The Wurkkos TS10 is a pocket sized torch with three 90 CRI emitters, three aux emitters, and it takes a 14500 3.7V Li-ion cell. It comes with 4000K or 5800K emitters and in a few different body colours (brass may be available in another listing). I'd recommend getting the optional battery.
The TS10 was designed over on budgetlightforum with feedback from the community. It has been designed by torch enthusiasts for torch enthusiasts.
The TS10 is slightly shorter, the emitters are smaller, and it has aux emitters when compared to a Lumintop FWAA.
I am associated to Wurkkos for ozbargain purposes because I received a Wurkkos TS10 Silver for free to review. Here is my TS10 review. That said, I like the TS10 so much that I bought a TS10 with a white Micro-Arc Oxidation finish and then another TS10 in brass.
So many torches.
Why do I need this one?