How Do You Store Your Rice?

Currently using a crappy tupperware style box to store rice. Was looking at airtight containers and found these

Saw that sizes are fake. Eg 10kg fits 6-8 rice because they include the space to the brim where you wouldn't fill. So need 15kg to fit our 10kg bags of rice.

Just a bit surprised it's almost $60 for a container that may or may not be airtight?

We actually tried one and the lid doesn't close down properly. You can even see in the photo it's raised in some areas, so the "seal" isn't touching.

What cheap ozb solutinos have worked?


  • +6

    Thai wife.. we use a big black storage container from officeworks, we do but 25kg (plain and sticky) at a time though, keep it in the cupboard on the floor. If you do not use so much rice get a smaller one. By far the best containers to store stuff like that. Dont need airtight because she eats so much it does not last and rice keeps anyway. As long as the sun or insects cannot get into it its ok

    Stuff all the fancy containers, they are a joke

    • +3

      We eat every 2 days I guess. We have 2 types of rice, short & long, so it lasts 3ish mth.
      We've had weevils, I believe moisture activates their eggs in the rice and they are born

      • Ive never seen anything like that happen TBH. The containers work very well

        • That's a special container that has anti-weevil technology built in.

        • +10

          I used to get weevils when i lived overseas, but in Aus i just leave the rice in the bag with no issues.

      • +2

        I could skip a meal here and there but I’d be perpetually hungry if I only eat every 2 days.

      • its likely where you keep your rice that is a problem, as long as it is not humid, i believe you are right about the weevils.

        the other thing to try is to take your rice out at the start before there is moisture on the hands from prepping/washing food/hands

      • Put your rice in the freezer for a few days before you store it. It will kill any eggs already present and you'll never get weevils as long as moths can't get into the container to lay eggs

        • My freezer doesn't fit 20-25kg bags. :(

      • Put your rice (and flour) in the freezer to kill the weevils.

        Note that round containers are more likely to be air and liquid tight than square ones.

        Tupperware might be an expensive initial outlay but it has a lifetime guarantee on splits, cracks and warping, the round containers are airtight and the clear mates are liquid tight if you want square containers.

        My Tupperware Modular Mates are 29 years old my Clear Mates for the fridge are 21 years old and still going strong.

        I use a bunch of 500ml Chinese Takeaway containers as well though.

    • link?
      is it food grade

      • +9

        Like that but black, you can get them almost anywhere…

        As for food grade, its rice, its dry, its thick plastic, the lid clips in, nothing gets in.. thats grade enough for me. You want to see how rice is stored in the villages of Asia without death by weevil, its not pretty ;-)

    • big black


      • +12

        bbc - big black container

      • +1

        Its bigger than the bread bin….

    • agree. It doesn't need to be air tight, just needs to be dry. So if you are living in the southern states, most bins should be ok. As we don't eat often, I use a bread bin which stores about 5kg. But you can use anything larger

  • +5

    We use a basic Tupperware hand me down from the literal 80’s , don’t need airtight as the person says above if you’re eating it everyday.

  • +4

    Decor Tellfresh Super Square Food Storer with White Handle, 12.5 Litre Capacity

    • +1

      We use this one too. Seal is tight and doesn't take up too much cupboard space for the capacity

    • I use this one. Nice and handy, but it only holds about 7kg of rice and we buy 10kg bag so always have a bag of leftover rice handing around awkwardly. Will be fine for someone who only purchases 5kg bag.

  • +8

    In a rice field

    • +16

      buying a rice field is not cheap

      • +1

        If you're Vietnamese, you can ask for a paddy field for free.

  • -1

    I would get this personally. The wastage becoming 0 means eventually this pays for itself.…

    • +2

      Ive seen these types, I wonder how long the button lasts before it's stuck half-open. Most of these are online-only sales, so you can't check them out in store right?

      • Depends on the quality of the item i guess, there are alot of cheap copies out there.

        • +2

          are there 'real' vs fake stuff? I don't see any brand names, thought they're all just unbranded Chinese stuff from ebay or ali.

          • @furyou: Bought 2 of these a while back from Aliexpress.
            Did Rice with one and was hoping to do cereal with the other but the opening wasnt big enough.

            Got both delivered for $60

    • +1

      how's it help wastage?

  • +6

    Standard plastic container with "Rice" label :D

  • Have also been using a Tupperware container for rice. I’ve seen rice dispenser things at peoples houses, but never saw the point of it

  • +6

    In a large Moccona jar.

    • +16

      Good idea. The only downside to this is someone had to drink the Moccona first.

      • +1

        Oh, come on. Moccona French Style is great.

    • +3

      Same. Not this exact one but something similar.
      OP, where you keep the container is probably more important. Ideally in a dry cupboard, away from sun light, and keep the lid closed all the time.

      • -1

        On the bottom shelf in the kitchen. No sun, but people walk past in the kitchen.

    • +1

      I like this design.

      Does the 'cat flap door' at the front swing all the way over to rest on the top lid? Is this what they mean by the 'stay open lid' as part of the 'Features'?

      • +2

        No it can't, the hinge only allows it to go completely vertical, then it drops down about 10 to 20 degrees and it can stay open there until you close it.

        • Oh - I only 1/2 like this design now ;(

    • +2

      Looks good - but all those clips would get annoying fast.

      • Nah I love the clips 😂

        • The clips will break, shortening the life span of the container :(

          All of my containers pack and stack neatly in my cupboard, I'd hate it if one broke and I had to try and replace it and I couldn't find the same shape/size again.

          I know my Jatz bickies and 500g of cocoa powder etc fit into an oval 2, for example and my cupboard shelves are "6" high so I can stack 3 x 2 or 5 and a 1 or a 4 and a 2 and it always fits.

          • @Muppet Detector: The lids can be replaced separate from the container. I haven't needed to replace any lids yet, but to be fair I'm not opening the containers every day. I batch cook and refrigerate or freeze extra portions.

  • +6

    Ours has been in this for years now.
    Random link

    Can't believe it regularly goes for at that price. We bought ours in ALDI for $20

    • +1

      Would this hold a full 10kg bag? I see lots that hold like 8kg, then what do you do with the remaining 2kg?

      • Apologies. We regularly only purchase 5kg bags now. That being said, it's very spacious for 5kgs. I'm not so sure about making a full 10kg fit.

        I still remember buying 50kg sacks (many decades ago). We ate a lot of rice then and had many family members living in one place. I guess our diet has changed significantly. We used to keep that in a huge tin drum.

      • We’ve gotten away with just tipping half a 20kg bag into our container, then just fold the end of the bag up (and tie down if you wish) for next time.
        I mean the original rice packaging (the one I got from Asian shops anyway) aint exactly waterproof to start with.

      • +1
      • +1

        Leave 2kg in the bag, eat that first, then the stuff in the container

      • What would you do with the remaining 2kg? Buy another randomly shaped container that doesn't fit neatly in your cupboard.

  • +21

    We keep it in the original rice sack in the pantry. No issues.

    • Same. We just decant new rice into the old bags.

      • decant??

        • +5

          Transfer from one thing into another.

  • +2

    I use a dog food container like this one:…

  • Airtight container in pantry.

  • I'm Chinese. We just use a white pail with lid from bunnings. Half the time the lid isn't even closed properly. Just cut an opening at top of bag and dump the whole 25kg with bag in it. No need for a fancy $100 storage/loader from Amazon.

    • is it BPA free?

      • If it's the one I'm thinking of, yes. I use them for storing honey, as does pretty much every bee keeper I talk to.

  • tupperware style box big enough to hold 5kg, it goes in the fridge.

    • +6

      It goes in the what?

      • frozen rice bro cmon

    • +8

      White rice should last years, if it’s going bad after a month then you’re not storing it properly. Keep it dry, sealed and out of the sun.

      It can happen in brown rice because it has 3 times the amount of fat, but white rice has basic no fat to go rancid with.

  • An approx 20L white bucket with a lid. I think it used to contain dishwashing powder.

  • I buy the 5kg bags when they're half price.
    And I've started storing it in sealed zip lock bags in my freezer, because I don't eat a lot of rice and it's not uncommon for insects to get into it eventually; extra protein.

    • half price where??

      • +2

        Sunrice 5kg goes on half price in Coles regularly

  • Theres a thing called the fridge I store uncooked rice there it keeps it fresh it makes me happy.

    • +4

      u just dump it all in the fridge?

      • +4

        you don't? I like to layer each shelf with some rice and then chuck any other food stuff on top of the layer. It keeps the rice massaged and fresh as well as giving anything that sits on top of the rice 100% guaranteed to be moisture free

  • I use Lock n Lock containers (not ones with a flip lid tho). I did the phone test many years ago - put your phone (or whatever) in the container and put it in water. No water leaked in, so you know it's air tight.

    • +3

      Why would you risk your phone on that test? Just use a piece of paper…. 😳

      • +4

        If you get your phone wet with water, you put it in rice. So it follows that if you get your phone covered in rice, you put it in water.

  • +1

    big plastic bucket thing i got from mum, had it for years, rice has always stayed fresh when the airtight lid is closed for months at a time.

  • We buy long grain rice that comes in a fabric bag and a zipper, lasts a few months and rice doesn't need airtight storage few periods less than a year.

  • +2

    Large glazed terracotta pot that will hold about 20kgs of rice. Not sealed has a terracotta lid with breather holes. Lives under the sink and has done the job for the last 30+ years. Asian parent certified.

    • +1

      i wanna see it

    • fob parent certified is the way to go

  • -1


  • +1

    20 litre bucket from bunnings

  • +2

    Saw that sizes are fake

    Different types of rice have different volume/weight.

    It also depends on the grain size, how the rice is stacked in the container (air gap between each grain)

    Eg 10kg fits 6-8 rice because they include the space to the brim where you wouldn't fill

    Ignoring anything about volume and weight, advertising the weight to the brim is still advertising the maximum you can fit.

    The containers have a volume, the weight of rice they can store is meaningless and can only every be a guide.

    But people don't buy rice in cubic centimetres so they need to advertise weight to give an idea how much rice they can store

  • +1

    We buy 5kg rice bag, cut the top with scissors, then fold it as best we can and use clothes peg. Not air tight. It's fine. We've been doing this for years, never had any issues/bugs. We usually cook 2 cups of rice every 3-4 days.

    • Same here

  • From time to time, Aldi sell an excellent plastic container that holds 10 kg of rice.

  • +2

    Surprised nobody has mentioned one of these.…

    Depending on how much rice you eat I guess, ours fits a whole 20kg bag. Not cheap cheap but at least it measures the rice amount for you!

    • These are great! Ours have lasted 15 plus years.

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