Plastic Straws Are Now Banned in Victoria

As of today, plastic straws are banned in Victoria.…

"Businesses caught using those items can be fined $1849 and individuals face a fine of $370."…

I've stocked up for a couple of decades because I can't stand the paper ones at Maccas and 7-Eleven.
Will be using them illegally I suppose behind closed curtains at home.
So will I be fined if I BYO when I get an iced latte at Maccas or a Slurpee at 7-Eleven?

Who will be policing this? Will Dan Andrews hire Protective Straw Officers (PSOs)


    • Plastic everywhere. We're surrounded with plastic. Look around you. It is everywhere.

      But plastic straws have to go.

      Because rules. Some people make stuff. Other people just like controlling people.

  • +4

    Why are plastic staws illegal? What harm do they pose to the community?

    Instead of banning straws, ban freedom hating totalitarian governments instead.

    • They get stuck in Ozbargainers nostrils and kill many habitats of Ozbargainers

  • +5

    Why has no one mentioned the single use plastic straws the Police use to breath test you for B.A.C.?
    Oh yeah… there's an "excusable" single use plastic straw! Not gonna ban those, are ya Dan?

    Good for the goose… not for the Gov.

    • You'd rather they had something reusable they just wiped between uses?

      • +2

        They can use paper straws.

        • +1

          Paper straws would be a great use case here, you should petition for it jv. Pull some strings.

          • +2


            Pull some strings.

            Most strings these days contain plastic.

      • No just pointing out a little hypocrisy, not offering a solution.

  • Wait, what about bubble tea? You can't drink bubble tea without a big fat straw!

    • banned…

    • They have cardboard straws that are large and they work fine (also poke holes easily in the plastic top as well).

  • +1

    because I can't stand the paper ones at Maccas and 7-Eleven.

    Seems like a good reason to stop consuming drinks from those places.

    • nope…

  • +1

    Just remember to take 4-5 paper straws everytime you get a drink 😂 I had to do that at the movies with my frozen coke recently.

    Some places have really good paper straws that are like cardboard but others just fall apart as soon as they get damp.

    • +1

      take 4-5 paper straws everytime you get a drink

      I do…

      So killing 4-5 times more trees.

  • +3

    I agree that the law is a little misplaced. The problem is that plastic, like oil and coal,
    doesn’t include in its price the cost of the damage it does to the environment. If it did, I doubt most people would use anywhere near as much.

    So rather than address the real issue, we have this law on straws and plastic bags. Personally I think it is better than doing nothing, but I’d prefer that manufactured products include in their price the actual cost of fixing the damage they cause. If we did that we wouldn’t have all the young people having to pay for climate change too.

    • the cost of the damage it does to the environment.

      what damage?

      • Hey JV - you’re obviously fairly bright, why not educate yourself on this? That plastic stays in the environment for a long time with harmful effects is not controversial and there is a lot of information on the topic.

        I actually thought we’d be largely in agreement on this. If the market properly priced plastics to include the cost of the damage they do to the environment, you could have your straws (though probably they wouldn’t be free). That way you could enjoy your slurpee and feel good that this problem was solved by a proper application of the free market.

        You could start with this page I guess:…

        • +2

          That plastic stays in the environment for a long time with harmful effects

          What are the harmful effects of plastic straws in landfill?

          Even if there were, plastic straws can easily be recycled.

          • +2

            @jv: I really think you’d benefit from reading on this topic yourself - you’re unlikely to want to learn about this from some random person in a forum.

            But consider this when you’re doing your reading:
            1. Straws often don’t end up in landfill.
            2. Given that plastic is mildly toxic and doesn’t easily biodegrade, you don’t want it to end up in the environment in vast quantities. So you need to look beyond recycling plastic, to what ultimately happens to it. If your straws are recycled into bins, and then into child car seats what happens after that? Does it just sit in some dodgy warehouse for a while? What next?

            I am all for the use of plastics, coal and gas if their cost properly reflects the damage they do to the environment and includes the cost of their ultimate disposal. I would expect we’d agree on this.

            • +2


              Straws often don’t end up in landfill.

              So the issue is really littering, not the plastic straws…
              Why are aluminium cans still allowed? They also may not end up in landfill and pollute waterways.
              Aluminium can also be toxic.

              Anyway, plastic straws can very easily be recycled.

              • @jv: Hey JV - I doubt I can help you much further in this. If you are willing, I think you are ready to do your own reading.

                An angle that may make this more palatable is that what we want is for materials to be priced properly. When we price cans, plastics, coal etc without including the cost of the damage they do to the environment and their disposal, we are distorting the market, and passing that cost on to other people.

            • +1


              and includes the cost of their ultimate disposal. I would expect we’d agree on this.

              What is your estimate of the environmental cost of one straw that should be added to the price?

              • @jv: No idea - you could look out for that during your reading.

                But it doesn't really matter right - whether it adds 10% to the cost of plastic or 200%. So long as that price is part of the cost of plastic, you can have as many slurpees as you like. You could sleep in a bed of single use plastic straws if you wanted, and you'd be good.

          • @jv: The country doesn’t even recycle its plastic bottles and containers, you think they’d be able to recycle straws?

  • Pluck Da Choooook beaten comrade Dan by more than a year on this one.
    Wasteful VICTORIA!

  • -1

    Good it's about time!!

    • About time for what?

  • +1


  • +2

    NSW banned them in November. I suppose Dom's religious police will take over enforcement in addition to ensuring unmarried females remain virgins.

    • +1

      I'm surprised you're the only person mentioning about the ban in NSW. I don't remember anyone kicking a fuss when we rolled the banned on single-use plastic over 2 phases last year. Does that mean Dom's a dictator? Hmmmm.

      • Doms a Christian

      • +1

        Same old NSW Liberals = good, and Victorian Labor = bad.
        Although most Victorians don't seem to think so based on the election results. As for the NSW Libs, well they should enjoy their final two months of Gov't.

        • Given the offerings of others to vote for its little surprise that Andrews made it back in, it was hardly a win when those running against him made themselves so unlikable and out of touch that there was no chance of change.

          • @91rs: The Victorian Labor Party was obviously far and above the best available option at the most recent election, according to the majority of the state's >4m. voters, under our electoral system.

            The Liberal Party is barely at creditable Opposition levels now, and don't show any signs of changing soon.


      "Please be aware that single-use, compostable (e.g. PLA etc.) plastic straws are now prohibited from sale"

      So compostable straws are also banned?

      • +1

        Not compostable straws, but compostable plastic straws

        • why would that matter if it is compostable?

          • +1

            @jv: Because it's only compostable under commercial composting conditions (try saying that 3 times quickly), which isn't common here for general waste

            Otherwise it'll stick around for ~80 years in the environment, leaving contaminating PLA residue akin to microplastics as it degrades

            • @Jolakot: so just recycle normal plastic straws…

              • +1

                @jv: How do you recycle a normal plastic straw?

                They're a type 5 plastic, which the majority of recycling plants can't even process

                And even those that can often can't accept plastic straws because they're too light to be filtered by most mechanical sorting systems

                • @Jolakot:

                  How do you recycle a normal plastic straw?

                  Here's just a few ideas for you…

                  There are limitless opportunities though…

                  • @jv: The average Australian uses 140 straws each year, that's a lot of Jell-O Worms

                    • @Jolakot: I haven't used a straw of any type, for probably a decade. Someone is using my share.

                      • @GG57: How do you drink slurpees and thickshakes?

                        • @jv: I don't drink slurpees.
                          Thickshakes (very rarely), I find are ok out of a glass.

                          • +1


                            I find are ok out of a glass.

                            But then you wont go blue in the face trying to suck them up…

                            You'll lose the experience.

                    • @Jolakot:

                      140 straws each year

                      I probably use them about 3 times a week, so roughly about 150 in a year, so that sounds right.

                      I do however on average re-use mine about 3 times, so probably closer to 50 physical straws per year.

                      Then I recycle them.

        • not good for people with Celiac disease…

      • I wasn't sure if PLA is classified as Plastics.

        • +1

          I wasn't sure if PLA is classified as Plastics

          I might just print my own straws in future…

  • Silicone straws? Durable and easy to clean. Still, be a bit annoying having constantly clean, store and keep with you.…

    • Silicone straws?

      Are Maccas providing them with their frozen cokes now?

      If so, I'll try one.

      Durable and easy to clean.

      So are plastic straws…

    • When I need straws, I'll probably just buy these and use them the same way I used disposable straws (putting them in the bin after use, not dropping them on the ground to kill dolphins). Costs more but I guess it's just like inflation…

  • You can also buy reusable plastic straws if you don't like the metal ones.

    • You can also buy reusable plastic straws

      So why don't Maccas and 7-Eleven use them?

  • +1

    I just came back from Maccas in Tasmania.

  • Well.

    Such is life.

  • +1

    The bubble tea shops will be one small step better. Paper straws in a plastic cup with a plastic-film lid often provided in a single-serve plastic bag. The fancier ones even have cute little detachable plastic hearts on top.

  • +2

    Funny isn't it, ban plastic straws but allow the millions of masks that have plastic in them to be overflowing our tips lol (ah, the irony), anyway, on the topic, been using metal straws for years and my toddlers have never injured themselves.

    • +1

      I guess if you're careful and make your toddlers sit down to drink under supervision then it would be safe enough using metal. Otherwise its basically like letting your toddler run around unsupervised with a toothbrush (not recommended btw).

  • +4

    On the next episode of border security, instead suitcase full of cigarettes, it will be a suitcase full of plastic straws!

  • The resturant where my daughter works use rice straws that are eddible and they don't go soggy and collapse when you sip your drink. There are two downsides to these straws; first is that they cause sodas/fizzy drinks to bubble up, secondly, they cannot be used in warm and hot drinks.

    • There are two downsides to these straws; first is that they cause sodas/fizzy drinks to bubble up, secondly, they cannot be used in warm and hot drinks.

      Both these could be easily fixed by coating the straws in plastic.
      That would both prevent the chemical reaction causing the fizzing and also provide a thermal insulator required for the hot drinks.

  • +3

    Why are you idiots getting accessibility devices banned.

    You'll regret this when you're in a nursing home with shaking hands struggling to sip water through a disintegrating paper straw.

    (profanity) are going to come after those accessibility dental floss with the plastic handles next aren't you?

    • +1

      are going to come after those accessibility dental floss

      That's just great now that you posted this… 😠

      Dental floss is single use plastic and now Dan's social media team that monitor these forums will give him more ideas about what to ban next…

      • I've already started buying up a stash of them. These are more important to me than plastic straws (only have a modest stash of about 800 plastic straws).

        Dan's social media team that monitor these forums will give him more ideas about what to ban next…

        The idea is already on in the wild, I saw people whinging about these on reddit in early January (hence I bought all the stock in Coles the last few times I went there).

    • They can use a cup with a plastic lid and spout then…

  • +2

    Plastic straws have been banned in SA since 2021 and the world continued to exist. Maybe you should run for office on a 'freedom' ticket and roll back all this wokeness taking over the world.

  • +4

    Almost all food containing plastic packaging is single use… and none of it banned of course.

    Meanwhile plastic straws, one of the most useful plastic items there is, gets banned.

  • Give me back my plastic straws. The FIRE nation can pick up my rubbish.

  • What about using some thick spaghetti?

  • Their philosophy of government is that they should be everyone's parent because they know better than you

  • So the disposable plastic straws attached to the police RBT tests should be banned as well yeah? Should I inform them next-time they're doing roadside breath testing?

    Will be using them illegally I suppose behind closed curtains at home.

    Straight to jail

    • So the disposable plastic straws attached to the police RBT tests should be banned as well yeah?

      Only drinking straws are banned, blowing straws still all good to go.

  • Will be using them illegally I suppose behind closed curtains at home.

    The ban does not apply to individuals undertaking private or domestic activities.

    So will I be fined if I BYO when I get an iced latte at Maccas or a Slurpee at 7-Eleven?

    No, you won't get fined.

    • No, you won't get fined.

      What if I supply them to someone dining with me?

      • The ban does not apply to individuals undertaking private or domestic activities.

        So no fine for you.

  • "Businesses caught using those items can be fined $1849 and individuals face a fine of $370."

    This is incorrect.

    Selling or supplying is what is banned, not using.

    • This is incorrect.

      Take it up with the government then…

      • The government didn't write that article.

        Fake news brought to you by 'Nell Geraets'

        • The government didn't write that article.

          They issued the press release that was copied by all the media…

          • @jv: Show me where the press release says that.

            It is fake news that you can be fined for using these items.

            • @trapper:

              It is fake news

              Why are they all saying the same thing then?

              • +2

                @jv: Because journalism is dead in the mainstream media.

                • @trapper: You're entitled to your opinion, but it is just as likely that the media release by the government was misleading.
                  It wouldn't be the first time.

                  • @jv: It's not my opinion. It is factually untrue that you can be fined for using these items.

                    Look here and see for yourself:

                    • -2


                      It is factually untrue that you can be fined for using these items.

                      and as I said, that is not what is being reported…

                    • -2

                      @trapper: Under those guidelines, the police organisation will likely need to be fined if they provide you with a plastic straw for a breathalyser unit.

                      • +1

                        @jv: Only plastic drinking straws are banned. Not blowing straws or any other kinds of plastic straws.

                        If blowing straws ever did get banned the police would surely get an exemption in the law - just as they do in this law when it comes to plastic cotton bud sticks.

                        • @trapper:

                          Only plastic drinking straws are banned. Not blowing straws

                          So cafes can still give you plastic straws if you chose to just blow bubbles in your milkshake then…

                        • @trapper:

                          just as they do in this law when it comes to plastic cotton bud sticks.

                          Why don't they use the paper ones?

                          They work just the same.

  • +3

    McChokey no more.

    Good day for turtles.

    • Good thing they're not using plastic for the meat popsicles 😏

    • +1

      Good day for turtles.

      How many turtles have died from plastic straws?

      • Ocean is pretty big mate.

        Don't know. How many people suicided cause of robodebt?

        ~2k committed suicide whilst having a debt.

        How many killed themselves cause of the debt?

        Can anyone post the JV big man Tyrone video. I can't find it?

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