Bali Personnel Hire [Resolved]

Friends big birthday.

For a present, I would like to hire a couple of staff members for 1 week to do various of novelty tasks.
I think it's fairly important to hire at least 1-2 staff members as a gift.
Each Staff member is given only 1 task to do. Budget is $50-100 Aud a day for like 6-8 hours of work, having a read online, it's not bad for a very simple job. I can't seem to find any instance of these jobs online even existing.

We got the other staff like butler, chef and housekeeper but they came with the house and will be tending to all guests on the day.

Tasks include:

  • Throwing petals as he walks
  • Fanning him with a large palm fan
  • Feeding him fruit into his mouth whilst he relaxes
  • Carrying him around in a palanquin

Couldn't remember the rest, but the first two will suffice.

Please keep all nasty comments to yourself, I'm very serious about finding someone
I found a couple of people and my concierge service is going to find the rest. Frankly, the ozbargain forums are completely useless with prideful people. The world is on the decline and I hope recession doesn't bite you too hard, good luck.

closed Comments

    • +7

      This isn't 'just' a royal-themed birthday. The notion of someone getting wafted with palm fronds while hand-fed grapes specifically evokes images of slavery, or at best, indentured servitude. While some weirdo might get off to being treated like a pharaoh, a more contemporary comparison is colonialism, which existed in similar forms (especially in southeast Asia) even into the 20th century. The fact the OP is so shamelessly blase about the cultural implications and optics of traveling to Bali and paying people to treat their friend like Caligula, is insane.

      • -2

        Oh really? LOLZ, Since you have such a high moral ground, are you ready to go to Bali or any third world country, or any country who has a lower minimum wage than Australia and demand you pay as you pay here to lift these poor people out of poverty by not exploriting their financial plights? And demand to pay for any manufactured products made in countries with lower wages and worse working conditions by demanding higher prices? Or in Australia refuse any service such as waiter/waitress in the restaurants to bring the food to your table but insist doing that yourself? And since when you were elected the "people's representative" of Balinese and are standing here to reject these job offers on their behalf? Did you consult your electorate, hold a town hall? If you haven’t or are not ready to do so, I call this just another leftie shameless hypocrisy, doing this out of keyboard warrior convenience.

        • This is the same bullshit 'tu quoque' argument that people use when attempting to discredit harm reduction or environment protections. 'Well, you still drive a car, so why are you telling me to recycle?'

          So let me get this straight: unless someone is Mother Teresa, you believe they have no moral leg to stand on when chastising the OP's fantasy? You're arguing against a point no one made, which is moral perfectionism. You're allowed to be cognisant of your privilege, while also not actively rubbing it in.

          If you haven’t or are not ready to do so, I call this just another leftie shameless hypocrisy, doing this out of keyboard warrior convenience.

          Thanks for revealing yourself.

  • +3

    I think your a little out of touch if you think this is okay, the sad part is you might actually find someone who will do this as Indonesians are hard working and tourism got hit hard because of covid so theres some desperate people out there right now

    Hiring staff to make drinks, cook, clean, massage etc isnt an issue as these are regular jobs people can take pride in, but fan bearing, grape feeding etc is linked to slavery and indonesia has a long history of colonialism and in recent history dictatorship.

    Also balinese are great at remembering tourists

    • -4

      Slavery is forced labor and this is willing parties to a mutually beneficial arrangement, I am sure if this is something not allowed the local laws would have made that clear. If this is not against the law, I cannot see what is the problem. Plus you made the point the tourism has been hit hard and here comes the job may help someone pay a bill, and it is totally lawful, cannot argue on a moral high ground. I am sure if a rich Balinese coming to Oz and paying the right rates, there will be people doing the "things" which is nothing degrading at all. You earned a incoming by your hard & honest work, only have respect for these people in my view nothing else.

      • +2

        If your choice is between feeding grapes into the mouth of friend of a narcissist or your family going hungry for the next few weeks, then it's just slavery with extra steps.

        • -4

          As if you have a brilliant idea to fight hunger? Care to share your grand vision?

          • +3

            @Maxxjet: I'd say paying someone to hand feed grapes into your mouth is the least efficient solution to fight hunger I can possibly imagine.

      • +2

        By that logic, let's go to a plantation to have an Antibellum-themed weddinga nd hire black actors to pick cotton and engage in mock Mandingo fights. It's all good, they're paid.

  • +7

    "I want to visit Bali, and recreate the experience of an emperor being served by lucky peasants who are allowed inside the palace grounds. I will hire locals for this as a sign of respect and my willingness to contribute to the Indonesian economy".

    You're so weird dude. This entire idea is the fantasy of a child.

  • +5

    How much would it cost me to hire you to do the same thing for me around Sydney? I mean, you said it wasn’t demeaning right?

    • -3

      Man, you are taking this tooo seriously, OP is doing this for fun not for a political statement…chill….chill…

      • +3

        So you can do anything you want without care, so long as it's for fun? Cultural ignorance was the OP's only real excuse, but now that everyone has highlighted just how offensive this can come off, they've only doubled down.

    • How much would it cost me to hire you to do the same thing for me around Sydney?

      3 weeks of my after-tax salary for 3-4 hours a day of this (which is what OP was offering). Probably not the palanquin because of my bad back. Easy money.

  • +11

    The world is on the decline
    Please keep all nasty comments to yourself

    I don't think I would:

    Feeding him fruit into his mouth whilst he relaxes

    Da F is wrong with you?!

  • It will start off awkward and get weirder from there. Why don't you pay for him to go to a spa or something? It would probably be funny if his friends did it for 5 mins as a joke. 6-16 hours of a stranger doing it over 1-2 days though? I'm not sure you've thought it through. Unless you're sitting around doing nothing all day they're just going to be in the way.

    • -4

      Yeah 3-4 hrs seems like enough. There is a massive pool and the first few days I think we’re just going to wait for people to group up. It goes well with laying in a cabana with a cocktail on hand

  • +6

    Back in the old days it was customary to just buy your friend a Colosseum ticket for light amusement of a peasant beheading or stake burning. Maybe with a few hungry wild beasts to add mutilation and excitement.

    Big birthdays are just not the same anymore.

  • +4


  • +2

    I just came back from Bali and you can find these shirts everywhere if you’re looking to get some laughs from the group

    Balinese people are lovely and you can make a difference by tipping ppl the whole time you’re there. The porter, the waiter/waitress, the ladies who braid hair on the beach, the taxi, the old lady/old man with the cart bbq’ing corn (delicious btw). $20,000-$50,000 RMB will mean a lot more to them then it does to you. You are on holidays, loosen the purse string and maybe consider changing your mind about how to make Bali unforgettable for your friend.

    Good food…

    Good relaxation

    Water fun

    My recommendation - Quattro formaggi pizza

    • Very helpful. I'll have a good read.

    • +1

      its Rupiah or abbreviated as IDR.

      IDR1000 or Rp.1000,00 (they use comma as decimals)

  • +9

    This post and comments left by OP is sickening.

  • The rich look down on the poor, this is not a decent thing to do in this age of time. Go back where you come from!

  • +1

    This post should be removed by the moderator!

  • +2

    Wtf did I woke up to. How did you come to the conclusion your friend will enjoy these? Petals, feeding, fanning etc.. Unless it's a long time fetish of his.

  • +1

    I came here thinking surely this is a troll thread but sadly no, seems OP is very serious about going through with this. All I can keep thinking about is how cringe it is going to be for the person on the receiving end of these demeaning services.

    Next thread from the OP - I got my friend personal wait staff for the day and now he says he doesn't wanna be friends anymore.

  • +2

    Does the list include barking like a dog on command ?

    • -1

      He should also make them wear chains and collars, I'm sure there's someone that will do that for $50.

  • +1

    LOl what the..
    this is a lame birthday gift..

    instead of this take him to the zoo or something.. this is going to be shameful and awkward.
    also making us aussies look bad.
    just do something else like everyone here has suggested. its legit everyone against only you op. so clearly something is wrong here then just..ozbargain.. lol

    • -8

      There actually is a zoo. going to have a look. But you know feeding someone grapes is taking it too far but caging animals for life is absolutely okay.

    • -3

      Your idea had actually become a better present

  • +8

    This is exactly why I refuse to visit Bali and similar places. I would be embarrassed to admit I am Aussie in a place that gets inundated by drunken yobbos on the daily.

    • -3

      bali is amazing. and they tend to like us a lot, they are poor and we give them money. when covid hit them it hit them bad cause we were not allowed in.
      my step brother lives there so I go there quite a lot.

      dont let other aussies ruin it for you.

  • +4

    Holy shit, butt fk insane people like OP exists?? I'm going to pretend this is shitpost bcs interwebs. Just that level of brain and reading the comments, I've never seen so much grasping to justify stupidity.

  • +1

    I’m sorry but wtaf

  • +1

    Do it yourself

  • +1

    This is just weird, got to be a troll post. Surely no one would enjoy this or think it's a sane idea.

  • -1

    I honestly don't get the uproar

    You can hire people to do the same thing in Australia

    Slavery = no pay and no freedom

    For the person being hired, its probably the easiest work they'll do for the same amount of pay. And in this context, its more for a laugh than seriously looking down on another person to do "demeaning" tasks

    No different to;

    sex workers
    shoe shiners

    The western world of what is deemed socially acceptable is actually more disgusting

    • -2

      People getting offended on behalf of others. Comedy will be banned in my generation. Can't have people offended.

      Perhaps the same people should suggest banning massage therapists? Why have someone do such hard physical manual labour when there's massage chairs, massage guns and all that to do it for you. No more slaving away.

      • -1

        Luckily after comedy is banned you'll have plenty of hysterical slippery slopes to slide down for fun

        You seem experienced

        • I have been down many slides in life. Something of an expert in sliding.

  • +8

    I can't seem to find any instance of these jobs online even existing.

    Am I out of touch? No, it's the OzBargainers who are wrong.

  • +7

    I disagree with those who think the OP’s friends will think less of them. I think there’s a pretty good chance they are all the same.

  • +5

    There's a very good reason why it's hard to find these jobs online, because it's disgusting and you should feel disgusted with yourself for even considering it.

    I'm so glad I haven't come across people like you in my life, and I pity the people that have.

  • +1

    Ask yourself, would you do it if someone gave you money?

    The normal person wouldn't, the desperate would and I find it sad that people with money choose to make people do unethical things.

    • +1

      I mean, I'd do it provided it was a fair rate of pay (and taking the OP at face value and my own limited experience of Bali, it is). Why not? It's just waving a palm frond around for a bit.

      The foreigner here is paying a fair local rate for a service and the local is pocketing a days wages for next to nothing in terms of effort, when they have nothing better going on, because otherwise they'd obviously say no.

      It's a days wages for a cruisey gig for a day! If I was available for the day and needed the coin, why not? There's way worse happening around the world, where the western world is actually exploiting others.

      • -2

        Careful, you'll get negged for not disagreeing with me.

      • That's fine if you accept it, that's your choice but this is coming from a person with money to give to a person(s) in a developing/third world country.

        If the OP paid their friends to do it sure, it's comical, if they offered to pay people in south Africa, let's say, Zimbabwe, that's ethical? That's moral? Same thing with Bali.

        Doesn't matter if it's 50 dollars or 500 dollars, the fact the OP even thought of this in the first place shows their attitude to these people overseas. Even more so that the OP thinks that can get away and if people are willing to do that service.

        It's disgusting behaviour.

        Bet the OP wouldn't offer it in Australia, so why offer it in Bali? What mindset you have to have to think that low of the people to do your bidding?

        And yes, I do understand people will do it here and overseas cause people need money to live and will do anything, but it's low brow and again, to even think to offer it in the first place is just disgusting.

        • +1

          What a stupid question to ask

          Its like asking someone (who is not a cleaner) if they would clean toilets for money. Or asking a non sex worker if they would sleep with 10 guys a day for money

          What you deem unethical could be someone elses livelihood/profession

          Also a bit ironic you consider these type of jobs to be frowned upon by "normal" people. If you're going to be judgmental at least judge both ways.

          • -1

            @bobolo: Mate, paying someone to clean vs paying someone for slave like labour is different. Comparing apples and oranges.

            Cleaners is a common job world wide.

            Paying someone to feed you is unethical. Paying someone to lift you and make them carry you from destination A to B is stupid unless there is a cultural and business solution behind it. Not paying some random just to do it because you can.

            Let me pay you to be my foot stool for the day.

            • +2

              @hasher22: Many countries and cultures see cleaning as "slave like" labour. Especially in areas like UAE and parts of Asia. In Australia, its considered a "job"

              This is yours (and most of the people in this threads) problem. Your perception on ethics is different to others. I mentioned in another comment that in Australia you can hire sex slaves which you can pee/defecate on, tell them to walk around on all fours in an animal costume, drink and eat off the floor etc. Do you think this would be considered "ethical" in a predominantly muslim country like Indonesia?

              Only in Western Countries where a "themed" restaurant allows their staff to openly berate/demean their customers and pass it off as a "joke" (Karen's diner). Do you think this shit will fly in Asia?

              The other problem people here seem to be confused is "slavery" vs "an agreement between 2 parties to exchange a service for money".

              If I agreed to be your foot stool with a set of parameters like time, conditions, price, that you also agree with - then yes, there is no problem with this whatsoever.

        • -1

          What if Balinese thought about it in the first place to provide the service as its been provided for centuries. Will I get away with this disgusting behaviour?

  • +11

    If you pay someone $50 to kick you in the nuts, almost everyone will enjoy it and your friend is sure to get a laugh.

    • -2

      It's called Sadism and If my friend was into it, they would enjoy it. But most of you wouldn't enjoy it, you would label it as torture or racism. Same outcome.

      • +2

        Nah we'd be fine with it.

        • +2

          I'll do it for free

          Hell, I'll pay you $50 to go first

  • -1

    Cultural appropriation is extremely relevant here. This thread is basically people getting offended on behalf of others.

    In other news I wouldn't find it demeaning to feed people and stuff as a slave for pay. No one else here gets to decide if I find it demeaning. It's all a bit of fun roleplay and negging this comment means you agree 😉

    • +1

      My background is from the place where Op is heading. I can tell you now with its history of colonialism for Indonesia as a whole and extreme anti colonialist sentiment in Bali in particular (Bali was one of the last region subdued by the dutch, also google Puputan) they will get offended. And in Indonesia especially pissing locals off would be a fast way for you to get arrested then deported, they have so many subjective laws they can hit you with courtesy of the old dictatorship era.

      • Who in particular will get offended? The house guests or the person hired to do the job. If the person hired to the job is offended, then perhaps they shouldn't accept the job?

        • Why don’t you try asking someone to be your slave for a week for money and see whether they get offended or not. If they are offended tell them the exact same thing you told me, they can just reject the jib no issue there

          • +2


            Why don’t you try asking someone to be your slave for a week for money and see whether they get offended or not.

            Don't be stupid. You don't go asking random people to be a slave. Butlers and what not are services that are advertised.

            • @Clear: Butlers don't hand feed fruit to adults or fan them with palm fronds.

              Oh my bad, you just handwaved it all away with "what not"

              As in "what not slaves"

              Because if they're not meant to be mimicking slaves, what's the punchline, exactly? "Hey, I got you a guy to wave a tree branch around for…no reason."

              • @GrueHunter: I used butler as a well known example of a job where you offer a service to a person in exchange for money. Because that's what a job is. There are people that will happily do what OP agrees to.

                Just because you wouldn't do it personally it doesn't mean it's demeaning. I'd hate to be a cleaner so I've chosen not to be a cleaner. Does that mean it's demeaning to everyone. Absolutely not.

                • @Clear: Point to the part where OP asked for a cleaner

          • +2

            @Wiede: But it's not slavery? It's performing some agreed upon tasks for an upfront wage.

            • +1

              @Orion au: Exactly. Otherwise asking a massage therapist for a massage would be slavery. I mean they're going to pamper you for money afterall.

              • -1

                @Clear: Carying around in palanquin, feeding an adult. Demeaning tasks. You dont get to tell me what i think is demeaning in my culture. I would love for all this to blow in OPs face when someone local post this on fb.

                • +2

                  @Wiede: You do realise this isn't happening out on the street? It's in a private setting.

                  You dont get to tell me what i think is demeaning in my culture.

                  And yet you can tell me what is and isn't in mine. That's called being a hypocrite.

                  • -1

                    @Clear: Good god. OP is doing this in Bali. I am from there. I am telling you this is demeaning in our culture. This has nothing to do with you. Get it in your f-in thick head of yours

                    • @Wiede:

                      . I am telling you this is demeaning in our culture.

                      Like child exploitation? That's a big issue there and keeps happening. Magnitudes worse than someone agreeing to pamper someone for a bit of fun that's not demeaning to the person or slavery.

                      This has nothing to do with you

                      This is an open forum so it has everything to do with me and anyone else who wants to comment. If you want to oppress others from speaking their own opinion then you're on the wrong website.

                      Get it in your f-in thick head of yours

                      Once you resort to insults you've already lost.

                      • -1

                        @Clear: I dont care about winning or losing. In my culture this is demeaning that is it. It has nothing to do with you because OP is doing this in Bali. Not Australia. Also f your whataboutism.

                        • +1

                          @Wiede: So it's a hive mind in Indonesia? Everyone has the exact same feelings and thoughts of what is demeaning or not. That's not how the world works sunshine.

                        • +1

                          @Wiede: Is prostitution demeaning in Bali?

          • @Wiede: I don't think you understand how a job works. Be a slave for money. You don't choose to be a slave, you mutually choose to work for someone for the agreed task.

  • +3


    I want to hire some humans to do slave like behavior for my friend. I know this shit wont fly in Australia so obviously im going to go to a much poorer country because theres a higher chance ill get away with it.

    • I know this shit wont fly in Australia

      Unlike human trafficking. It doesn't fly and yet still a big issue here.

      • -3

        To the neggers who disagree. Pop down to Surry Hills in Sydney and you'll find plenty of businesses exploiting human trafficking. Something so bad happening under our noses. I'll happily point them out to you.

        • -1

          Can you elaborate on this human trafficking in sydney

      • Yes, that makes up for it

        "I want some slaves"
        "Seems shady af"
        "But I understand human trafficking is a thing"
        "Oh wow, great point, I retract my comment"

        • -1

          You don't know the difference between a job and slavery.

          • @Clear: I know the difference between being a d*&^ who exploits others' poverty to make them do demeaning tasks for my entertainment and not doing that

            This is a classic case of "You're not wrong, in a very narrow technical sense - you're just an ar5ehole."

            You seem to be fine with that, so just do you I guess

    • +2

      This shit won't fly in Australia?

      You can literally hire people to be your sex slave in this country. Won't have to dig very far to see how much more "demeaning" these activities can involve, over say, feeding someone a couple of grapes

  • +3

    Seek help op

  • +5

    I'm loving these comments.

    I also cannot believe anyone thinks going to a neighbouring country that is a former European colony and paying the locals a pittance to act like a bunch of trained monkeys/slaves is somehow acceptable in 2022. Just reeks of exploitation and ignorance.

    • -3

      Well even if I did it here, we would still be in a former European colony, and paying locals a pittance to act like a bunch of trained monkeys/slaves is still very much acceptable, and the norm. So how about I will go directly to the colonizing countries and pay the locals to do the same thing?
      It would be even more acceptable and cheaper if we were in the UK, Spain, Portugal, and the USA.

      • +1

        Well even if I did it here, we would still be in a former European colony, and paying locals a pittance to act like a bunch of trained monkeys/slaves is still very much acceptable, and the norm.

        The difference is that the Indonesians were the ones being colonised. Do you think that if you paid indigenous Australians to carry you around, waft you with palm fronds, and hand-fed you grapes that this would be 'very much acceptable?' I dare you to try this here.

        • Hence why I suggested colonising countries rather than colonised ones. Socially acceptable now. Regardless of any alternatives, it’s somehow still unacceptable. Socially acceptable by Bali government, workers, religious leaders but not socially acceptable enough for ozbargainers

  • Surely this is a troll, how come everyone is entertaining this?

  • Love this post. Why don’t you try it OP and see how the local will treat you after.

    • -2

      Instead of this, I have chosen a gift that is morally and ethically far worse than this and supported and offered by the locals.

      • +2

        You bought your friend a holiday to Bali?

  • -4

    All of the assumptions that its demeaning. So here's some words from locals, especially the last sentence.

    What’s the most glamorous/luxurious thing couples get to do at The Chedi Club Tanah Gajah?
    “We had a couple who requested for the bride to be carried into the venue in a palanquin (traditional Balinese carriage), carried by six men in traditional costume, which we accommodated. She was truly a queen for a day and it was such a fun thing for us to prepare.”

    Beach weddings in Bali are popular and couples come to The Chedi Club Tanah Gajah for these celebrations and to experience the traditions and culture of Bali.

    On their big day, the bride and groom make a grand entrance carried on a Royalty Balinese palanquins accompanied by a flower bearer and traditional percussion. The high priest then leads a series of rituals performed to strengthen the bond between the couple, followed by a Balinese-themed banquet by the beach.

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