This was posted 2 years 4 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Everything Everywhere All At Once [4K UHD] $16.86 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon US via AU

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A hilarious and big-hearted sci-fi action adventure about an exhausted Chinese American woman (Michelle Yeoh) who is swept up in an insane adventure across the multiverse.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2022

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Regular Blu-ray is region A locked but 4k disc is region free

  • +30

    Best multiverse movie and movie of the year for me.

    • +21

      Top 20 movies of all time for me and yes movie of the year IMO too. I went in completely blind and watched this without watching a trailer or reading a synopsis and that's how I recommend anyone to watch it. Holy (profanity) what an experience.

      • +14

        Very over-rated movie. I thought it was average.

        • +1

          I'm curious on a more detailed reason from you.

          For me the only disappointment from this film was its insistence on following the "hero's journey" which is overplayed

          Beyond that I found it used very clever means to tell emotional stories to a backdrop of a "multiverse" as metaphor for the power of our decisions and indecisions.

        • +1

          Yeah you won't see it on my top 50 either. Still, really good movie for a few reasons

          -It focuses on a mother-daughter dynamic so it resonates with women a little more, meaning its an action/scifi movie you can watch with a GF/wife who isn't necessarily a fan of action/scifi
          -The scene were she's holding the weapon and explaining it could be anything, and all the possibilities are flashing into existence and then vanishing one after the other. That 30 seconds alone is a gem
          -The actor who plays the husband is the kid (short round) from Indiana Jones grown up

      • I do agree on really great film so much straight after finished watching placed a novelty bet on lad brakes for oscar acadamy winner movie of the year!

    • +1

      Such a polarising movie. I agree for me it’s the best movie of the year but I have friends and family members who thought it was the worst.

  • +1

    The hot dog universe, nuff said!
    (Dont google it, spoilers) just watch it 😂

  • +2

    Delivery estimate is January 23rd to February 2nd 🥺

  • +3
    • +1

      Heat pre-order included - perfect.

    • And Thor love and thunder if anyone hasn’t seen that dumpster…🤣

      • +1

        I want my $15 back from Thor :(

    • That’s a pretty great deal. Only upside of the American version is it’ll come in a nice slipcase.

  • -1

    I think Michelle yow is in every movie I have ever seen.

    • +1

      You just really like her

  • +2

    Ther American cases are usually thinner and flimsy

    • +1

      Yea they are. I prefer getting from the UK if possible when importing

  • +1

    Best movie of the year.

  • +2

    One of my favourite movies of all time, for this price its a no brainer, just add it to your collection

  • +1

    laughs in pirate

  • +17

    Overrated movie for me

  • +11

    Underwhelming reddit humour movie, save the money.

    • First thing I thought was that this is a Reddit geek movie

    • Were you only watching it for the jokes?

    • +3

      Man I hate being a downer but strongly agree. This film gets so much hype, and on paper should be right up my alley, but it literally put me to sleep in the cinema which has never happened before.
      I watched it again later on a plane and even with nothing else to do for 14 hours I struggled to sit through it all.

      Wasn't particularly funny, the deep stuff was so obvious and predictable, etc. just can't work out where the hype came from.

  • Horrible horrible movie. Complete dribble

    • +1

      I thought it was brilliant.

    • “Dribble” and “drivel” originally meant the same thing: drool. But the two words have become differentiated. When you mean to criticize someone else's speech as stupid or pointless, the word you want is “drivel.”

  • +4

    Partner loved it, said I’d love it. I didn’t laugh that much, was a bit underwhelmed.

    • +2

      Do you rate all movies on their ability to make you laugh? 🤔

      Don't bother with Parasite, Citizen Kane, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Vertigo, Shoplifters, Black Swan, The Thing, The Human Condition Trilogy, Drive My Car, The Shape of Water, Pan's Labyrinth, Full Metal Jacket, Tokyo Story, Memories of Murder, Mad Max Fury Road, Mulholland Drive, etc

      All very not funny for the most part and some are even weird!

      However you'll probably get a kick out of Movie 43 and Anchorman 2! I giggled myself silly in the trailers alone! Truly the apex of cinema

      • +6

        When the movie is intended to be funny, yes.

      • +1

        Fwiw I enjoyed most movies on that list, but Everything Everywhere really was just jarringly difficult to grind through. One of the most heavily hyped movies on social media in recent years and maybe the worst I've been to see in a cinema to date.

        Felt like it was made for the Big Bang Theory crowd. Each to their own though I guess.

        • +2

          I'm off social media, so perhaps my levels of hype prior to seeing it weren't skewed?

          I also find the comparison to Big Bang pretty unfair. That show relies on a laugh track.

  • +4

    Imo worse movie ever i had to stop watching after half hour 🙃

  • +5

    I thought it was the best and worst movie I've ever seen.

    • This is hands down 100% without doubt the movie made.

  • -1

    I think its a movie 0.o dunno, havnt seen it.

  • Entertainment from left, right, centre, inside, outside. The complete package.

  • Heard all the raves but haven't watched it yet. Thanks for the reminder in a way.

  • -3

    People who love movies like Kung Fu Hustle will love this but clearly the brilliance of this movie goes over the top of many people's heads, how sad for them.

    • -1

      It was fine, it was perfectly enjoyable and I'd watch it again if someone threw the disc in happily.

      But brilliant?

      C'mon. It's shit like this that makes me refuse to give Rick and Morty another chance. When a fanbase won't shut up about something, then take it a step further and say it's just a matter of "going over heads" as to why people wouldn't care for it as much as them, it's the most snotty response you could have, and only ends up leading people into despising the movie more because of it's fans.

      It's fine. All the massively high reviews kinda had me expecting a bit more when I left the cinema too, maybe it didn't go over anyone's head, maybe everyone hyped it up to be the fifteenth coming and we were just a little underwhelmed when it wasn't that.

      I like it fine. I thought it was a good movie, even the lil rock planet gets the odd reference out of me, but like, come on. It's not some mega intellectual new age manifesto on the parametres of multiversal travel, it's not going over ANYONE's head. If people don't care for your movie, cool, that's their prerogative.

      EDIT: Then I saw the political correctness and woke shit comment under mine and have changed my stance entirely. Movie is great, if you don't like it, you're just a stupid (profanity). Movie was about as far from woke as you could get, oh, I'm sorry, did a movie feature a non white set of leads? Guess it's woke hey. (profanity) propaganda everywhere.

      • +2

        I saw the "multiverse" aspect as a metaphor on the power of our decisions and indecisions and the somewhat chaotic and unpredictable results that can come from them - for better or worse.

        If it can create reflection after the fact and cause you to look at yourself and your own life, the movie has done its job as art. If you don't see that and were disappointed by its lack of jokes or entertainment value, that's probably when it may have "gone over your head".

        • A movie needs to do a lot more than present an idea of self reflection to be "brilliant" … Spider-Man 3 got me with that when I was ten with the whole ending speech about always having a choice, and choosing to do what's right, yada yada yada.

          Spider-Man 3 on the other hand though, is a brilliant film, 5 stars,

          • +4

            @TheDukeOfNukem: I honestly can't tell if you're joking about Spider-Man 3 or not, but I feel you might be putting too much emphasis on the label of "brilliant" as if a title or score metric of a film validates its existence.

            I honestly feel if something can create a deeper sense of emotional connection with the audience and create a sense of reflection without being moralistically forced, then it can earn whatever praise people want to award it.

            On Spider-Man 3, that movie wasn't as bad as people say… Until the last third where the wheels come off and it starts forcing odd jokes in what felt like a race-to-the-finish. But hey, that's just my take after rewatching the movie a couple months ago 🤷🏻‍♂️

            • +1

              @Faro: No, I'll be real. Your comment really did enlighten me a bit. I got similar thoughts at the time but on a lower scale. Truth is I did like the movie as I've said all along, but like, the idea that it's hot shit best movie of the year from so many people, I wouldn't go that far. I wouldn't even go as far as brilliant. Truthfully I wrote halfway into a response to your comment but I didn't really think it was worth it when essentially it boiled down to "know what? If a movie can make you feel that stuff, that's genuinely great"

              Spider-Man 3, jokes aside, did give me similar vibes as a youngin, though to be honest, as a youngin, I also thought Prison Break was an intelligently written show. Spider-Man 3 for better or worse does have a lot of moral lessons, specifically about forgiveness and revenge. How Eddie chose evil and vengeance and it consumed him, how James Franco chose forgiveness and fought his demons (and father) and whatnot, and sure, he still died, but he died loved and loving, he sacrificed himself for his mates, he died a good guy and then there's the funeral for him with the speech and whatnot, where no one mourned Eddie, he died sad, angry, and alone. It's messages aren't exactly subtle, but yeah, for younger viewers, Spider-Man 3 honestly is 10 year old intellectual.

              Give me your time and a couple pizzas, and I'll tell you until sunrise why Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy is the best superhero film series.

        • +2

          I saw your comment as a metaphor of you being a pompous asshat.

          • -1

            @happy bargainer: Thanks for explaining why you didn't like the film 👍

            Let me continue my pomposity for a second and assume:
            You are a Marvel Movie Enjoyer
            You don't own a Blu Ray player or, if you do, you don't use it as one.
            You almost exclusively stream
            You find movies to be exclusively a form of entertainment and never art

            • @Faro: Haven’t seen the film and prob never will if someone like you enjoyed it.

              • @happy bargainer: 😅🤦‍♂️🤗

              • @happy bargainer: Just wait for it to come to Netflix, bro.

                It'd be a good way to break-up episodes of Big Bang Theory and The Office 👍

              • @happy bargainer: Holy shit, I just noticed you made an account specifically to respond to my subjective interpretation of a film you aren't even interested in watching!

                That's commitment!

                • @Faro: Your pomposity compelled me.

                  • -1

                    @happy bargainer: My pomposity did nothing. Your values and emotions propelled you my dude 😅

                    • +2

                      @Faro: Did you buy 1000 DVDs of this movie and now struggling to sell any? I wonder what makes someone so invested to reply to every negative comment on here.

                      • @happy bargainer: If I'm being honest, I'm very tired and my inhibition for making snarky comments is low.

                        I just find the idea of rating something poorly and then defending your position on it as if it's somehow fact to be a very silly stance. People who have the firmest opinion on such matters are also most likely to respond. It's a very silly cycle that I probably shouldn't be engaging in.

                        Hope you have a great afternoon and can now contribute some more to this site beyond your character analysis of me!

                      • +2

                        @happy bargainer:

                        I wonder what makes someone so invested to reply to every negative comment on here.

                        You literally created a new account just for this lol, you can hardly talk

      • -1

        Guess i triggered some folk lol…Art is subjective, don't take it so personally kids ;)

      • This reads like copypasta.

    • +4

      Brilliance? The message seems quite simple and on the nose. It’s just a hot mess

    • How’s the view from that high horse?

    • +4

      Yeah! Bring back the days when only straight, white men were allowed to make movies!

      (If someone could actually pinpoint when and where that point in time existed, I'd appreciate it. Not having much luck 🤔)

      • -6

        If you are so sincere you can live somewhere else. Dont these lands belong to aboriginal people?

        • +2

          What a desperate attempt at a straw man

          • -2

            @Faro: Nope. It is very legit. Cant you fathom the absurdity and hyprocrisy of shouting out and declaring these lands belong to the ancient owners yet keeping on living on it and taking advantage of it by all means?

            • +2

              @baldur: Pick a side bro

              • -1

                @Faro: I don't have to. Answer my question.

                • @baldur: Seems you're prompting a meaningless argument with fallacies, so I hope you have a good afternoon and find someone willing to hear about your dissatisfaction of the world of today who isn't a stranger on an online forum!

                  Have a good one!

                  • -2

                    @Faro: It's okay, im not after propaganda like you woke crew.

    • +3

      Idk man, for someone sick of PC culture, it seems kind of ironic to be b-hurt about people making movies you don't like. Almost as if other kinds of films existing seem to hurt your precious feelings. For people that call SJWs snowflakes and stuff and hate wokeness, you sure are being kinda snowflakey about movies you don't have to watch and don't effect your life in almost any way.

  • +6

    Half of my personal life consists of watching movies. Any/all will get a shot. This was the most pointless utter dribble of a chore I’ve ever seen.

    • Loving these comments - people seem to be very divided on this film.

      • +1

        On the other hand, Come Said The Boy was truly amazing live!

    • +5

      Love these pretentiously written comments misusing “dribble” instead of “drivel”.

      • -1

        What’s with the insults? Use English any way you like. This movie was less than mental leakage. Dribble. Call it drivel, if you’d like.

        • No mate, you used the wrong word. It’s like calling it “expresso” and then saying “I’ve heard it both ways!” 😂

          • -1

            @scotchward: Expresso isn't a word. And English has the beauty of being used in many ways.
            You understood exactly what I meant, but went after me - instead of the point.

  • +2

    if the uninterrupted stream of "LOL, so random" "jokes" wasn't trying enough, the self-defeating and morbid high schooler philosophy underpinning it all (including the attempt at resolution) really puts it in Razzie-winning territory for me.

    as much as I don't like the script however, its all brilliantly captured, no doubt.

    • +8

      You mean the overwhelmingly present state of nihilism that has accompanied an entire generation brought up on social media? That literal morbid philosophy that is affecting high numbers of a growing demographic of directionless and hopeless young people? Some of which do happen to be in high school?

      And then the attempt at a resolution that SPOILERS leans into emotional understanding and connection which is, in itself, an antidote to division and disconnection as proven by the fact we're a highly evolved hyper-social species that pretends we aren't?

      Yeah, you're right. What a garbage film.

  • Sorry, a bit too weir for me taste.

  • Is available to stream on a streaming platform?

  • +6

    Based on all the comments, I think we can all agree this was definitely one of the movies released this year!

    • It's definitely one of the movies I've seen this year.

      • Is it really a movie, though? More of a brain fart.

  • Why is it worth meeting her race?

  • +2

    Stopped watching halfway through. Definitely ranks in the bottom 10% of all movies I've ever watched. Just no "entertainment"" factor.

    I'm astonished that there are people out there who are buying the movie (implying that they actually want to watch it more than once).

  • +4

    The concept was great and the story had so much potential, but it was disappointingly mediocre.

  • +2

    5/10, I am…culture-related, if not I will probably give it a 3….below mediocre

  • +1

    The movie concept dared to be great, however the execution is its greatest downfall.

    Sadly yet another product of the current cookie cutter meta of modern film making (This video articulates my concerns quite well: Why Modern Movies Suck - They're Written By Children, "for children or people with the intelligence, attention span and emotional maturity of a child").
    This film has all the hallmarks: greatly exaggerated and frankly quite irritating unnecessary emotional behaviour, forced 'humour' throughout, terrible decision making and an incoherent plot.

    This will appeal to most children or the adult who enjoys watching infantile shite, playing fortnite, can be found on reddit and/or tiktok, is influenced by 'influencers' and finds Amy Schumer funny.


    • +1

      As someone who enjoyed this film, avoids social media, doesn't play Fortnite, doesn't find Amy Schumer funny and mostly engages in arthouse and foreign cinema at the moment, your generalised opinion with a video that is irrelevant to this film is rather off-the-mark

      • -1

        You are wrong, the video is completely relevant by accurately describing many modern movies such as 'Everything Everywhere All At Once' and many others like it (read: every Marvel movie after Blade, Ghost Busters (2016), the latest crop of Star Wars movies, everything made by DC (apart from Wonder Woman(2017)), and then all of the trash you'll find as filler material used to pad out your favourite streaming service).

        I guess though, it can't be helped as with every great shift in demographics, comes a shift in taste of the same magnitude where the former disapproves of the latter.

        I do hold onto a glimmer of hope in the Dune sequel, I probably won't visit a cinema until then.

        • I am not 'wrong' and you even answered why by the end of your post.

          I'd seen that video months ago. It talks about soulless cash-grab movies like Marvel and Star Wars, yes, but this film is not part of an established franchised and made the most of a relatively low budget to reproduce a film that managed to emotionally connect with many, many people.

          Implying Dune is somehow a higher level of film is also a silly comparison. You're allowed to enjoy that, but it doesn't make it the apex of film. If Dune made you feel, in some way, more fulfilled or enriched as a person, all the power to you. You don't need to make absurd claims to bring down another piece of film that has done that for others.

    • +1

      Critical Drinker (the author of that video you linked) actually rated this film highly.

      • 🤦‍♂️

  • Is this available for no extra cost for any streaming providers?

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