• expired

No-IP.com Free Credit Giveaway ($7, $11, $12, $20)


Just received an e-mail from No-IP.com, they are a very useful site for Tech Savvys.

This promotion gives you either $7, $11, $12 or $20. I received $7.00 absolutely free, this is randomly generated. A few friends all received $7 but 1 got $20.

May come in use later on down the track! Or anyone that brought the Microsever!

Feel free to post your free credits, it'll be interesting to see what people receive :)


1)Register a new user or click https://www.no-ip.com/newUser.php?utm_source=account_funnel_…
2)Click the link above to login
3)Login and view the amount you won!
4) Use COUPON CODE: ABAND50 for 50% OFF any product
5)Post how much you won here! (optional)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    More useful for non-tech savvy's who need to use 3rd party applications to point domains to their systems.

    • +1

      or point their domain to their dodgey home based mail/webserver on a dynamic IP….

  • Hey Op, the link is to a login page, care to explain what the bargain is?

    • +1

      Register as a new user, than re-click the link login with the details you just made and you'll find a pop-up containing the amount you won. :)

  • No-IP are awesome - set up my webcam so I could remote in to it from overseas :)

    I scored $7 credit (I use the free service), but I think this deal is for existing members?

    • You can register and than claim with the link above. I have confined that already :)

  • $7 for me. :O

  • So what is it real cash or something or just site credit?

    • Store credit

  • +1

    I already have a account logged in with above link and got $7

    Was going to hold onto the credit and use at a later date but says it will expire June 30th.

    • I've had a free account for over a decade, logged in, nothing….

      • Same here, since beginning. Didn't get anything.

        • Click the thumbnail not the link he posted.

  • People pay for DNS?

  • Thanks, got $7 for free

  • +1

    come on !!! … it seems like a spam???

    • +10

      One pesons spam is another person's yummy spiced meat in a can.

  • I got $7. However I think the credit is only valid for June/July, cant remember, so you will need to use it, or loose it.

  • $7 :)

  • I scored $7

  • $7 free apparently :)

    • I think it's brilliant. A bunch of people will sign up paying $7 for basic service, which they would never have gotten if they didn't "give away" $7.

    • +1

      Actually guys, just found a worki g coupon: ABAND50 is 50% OFF.

      So it's $7.00

  • +1

    I followed the above and got nothing :/

  • They offer BOTH Free & Paid
    Dynamic DNS Service…

    What's the incentive for
    paying for DDNS Service?

  • If you already have a account you need to login via this link:


    if you don't have a account you will need to register first then follow the above link.

  • What can you do with their service? If you get banned from something can this fool them into thinking you're someone else and thus get unbanned?

    Or if you sign up for something that is one time only and they check your IP, you can get around it?

    • No, it's not something like a VPN or like Unblock-US.

      I use this so I can have a domain name registered with them to access my home NAS wherever I am without having to remember my IP address. This translate that dynamic IP address so I don't have to know what it is at any point in time, I can just log onto my mydomainame.servebeer.com and it automatically translates that to my current IP address of my home ADSL. Works brilliantly for what I need it to do.

      Sorry my explanation is crappy but hopefully you get the idea :)

      • -1

        I don't think you have it right, there.

        You refer to you IP address, in a way that suggests that you have a -fixed- IP address (from your ISP).

        First, DDNS's assume you -don't- have a (fixed) IP adr.

        (They give you the -appearance- of having one, in case, your ISP hasn't provided you with one, by default (ie, for Free)…

        …and you (wisely) -declined- to pay $3-$5 per month (!) to get one from your ISP.)

        Your case would be better solved by one of those "tiny URL" services that map a short, easy to remember (and/or note-down) URL link into a longer one that (typically) refers to a particular page or sub-site.

        BTW, these guys charge $15 per Year for mapping up to 25 "hostnames" (domain names?) -or- for doing it for up to 50 such names.

        So, this isn't much of a deal… you'd save at most -under- 50% of the cost of the just the -first- year's -less- expensive service.

        (They -also- have a FREE service, ie, if you only want to map ONE "hostname" to an IP address.)

        • Was that in reply to me or lostn? Because pretty damn sure I clearly said 'this translates that dynamic IP address so I don't have to know what is is at any point in time' which means that I DO have a dynamic IP address. If I didn't have a dynamic one, then it would be the same all the time so makes the last part of what I had said invalid.

          I use their free service (because I only need one redirect) and why would I need a tiny URL when my domain is simply 'mydomain'.servebeer.com which then redirects automatically to my Fritz!box, or adding in the port number goes to my NAS so I can access sadNZBd when I'm away from home? It's pretty easy to remember.

          And no, I don't pay for a static IP from my ISP (Internode) as I have no need for it because of the free NO-IP offer, so would rather spend that extra $10 going up in quota.

  • $7 here… shame bout the expiry.

  • I had an old Free account and got $7… but the ABAND50 coupon won't apply in checkout

    Tried to get No-IP Enhanced @ $14.95 then 50% off = $7.47 minus $7 credit = 47 cents…. but it won't work, saying "There was a problem with the coupon code entered: Undefined coupon error"

    Now I cannot decide if $7.95 for a year of me not having to remember to log in and renew the DDNS every month is worth it or not.

    • NO-IP.com's service is behind a "30-day confirmation" TIME-wall (akin to a PayWall), which - for me - positions the company in the category along with "nuisance-ware" software developers.

      (I leave both types alone, & choose more -generous- personal-use suppliers.)

      There are OTHER free services… maybe shop-around, before you decide.

      • Care to share a few? Thanks in advance.

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