My brother in law is turning 19 soon. He studies part time, works part time and he lives at home with his parents with very low living expenses, only pays for the upkeep of a car and chips in for internet.
I have told him that one of my regrets in life was not saving more when I was younger and not investing at an early age. My problem is, that I still have almost no experience in investing, outside of real estate and business. That's where I need some help from OzBargain.
What are some suggestions from people who have been in a similar situation for themselves or their children?
I am thinking for simplicity sake, to invest in ETFs. From there, I was considering Vanguard for him, but read recently that they don't auto invest dividends. Are there ones that do, that make taxation and bookkeeping as simple as possible?
Alternatively, are Government bonds a safer, lower return option? I know nothing about them. Are they easy to implement into an investment strategy for him?
Are there managed funds with decent returns where he can have $100 direct debited from his account every week, of every month?
I was also considering suggesting he put his money into his super to access the First Home Super Saver scheme and work towards owing his first property, then slowly building a property portfolio, though this might take too long for him to see any benefits in investing and may put him off in consistently putting money aside.
Thanks in advance!
Open a 4.10% p.a. Interest on Balances up to $50,000 for 14-35 Year Olds (Monthly Criteria Apply for 18+) @ Bank of Queensland Account to start.