• expired

Hot Chicken Sharing Platter (24-Hour Pre Order): 2x Roast Chickens, 12x Rolls, Coleslaw & Pasta Salad $25 (RRP $38) @ Woolworths


Repost of this deal, which seems to have recently popped up on social media/news again (although is available year round).

Cheap & easy meal for the upcoming Holiday season (or in general)!

“To order a platter or two, simply complete this form and hand it to our Deli and Seafood team.
We only need 24 hours notice to take care of it all.

12 x White Bread Rolls (2 x 6 pack RRP$2.50ea)
2 x BBQ Roast Chickens (2 x RRP$11ea)
1 x 400g Woolworths Coleslaw (RRP$5.50)
1 x 400g Woolworths Pasta Salad (RRP$5.50)
(Total RRP$38, platter saves $13/~34% discount)

Caters for: 5–12”


  • Chickens appear to be precut into pieces for the platter/sharing style. I assume this is partially why you can’t just walk in and get this bundle price collecting the items off the shelf yourself.

  • Yes you could potentially match this price with some luck shopping around closing time/with sales. But is not so helpful for a particular event/time to rely on this.

  • Anecdotally have heard some specific stores do not offer this platter, so double check with your local!

Seems like a decent deal if you’re already buying some/most of these, as you’re essentially saving/getting more than price of one chicken free.

As a bonus, this hasn’t increased in price as a platter, even though the individual item prices have gone up!


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closed Comments

  • Does anyone kniw where they get their chicken from?

    • +58

      chicken farm

    • +37

      It starts as an egg.

      • -5

        when a lady bird and a boy bird love each other very much…

        also how is gods green earth is this worth $38?????

        • +5

          It's all right there.

          12 x White Bread Rolls (2 x 6 pack RRP$2.50ea)
          2 x BBQ Roast Chickens (2 x RRP$11ea)
          1 x 400g Woolworths Coleslaw (RRP$5.50)
          1 x 400g Woolworths Pasta Salad (RRP$5.50)

      • I thought the chicken comes first?

        • Well yes. The story goes as follows:

          Evolutionary, the first generation chickens evolved first from a natural mutation of another similar animal. These chickens had sexy time and bang!.. second generation eggs dropped out.

          • +2

            @MuddyClear: Except those first gen chickens were originally an egg. A not-chicken would lay an egg that turned out to be a chicken. Therefore, the egg came first.

            • @freefall101: No, a not-chicken gave birth to a live chicken, which lay eggs. Therefore chicken came first.

              • +3

                @MuddyClear: Generally egg laying animals are lower down the evolutionary chain than live birth animals. Most likely the chicken egg came first

                • +2

                  @greatlamp: No, de-evolution of a not-chicken gave live birth to a chicken laying egg. Therefore chicken came first

              • @MuddyClear: Eggs came along before live birth and chickens though, there never was a chicken ancestor that gave live birth. An egg laying bird that was not a chicken would have laid an egg that hatched into a chicken.

        • bloody creationist drivel

        • rooster cummed first.

      • +4

        You got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who’s having sex with the hen?

        • They're all chickens. The rooster has sex with all of them.

      • But what came first?

        • +2

          the rooster ;)

    • +5

      Not every store has the same supplier

    • +4

      100% of the fresh poultry and eggs used in our Australian products are produced from farms regionally across Australia. Our suppliers are all trained in relevant sector-specific requirements e.g. RSPCA Approved or FREPA as well as meeting Woolworths' Supplier Excellence Programme standards

      • +2

        That means, like, nothing - right?

    • Baiada when I worked there 18 years ago. Associate below says different areas have different suppliers. This was Sydney's hills district.

    • Chickens.

    • In Vic, Inghams factory in Somerville. In there , you can see packaged chicken coming down the line, badged for Woollies, Coles,Aldi and Inghams.

  • +11

    need 2x Woolworths Cola Bottle 1.25L

  • +36

    Caters 12?
    So each of them only gets 1 bread roll, 250g of bone-in chicken and 66.67g of salad?
    I don't want to be a friend of that party host.

    • +1

      Absolutely agree!

    • +30

      this sounds like a NSW public servant xmas party

      ask me how i know

      add some lukewarm pepsi max and you're there

      • +4

        How do you know?

      • +4

        When they can't even afford to supply tea bags, you can't expect a Xmas party

        • +2

          Yeah, what's with that? I recently did some work for a public servive department and the lunch room was so depressing. I expected them to atleast have tea and coffee available for staff.
          There wasn't even plates or cutlery.

          • +2

            @ninnypoop: i guess they don't mind spending millions of $$ for failed/unsustainable projects , similar to all other government departments

          • +2

            @ninnypoop: That was my experience also as a contractor at one point in my life. It's dead set barbaric. Not to mention a big waste of time while people hunt around and all bring their own stuff. False economy, and makes people feel like they aren't appreciated and the workplace doesn't take care of them

        • +3

          Because it's the public purse some genius though there was 'efficiency' to be gained by getting rid of milk/tea/coffee. Even many Christmas time functions are self-funded.

    • +2

      more like twelve young children…

    • +1

      Sounds like my daily allocation of lunch calories

    • +3

      I bet I could eat a whole roast chicken, the size they are at Woolies anyway.

    • Nah they meant to say 1-2 people they just forgot to ad -

  • +1

    2 piece feed

  • +14
    • +32

      7"news" = bottom of the barrel journalism

      • +1

        Every news channel associated with a tv station has to do this to stay alive nowadays. If you browse the google app with a new google account then it defaults you to kogan, colesworth, chemistwarehouse, etc. "news" articles trying to sell you stuff

        • +2

          But why? Are the masses so consumed and brainwashed that they just click anything that looks remotely interesting and continue the cycle? I.e. most people are dumb?

          • +3

            @mafmouf: Seven and Nine are established names in the industry which boomers will blindly follow no matter what they do because it was there for them when they themselves were growing up. If they tell them that they need a set of steak knives a lot of them will probably go buy a set the next day.

          • @mafmouf: But "free hot chook" seems very interesting 😳

        • +1

          Very true. I may be a little out of the loop as I tend to remove all news sources (where I can) and block all ads. I tend to find reddit is more factual than most mainstream crap.

          • +1

            @Froot Loops: Traditional media can't coast by like they used to because almost every form of it has a newer and sexier alternative. Broadcast tv got superseded by cable which got replaced by Netflix and online catch-up tv. Radio got replaced by online digital radio and podcasting.

            Aggregate sites and apps like Google and Reddit also cut into this revenue because it takes the interesting stuff and trims the fat off bypassing the advertisers who are paying the original sources which is why there was like a lawsuit between Facebook+Google and news outlets a year or so ago.

    • EPIC

    • lol "it's basically a free chook"…yeah, if you're used to paying full price for everything.

  • +1

    Is 400g of coleslaw and pasta salad enough for min. 5 people?

    • +1

      According to WW, it's suitable for 12.

      • +6

        12 midget children

        • I read 12 nugget chicken, should have checked my eyes

    • +3

      Re the coleslaw, it's a little-publicised fact that no one in the universe actually likes that pig slop at all (raw cabbage and carrot? Having a laugh, much?) … so even 100 grams is more than a million people would ever want. Ergo … even if they give you any, that is more than enough for an infinite number of diners.

      • +1

        I'd prefer the coleslaw to the pasta salad. Potato salad is where it's at

        • Negative on the coleslaw, but agree 100% on potato salad.

      • +4

        you've obviously never eaten a good coleslaw

      • Such an insular thought process.

        I for one love coleslaw.

        • -1

          I like good coleslaw, which this is not.

          • +1

            @Nuggets: Not arguing that fact.
            Just the audacity of someone trying to influence others with their own biased opinions.

            • -1

              @FredAstair: LOLololol …. re:

              '… the audacity of someone trying to influence others'

              Wow. If you ate a lump of coal dude, what would come out the other end would be a diamond.

  • +2

    Essentially getting the price of a roast chicken for free isn't exactly the way to look at it, you buy two chickens + two packs of rolls and get the salads for free (+$2).

    Unless people are happy to pay $11 for small tubs of basic saucy cabbage and pasta?

    • +4

      They sell them day in, day out.
      I'd say considering they are still a standard item on the shelves, people are happy to pay $11 for a couple of tubs of salad?

  • +1

    Caters for: "5–12”

    lmao alright bro.

    • +3

      Probably 5 refers to adults and 12 for children

      • yeah if you below 5 years of age or above 12 years of age your effed

  • What are delivery charges?

  • +2

    The pasta salad at colesworths is disgusting, it's dripping with dodgy liquid, no one should be made to eat it

  • +2

    So…. is this actually any good? It's looking increasingly tempting as a nice cheap thing to serve (amongst other items) for a Christmas lunch

    • +1

      How do know it is even chicken? 🤔

    • +3

      Assemble it back together after purchase just to be sure.

    • Haha I can safely say after doing this job years ago, I still don't buy the hot chickens due to the amount I had to bag/cut ready for sale.

      There are other options staff would go for first.. :D

  • Anyone tried seafood platters? Much cheaper than buying individual stuff?

    • +2

      I was looking at them, but likely will be thawed prawns. I would recommend going to a fish coop and paying that little bit extra for quality

  • +1

    More like 3-4 adults. 6-10 children under 12. Though I'm assuming in a party they'll be other finger food and drinks and this will be a supplement like the others.

    • Apparently it does depend on those people's expected intake.

    • +3

      Which average adult is eating 3 - 4 chicken rolls in a sitting? I've never seen it.

    • 3 adults? the normal adult would not eat 4 large chicken and coleslaw bread rolls for lunch, i eat two of those bread rolls(and i am a big eater) and that is reasonably filling, this would feed a minimum of six

  • +5

    Costco chickens are much better and cost less.

    • +6

      Most people aren't close to a Costco, there is 11 in all of Australia.

    • +3

      Costco ones don’t have stuffing

      • Not seeing stuffing in the pictures. I don't think these come with stuffing.

        Still think Costco is the way to go if you're close enough to one.

        • +3

          Co$tco also requires membership that cost$ a pretty penny every year. How much is it these days? It was about $60 when I last did it a decade or so ago if memory serves …

          I did like walking around a huge joint that was completely devoid of crack-heads though (because of the paid membership check at the door); that was nice.

          • +1

            @GnarlyKnuckles: I think still $60, fuel savings alone can make it worth it for those without a chopper.

            There's often sign up deals, so wait for those to make it more worthwhile, if you live near one that is.

            • @TEER3X: Is there a Costco in Victoria that does cheap petrol? How cheap is it?

    • -1

      In your opinion! I think they are disgusting. Then there’s the whole having to pay for a membership.

      • +2

        Not just my opinion, millions of people around the world.

        • Probably just as many who disagree lol - to each their own!

    • +1

      Yep got a Costco chicken yesterday, still $6.99! Hot and fresh….

    • +1

      Costco chickens taste terrible! Taste and smelly funny, the texture and colour is off. We ended up feeding it to the dogs

    • +1

      Haven't had Costco chicken in years but had it twice and I understood why they were the price they were.

  • Are the salads good?

    And it literally a dollar more for 800g each of the salad starting to make me think may not be worth.

    • +1

      No the 'salads' are dreadful, and I would not even classify coleslaw as a human food.

  • +3

    I have to go in a store, fill out an order form and hand it in, leave, and then come back to the store the next day? .. FAQ that
    They cant cut up 2 chickens while your there?

  • +1

    Best to call your local. Just did and mine is all booked up.

  • +1

    If the roast chicken is the bachelor's handbag, is this the bachelor's banquet?

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