Vodafone Pocket Wi-Fi 2 Pre-Paid Mobile Broadband $39.50 (Save $39.50) at DSE 17/07/12.
INCLUDES 3GB data with 30 days expiry.
Vodafone Pocket Wi-Fi 2 Pre-Paid Mobile Broadband $39.50 (Save $39.50) at DSE 17/07/12.
INCLUDES 3GB data with 30 days expiry.
I have tried to hunt this LG, but all Coles are out of stock. -_-
I bought 2 yesterday. Coles warriwood square still has stock.
Doesn't surprise me…
We once tried to purchase an -unlocked- mobile phone, advertised in Coles' weekly catalog…
…only to be told (by a young woman at the info & cigarette counter), that:
"Coles doesn't sell unlocked mobiles, just ones that are locked to Telstra or Optus. There are no unlocked mobiles in AU."
She even referred us to the small bulletin board with pages from the weekly catalog (Of course, the page showing the unlocked beside "Unlocked" was missing), eg, to "prove" her point. :-/
I picked up a copy of the catalog to dispell her myth about the availability of unlocked mobiles here, & she corrected herself:
"Oh, they send us a few, but we can't order more when they're gone."
I should have asked for a Rain Check! (Slow mind after a long, busy day… just didn't think outside the mobile box.)
India is said to have -no- or very -few- "locked" mobiles & multi-month plan-based ways to get mobile service.
I think we can learn a lot from India… :-)
Are you listening, Vodafone, 3, Telstra, Virgin, et al.? )
Vodafone Pocket Wi-Fi 2 support triband UMTS (850/900/2100) so once unlock, you can use it on any network in Australia (major cities and regional areas - slightly more flexible). LG Optimus Spirit only support 850 and 2100 UMTS. You also get 3GB data for 30 days with Pocket Wi-Fi 2 (though most people don't like Voda 3G). You can put multiple profiles on Pocket Wi-Fi 2 (haven't tried the same on LG Optimus Spirit - probably can).
LG Optimus Spirit for $49 is a good deal (it is quite cheap to buy the unlock code online). I actually have quite a few issues with the phone, but @$49, probably shouldn't complain.
Just out if curiosity, what issues did you have?
I am using this phone. Got it from Aus Post for $79! Everything is fine, but the sound is not so loud as I used Telstra Smart Touch, but the LG's screen is capacitive though. I only feel the internal memory too small, I got warning alert when downloading app.
Issues with LG Optimus Spirit:
(and the usual lack of phone memory which is a common issue with all low end Android phones).
Any idea if this will work using an AT & T SIM in the US once it is unlocked? I am guessing it will work but would like to make sure. I'm heading to the US later in the year and this would be great to use with my iPad/iPhone!
Is there any unlock solutions?
This, though the OP charges $10 now. It's still cheaper than to get it unlocked through vodafone for $25 online.
So, unlocking pushes the price up by $25, in places where Vodafone's network sucks.
That doesn't seem like a very wise path… it reduces the value of a 50% Off "deal"
Are there any cheap -unlocked- devices?
What's the cheapest unlocked (& issue-free) handset, that can serve as a WiFi hotspot (eg, using a cheap - $8 / $13 / $18 etc. - LiveConnected.com.au text/talk/data deal)?
Think outside the box, folks! :-)
If you are lucky, you get one where you can unlock from Vodafone site for free.
YYY gave OZB users some for free when he posted a similar deal from CrazyJohns.
Otherwise, buy one online.
DC Unlocker supports this modem model i think
Unlock codes can be obtained from ebay for ~aud6
What is the different lasso and DSE? I can not find this sale on DSE online?
Probably because the deal starts tomorrow (17/07/2012).
Hmmm… it could be.. thanks. :)
question is where to get cheap credit, what are you guys all paying for your credit?
question is where to get cheap credit, what are you guys all paying for your credit?
question is where to get cheap credit, what are you guys all paying for your credit?
question is where to get cheap credit, what are you guys all paying for your credit?
question is where to get cheap credit, what are you guys all paying for your credit?
Shouldn't that be questions ;)~
'Pocket WiFi 2' soon to be replaced on all plans by 'Pocket WiFi Pro' http://www.vodafone.com.au/personal/wireless-internet/mobile… .The original Pocket was easier (sans an inside guy) to unlock than #2. Hopefully the 'Pro' won't prove to be third time 'unlocky'…
Sorry, couldn't resist. Incidentally, Vodafone claim the Pro 'contains the latest in wifi technology to provide access to the highest upload and download speeds available on the 3G network'. OzBargainers - we do live in exciting times. (In much the same way as some people still live in Vodafone blackspots …)
Assuming Pocket WiFi Pro is not too hard to unlock, it might be useful to use it on Tel$tra network (HSPA+).
Yeah I want 4G too. But that is like four times the price and is only a dongle!
Need a deal on this http://www.telstra.com.au/internet/download/image/wifi-4g-de…
good price for a pocket wifi, but I would try and buy the $49 LG Optimus Spirit from coles.