Plastic Straws Are Now Banned in Victoria

As of today, plastic straws are banned in Victoria.…

"Businesses caught using those items can be fined $1849 and individuals face a fine of $370."…

I've stocked up for a couple of decades because I can't stand the paper ones at Maccas and 7-Eleven.
Will be using them illegally I suppose behind closed curtains at home.
So will I be fined if I BYO when I get an iced latte at Maccas or a Slurpee at 7-Eleven?

Who will be policing this? Will Dan Andrews hire Protective Straw Officers (PSOs)


      • +5

        We banned plastic bags in 2013. We're progressive sometimes.

        • +1

          I might just have to move down there now to drink Slurpees with my plastic straws, riding my e-Scooter.

          Dan won't let me do that here…

          • @jv: They'll have to be HJ or Maccas slurpees since we don't have 7/11. Unless you wanna try a Coles Express one. They're bigger and cheaper.

            • +1


              we don't have 7/11

              Count me out then…

      • moving to tas

  • -5

    Not to worry, these are still legal and encouraged!…

    • +11


      • -4

        Implying it's unreasonable to comment on the most tyrannical government overreach in our nations entire history, as part of a global "response" to a bad flu.
        (Even when the comment is about plastic waste, which this new shitty law is about, so it's on-topic.)
        Yeah mate 2021/2022 were soooo long ago, liek who ever remembers it?

        • +1

          13,021 deaths where people died with or from COVID-19 that occurred by 31 October 2022 have been registered and received by the ABS. >The ABS expects to receive further registrations for this period from the jurisdictional Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
          The underlying cause of death for 10,620 (81.6%) of these people was COVID-19.

          We beg of you, shut up. The government has opened up. They've let it rip. What more do you want? Turn off Alan Jones

          • -1


            Alan Jones

            I don't know who that is.

            13,021 deaths where people died with

            died with, omg they died with it?
            everyone dies with a thousand bacteria and viruses, what ever will we do?

            The government has opened up.

            yet they haven't repealed most of the law changes, extensions of power - such as the ability for a dr + cop to forcibly enter homes and jab people without judicial oversight based on a declaration by one dude.

  • +4

    wake up wake up 1st covid now this dan andrews tightning his commie grip on austraila

    • that'd be too woke

    • +5

      Bill Gates has been in Australia recently …. Coincidence? I think not

      • wake up wake up! 😴😴

  • Any straw deals?

    Who's your supplier, where can I get Maccas original ones?

    • +2

      i found one the other day when I was doing a deep clean of the store.

  • +2

    Ah, the absolute outrage. Just as well that you had so long of prior awareness to stock up, so no real impact to you?

    • +2

      so no real impact to you?

      Unless they fine people for using them which is implied in the articles.

      "Businesses caught using those items can be fined $1849 and individuals face a fine of $370."

      • +1

        You have the awareness, you choose what you want to do.

  • Had a boost juice on the weekend, tasted so good through the plastic straw.

    • -1

      You might have used the last one…

    • Yeah I'm not the only one thinking thick smoothies are going to be concern. Happy (and do) carry metal straws for soft drinks. But haven't found any thicc metal straws for smoothies. And even if I do, am I really going to carry a second set of metal straws for smoothies?

    • Okay some research reveals they do sell thick metal straws often going by the US name for bubble tea, Boba Metal Straws. Not thrilled about carrying more straws but I'll make do.

      • Such a first world problem to have

    • +3

      I actually got a boost juice on Monday for the first time in years! They gave me a paper straw and… no complaints, definitely a whole lot better than other paper straws I've had. I was quite impressed.

  • +5

    victoria is the ohio of australia

    • +3

      Yeah like how Queensland is the Florida.

    • More like the new Cuba.

  • +23

    Banning plastic straws is such a pointless abuse of the government's power.
    There are many more serious forms of plastic pollution, but they choose plastic straws simply because it is 'highly visible' to the public.
    Because regular people will see plastic/cardboard straws every day, but nobody cares about pollution caused by Industrial Fishing Gear.

    Guess it's because those government officials love to have their seafood, but hate slurpees?

    The Anti-Plastic-Straw Phenomenon

    Misdirected Activism

    • +9

      Little things like this that are "pointless" are still good. It's a constant reminder to kids that plastic waste is bad, so those kids will one day grow up and work in jobs where they can influence larger issues and they will have avoiding waste on the brain. They might be less likely to dump thousands of tonnes of plastic waste for their corporation because they were brainwashed when they were younger to be waste-phobic. If every kid "knows" that plastic waste is taboo then they will be more likely to speak up, their bosses will be less likely to try and pressure them into committing environmental crimes.

      • plastic waste is bad


        • +3

          Why do you think it's not bad?

          • -5

            @AustriaBargain: Because I believe that most things are good (except for Dan).

            • +2

              @jv: Then you believe that paper straws are good.

              • @AustriaBargain:

                Then you believe that paper straws are good.

                No, they are wasteful and kill trees.

                They also can't be washed and reused.

                • +3

                  @jv: If you believe most things are good then you believe killing trees is good. You believe being unable to wash things is good.

                  • @AustriaBargain:

                    If you believe most things are good then you believe killing trees is good.

                    That logic is flawed.

                  • +1


                    you believe killing trees is good

                    Isn't that carbon capture? ;)

                • @jv: You mean like plastic straws, which also end up in landfill and the sea because pekoe are stupid.

          • @AustriaBargain: It’s only bad if you don’t compare with the alternatives… cutting down trees to support more paper straws…more monocrop for paper tree plantations… vs digging up oil, making plastic, storing it in the ground after use…(which actually traps carbon long term, reducing CO2….)

            Honestly, plastic waste is not that bad

            • +2

              @The Wololo Wombat:

              which actually traps carbon long term, reducing CO2

              Reducing CO2 compared to what, burning the straws in your fireplace?

              The oil in the ground was already stored CO2, any change to that only increases CO2

          • @AustriaBargain: Because landfill isn't a problem. It just sits there. The problem is people who litter and countries who have no control over their plastic pollution. The Pacific isn't full of plastic because of Australians buying McDonalds and then putting the waste in a bin.

            Plastic is the best material for a straw, or other single use utensil, or garbage bag, etc.

            Just don't be an idiot. Simple.

        • Swallow some straws and let us know.

    • +3

      Baby step man. Baby step. Little progress is progress.

      If we reject every 'minor' positive changes because there is a bigger fish to fry, we will never get close to addressing pollution caused by Industrial Fishing Gear. There is always bigger fish to fry.

      Yes they may love seafood and hate slurpees. If there is an overall net positive change, I say go for it.

      • +1

        Yes, this exactly. Almost all plastic waste, with a few major exceptions, 'only' makes up 0.XX% of all pollution. If we use that argument not to ban each of them, then none get banned, and we get nowhere at all. I definitely agree there should also be better controls on industrial fishing gear.

        • Is paper over plastic actually ‘better’. Even from an environmental perspective, I don’t think it’s obviously better.

          • +1

            @The Wololo Wombat: If you could guarantee it all ends up in landfill then plastic is arguably better than paper, yes. Problem is we can't, and plastic is way, way worse than paper once it enters the environment.

            Maybe sometime in the future we can revert to plastic straws when everyone is much more conscientious about littering (and our landfill / waste disposal organisations are more effective at containing waste).

            I used the wrong word in my original comment, it's not clear what I meant. Pollution in the form of littering, not carbon emissions.

  • +7

    When Macca’s first introduced their paper straws they were very poor quality and would disintegrate pretty quickly, as in actually unspool/come apart.

    The paper straws I’ve used recently from Event cinemas (I know this is interstate), Macca’s, Gong Cha etc. have all been fine quality.

    Wooden cutlery is what really sucks. Wooden spoons/forks have a tendency to grip onto your mouth which makes it a pain in the arse to use/eat with, and wooden forks don’t even poke into your food correctly. Not only that but I’m willing to bet most people just chuck it in the bin anyway with their cardboard (or even single-use plastic food take away container) when you’re supposed to compost it.

    • +3

      oh man, wooden cutlery is an abomination. I mean not that plastic is great, but wood srsly? They taste weird, they're fragile, they are a weird texture.

      • Agree that wood sucks. Maybe a better solution would be to force a significant charge for plastic cutlery, to incentivise restaurants to provide loaners or individuals to bring their own (e.g. 50c per cutlery item).

  • +1

    Cardboard straws are getting better. I have a family member that works with disabled people and needs plastic straws, they just keep them in their car now. The solution is pretty obvious, supply your own straw if you don't want paper, it's not exactly rocket science.

    • idk. Straws aren't really multi-use items. I know you can get multi-use straws, and they are fine for home. But they are impractical for restaurants/fast-drink places. Its a shame paper straws suck so bad. I will admit some are better than others, but nothing beats a plastic straw. For small kids they are pretty close to useless.

  • i'm waiting for the black market for plastic straws in victoria to flourish

    • Buy online. No black market necessary.

  • +3

    If you outlaw plastic straws, only outlaws will have plastic straws

  • +1

    You're getting rebellious fast Eddie. What's next? You'll be riding your own private escooter?

  • Luckily I have a stockpile of plastic straws at home. I try to wash and re use them a few times until they break then throw them away. I hate using the paper straws, they disintegrate really easily and are no good. I think encouraging reusable straws instead would be a better option. Victoria's decision to ban plastic straws now is way too early since manufacturers haven't figured out how to make paper / alternative material straws that don't disintegrate so easily.

    • May I ask as to why you need a straw at home? Unless I'm reading that wrong.

    • As others have said, there are some excellent paper straws out there that work very well. Perhaps some businesses are just cheaping out on crap quality ones - hopefully that'll self-correct as they get enough negative feedback.

  • I just wonder where the hundreds of thousands of trees are going to come from to make these paper straws every year!!

    • +4

      It's a cycle.. in a short while, the tree-huggers will be out protesting about that cutting down trees to make straws. Then we'll go back to plastic.

      • +2

        It's a cycle..

        So is plastic recycling.

    • +3

      Trees are renewable

      • Trees have feelings, man. Stop hurting the trees.

    • Did you know that tree's grow and regrow?

  • You're not a business, so you should be ok…. You earth destroyer! /S

    • +4

      In the articles, is says individuals caught using plastic straws can be fined $370.

      • +1

        However, people who require single-use plastic drink straws for health reasons …

        I'm allergic to… paper.

        I get paper cut easily.

        • What if I identify as a paper straw so consider it cannibalism?

          • @jv: Are you sure you're using straws correctly?

            • @mbck: Probably not as I can't even get half way through a drink with a paper straw before it collapses into itself.

              • @jv: I agree they are not very good but you just need to be more gentle and drink faster lol. No real issues here, I can still get by, just not my kids.

                • @supersabroso:

                  be more gentle and drink faster lol

                  That doesn't work with frozen drinks. As the ice melts, it dissolves the straw. The straw is useless about half way through.
                  Also, kids tend to chew on straws and paper straws don't regain their shape like plastic straws after being chewed.

          • @jv: You still ok with paper tissues to dry your fragile manchild tears?

      • +1

        Just use medical jargon to get out of your fine. Just say you have Dysphagia, an allergy to metal and SPD to cardboard straws. Then say the plastic straw you are using is reusable. Because I can tell you know, if you go to Kmart's party section you can still buy the same platic cutlery and cups, but guess what… they just printed "reusable" on the package and bam… suddenly it's legal.

        • Lol.

          Also to add above, individuals caught selling them. Not using them.

          Individuals caught selling, distributing or supplying the banned items can face fines of $370, while businesses face penalties of $1,849.

          • @mbck:

            individuals caught selling them. Not using them.

            I'll quote again:

            "Businesses caught using those items can be fined $1849 and individuals face a fine of $370."

            • @jv: 9 Months after the QLD ban all their venue outlets had NEW shipments of plastic straws.

              perfect Queensland…..

            • @jv: I don't think you are correct. Businesses don't "sell" straws. They supply them or "use" them.

              My interpretation is the same as alcohol legislation with regard to selling to minors. The business gets a huge fine. The individual who sells the alcohol gets a smaller fine.

              No individual is getting fined for sucking a drink through a plastic straw in public.

        • +1

          but guess what… they just printed "reusable" on the package and bam… suddenly it's legal.

          I can 'reuse' my plastic straws, so why can't I get one when I get a Slurpee?

          • -1

            @jv: YUCK !

            Plastic straws are single use for reasons ie. mould & germs

            • +1


              Plastic straws are single use

              I wash them, like any other utensil.

      • The ban does not apply to individuals undertaking private or domestic activities.

  • +2

    I have to agree with jv. Sebastian maniscalco made an excellent point in his recent stand-up. Something along the lines of: "I gotta drink out of straw made of dry wall and have it dissolve in my mouth because some turtle choked on a plastic straw? Bring back the plastic straws!"

  • +4

    Gold! Stupid things a stupid government make illegal. Instead of educating people and encouraging new business, let's make it illegal. Now my autistic nephew can struggle more when we go to dining venues that don't have straws and I forget one…or bring a soggy paper one.

    • +2

      educating people

      Have you met people?

  • It's only been made illegal now???

    What have I been suffering for then?…

  • +7

    I just came back from the supermarket and the coke bottles were made of single use plastic.

    Why are they allowed?

    • +1

      Well Coke would soak through a paper bottle, duh.

      • +3

        My frozen drinks soak through the paper straws, duh.

        • Maybe we need to a start posting the ingredients of your favourite drinks, like some people love to do every time someone posts a fast food deal…

    • +3

      Because comrade Dan owns Coke shares?

      • +2


      • He wouldn't be much of a communist if he owned any shares at all…

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