Looks like a decent price if you're willing to buy from Shopping Square. Only the white one is available at this price, blue one is $639.95 http://www.shoppingsquare.com.au/p_400892_Samsung_i9300_Gala…
Samsung Galaxy S III (White) $599.95 + Shipping ($38.95) Shopping Square

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Just got my self a telstra 4G dongle through work & @ home and work I dont get a 4G signal so LTE isn't such a huge deal except for more battery drain
(For the 2GB LTE one) I see there is a DMB antenna which is not practically useful in Australia, which makes me think that model is a localised one - so I think it'll be hard to get advantages of XDA. Do you think Samsung will release a global version of that as well, with the same spec (except of DMB)?
The 2GB LTE version is either for Korea only or USA only, or both. I doubt we'll see it down under.
Great price. It also says 1 Australian warranty! Anyone have any experience with warranty from Shopping Square?
Australian warranty <> Australian manufacturer's warranty
The worst of the bunch.
Beware: Been burned by ShoppingSquare in the past selling refurbished items as new.
If you read what they're selling carefully, you'll do ok.
I bought my Android Transformer TF101 from them. They were advertising it as 32GB*. The asterisk was because it was a 16GB model bundled with a 16GB SD micro card. Borderline dodgy dealing, but I believe the onus is on the reader to actually read the item and they were pretty clear in the description.
Aside from that, the Transformer came with a UK plug, so needed an adapter - no biggie, but this phone will probably be the same.
The tablet itself has been fine, however. It was new (not refurbished), and as advertised. I got it at about $200 off what the AU retail price of the day was, and I still use it daily. It's never missed a beat.
I would deal with Shopping Square again, but with a dash of caution. They aren't as bad as their reputation on OzBargain implies, but yeah - they can be a little on the shady side. You do get what you pay for though…
Australian Warranty != Samsung Australia Warranty
They would send the faulty items to their Sydney technical support, but not a Samsung repairing center.
It takes ages for the process, and sometimes their "professional" technical support can't even detect the problem you've found.
Ref. to my personal experience below.
Would be pretty sweet if you could pick up the item.
$39 shipping is a tad bit over the top.
Yeah the shipping does seem a little expensive… Still a good price overall though.
Drop-shipping from overseas so pick-up will be a bit difficult :)
Jetstar sale!
Shopping square, and most other cut-price online retailers (e.g: Kogan) all source and ship their products directly from overseas through express courier services. $40 is pretty average for such service (e.g:Fedex , DHL). No store fronts or warehouses in Australia and no GST, that’s why they can sell so cheap.
australian stock?
Direct shipping, so no.
Not sure if this is Australian stock as shoppingsquare always delivers SLR from overseas like HK directly to buyers, which obviously not Australian stock, so maybe cell phone in the same situation. Plus, the post fee is always so expensive by them:(
shoppingsquare never sells Australian stock
That is a good price, but personally would buy it from Dick Smith for $747. you get 2 years local warranty and no wait for delivery.
Plus if you go overseas and get the TRS…that's pretty much the same price as buying from overseas though internet
the price after TRS at dicksmith is $679. I dont see how $679 is pretty much the same as $639
$40 for 16gb SD card and local warranty.
although im hoping by the time i/someone i know goes on a trip, the price of it would also have dropped more =D
you know the product/s you are claiming TRS on must be a part of your hand luggage right?
So if you are planning on asking someone else to do the TRS for you, you have to give them the phone for the trip as well.Yep I understand it must be part of your luggage… well at least the 'sealed' box needs to be part of the package. =D
Last time I did TRS on my ipad 2 I only showed them the unit itself without any packaging
$40 less to wait for a week, or $40 more for local warranty plus staying away from ShoppingSquare is clearly your choice :)
Have used the TRS several times all you need is the item and reciept (for proof of purchase) you do NOT need the packaging!
ok to clear up the misunderstanding, i was going to present them with a sealed box saying its a present…and the box may or may not be empty.
I doubt you'd get the refund then.
definitely, i bought mine at Dick Smith yesterday with 5%off WISH card and heading oversea & get TRS, so i paid $641.75 for pebble blue, not bad i reckon!!
Do they sell Pebble Blue at DSE? =O
Yeah I just search and found it… but it doesnt come with the bonus 16gb SD card.
it does I bought one the other day
Same here, got the bonus sd card too
Get the white one from DSE (16GB model) and you get a bonus 16GB microSDHC memory card, all up $747 with 2yr aussie warranty: http://dicksmith.com.au/product/EM5098/samsung-galaxy-s-iii-…
Price is dropping because in 2 weeks time, when the Galaxy nexus gets Jelly Bean, Android 4.1, the GS III will be and old phone !
No, it will not be an old phone :/
wouldnt the s3 be getting jb too?
Unless you put a custom rom on it, it could be a few months.
oh please, not the jb, for a split second mistakenly thought as bj, or jailbreak.
You my friend…need to check on your definition of 'old'.
Price is dropping like a hell.
Good price, but having been burned by SS rubbish service for warranty repairs I'm inclined to agree with darrylxu
over price for shipping :(
Delivery & Handling: $38.95The total price is the only relevant consideration and it's still cheaper than anywhere else by at least $20.
Someone could make it $1 shipping, but raise the price of the handset itself by $38 (still cheaper than anywhere else). Would it fool you though? You could be really impressed by the price and unimpressed by shipping charges. Or vice versa. It's only a matter of perception. It's the total price that counts.
The price has dropped numerous times just the last few days.
But no such moves on HTC One X. :(
That's because the HTC is not as popular
Wouldn't it make even more sense to price cut it? Why would you cut the price on a more popular phone that's selling better instead of the one getting less buzz and demand?
What's the cheapest people have seen the One X lately?
aud519 at eglobaldigitalcameras, don't know if they are any good though…
thought you were talking about S3aud519 at eglobaldigitalcameras, don't know if they are any good though…
plus $29 shipping.
It has only dropped online, and it should because there are a few drawbacks from sourcing it online. In Australian retail the cheapest is $747 with free 16gb sd card, and will probably stay that way for a while. Some phone stores are trying to sell it for $825.
Love this price but is shoppingsquare reliable?
Won't neg as it's a good price, but I won't buy from shoppingsquare again after the massive wait during the sgs2 deal.
Have to agree.. if my past experiences with ss are anything to go by by the time your wares actually arrive other retailers would have had them shipped to people at a cheaper price.
$680 for AU stock delivered?
Any takers? The extra you pay is GST and local warranty
Sorry it's directly related to this thread. But want to get an idea before we post a deal
2 year warranty?
yep, thats australian warranty from what i've gathered.
shoot us a PM or email through our sales website if your interested
It will be listed, but we don't have many left
Tax invoice provided.
"From what I gathered"?
Shouldn't you know more if this is your site?
Post the deal!
Grey Import or direct from Samsung Australia's importer?
Warranty direct from manufacturer?
Colour Choice?
If it's blue with 2 years warranty I am definitely interested!
For $624 and free delivery plus free gift.
Any comments or experiences with http://www.techrific.com.au (PM if necessary please). I'd be in this deal if they get good feedback.
Skip that, $80 shipping
Wow…had played my friend's G3, not too much, but had to say, so light, and so…plastic!
Amazing deal. So tempting to upgrade… or will patience pay off here
darn no pebble blue?
Amazing deal, but be careful for buying such item like mobile phone from ShoppingSquare.
Few months ago, I bought a Samsung from ShoppingSquare, the phone was sent from oversea's warehouse.
It took almost three weeks for delivery, after I received the phone I found a screen issue, the screen flashes between R/G/B continuously while clear white background.
Therefore, I sent the phone to their Sydney technical support for inspection. They would repair or replace the item if they found the issue. (it was what they said)
During the process, I noticed that they would never update you the status of the process until you ask.
The whole process took one and half month and they still can't detect the problem.
That was unbelievable, even my 15 years old sister can see the problem easily and their "professional technical support" just CANNOT see it.
OK, so they decided to send the item back to me (took 2 weeks) without charge any fees.
I was hoping that the problem was really gone, but I was just WOW, the problem is still there!!! Totally unbelievable!!!
Moreover, in the past few months, I had arguing this and keep asking for updates for more than 20 times through their "Support Ticket".
After I received the item, I tried to log into my account and tell them the problem is still occurred.
The amazing thing was happened……
It is a true story which happened on myself and I just wanna share to you guys if you are going to buy this kind of item from ShoppingSquare.
Make a complaint to Samsung then?
Yes, I will definitely do it, but what can Samsung do to ShoppingSquare?
They can still selling Samsung's product from their oversea's warehouse and providing this kind of service to their customer.
I had the same experience with them too via their eBay shop - apusauction. After complaining about the old model they sent me (instead of the new one they described in their auction), they banned me from my account on their shoppingsquare website which they forced me to sign up to in the first place to communicate with them about my ebay purchase. Petty and childish. They refused to fix the problem, but I went through paypal and forced them to accept the return and refund my purchase. I would seriously take this up with either your credit card company (do a chargeback) or through the appropriate channels (ACCC? Small Business Bureau?).
..that' pity. Never dealing with Shopping square. Kogan is better atleast in giving service and price match.
You're a rep for shopping square?
lol clearly I'm not. It was a truly story which happened on me.
For buying little items (less than AUD$30), ShoppingSquare might be a good place to go, but be really careful about buying a more value items like mobile phone from them.
You should probably untick the box saying you're a rep for ShoppingSquare, then.
Bought in Dick Smith for $747 with free 16GB card including 2 years Samsung warranty. I am happy with this deal and not trust this online sales.
this is like the SII deals all over again.
Just saw this on the page:
Daily Clearance - Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III White 16G Smart Phone
Further $100 OFF Today - Only @ ShoppingSquare.com.au - Item will be shipped out by the 1st week of July.
Was that there yesterday? Does the $599 already factor in the $100 off? It's a bit confusing since it says "further $100 off". One would naturally assume it's based off the current price.
Also, do you think it will take ages for them to get stock like with SGS2? They will no doubt have gotten a lot of orders. Would they have had enough stock on hand to fulfill them all? There's no stock level indication on their site.
It was already there. Their price for the phone was $699 and taking a further $100 off it brings it down to $599. So sadly, don't get too excited.
add to cart and see.
Smells like a grey import phone.
it is, per comments above,they don't sell aussie stock
Great, this would go well with the SGS3 screen protector i bought.
Sale ends in 14 mins.
UPDATE: Offer just got extended another 3 days. And I agonized over nothing. I really wonder if they have that much stock, or if it will take a month like with last year's SGS2 deal.
It's marked as expired now, but it's not actually expired guys. It got extended by a few days.
Extended yet again. LOL. Could be a permanent price drop at this rate.
Excellent, already dropping! Can you imagine when the release the 2GB LTE version, these will be $499 (just a guess)
EDIT: 2GB LTE version on the way - http://www.theverge.com/2012/6/24/3115367/south-korean-galax…
And the Korean source: http://mobileblog.olleh.com/1614