At Melbz for Pax over the weekend and saw this set on 20% discount which I believe is quite rare and at an official Lego store too. Store clerk said they have a quite a few left in stock and would love to see them all gone. Saw around 9 left when I left but they might have more in the back. RRP $319.99
[VIC] LEGO 21332 Ideas The Globe $255.99 @ Melbourne Airport T4 LEGO Store
darkvwilly on 09/10/2022 - 22:08 (516 clicks)
Last edited 09/10/2022 - 22:19 by 1 other user
Last edited 09/10/2022 - 22:19 by 1 other user
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You can grab it on the way out if you're flying back to Melb
This is meant to be pretty boring to put together, because of all the identical segments.
Yes, very repetitive for the globe plates, I believe it was 16 of a “fatter” style and another 16 of other “thinner” style. by the end I had memorised what was required.
Did provide for great family time as my daughter decorated the plates whilst I assembled the larger portions. It also does look pretty fantastic in a study.
Mmmm maybe if you have hand carry room or whatever, but I'd probably prefer to get it from toys r us, free delivery for $270