course not, just pointing out the fact, no issues with people who NEED them using and having access to them and they do under the new laws. Just not sure why a fully grown capable adult demands society supply him with a plastic straw at their whim. Sounds like a sad thing to be upset about.

            • @SkMed:

              Just not sure why a fully grown capable adult demands society supply him with a plastic straw at their whim

              He's not demanding that. He just wants to be able to spend his money to buy them, and then dispose of them in a bin (which doesn't lead into the ocean) when he's finished with it.

          • +1

            @idonotknowwhy: lol don't pretend you give an iota about less-abled people's niche requirement for plastic straws. Fix the issue, don't ignore it at the behest of the incredible environment we have already done irreparable damage to.

            ETA how'd you get that swear word unfiltered lol

            • @ThithLord:

              don't pretend you give an iota about less-abled people's niche requirement for plastic straws

              What makes you think that? Did you consider the fact that there's a reason many people who don't normally argue on the internet, are getting so worked up about this specific issue?

              ETA how'd you get that swear word unfiltered lol

              Ozbargain Nitro membership ;)

              • @idonotknowwhy: Thanks for the concern then, ODKwhy - personally I have a severely disabled member in my family so if you are truly worried about their easy-access to drinking, good for you.

      • +2

        Also, guess you need to stay out of Hobart, they're banned there too. Enjoy your time in Launceston, pretty sure they dont even have a 7-11 to get your slurpee lol.

        • stay out of Hobart, they're banned there too

          Is it a ban on selling them, or using them?

          • @jv: Not sure why that matter's but feel free to read through it:


            • @SkMed:

              Not sure why that matter's

              Because then I can legally buy them from a supermarket outside the city to provide to my customers.

              • @jv: In Hobart, Dont think so.

                "The City now has a by-law that bans certain single-use plastic food packaging, which will be enforceable from 1 July 2021."

                • @SkMed: So they are banned from being used ?

                  • +1

                    @jv: Doubt it, just like it isn't banned from being USED in Vic or any other state.

            • @SkMed:

              feel free to read through it:

              I read through it.

              It is only for take away food.

              You can still get a plastic straw if not taking it away…

              • @jv: Lol, not sure what your point is? How often have you dined in at a 7-11 to drink a Slurpee. The only people using a straw at a restaurant are literally children and the few disabled people who need them. I'd say it's likely you wont find many plastic straws in Hobart at all, just for the very few people who need them (as will be the case in Vic).

                • @SkMed:

                  The only people using a straw at a restaurant are literally children

                  How do you drink a frozen coke at Maccas when dining there?

                  • @jv: I scoop it out with my hands like an adult.

                  • +1

                    @jv: Now I cant get the image of an adult sitting alone in a Maccas drinking a frozen coke being angry about a straw out of my head and it's hilarious. Thanks for making my day.

                    • @SkMed:

                      sitting alone in a Maccas drinking a frozen coke

                      The don't need to be alone, and the drink can be a frozen fanta.

                  • +3

                    @jv: I use a paper straw. Alternatively, I hold the edge of the cup against my mouth, tip the cup so the contents move into my mouth, then swallow those contents.

                    It's missing the "use own poop as a giant brown crayon" step that you seem to use to get through life, but I'm sure you'll cope

  • Banning straws? Now that sucks.

  • +1

    So are they now going to ban all forms of plastic bags and plastic take-away containers? They take just as long to degrade if not longer as straws and I see so many places still using these utensils across Melbourne.

    Maybe instead of hiring more authorised officers to screw over "fare evaders" doing it tough, they should hire more people to enforce stuff like this and stop spending money on stupid shit.

    • +1

      So are they now going to ban all forms of plastic bags and plastic take-away containers?

      yes, that is being phased in too.

  • +2

    Nanny state gonna nanny

  • "individuals face a fine of $370"

    What if i have hundreds of plastic straws at home? Will i get fined for using them? If so, am i supposed to dispose all of them? How stupid..

    • Will i get fined for using them?

      According to the articles I linked, it is possible.

    • If so, am i supposed to dispose all of them?

      Throw them in the ocean.

    • I think only if you try and sell them.

  • To me this is sad and pathetic, this will make a box ticked in the political check list but only resolved a very tiny amount of problem. It also infer that the responsibility belongs to consumers

  • +2

    Our government is that desperate to make back the covid money some how….

  • Something that Arthus Harris would refer to as a panacea target

  • Why do most people need straws for most drinks? I can, and do, drink almost any drink without a straw.
    With that being said, the only good paper straws are from Chatime. All others are garbage.
    And whilst it's commonly agreed by scientists that plastic is bad for the environment, and we over-use plastic, I wonder the carbon emissions of paper replacements, and whether it is a net benefit.

    • -1

      commonly agreed by scientists that plastic is bad for the environment

      It's not though…

  • Just keep a metal straw on you. I keep my between my cheeks.

  • -1

    Good change - more we move towards these changes the better.

    Over time peeps who don't get it will die out anyway - the usual way new and better ideas propagate.

    • more we move towards these changes the better.

      Change for the sake of change…

  • McDonald's and others have been using paper straws for a few years now. It makes drinking a frozen coke very very very very slightly not the exact same experience

    Life goes on

    • +1

      for a few years now

      Ours have had them for about a year now. They are next to useless for frozen drinks. They collapse half way through the drink.

  • These are the best biodegradable straws. You wouldn't know they were not plastic. Made from ground up oyster shells, 100% break down in landfill by 26 weeks..

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