This was posted 12 years 8 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Corsair 16GB Dual Channel DDR3 SODIMM Memory Kit A $93 Delivered from Amazon

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Product Features and Technical Details
Product Features
Density: 16GB Kit (2x8GB) DDR3 1333MHz SODIMM
Speed: 1333MHz
Timing: 9-9-9-24 latency
Type: DDR3
Format: SO-DIMM PIN OUT: 204
Processor, Memory, and Motherboard
RAM: 16 GB
RAM Type: Unknown
Cases and Expandability
Size (LWH): 1.97 inches, 1.57 inches, 1.18 inches

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • : RAM Type: Unknown</b>

    So it's not Corsair?

    • Corsair 16GB Dual Channel DDR3 SODIMM Memory Kit

      Those are just the Amazon tech specs, which are not always the most up to date, go by product title.

  • +2

    wow, RAM is cheap nowadays!

  • +5

    insert predictable :when I was younger, the computer memory was measured in megabytes, not gigabytes….." comment etc !!

    One day, memory will be free, and we'll all have almost instant access with almost simultaneous speed.

    Just amazing.

    I think this old man needs to go and have a lie down

    • +1

      I'm not even 20 and I can say that!

      /feels old

    • +3

      When I was younger memory was measured in kilobytes and the name of your computer told you how much ram you had (Commodore 64 FTW)

      • +3

        plus they had a turbo button!

    • You are wrong, memory won't be free, it will just be the same price but with greater capacity. eg $100 now buys you 16GB, in the future $100 will buy you 64GB or 1TB. Just like in the old days $100 buys you 16MB of RAM.

  • +1

    16gb not sure you need this much unless your a very heavy user of Photoshop or you use some sort of AutoCAD software. But still a good deal.

    • 16GB is an insane amount of RAM and the beauty is that it is so cheap. I think with this much RAM you are effectively "future-proofing" your system, memory-wise for atleast the next couple of years, provided that your motherboard can take it. I get along with 4GB just fine for everything.

      • +4

        I disagree with this statement.
        What good is your 16GB of DDR3 ram going to be when you upgrade the rest of your system in a year or so and find your motherboard only supports DDR4?

        That's completely ignoring the speed differences as well that will probably render a smaller amount of DDR4 more effective.

    • AutoCad runs fine on 2-4gb's of ram been using it for 12 years at an engineering office.

    • It's so cheap these days you might as well max it out and be done with it if you plan on keeping your PC/laptop for years.

      Heh a certain telco's CSR are still rocking P4 with 512Mb RAM…feel sorry for them.

    • Got an iMac here with 16GB:
      - lots of terminal windows with lots of scrollback
      - lots of Chrome windows with lots of tabs
      - Seamonkey mail/web with a few windows

      I still need to restart Chrome every few days to stop the machine from swapping. For my usage patterns, the usability difference going from 8GB to 16GB was huge.

    • +1

      Sure, but it also can't hurt, can it :D

      We had machines with 12gb three years ago, doing Maya for a childrens cartoons and you would watch the RAM meter just fill up as you loaded in scenes and FX.

      If you are doing any kind of graphics or audio work where you want buffering, give me RAM, RAM and more RAM. Oh, and more CPU's. And hard drive space … errr, more of everything really.

      • I would love to get my old 386 out and just play classic DOS games forever. Never need to upgrade it and runs fast for anything made before 1993.

  • +2

    Even cheaper now - only $80 US + post.

    Ordering now! :)

  • Anyone if this works on the the 2012 macbook pros (non retina)?

    • +1

      The 2012 MacBook Pro (non Retina) uses 1600MHz RAM. This RAM only runs on 1333MHz. I reckon it would work, but do not risk it.

      Have a look at this one:…

      This is compatible but can only ship within the US. That is what you should be looking for.

      • Ye thought so. Thanks for confirming!

  • I presume that because this is SODIMM, it can only be used in a LAPTOP??

    Please confirm!

    • Yes, sodimm = laptop RAM, its slightly smaller than desktop RAM. Desktop RAM should be cheaper if you're looking for it

  • +11

    Dammit… My hand moved on it's own accord and bought it…

  • $86.08 US delivered! woohoo!

  • Yay! I bought one too. My laptop is going to be very happy.

  • great deal at $86!

  • +1

    I continuously come up against my 8gb max ram at work using revit and chrome, open lightroom or photoshop and it's painfully bad.

    (Open at the same time of course)

    This should give my M4600 bit of a boost.

    • Could always use a flash drive as a very temporary solutions while you wait for the sticks to arrive, might help a little bit.

  • in the final stage of purchasing, nearly clicked the "PAY" button
    did a google search and found my not so old laptops does NOT support 16GB (maximum 8GB) :(

    Mobile Intel® QM57 Express Chipset
    max: 8GB (4GB x 2)

    Mobile Intel® HM65 Express Chipset
    max: 8GB (4GB x 2)

    • Just use one stick and sell the other one :)

  • +3

    Just what i needed, Facebook takes so long to load nowadays.

  • +1

    Cheers shaw, I was in the market to bump up my RAM before heading to Japan and was going to buy this week. Absolutely perfect timing!

    • Might I ask how much the cost of your flight was and which city you are headed to?

      and for the sake of it, thanks for the deal Shaw.

      • +1

        No problem guys, enjoy the trip Bob.

      • +1

        Flights are paid for. I am heading back to Japan for at least a year on the JET program, down in a small town in Kochi prefecture on Shikoku

        • +1

          Nice, sounds sweet, I think I heard of the when I was over there or when I was back in NZ, either or, amazing country though as I'm sure you are aware. Be safe, and keep us updated on how it is going whenever you leave.

  • Has it gone up back to $95.98? Damn missed out!

    • 95 was the original price at which I posted it, still a bargain really, it just happened to drop again after it had been posted.

  • Now at USD87. What's with the pricing yoyo? Anyhow got mine at USD80 so thanks.

  • So has anyone received this yet?

  • I'm quite annoyed by this. I'm following up with Amazon and am now being told that there's a 2 week delay!!!

    For the folks that bought this, can you please advise if you've received this already???

    • Still waiting for mine - it shipped on the 9th, and was due to arrive on the 20th, but still hasn't arrived, going to give them till then end of the week then will follow it up with them.

      • Still waiting on mine, was due to arrive on the 20th as well. Aeon has your order been recieved yet?

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