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NetGear RAX40-200AUS Nighthawk 4-Stream Dual-Band Wi-Fi 6 Router $173 (50% off) Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Netgear RAX40-200AUS Nighthawk 4-Stream Dual-Band WiFi 6 Router up to 3Gbps with USB 3.0 Port

The NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 4-Stream AX3000 WiFi Router built with the latest generation WiFi 6 technology provides greater network capacity with consistent and powerful signal strength to all your connected devices.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +12

    Cheaper at Wireless 1 $149 Buy from their eBay site get an additional 5% off

  • +6

    Just pay the extra $10 for an asus router. Every ax router deal, just get the asus

    • +3

      Which Asus model are you referring to?

      • +2

        I got the RT-AX3000 and loving it. But I replaced an Optus Saegemcom freebie gateway so the bar was pretty low to start with.

        • +1

          An excellent router. I have one and a similar Asus TUF Ax5400 I paid $250AUD on Amazon.

          I can say, you won't notice any difference
          unless you are looking for specific features. They mesh very well

          • +4

            @[Deactivated]: yeah, speed difference is a millisecond here and a millisecond there, more responsive at loading websites. arguably not worth the upgrade. But I bought it for the extra ability to analyse and control the kids usage so it's been worthwhile being able to quickly and easily disabled their connectivity at meal times or when they annoy me too much. ;)

            • +2

              @hippo2s: That's a very petty and manipulate exploitation of QoS which I fully endorse. tip of the hat, smirk and nod

    • Any recommendations?
      My router is almost dead so looking to upgrade as I don’t like the current one which was a Nighthawk R7000 (AC1900). I’ve had to downgrade the firmware many many versions just to get the wifi to work again, so looking for a better brand this time with better support.

      • +1

        Nothing to recommend, sorry.
        During pressure testing, Asus routers are more consistent more often. Routers heat up and have other problems causing dropouts. IMHO, Asus are more often the least likely to encounter such problems of non commercial routers

        If you don't feel like googling reviews and such;


        …. Excerpt from dongknows…

        That said, if you want the most features, including an effective QoS and the best performance, the Asus is the best choice. As the most expensive option among the three, it also has the most to offer – more than enough to justify the extra cost. I’d use it for myself.

        Between the other two, the TP-Link Archer AX50 did better in my testing. But the chances are that you will not notice the difference between the two at all in real-world usage.

        However, the TP-Link’s is more affordable and includes an excellent Parental Control feature. So if you’re a parent and want to watch over your kids, it will make a slightly better choice than the Netgear.

        • Thanks been reading reviews all day but find some real world knowledge comes in clutch most times. I use the QoS on this router a lot so I will check out the AX3000

          • @DamagedDingo: They rebranded RT-AX3000 to RT-AX58U. So you are looking for that model name instead.

            You might get lucky and pick up the older naming AX3000 packaged version at clearance. I did this from Centrecom in Sydney at end of Nov paid $140.

            There is a new RT-AX3000 V2 that shops are selling but that looks like a TUF series router (also owned by Asus).

      • Asus ROG Strix AX3000 WiFi 6 Gaming Router (GS-AX3000)
        $130 Asus store on Amazon
        Firmware can always be flashed to AU version but look elsewhere if you want to run Merlin

        • +2

          Shows $291 for me

        • 291 for me

          • +1

            @Tyler Kwok: Might mean Amazon.com but then has $40 shipping too. I guess that’s still cheaper then .com.au but personally I have a router for so long that I don’t mind spending a bit more at the start to get a decent one.

            • @DamagedDingo: Yes, sorry for my mistake. At checkout was $190 and I have a prime membership…

      • +2

        It is still a decent router… put dd-wrt on it and enjoy. You will probably have more functionality available compared to any $500 router.

        • I looked at that before but didn’t want to mess with it more as at the time I didn’t know off it was faulty hardware or bad firmware. Now I’d rather have something with wifi6 as my new devices have it built in already and I’m hoping that it’s not as saturated here as the other channels

          • +1

            @DamagedDingo: I had similar issues with the netgear firmware on my r7000, frequent wifi and router dropouts. Ended up flashing merlin on it a few years ago, been rock solid ever since and still working well.

      • If it's just the wifi buggered then get yourself a dedicated AP lke a Unifi or Omada and disable onboard wifi. Be cheaper and better if the rest of the unit is fine.

  • +4

    Read the reviews. No interest in Router UI as a monthly subscription service. Hard pass.

    • +1

      I own this and dont pay any subscription. The offer is there but you dont have to take it.

      • What functionality is missing if you don't though?

  • Online security (I dont need) and parental controls (I think its something like rewarding kids time with the wifi). But I have device manager which I can pause the kids wifi if needed.

  • Many reports online of the Intel wireless chip they use dropping connections randomly.

    • Intel sold off the Lantiq IP a couple years ago.

      Regardless, I would probably just advise to avoid Netgear as a whole anyway, for even attempting a subscription service.

  • Whats a good FTTN modem to pair up with a decent wifi 6 router? I've read the Telstra Smart modem Gen 2 is good and it comes with free 4g backup

    • +1

      It won't have backup when you bridge it to the Router which is the optimal connection.

      It was my first, second and third choice. Wouldn't recommend anything else, especially for the price you can regularly find on GT or Facebook.

      • Just bought a 2nd hand Smart modem 2. The 4g backup is working fine hahaha

        Also, I didn't need to set it to bridge mode, i just plugged my netgear nighthawk to Lan port 1 on Telstra modem and I can connect to my WIFI netgear with internet.

        • You'll get double NAT

          • @scuderiarmani: What is double NAT? is it bad? Will it decrease my speeds?

            I just compared speeds from both wifi and they are both 92MBp/s from 100/20 dodo


            • @Homr: You got 2 different IP address groups. Devices may not be able to communicate with eachother.

              Can cause notable online game issues.

              You shouldn't have 2 different Wifi networks either. That's another reason why you should bridge.

              • @scuderiarmani: I enabled bridge mode on the Telstra modem then plugged my router into the WAN port of the Telstra modem but it didn't work.

                I then tried plugging it in Lan port of the Telstra modem and it worked. Any ideas why I get no internet if I plug it in the wan port?

                • @Homr: You are meant to plug the Router into LAN of the Telstra Modem. That's normal.

                  Make sure you disable Telstra Modems inbuilt WIFI and while your at it some other settings too (file sharing etc etc). You don't want extra Wifi being broadcaster around which will interfere with the Router. You'll need to be accessing it via Ethernet to do this BTW…

                  Then enable bridge mode.

                  Its hard to access the Telstra Modem afterwards…

                  • @scuderiarmani: Thanks, I didn't disable the other settings before enabling bridge mode.

                    Is leaving the Telstra Wifi mode on bad? I don't want to disable it incase I need to access the Telstra modem later on

                    • +1

                      @Homr: You won't need to. It interferes with the other signal.

                      Once it's bridged, you'll never need to access it.

                      If you for some reason wanna change things, Ethernet into it directly. But I see zero reason for it.

                      • @scuderiarmani: I live in an apartment building and I can see around 20+ wifi networks so there's already some interference somewhat already. I don't think having 1 extra wifi will hurt that much haha

                        • @Homr: Right next to it, I beg to differ.

                          Use a wifi analyser app as well.

    • The 4G backup is only supposed to work if the account that it came with has an active connection, to my knowledge.

      So if you picked one up second hand, it's a lottery whether the LTE backup works, and will continue to work.

      Other than that, the Smart Modem Gen 2's are a very cost-effective solution for FTTN users.

      • Can the telstra smart gen 2 be used with other isp?

        I'm with Aussie BB.

        • I know of a few people using it in Bridge mode at the very least.

          Some like getting better access to the firmware to change some settings though. https://hack-technicolor.readthedocs.io/

          Not sure how necessary that is, but presumably they're afraid of Telstra screwing with their units, or need to access the VoIP settings.

        • +1

          Works with most if not all ISPs in bridged mode for FTTN. And many other styles of connections too….

          I'll say most, best to google/Whirlpool incase there's an obscure reason one doesn't…

          It absolutely works with Aussie though. Did it myself.

  • +1

    ASUS is the only way

    • Waiting for a deal on the ax56u

      • the deal is on, it's $149 now

    • I'd agree, when they work.

      Which my XD4 units suddenly had serious wifi problems after 6 months and ASUS told me to return….

      Or my former XT8 Routers that dropped daily and required repeated restarts.

  • Does this router (or the Asus RT-AX3000 ) offer a better range (distance) for the Wifi to reach? I have a smart globe that is not able to reliably connect to the Optus free router. Will this router possibly solve that issue? The current router can connect, but not reliably. Thanks

    • I upgraded from the black Saegemcom Optus freebie (black tower) to that exact Asus AX3000. My experiences.

      1. Slightly better reach with the Asus compared to Optus gateway. My WiFi cam at front gate now reliability responds when I try and view it.

      2. My modern devices like phone that takes advantage of WiFi 6 get noticeably faster initial loading speed of websites. altho we are talking milliseconds here.

      3. My devices can now achieve full speed on speedtest. 50mbps on WiFi on 50mbps NBN. Previously I was getting 45mbps.

      4. My biggest reason to buy tho was the improved UI for ad-hoc and scheduled management…such as turning off internet for kids devices.

      However I would say the improvements to speed hasn't really been worth the price (compared to free). But to me the extra manageability is worth it.

      I heard Optus came out with a new WiFi 6 capable gateway a month ago. might be worthwhile asking them to upgrade you with that first.

      Another thing I would suggest is to use a WiFi analyser app and move your channels so it's not competing with your neighbours. Improvements here are free and could solve some speed/latency issues.

    • Don't expect massive range improvements with a single device, if you want range Mesh is your real preference.

  • +2

    Do not buy this trash. Netgear products and warranty are shit.

    if you can't afford Ubiquiti gear buy asus like everyone else says or even use an old pc with a new AP (LTT does a good video below)


    • +2

      yeah…Netgear ain't what they used to be.

  • +3

    Steer clear of Netgear, I have an Orbi AX1800 mesh system and the constant dropouts, reconnects, and slow set-up is just a start

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