This was posted 2 years 2 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Toyota Owners] 2 for 1 Movie Tickets for Avatar: Way of Water via MyToyota App


From My Toyota Rewards page:

Catch the freshest films at your local this movie season, including James Cameron’s epic sci-fi sequel – Avatar: The Way of Water.
Offer ends 23 December 2022 or after first 1500 are sold.

Hack: if you are booking at Hoyts, I found that they send you vouchers which are applicable to any movie for the next 2 years [Excluding Public Holidays and Sat-Sun after 2 PM]. Got 2 Hoyts vouchers for $14.5.


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closed Comments

  • +2

    So just to recap as previous commenters state above:
    •tickets given are actually generic vouchers which can be redeemed for any future movie (expiry 3 years from purchase), regardless of whatever movie/time/date/location you choose from the myToyota movies portal.
    •the code: “ Summer2ndtixfree” is not unique, but it is limited to once per use per account. Can create new accounts using the same vehicle Registration, but limited to one unique mobile number per account. ie. you need to have different mobile numbers for every account created.

    Now here’s the hack I found accidentally, but only applies to the Voucher Kids. (You’re welcome to share if you can make it work for the Adult one)

    Make sure you follow these steps in order at the “Add Items to purchase” page, if you failed or make a mistake you can always refresh the page and try again.
    1. Choose and click 3 tix for the Voucher Kids
    2. Apply the code Summer2ndtixfree and click Checkout
    3. Price will be down to $25
    4. Reduce tix count to 2
    5. Reapply code Summer2ndtixfree and click Checkout
    6. Total price will be down to $10.50 (for 2 tix)

    Good price for the ”kids”
    Get in quick while glitch works…
    Let loose all those burner numbers 💪

    • Thanks for this. I can't imagine kids who will sit through 2.5hrs with no break.

    • And you don't even need a real phone numbers because they don't send a verification code.

      Damn I missed out on the kids glitch though after creating 3 accounts lol

      • In that case just make new emails? If the ph number isnt a real security measure what’s stopping ya lol. Expiry is 3years for any movie 🤷‍♂️

        • Oh yeah I meant that I bought 2x3 tickets already at $14.5/ 2 tix instead $10.5

        • Is there a way to buy these as vouchers or have to book a specific movie?

          • @kuwahshi: It comes as generic voucher and you can select other movies/time slots.

    • I’m trying to buy cheap tickets for my kids but can only it get down to $12.50. Is your method still working?

      $12.50 for 2 is the cheapest for kids right? I might just buy if can’t go any lower.

      • Hi, I can confirm just now that the hack does NOT work anymore, at least not per my instruction. Looks like they patched it up :(

    • Does hoyts ever does age verification? or does ticket shows up as "child" when they scan?

      asking for a friend ofc …

  • How do you get it? I tried for Village cinema, it doesnt show that i will get a free voucher.

    • +1

      It's for Hoyts

      • it worked for village cinema as well

        • So are the village tickets generic as well? And do they have an expiry?
          Thanks in advance.

          • @SonOfATightASS: So do they have expiry date? And can we choose a different date when booking? Are they separate vouchers (2 instead of 1)? Thx.

            • @hawkeye93: I ordered the vouchers for village yesterday. They came with an end of April 2023 expiry. There is no session time or movie title specifically stated.

        • Nevermind, I have my answers.

  • timings dont cover for xtreme sessions. Only standard sessions. Can we use standard vouchers of certain time to use for xtreme session of different timings.

    • +2

      I tried it, need to pay to upgrade

      • thank you it worked.

    • I just ordered the "3D" voucher and that also turned out to be a standard Hoyts voucher. In the past I have used the standard vouchers online to redeem against 3D and Xtremescreen sessions, there is a surcharge added per voucher so you will end up paying extra on top.

      It is still cheaper than paying full price though… Cheap movies are very much welcome because of school holidays….

      • +1

        This is a bit off topic but I gotta ask, last month when I booked to watch Black Panther through the Hoyts app, it asked me if I'd like to add/buy 3D glasses and was so confused. The session was Xtremescreen, does that mean I could use a 3D glass for that session?

    • +2

      Pay for a standard, walk into Extreme screen. Easy…
      Plus, you’re in brissymate

      • +1

        Issues with that:

        • might not be on the same time
        • you may be sitting in other peoples booked seats
        • no 3D glasses
        • +1

          There also might not be seats left.

  • Anyone tried to register a new account?

    Can't seem to login to the website (just spins round).

    How do they know you actually own a Toyota? Does it ask you to link to a rego number? Are all Toyota's eligible, even older models out of warranty?

    Only available at Hoyts or other cinemas too?

    • I don’t seem to be able to login into myToyotamovies with myToyota account. Do I need to sign up separately?

    • Wondering the same. Might try using someone else's Toyota on the street

      • Strange thing is that my partner and I were able to sign up using the same rego, and we got 4 movie tickets for the price of two.

    • +1

      Just use AAAAAAA for registration and it'll add a car to your garage. Can do multiple accounts with the same registration #

      • This is for the car rego you mean?

      • Hope I don't stuff up the guy that owns that Hiace van in NSW

        • Haha same

          edit: you can remove the car once you got the tickets

    • Just to clarify, you only need one my toyota account to get this perks, to buy the ticket you'll have to create a separate my toyota movies (and the link to get to mytoyota movies has to go through mytoyota rewards page). So to buy multiple tickets just create several mytoyota movies account (these accounts don't need any verification other than email link). Not sure why everyone talking about using 1 vehicle registration details to make multiple account because that's redundant.

  • +1

    please note, discount only applies for buying 2 tickets. ie. buy 2 pay for 1.

  • Great thanks

  • How do I get it through the App? I am logged into the Toyota app get the fuel discount etc but it’s asking me to log into Toyota movie site and the same login or password. Do I need to sign up to Toyota movies link?

    • were u able to signup or register for mytoyota?

  • Im getting this error whilst trying to redeem on the exact time I chose for in Toyota website standard screen no 3d and all

    "The voucher has not been sold, so it cannot be redeemed. ;The Voucher PIN information could not be retrieved. Voucher can only be accepted by Override."

    seems like a hassle to redeem

  • Is anyone actually excited about seeing this movie?

    • +2

      What else do you have to do other than watch blue people run across the screen for 3 hours?

  • +2

    I booked the 3D tickets.

    However, what got sent to me was generic tickets?

    So to guarantee a seat I had to redeem the voucher online.

    Of course that adds booking fee ($3. 30 for 2 tix), a fee for 3D movie ($6 for 2 tix) and then fee for 3D glasses ($$2 for 2).

    So this added $11.30 to the price.. So total price was about $25.80 for 2x 3D tickets for a non extreme screen.

  • +1

    Use code … Summer2ndtixfree … For 2 for 1 tickets

    Also… Please note —- not valid after 5pm Thursday, Friday & Saturday

    Terms and conditions…
    A surcharge applies for 3D, Vmax, Vpremium, Vjunior and Dolby Atmos sessions. Booking fees may apply.

    Voucher can be redeemed online at, or at the ticket box for movie sessions at
    participating cinema locations*. Seating is subject to availability. Please redeem this voucher for a seat to your selected movie session.

    Not valid for Gold Class, group bookings, special events, movie marathons or in conjunction with any other offer or promotion
    unless otherwise stated.

    It is the responsibility of the holder to redeem vouchers for a movie session scheduled on or before they expire.
    Vouchers are not refundable, not transferrable and cannot be sold or exchanged for cash or other gift products.
    Lost and expired vouchers will not be extended, replaced or exchanged for cash.

    Not valid at Rosebud, Sorrento, Warragul, Warrnambool, Moonlight Cinemas or Skyline Drive In.
    *Refer to or for applicable locations.

  • Two tickets for 3d avatar cost $20.5 in total. Pretty good deal already.

    • Did you pay $14.50 via the Toyota website, and then used them to book your tickets on hours and layed the extra $6?

      • +2

        x2 tickets … $13.50 …. (two for one offer… $6.75 each ticket)
        x2…..3D movie ….. $6.00
        x2… 3D Glasses …. $2.00
        x2 online booking fee … $3.30

        Total …. $24.80 for two 3D tickets or $12.40 each ticket

        Online booking fee ($3.30) you can avoid by going in person for seat allocation,
        Especially if you are thinking of seeing movie in advance, get tickets in advance.

        All 3D fees are removed, if you are seeing movie in Std viewing

        • With Avatar I think it's too risky to go in person to get allocated a seat on the day.

          Most of the seats were taken when I booked!

          • +1

            @Circly: It actually depends when your going.
            I am in Melbourne, Village Doncaster, has sooo many sessions in one day.
            I will be going on Monday 19th Dec. at 11.30am … 3D session
            Just looked, only 12 people booked … Total amount cinema holds 480 people for that time slot.
            I am older, so prefer a day where there is less crowds.

            Can book in advance until 24 December for Avatar.

            Please enjoy.

            PS… Thank you soo much for posting the additional 3D fees.

            • @jcft: Can we actually select a different day when booking on Event/Hoyts website? Like choosing 16/12 on myToyotamovies but selecting 18/12 on Event/Hoyts?

              • @hawkeye93: According to comments below by others…
                Answer is yes….

  • +1

    Great bargain and thank you so much for sharing!

    For those of you who want to book your seat in advance, you need to go to the Hoyts website and redeem the voucher. There is a booking fee of $1.65 per person, but that is still a bargain given how much money I have just saved!

    This website shows how you can redeem a voucher when booking a seat on the Hoyts website:…

  • So even though you select a 'session', it's really just a normal tick, right? And then you use it online to book via the hours site…?

    • just normal voucher without seat and not valid after 5pm Thursday, Friday & Saturday

      • Hoyts voucher only excludes sat and Sun from 2pm so Thursday and Friday are fair game

  • +1

    Thanks Op! Avatar it is in Xtreme Screen in 3D!

  • +1

    Cheers OP, got 2 tickets..

  • Got two VIllage Super Saver tickets. Doesn't look like its locked to any time or movie?

  • You can use these tickets on any movie, they are just generic. Last time they had gold class and lux tickets up too but they seem to have removed these

    I found in the past that Village have a few months to use but Hoyts have over 3 years, but you can use Village up to 5pm on Saturday and all day Sunday vs Hoyts to 2pm but Hoyts can be used on Friday evenings

  • The film has already been slated in the previews (over long and a boring, like watching someone else play a computer game). I reckon it'll be a huge flop.

  • +1

    Got two Hoyts 3D tickets for Saturday morning, all up $26.30 including booking and 3D glasses fees. Could use the vouchers to book at one of the Hoyts cinemas that wasn't listed on the myToyota Movies site.

  • Do I qualify with a 2003 Toyota Camry?

    • I guess so. I got qualified with a car I used to own and was totalled 5 years ago.

    • From the site during sign up: Vehicles manufactured prior to 2001 cannot be added to myToyota.

  • Will they still email a voucher for village cinemas? And can I pay extra and upgrade to VMAX combined with the voucher?

    • Friendly reminder….

      Village cinema charge extra $7 each ticket for 3D with VMAX

      Toyota emails all tickets
      They are all standard tickets
      Extra $$$.. for 3D, VMAX etc…
      No set date or time on tickets
      Utilise whatever session you like
      Valid until April 2023

      • Thank you

  • Does it work for IMAX 3D as well?

  • +3

    Watched the movie in 3D (standard screen) last night and loved it!

    The movie was quite long but honestly I didn't feel the length and didn't feel bored at any stage. A couple scenes I questioned the relevance of but it all came together well.

  • +1

    Looks like they've increased the pricing, Hoyts has jumped to $17 :(

  • Hack: if you are booking at Hoyts

    Just Hoyts? How about Event or others?

    • +1

      Seems its the case with all of them from the comments above. Sorry since I only book with Hoyts so didn't know about other cinemas and didnt want to pass misinformation.

      • Validity period is a lot shorter on the others as far as I am aware

  • If i buy 2 child tickets. Will they check it to make sure no adults come or will they not care and let through adults?

  • Im getting fails to add tickets so I assuming the deal has ran out :(

    • I'm getting the same fail message for all Hoyts cinemas, but not for Events Cinemas. The code still works too.i wonder if system is down for Hoyts only?

      • Hoyts are back working.

        • Err… I’m still getting failed to add tickets?

  • unable to register for mytoyota / perform a 'forget password'

  • any other promocode ??

    (finally registered after a few tries….)

  • Anyone else have an issue using these tickets when booking online? i have typed the long number (mine started with 'H' that is next to the barcode in the 'gift card' section on the payments screen but im just getting red crosses……weird.

    • Just had the same, did it still work fine in person?

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