*Offer Expired* Free Unlock Codes for Vodafone/Crazy Johns Pocket WiFi 2

Offer Expired - No More Free Unlock Code

Okay, I know some people missed out the free unlock codes offer from my previous deal post (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/74451). So now I am giving away another 50 free unlock codes for the Pocket WiFi 2 from now till this sunday. Deal ends when 50 free unlock codes limit is reached or midnight AEST on Sunday 15th July (whichever comes first). The code will work on Vodafone Pocket WiFi 2 or Crazy Johns Pocket WiFi 2.

Usually vodafone charges up to $75 for the code. Some people (some of you may have dealt with them before) on the web charge $12-$15 for the code.

Rules to get your unlock code:

1.) Check your IMEI at https://unlock.vodafone.com.au/voila/handsetunlock/self-serv…. You may able to get the free code directly from vodafone. If so, you can let other people to have a chance to get the code from me.

2.) If you can't get free code from vodafone, PM me with your device IMEI. Don't post your IMEI on this thread.

3.) One code per ozbargainer. Ozbargainers who obtained a free code from me in the above deal are not qualified for this offer.

4.) Your ozbargain account MUST be at least 2 days old.

5.) Please allow me some times to response you. Post your question(s) on this thread instead of PM me (except the device IMEI). Others may able to help you.

Once this offer is expired, I can still provide the code for a $10 fee if you are interested. My email address is [email protected].

Unlock Instructions:

1) Insert a non-Vodafone or non-Hutchison 3 or non-Crazy Johns Network SIM card into the device.

2) Ensure the device is charged and then switch the device on. It will display “Invalid SIM”

3) Establish a WiFi connection to the device with your PC/IPAD/IPHONE/Android Device.

4) Browse any website and you will be redirected to and prompted to input the 8 digits unlock code. Just key in the unlock code and the modem will reset itself. Your modem is now unlocked.

After you unlocked the device, you still need to set up APN profile for the new network. Just ask/search around if you don't know how to do it.

What is the unlock code for?

The unlock code is used to remove network locked status on the device so you can use it on a non-Vodafone/non-3/non-crazy johns network such as optus, telstra or overseas network.

Where I can find the device IMEI?

The IMEI usually printed on the box that comes with it or inside the device (just remove the battery and look around the device). It should be a 15 digit numbers starting with 357309XXXXXXXXX.

How Do I PM You?

Click on YYY Profile and "Start a Conversation" or go to "My Account - Messages - New Conversation".

Have a good weekend. Cheers.


  • +1

    You're very kind. You get my 'YAY' award for the day.

  • Thanks for the offer regardless

  • Good on you, thanks.

  • +2

    Why is your offer in the forum.

    If it were on a bargain page I could have given +ve.

    I have not come across any other offer which is as clearly explained as this one.


    • Yeah. I wish to post this in deal page too but MOD suggests it would be good to be in forum. :)

  • Just notice Vodafone is selling Pocket WiFi Pro 21Mbps device (an upgraded version of Pocket WiFi 2).

    It may be Huawei E586 with extra 850Mhz band but if anyone has any information on this device, please share.


  • I need a Vodafone Nokia 2220s unlocked can you do that for a better price than $25 quoted by voda?

    • Sorry mate. I can't unlock your nokia.

  • +1

    Just want to say thanks YYY. I got mine unlocked with the code you provided and it is working with my Amaysim sim :)

  • Thank you YYY. I've also received an unlock code :)

  • just saw the pocket wifi pro while browsing for plans. but still happy with crazyjohn's deal. thanks YYY for the unlock code. will definitely email you in the future for codes if i get the poket wifi pro .

    found this

    • Thanks mate. I did check out the website but it doesn't mention the model of the device. If it is Huawei E586 then it will be better than optus mini wifi E586 because vodafone's one got 850/900/2100Mhz 3G bands. Optus mini wifi only has 900/2100Mhz 3G bands. It also better than telstra elite wifi mf60 which has 850/1900/2100Mhz 3G bands. The main 3G bands in Australia are 850/900/2100Mhz so vodafone pocket wifi pro will be very handy in such case.

      • agree, whether it is e586 or not it is better than the optus e586.
        apart from the internal specs. it does looks like e586 based on the picture, but the usual e586 has a button above the power button on the right hand side which the voda pro doesn't.

        lets wait for other Ozbargainers to comment.

      • Yes. You are right. And the difference between wifi pro and wifi 2 is the new device supports HSPA+,which is faster than HSDPA.

  • got the code. good on you…

  • Is this offer expired already? I can only go buy one from Crazy John tomorrow and wonder if the offer is still good.

  • +1

    This guy Really know how to do his job, trust me, he response really fast, and the code work perfect. Any one who miss the chance, you should give a try now.

  • Hi I need the code for my pocket wifi locked to vodafone. Have tried to unlock via vodafone website with no luck. I already pm you my imei. Thanks for help.

  • Thanks for my code! The unlocking process worked just as described. Much appreciated!

  • Thanks a ton for the code, YYY!

  • Thanks a bundle.

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