This was posted 4 years 5 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Hot Chicken Sharing Platter $25 @ Woolworths (24 Hours Notice Required)


To order a platter or two, simply complete this form and hand it to our Deli and Seafood team.
We only need 24 hours notice to take care of it all.

  • 12 x White Bread Rolls
  • 2 x BBQ Roast Chickens
  • 1 x 400g Woolworths Coleslaw
  • 1 x 400g Woolworths Pasta Salad

Caters for: 5–12

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closed Comments

  • +53

    24 hours notice? 3 of the items are always on the shelves, and the Chooks pretty much available all day as well.

    • +5

      Yeah I find it a bit odd you can't just pick up these items yourself and they all scan up to be $25 total

      • +15
        12 x White Bread Rolls $2ea x2
        2 x BBQ Roast Chickens $8-10ea(?) X2 (haven't bought there in a while)
        1 x 400g Woolworths Coleslaw $4.50 
        1 x 400g Woolworths Pasta Salad $4.50 (current special)(rrp $5.15)

        ~ $29 + $2-5(?)

        Someone below said the platter chicken is cut up, so there's that..

      • -2

        It seems obvious to me they want to be in control of what they put in the bundle, like maybe pasta salad and coleslaw from the day before. I can't think of any other reason.

        • +3

          Selling expired food is against the law and Woolies would risk huge fines if that was the case. So I think not.

          • -3

            @callum54: No one said expired. There is a best before date on most foods on sale. Give an explanation of why we can’t put 2 chickens, 1 pasta, 1 coleslaw and the bag of rolls in the trolley and have the $25 price then since you are such a thinker

            • @Laziofogna: I don't know if I should even give your comment the time of day. I didn't mention anything about why they shouldn't be bundled… I'll repeat myself it would be illegal for Woolies to sell food past its "best before" in addition to its "expiry date". Use your brain

              • -1

                @callum54: You can sell past best before, as long as it's clearly declared as "short dated" or "past best before". They cannot sell past use by or sell by dates, but the producer of a product can issue a notice extending the use by date if it's safe to do so.

        • +2

          For the same reason you can't just grab a pack of snags and a pack of meat patties from the chiller and have it scan as $10 BBQ pack. They pack these in specific packs so that everything has a consistent sell by date (so that they don't have situations where some things expire so they have to throw out some stuff that is otherwise saleable) and they can manage inventory.

          What you say is only "obvious" if you know nothing about supply chain management.

          • @[Deactivated]: Imagine going to open your roast chicken bundle to see a label saying "past best before date". Woolies aren't gonna do it, personally after working for Woolies for 7 years I have never seen one single product sold after its best before date (even if by law you can)…. Technicality versus reality…

            • @callum54: You did say it was illegal though, which it isn't - that's how some of those discount places like Golden Circle Factory Outlet can sell past best before food for really cheap. You're right that Woolies doesn't though.

    • +47

      It helps them manage their supply chain. Given a promotion like that, the demand will be high so a day's notice will help ensure sufficient supply.

    • +38

      Looks like it's cut up chicken, so the idea would be it's ready straight away to eat. Having pre-prepared cut up chicken would dry out and if it was cut up on the spot they'd have a rush of people at noon or 6pm looking for it and swamp the deli staff.

      • +4

        But they do 1/4 and 1/2 chickens all day long as well.

        • -1

          It's a platter, The chickens need to be cold before they are cut and put on the platter.

          The 24 hour is so they can keep you 2 chickens the day before.

          • @Slippery Fish: They cut up hot chickens to make the 1/4 and 1/2 chicken boxes all day. A platter is exactly the same thing, except probably cut into 1/8 instead.

          • +9

            @Slippery Fish: Chickens don’t need to be cold to be cut for a “hot” chicken platter

            • +1

              @markis10: Oh your right, my bad 😂😂😂 missed 1 word

            • +1

              @markis10: I missed hot. If you did hot chicken for a cold platter the juice would run everywhere.

      • +2

        It's bloody Woolworths. They should be using some of the billions we give them to invent a machine that will cleanly quarter a chicken in seconds. Instead of asking us to fill out a form and hand it over the deli counter 24 hours before hand, what a joke. What are we paying these huge margins for if Colseworth can't solve simple problems like this. In China I bet they have machines that will form the plastic tray in front of your eyes, and then a robot does a little jig at the end and bows.

    • +5

      Cutting a chicken takes more time and effort than it really should. I used to work at Coles.

    • +9

      0 chickens on display at the 2 woolies I just stopped in today. Can see the benefit of knowing my order is waiting for me

      • Isn't the next one free if there is none available? By "none available" though that means there's none in the ovens either that they just haven't been assed to bag up.

        Edit: just Coles I think

        • +3

          I asked Coles staff about that offer - was told no longer applied.

          • @INFIDEL: Also was only at participating stores apparently.

  • +38

    I saw this on social media this morning as a 'hack' to get cheaper chicken.. now seeing it here I think it was more of an advertisement than a 'hack'.

    • +13

      Are 'Hacks' even news? Or is it just the media's way of feeding you fluff so you don't follow the real stories of corruption and crime happening right now with the current government.

      • Media watch (ABC) put out a recent segment on this topic. To sum it up, basically companies put the information out there; in the example media watch used it was a new form of Cadbury violet crumble, and then news stations pick it up and air it of their own choice. I suppose they believe their consumers want to know, so they're not actually paid to advertise even though it seems so blatant.

        • Well there's also editorial for companies that happen to advertise with you a lot… it may not be directly paid for, but it's more the editor's way of keeping an advertiser happy…

        • More specifically they were pitched as "fluff pieces" to add a bit of "feel good news" to take up news time. Except that Violet Crumble recipe, that was a blatant ad.

    • yeah i saw in a group Coles had some platters too

    • +3

      Well it's a cheap way to get hacked up chicken :)

    • +1

      not really a hack, more likely scissors or a guillotine i think

    • +5

      must mean ? you came too strong :)

    • +4

      Wouldn't think so. The advance notice would help them cook enough chooks on the day for this deal and regulars.

      • +1

        Deli boi here. We have a 24 hour or at least over night wait for any platter we do so that we can organise time and/or an extra staff member to make the platters.

        If someone orders one for Sunday morning when we're really busy, we usually need an additional staff member to focus on platter orders.

        If it's really quiet and a customer desperately wants a platter, we can generally have it prepared for them in 30 minutes.

    • +1

      “Must mean”


    • +2

      When I was at Coles we weren't allowed to keep the chickens on the heated display for more than a few hours let alone a whole day after cooking before they got turfed. I'd imagine (hopefully) Woolies would have a similar food policy.

  • +13

    Any way of ordering online?

    Edit: link to online…

    • +1

      THIS needs to be pinned up top

      • +5

        I would add it to the op if I could see the chicken platter?

        • My bad, also when I login showing Temp. Unavailable (my local?) apparently (haven't checked nearby)

          So even wonder if some stores are participating or not, even with paper copy

    • +1

      Not available to order online at my 3 local Woolies.

  • +2

    Probably a way to use up small birds. Can't tell the size when it's cut up so they got creative and packaged it up as a thing.

  • -7

    About $30 of stuff for $25. Not much of a bargain

    • +2

      So 17% isn't a good saving?

      • Not for yesterday's chicken & salad

  • +26

    A real ozbargainer would come right before closing time to get all those items on heavy discount

    • +3

      Does anyone find the chicken bland? What do you do to make it more exciting?

    • +16

      True tight ass stands there, faking to be waiting for someone, until the discount stickers hit the chickens.

      • ass to oven?

      • +2

        Nah just check the store when you enter in the evening, if it's not discounted, do a round of the store and come back just when you are about to head to the check out and usually by then it's been discounted.

      • I have seen that and the tight arse's that do that drive very nice cars

        How else are they going to afford the car otherwise

      • I still haven't figured out the rough time the discount stickers go on the chooks. It seems the deli closes up well before the store does and everything is taken off the shelves.

    • i wished Coles still does the discount, Woolworth is too far to make the trip worthwhile.

  • +2

    Most bizarre thing I've seen in a while.

    • I'm not the target, but I wonder why you'd say that.

      • +4

        It's two chooks, a pack of rolls and some tubs of salad. Fill in a form, go store to hand in form, go back to store 24 hours later to collect items. Alternative is to pick up a bag of rolls, a couple chooks and a couple salads. I know for one that I have pickup up that combo before for a lazy weekend lunch. Does it really need to be a deli selection? Just seems a bit weird. It's like placing an order for a loaf of bread, a tub of butter and a jar of jam all placed nicely on a platter.

        • +2

          At regular prices:
          12 White Rolls = $4 ($2 x 2)
          2 Roast Chickens = $20 ($10 x 2)
          2 400g Salads = $10.30 ($5.15 x 2)

          Total = $34.30

          This platter containing the above items is $25. So I guess it needs to be a deli selection to save $9.30 ?

    • Really? This has been around for ages and is just another of their catering preorder options, I've used the service regularly for catering work lunches. Pre ordering so I can pop in at X time and quickly pick up platters of precut chook and straight out and onto the table, at a discounted price, is gold. No prep, no mess, no stressing that there'll be no chooks or rolls left etc.

  • +7

    Lol… Im not going to print and fill out some paper work. Then go to Woolworths to preorder and hand in my paper work, then come back the next day to pick up some chickens 😂
    This is rediculous..

    • +1

      You've never ordered catering before? It's a pretty simple concept. Pre-cut, ready to collect, discounted price..

  • +3

    Can anyone help shed any light on the rough prices for the same items at Costco would be? Would head down to find out myself if it was within my 5km zone.

    2 x roast chicken @ $7 = $14
    1 x bag (25?) dinner rolls @ $10? = $10?
    1 x (600g?) Tub coleslaw @ $? = $?
    1 x (600g?) Tub pasta salad @ $? = $?

    Total cost(guestimate) = $?

    - Higher cost(but lower cost per serve?)
    - Requires Costco membership
    - requires you to hack your own chook

    - Costco roast chooks much jucier and larger than anything I've ever had from Colesworth
    - no pre-ordering
    - Can grab a hot dog and soft drink on the way out

    • +15

      Cons with Costco: Distance to nearest store.
      Depends if you are near 1 of the 11 Costco stores in Australia. Woolies has 995 stores.

      Nearest Costco to me in Brisbane is 60km return journey to Ipswich. Nearest Woolies is a walk away.

      • how much is this platter if you just buy it at woolies as individual items?

        • How much does it cost to travel 60km, to return with cold food? Plus potential penalty for some!

          • @INFIDEL: you could move closer to woolworths to save some money

            • @[Deactivated]: Closer than my existing "Woolies is a walk away"? Any direction I travel, there's a Woolies.

              The point I made in the comment you replied to - I have to go 30km each way to another city to find Costco! That's an added cost & the food will be cold by the time I get it home.

        • Chickens are $10,
          Salads are 6-8.50
          Bread is $2 for a six pack for larger rolls

    • ozbargain comments shouldnt be free. this is gold

    • And the Costco chickens taste Terrible! It has been mentioned on these forums several times

      • i agree!! no flavour and too watery. theres always a super wet/raw area in the breast on both side everytime ive purchased. ive given up on it completely now.

  • +1

    This is silly.

  • +5

    Entrapment for Victorians?

  • +2

    Caters for: 5–12

    Are we feeding tiny babies? Looks like a meal for 3 people max!

    • +17

      You eat 2/3 of a chicken, plus 4 rolls & 267g salad each?
      You are a hungry blue cat!

      • +2

        might well eat like a pharaoh during covid

      • +2

        Shit, now that you put it this way, I feel like a fat shit lol

  • +1

    Would be decent if you could just pick up the items and it would reduce the price to match. Like every other bundle deal. This is way too much effort to save $5 or whatever. And doesn't make any sense.

    • +6

      This is the time of year people plan parties (Melb Cup, Christmas, etc). So primarily aimed at that market.

      Staff go to the effort to cut up the chicken for you, presenting it as a platter ready for you to pick up for your party etc.

      So it includes added staff preparation costs, & it's still cheaper.

      • +5

        Plan parties? lol. I'd just like to be able to leave the house.

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