• expired

[WA] Perth Recycling Pickup Service (Min. 100 Items) - Free First Collection (You Get $0.10 Refund Per Container) @ Re-Collect


Previously this service was only in ACT, NSW & QLD but now available in Perth:

Essentially rather than having to take your bottles to a collection point to get your $0.10/item refund they will collect from your place (with a minimum of around 100 items).
They normally charge $0.03/item for this service (so you get $0.07/item) but they have just launched in Perth & have no fee on your first collection using the coupon code.

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Referral: random (18)

Referrers get $15.

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closed Comments

  • Excellent

  • +16

    Need something like this for cardboard boxes - with all the deliveries ozbargain keeps insisting I get, I'm drowning in cardboard

    • +3

      Cut it up with a blade & put in recycling bin.

    • +1

      with all the deliveries ozbargain keeps insisting I get

      I hate to tell you this, but we’re not insisting anything. It’s a little voice inside your head. But it’s nothing to worry about

      • +3

        Oliver Ozbargain Osborne is his name

      • +3

        Whoever it is, they're very persuasive

    • +5

      If you have a garden then remove the tape and lay it down over weeds, then cover with mulch. It works like weed mat and will break down in a month or two.

    • +1

      They accepted all of my bottles in cardboard boxes!
      It says they need to be in bags but I already had them in boxes & said I didn't want to have to buy plastic bags just to recycle bottles so they said they would accept them in boxes! (although I got the impression this could be a one-off)
      I asked if they could drop off some bags for future pickups & they said they don't have them yet (but I think are planning to do this).

      • How/when did you talk to them? Is there a phone number? Or was it when they showed up?

    • I loaded up my car and took it to the council recycling facility. They accept non commercial quantities free.

      • I have commercial quantities and still get the boys to load up the van with cardboard to take to the council recycling. Beats paying for waste disposal.

  • -1

    Look like they don't do cans…

    • +2

      What gives you that impression?

      ReCollect is everything you need to recycle your bottles, cans, mobile phones, electronics, and clothes from the comfort of your couch.

      • +4

        and clothes from the comfort of your couch.

        Won't i be cold, being naked?

        • +1

          Only schedule those pickups in summer

        • You could be facing stiff competition if everyone donated clothes

      • Well, I tried home pick up. There are only 2 options:
        recyclables bottles (cans not allowed)

        • :/

          I'm not going to buy a wheelie bin for this unless they take cans too

        • They collected my first pickup last Monday & accepted my cans amongst the bottles.

  • +2


    • +1

      About time!!!

      Wondering what about other states? SA, NT & Tas.

      • Interesting that SA doesn't do this as they started the refund on cans and bottles years ago. I would be saving up hundreds of bottles and then getting them to take the 1st collection with the full 10c rebate. Save on petrol and time.

    • +1

      Pleased that this handy service has finally come to your country

  • (with a minimum of around 100 items).

    ah. i'd have to hold onto more than 3 month's worth of bottles before ordering a collection.

    • FWIW for me there's only 1 collection date per month. I normally do it every second month, they still collect with 75-80 items.

  • going to give this service a go tomorrow, I've got 4 bags ready to go and a new baby keeping me from leaving the house

  • Anyone who's used them before, is there bag size limit?
    I have a heap in the smaller Coles paper bags (about 20 cans per bag), will this be okay?

  • -8

    The council were already picking up cans and bottles for free (well, included with the other recycling fee) before this brain-dead Containers for Change scheme was introduced.

    • -3

      Anyone care to discuss why you're downvoting my comment?

      • -1


  • Securely return your containers in a large bag, i.e. one that holds approximately 150 containers and label every bag.
    Our minimum collection is 100 containers, however 500 or more is preferred.

  • Why no VIC? :(

    • In the pull-down list it says "Melbourne (VIC) - Coming soon"

  • So they count in front of you, or later? Do you normally need your bottle cap off? I usually go to canning Vale good Sammy, but they're very strict with having bottle cap off. A bit tricky sometimes

    • They collect, count later & send you an email. Didn't ask about caps, but I had all of them removed.
      You don't need to be home when they collect as long as you can leave somewhere reasonably safe & obvious.

  • The whole container for change in Australia is a joke. Just remember the user of the scheme pay for this. So ontop of the 10 cent per container there is an additional 1 to 5 cents levy to pay for the program when you buy the product. In WA the levy just keeps on increasing.

    The only people who might make money are resturant who charge for the drink but collect the containers and get a refund.

    • -1

      I agree with you fully, it's a ridiculous scheme, it causes more pollution, wastes time and money and makes recycling cans & bottles difficult instead of extremely easy (as it was before it was introduced).

      And I noticed again that people have been down voting without commenting.

      • I don't know the specifics, but could that easier time 'before' be when China was buying all our 'recyclable' plastics

  • The cost is clearly listed below.

    The only reason for this program is to create jobs. Nothing to do about been green. Ironically in WA the scheme was too successful with too many people redeeming the containers. So they increased the cost to users. Its closer to 5 cents extra a container now.

    Let be honest the money could have been better spent in improving our recycling system.

    Also this scheme actually incentives buying many more containers instead of reducing consumption by making people buy more larger containers.

    So every 10 dollars you get back you actually paying 5 dollars for the program.


    • Got 10c just a few weeks ago, when did the 5c change occur?

      • -1

        That's not what he's saying.

        What's actually happening is that your bottles and cans are costing you around 15c more than they did before this scheme. And you get a whole 10c back for all the effort of storing them, taking them back to the depot (paying for the petrol to get there), waiting in a queue and feeding the machine.

        Alternatively you can use the service promoted in this "deal" and only get 7c back (after the first time), assuming no one pinches the bags of containers left out on the street.

        And before this scheme - all you had to do was drop them in your recycling bin and let the council take them away.

        One garbage truck vs thousands of cars wasting petrol.

        • How are we attributing the 15c cost increase to the scheme? I'm reading it as the cost is 15c higher in WA due to the success of the scheme?

          We've seen price increases across pretty much every other item in the country due to inflation, surely this is more linked to that?

          I agree with the whole council taking it away vs everyone driving in etc. I think it's a great idea to teach kids about recycling and a little bit of pocket money for them.

          • @The Hobo: Look at the link in @pandadude's post above: https://warrrl.com.au/first-responsible-suppliers/

            The Pricing Guide (about in the middle of the page) shows what manufacturers are paying to the scheme per container. They're obviously going to pass that cost onto the consumer.

            Sure prices have gone up across the board recently - but soft drinks, beer, etc have gone up more.

            The money has to come from somewhere - and that somewhere is the consumer.

            • @AdrianW: This is for WA specifically - the pricing for most of these products are set nationally - ie. Coles, Woolworths, Amazon etc.

              I get what you are saying - however i'm sure there are more cans going straight to council recycling facilities than they are to the collection centres. To say they are costing the suppliers closer to 15c would only be the case if 100% were returned.

              This is of course assuming that they only get "charged" the cans that get refunded - otherwise, who pockets the money for the ones that don't get refunded?

              • @The Hobo: They're charged on sales not returns. So all containers incur that extra charge whether they're returned or not.

                • @AdrianW: Where does the delta go?

                  • +1

                    @The Hobo: I'm guessing it all goes towards the depot expenses - rates, utilities, wages, etc.

                    • @AdrianW: Just to give you an example. After the scheme happened in WA a 24 pack of water cost an additional 3 dollars at the supermarket. Assume you would return all the containers you could claim back $2.4. So really your paying an additional 0.60.

                      With the numbers now. Your look at 3.60. You can still claim back your 2.4 but it cost you an additional 1.20.

                      Note the numbers are nice and round.

  • I cannot find where to locate my own referral link on the app?

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