This was posted 2 years 6 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Will (Write Online, Reviewed by Lawyer, Free Update for 1 Year, RRP $160) @ Safewill


For one week only, get a free Will which is reviewed by Safewill lawyers. The Vault is also included free this week.

This also includes free changes to your Will for a year. After that you pay $15 a year for unlimited updates and re-reviews.

Update: I’ll ask the customer service team and legal team to answer the questions posted in the thread.

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closed Comments

  • Testamentary Trust?? 😬

  • +11

    Smith or Ferrell?

    • Only one of them should be in jail though.

    • Goodman

  • +48

    Does this include a dramatic reading of the Will by one of your lawyers to my greedy family, after you take the Will out of the Vault? And if I put in my will that they only get my money if they spend a night in a haunted house, will your law firm verify that they actually spend the whole night there? How does that work exactly.

  • +19

    Will the will be read by James M Mcgill?

    • +2

      50% off!

    • +7

      Need a will? Call McGill!

    • +2

      It’s all good man

    • +1

      Better… Call… Saul!
      Better… Call… Saul!

  • Is there a code?
    What if it's for a married couple? Is it still 1 will?

    • +2

      What if it's for a married couple? Is it still 1 will?

      You have a will each…..

      • +11

        “You will have one each.”

        There, I fixed it for you.

    • One will each. Best to discuss it together but they are two seperate documents.

    • +3

      What if it's for a married couple? Is it still 1 will?

      Yes, hers.

    • You know what they say… Happy wife happy death.

  • +20

    Free Will

    But what if it's pre-determined that I'll decline this deal?

  • +41

    I hereby donate all my Eneloops and Veem t-shirts to the Ozbargain community

    • +5

      We are not worthy.

      • +6

        For that witty comment, u get my RM Williams

        • +2

          And also all of the Ugg boots from the “last standing Australian tannery” or whatever.

    • +3

      You can't take your Udemy with you!

  • +7

    I’m sure no one wants all the useless crap I’ve bought from Ozbargain “deals”…

    Maybe the lego

    • +3

      Dad… is that you?

      • +5

        LMFAO! My brother was so happy when he had a kid, so he could convince his wife he wasn't buying the Lego for himself.

    • Dibs on the Lego!

  • +1

    Better call Saul

  • +3

    OP’s username gives lots of confidence in the firm.

  • +1

    Im considering getting one. Any downside going with Safewill? Thanks!

    • +3

      Things to look out for are charges when administering the will

      • This. Especially if they are storing it for you.

  • Thanks OP. Got 10!

  • +2

    Sweet I need my will finalised very very soon so this is good timing. Thanks.

  • Interesting, any downsides to thisv

    • +9

      Their Privacy Statement indicates they may share your details to third parties for marketing.
      I won't use them for that reason. I do not know if they are actually good or not.

      • Thanks for pointing that out. In that case, I won't use them either.

  • +1

    Free Willy

    Speaking of which, I've got this move, where I… oh, never mind.

    • You beat me to it! Knew someone would make a movie reference.

  • +7

    They seem to want my credit card details even for the free will.

  • -4

    “Reviewed by lawyers”. That’s what Giuliani said about his charges that the 2020 election was rigged

  • +37

    'When you’re ready, pay and submit your Will to our team. While we can’t give out legal advice, we’ll make sure you’ve used the platform correctly and flag any issues within 3 business days.'

    And at the bottom of their pages: 'Safewill is not a law firm or a substitute for a lawyer’s advice about complex estate planning issues. '

    So is it even reviewed by lawyers? If so, what's the point? You literally have no guarantee that your will is valid or effective.

    • +9

      Wow talking about fine prints. That is shady af.

    • Yeah they're not reveiwing if your final wishes are legally enforcable or that some of your wishes don't contradict each other, or that naming your goldfish as your sole heir isn't the smartest move and despite you paying $15 a year for the next 30 years it will just be contested by your family anyway.
      They're just reviewing that the document is legally filled out correctly, like you've used your legal name and signed it, and agreed to pay them each year for unlimited edits. That last one is important.

    • I asked your question to one of our CS people. This is what they said.

      Hi There,

      Our Wills have been drafted by practising Australian solicitors, and are reviewed and updated by our legal advisers regularly to ensure that they meet all legal requirements.
      On top of that, every Will purchased is reviewed by our legal advisers to make sure that it has all been filled out correctly. Provided that you correctly sign the Will and have it witnessed in accordance with our signing instructions, the Will meets all legal requirements under Australian law.

  • +10

    At the bottom of the linked page: Safewill is not a law firm. Could be a concern?

    • +1

      Anything advertised as free shall be a concern

      • If the product is free, you are the product.

    • Safewill is a Will company. Safewill Legal is the law firm. Safewill legal reviews all the wills.

      • +6

        Did you read this comment?

        If so, a response to it will be appreciated.

      • Safewill Legal does not appear to offer Will writing advice in any of its services…

      • Kindly answer the comment mentioned below, the silence speaks for itself

        • I'm just a lowly tech person, I posted the deal but I asked customer service and legal to answer the questions.

          • @PropertyPig: And they haven't responded yet? Yikes indeedy

            Thanks for replying

            • @FlatulentFrank: It’s a bit hectic with free wills wheel. They’re working a lot to review wills and CS are getting hammered with calls and chats.

  • +7

    They "need" your credit card at the end of the process (even though it's free).

  • So good man

  • "Free Will", no thanks, I'd rather have my mind made up for me.

    • +3

      No you wouldn't.

  • +2

    After that you pay $15 a year for unlimited updates and re-reviews.

    Is that $15 a year until I die and my will is used or $15 for 1 year and I can update it as much as I want in that year?

  • +2

    Are will details usually stored digitally? How common is it these days?

    And the updates paying per year, if one opts out, when you opt in again, do you pay for that year or do you have to backpay? And are there any limits on opting in and out? Is it essentially a $15/change fee, that catches lazy opt-outers with an ongoing fee?

    If you want to print or convert the onlone will to physical copy only, is this an option, what are the costs for that?

    OP what is your association?

  • +4

    This website is so shady. You can't actually remove your credit card details. Only turn off renewals or update your card to a new one.

    • +4

      Just update it with a generated card number

      • Didn't work for me - kept saying the number was not valid.

        I then used a digital debit card on the wise app. Worked even though there is no money on it.

  • +29

    Their representative on here says that it'll be reviewed by a lawyer, but the page doesn't mention that bit (just that "their team" who aren't lawyers will look at it).

    Worse, it says:

    ©2022 Safe Will Pty Ltd, Level 7, 28 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010. Safewill is an online service providing streamlined forms and information. Safewill is not a law firm or a substitute for a lawyer’s advice about complex estate planning issues.

    Plus, their About page doesn't seem to mention any lawyers; all of which suggests that the rep advertising on here is lying about the product.

    It's not made better when the instructions say "Lastly, print your Will off, sign it and store it in a safe place" - nothing about getting it witnessed so it'll hold up in court, or how to make copies without negating previous versions - you can't just sign a new copy.

    Having just gone through the process of writing a will with actual lawyers the whole thing smells dodgy.

    • +1

      It’s good if you have very simple will but if it’s more complex you are better off getting legal advise

    • @OP looking for an answer to this please

  • +3

    Also, what is this 'Vault' business? As far as I'm aware, courts require the original signed will to be presented for probate.

    In Victoria, you can store your original will for free with State Trustees:…

    • +1

      Deposit and store for free, what’s cost to retrieve and how many $70 phone calls will it take?

        • +1

          … and yet, there’s no “No” in their answer to that simple binary question.

          • @AlexF: Here's the fine print on the actual lodgment form:

            • No charge will apply in relation to the initial lodgement made with this form, or to the first retrieval of the will lodged with this form.
              The Victorian Will and Powers of Attorney Registry offer is available to customers whose principle place of residence is the State
              of Victoria. This offer may be subject to change or withdrawal: check the Guide to Fees and Charges at
              to confirm the offer remains current.

            And on the fees & Charges page there isn't any outlined fee.

            • @sammytrailor:

              And on the fees & Charges page there isn't any outlined fee.


              No charge will apply … to the first retrieval of the will lodged with this form.

              So, “Will I be charged a fee at any point?” is ”Maybe.”

              • @AlexF: Do you expect to die more than once?

  • -4

    Will will smith be doing the will with a rock in the face.

  • +2

    you know if you put the title "Friend's" at the top of that photo on top of the go deal button you might have a TV show reboot.

  • +1

    Hey, Descartes told me I already have free will.

    • Either you're very old or you borrowed my car.

    • +1

      You're putting Descartes before the horse

  • so - you sign up for free - give them your credit card details - and they WILL handle your estate when you die ?

    sounds like a great deal - for THEM … !

    if like gov't trustee - get a free will - and when you die they start by taking something like 8% of your estate, and then charge $200 an hour or some such for 'legal administration' or such, which golly gee - needs to take a long time and many hours (@ $200ph) to actually get all the 'paperwork' done

    you know the joke - lawyers will work for you until all your money's gone (largely into their pockets) … ;-)

    • so - you sign up for free - give them your credit card details - and they WILL handle your estate when you die ?

      The wills they generate (source: did one last night and it has been 'approved' today) don't have anything in them about theirs or any other law firm handling the estate, bar the last paragraph of the last page (which is a general information sheet) which notes that they can assist you in applying for probate if needed.

  • For those in QLD, you can already get a will made and stored for free via the Public Trustee
    Had them do one this year for partner's father and it was a pretty simple process.

    • You have to nominate them as an executor, right? How their fee fare?

      • There is an option to have them be the executor but I don't think it's required. Not sure if there's requirements for them to be executor on some complicated ones, but at least for the simple one we had done the nominated executor was my partner. The Will went through Probate fine too.

        Only thing I'd mention for doing it with Public Trustee is make sure you have all the info ready (benificiary's legal names with correct spelling, amounts of all finances, loans, etc) before the appointment. Also if the will is for an individual, only they are allowed to present to avoid outside influence so make sure the individual knows/has all the info.

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