Seems centre com is doing preorder on the Amazon deal to match the price? Delivery is not free to remote areas.
Currently $467.70 on Amazon delivered, that's over half the price.
Surcharges: 1.2% Card & PayPal, 2% AmEx.
Seems centre com is doing preorder on the Amazon deal to match the price? Delivery is not free to remote areas.
Currently $467.70 on Amazon delivered, that's over half the price.
Surcharges: 1.2% Card & PayPal, 2% AmEx.
It's possible that this listing is actually what triggered Amazon Au to auto match this price temporarily. I laugh at the 10700KF still listed for $399
10700F is $419 lol
Do Amazon honour price errors?
The Amazon one is not a price error. It is simply automated to price match other retailers. Those who bought it at $199 will receive theirs 100%
Got it, nice.
@checkingthisout: Might want to tag the product type in your post
@checkingthisout you need to choose the existing tag with the full product name including brand for it to show among past deals.
@Techie4066: I didn't know how to do it, and I was too afraid to ask how to do it :(
let me try again
@checkingthisout: Choose the "Intel i7-10700K" tag that pops up below the tag box when you type it, otherwise a mod can do it
Any deal on i5-12600KF?
You'll need a deal on a Graphics Card with this!
Just impersonating someone…
JV is that you?
This is his brother, VJ
No! I'm just passing by, JV is a resident.
Why is this a deal when it's 3 generations behind?
Seems like 200 is what the new RRP is…
Doesn't seem bad for $200. Barely any difference in these benchmarks.
Hard to believe this is on par or better than my recently bought 5700X. Extra savings could have gone to ram or ssd.
literally any semi modern cpu will be on par or better in 1 category than a 5700x when they are comparing games at 16K with ultra mega maximum graphics with a gpu thats at 101% usage.
we buy AMD because it is cheaper, and worth the price, I felt exactly same after getting 5600x back then when comparing to 10th gen Intel. But I got 5600x for $335 a year ago so it was much cheaper than 10700 etc.
we buy AMD because it is cheaper, and worth the price
to be exact, we should always buy the cheaper one no matter which brand at a given performance level
because you need to stop believing media hype about new cpu parts, the old ones do just fine and there’s no way you can get 8 cores at $199
It’s a deal for those on gen 10 Intel motherboards.
Probably better off getting a Ryzen 5600 for $230 and building using new parts. This would only be a good deal if you already have a motherboard that supports this.
Less core and more expensive. This one is better
It's not that big of a difference. 10700K is 15% faster multi thread and 5600 is 5% faster single thread. You're almost at the very top performance tier of a dead end platform if you build around a 10700K, yet if you get the 5600 you're at the very lowest performance tier of a platform that has many years of updates and newer hardware to come.
You're going to be saving $100 building around a 10700K to then cost yourself an extra $500+ in the future when you have to replace all of your hardware when you need more performance.
Err well am4 is basically an end of life platform too. AMD said they were going to bring some new products to it still but there's no guarantee they'll be better than existing processors or upgrades at all.
@Creamy: My point being you can upgrade to a 5950X in the future whereas with the 10700K the next stop is a 10900K which is barely faster.
AM4 is also end of life so your argument is invalid.
Anyone buying this and upgrading in a few years will get a DDR5 platform setup, same if you buy an AM4 CPU now.
@wizko: My point being you can upgrade to a 5950X in the future whereas with the 10700K the next stop is a 10900K which is barely faster.
Isn't 15% in multi core a lot? Especially in rendering, photoshop or encoding, the Intel seems better for less.
I pulled the trigger. Now the wait for it to be cancelled…
Won't likely be cancelled - Deal is good but not that good..
If you've got a board for this already with an i3/i5 it's a good opportunity. If you don't have a board you're likely better off paying a touch more for a 5600x/5700 and a suitable board at a good price as the board will be a lot cheaper for anything that can overclock.
There is a deal on the 5500, which is cheaper. Not sure if truly comparable.
5500 is dogshit stay away, you may as well compare it to the pentium g.
5500 is far from dog shit, it is about 10% worse than 5600/ 5600x due to half the L3 cache size.
But being a monolithic die, this chip can OC memory like a beast, and if you manage to get a good memory kit and push it to 4400+, it is actually quite good.
this is meant to be either a overclocker's toy or a poor man's modern CPU.
@Jazza2400: I backed outta the $199 free delivery Amazon deal on the 8c Intel i7 10700K cause the comments said it was poopoo. Apparently its actually very good lol.
@checkingthisout: i7 10700k is hot and power deminding, you kinda need to spending more money on cooler and a good power delivery mobo compare to a 5600/5600x
I personally lean towards 5600 slightly more after factoring cheaper mobo/cooler.
but Intel does have iGPU with fastsync etc, at $199 it is really really good value.
Coming from i5 10400f - Better to grab this or wait patiently for a cheap 11th gen clearance?
Raw performance i7 10700k is better. If you are only gaming, 10400f should be fine.
If you're okay reselling your i5 it's a good bump in performance assuming you have a compatible board and adequate cooling to match.
10400f still sells brand new for just over 200 odd right. So can maybe resell for 100-150 depending on buyer / demand etc. I'd probably do it. But if you're penny pinching maybe not.
I bought a used 10400F for like $100 off the FB marketplace. A decent CPU for gaming
Is this a decent side-grade from a i7 8700k oc’d @ 4.9ghz running it with a 3080ti ? I don’t want to upgrade whole rig yet, would I need to buy a new m/b Do these CPU’s overclock well ? Who really killed jfk, I have so many questions
But you'd be changing board to make this work so you would effectively be upgrading the base rig..
If you're at 1080p 240-360hz it might provide some difference. If you're at 1440p+ (ultrawide, 4k etc) not worth. You won't see major performance increases from the cpu swap.
Ye running it at 1440p. Guess I’ll pass.
no, just wait for 14th gen next year to upgrade after the ddr5 platform matures a bit.
No it's not worth it, because it's a different socket so you need to upgrade the motherboard. Might as well pay a bit more and just jump straight to the 13th gen for a bigger upgrade.
Still on the 9700k. Is this worth the upgrade?
It's a new socket right? So new board etc. Probably not then unless you can find an equally good deal on a board..
No, the socket is the gen after yours so you would also need a new upgrade, while it's about to be 3 gens behind. The cost for you to upgrade doesn't make sense over something newer.
Excellent for a Plex server without a GPU.
But… ARC has AV1 encode/decode! :P
Then you can add ARC when it's available on top as an option, but before adding a GPU this will do decent transcodes.
Not sure why someone negged you, but agree. Plex + Blue Iris this would be awesome
Yeah it was an odd downvote, Intel's CPU hardware encoder is fairly good and this price makes it a good choice for a Plex server.
Won't need 12th gen, it may be better but my i5-4590 is still a great Plex CPU.
Agreed, plex, blue Iris.
And Intel-GVT-g is unsupported on 11 gen and beyond.
Would it be worth upgrading from a i5 10400?
no. Most of the games or tasks you won't feel too much.
If you resell it you may get close to $100 back, making it a roughly $120 upgrade. If that keeps you from upgrading for a couple extra years it's okay.
You get 8c/16t over 6c/12t, in truth it's only about +20% better and not a huge upgrade, but it might add a year or two to your PC.
i currently have a 9700K …
is it only 12th and 13th Gen that Lack Disc media playback ?
10th gen is the last full disc supported CPU.
@Jimbuscus: that sucks that they took that feature away…
is there any message that shows when trying to play a bluray disc?
Likely to be cancelled? Wondering if i should pull the trigger on a motherboard or wait till it's honoured?
These chips always hold decent value. Used 7700ks are still going for more than this on eBay
Intel CPU's have held good value for the last 10 years, it's like they only lose about -15% resell per year.
Even the 10yr old i5-2500 is still worth $20.
That's because you can still play modern games on one, just with lowered settings sometimes, and at 1080p.
Plus igpu, for plex users
Sold my 7700k and board, got a 5600 with a auros board and had money left over. Weird that people still pay decent coin for 7th Gen parts…
im upgrade from i7 6700
which mobo is good for this unit? z490? b560?
Just get z590, many are cheaper than b560 due to old stock, and better vrm.
Is this good price for board and memory?
b560m aorus elite motherboard lga 1200 (Brand new),…
Price: $200 Negotiable
It's obviously not brand new. I'd be checking for any bent pins.
Look at jw refurb or other refurbs over Gumtree for warranty
I bought this as an upgrade from my 10600KF, the 10700K is only 5% faster in gaming but 10600KF is still selling for close to $200 second hand so it should be a very cheap upgrade.
Price just went back up to $489.
Yes, it's OVER!
Did you manage to order at this price?
Got the Amazon version. Might return it though, because the comments seem to suggest getting a newer Ryzen 5600 or something.
Just got cancellation from CentreCom.
I’m contacting to let you know that unfortunately, We cannot fulfill your order due to a lack of availability from our supplier.
To avoid wasting your valuable time, we are processing a full refund, and please allow 3-4 business days for the refund to be processed
Same. No option to wait or anything. Bs. Ive asked for an explanation and if i dont receive one im happy with will be leaving honest feedback anywhere i can find a presence of them online.
Same email here. I wonder how many are cancelled compared to how many will actually be processed.
Same here
Same email here.
Same here.
The question now is, will Amazon also do that? As it seems something set off the Amazon price to go down so much.
I’ve already answered your question lol
Anyway here’s an update:
Is it legit though? Might be available at the stores over the phone.