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Bonus 1,000 Live Better Points (Worth $10) for Completing COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Challenge @ Medibank (App Required)


A new challenge will earn 1000 points which will get you a $10 Amcal pharmacy voucher or another reward

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closed Comments

  • +25

    Covid booster challenge lmao

    • +22

      They're getting increasingly desperate.

      • I think they are generous

        • +5

          oh theyre generous with the vaccines alright …literally cant give them away!

  • +15


  • +7

    is $10 really worth a gamble at getting Myocarditis ?

    • +16

      Myocarditis is normalised now. Common practice to get it every three months.

    • -8

      You mean the myocarditis you're at least 8x more likely to get from Covid itself? Sure buddy.

      • +4

        so youre saying that you can get myocarditis from a safe & effective vaccine?
        wish someone told me about that last effin year before the mandates…

        • -7

          Man, people here are really dumb at measuring relative risk aren't they.
          They'd rather take on a disease that's killed millions vs a medication that has a very low (at most 80 in 100,0000) risk of a treatable side effect that has killed exactly no one.
          This whole pandemic has really highlighted to me that stupid really does exist in far larger numbers than I expected

          • +9

            @tdth99: I think the person who thinks the vaccine hasn't killed anyone might be the stupid one. Check DAEN.

            • -4

              @DonkSettingsEnjoyer: Tell me you don't know how to interpret raw data without telling me you don't how to interpret raw data

              • +3

                @tdth99: You are reading outdated studies.

                Your post is misinformation. You must be censored. Beep Beep Beep.

  • -7

    this is not an anti vaxxer post, it is for the many who have had their booster

    • +8

      …you can never be fully vaccinated

      • -2

        just as many here can never be fully sane or logical

  • +2

    Saw and completed it yesterday, easy $10 on top of the many other rewards I've gotten from LiveBetter. Don't need to upload proof btw.

    • -1

      Dang I just uploaded proof 😭

  • +13


    • +7

      the propoganda doesnt work by itself anymore…incentives are now required

  • +16

    Gigamaxxvaxxchad challenge

    I'm…. I'm gonna BOOOOOOOOST

  • +5

    Plus bonus myocarditis

  • +2

    Look at all the antivax nuffies failing to comprehend why a medical insurance company that makes its profits by its members staying out of hospital would offer an incentive to give a vaccine. Couldn’t possibly be because the booster means you are less likely to end up in hospital exactly like the studies indicate could it.

    • +1

      Get out of here with your logic and facts. This is conspiracybargain now

      • +12

        how many boosters does it take to be fully vaccinated against covid…?

        • +9

          Experts say that you'll never be fully vaxxd.

    • +8

      Cope more

      • +3

        A new account just for that, haha think you might need to be the one that “copes more”

        • +1

          nice spot…lol

        • +1

          Yeo cry more

          • +1

            @Benis1990: look at dr fauci here…you can stop shilling for pfizer now tony!

    • +7

      they get incentives from the drug companies. It’s not about keeping people out of hospital. Covid is not harmful to all, only few.

      • +4

        pharmaglobalcorp is only concerned about your health…

      • +1

        So they don't make money when customers pay for insurance and not make any (or at least expensive) claims? Interesting.

      • And yet those few are more likely a demographic with private health insurance. I mean you may possibly be correct that pharma provided the incentive but given that many studies have proven the effect of boosters preventing risk of hospitalization id say it is far more likely the insurance company is trying to lower their risk of payouts which is something vaccines do.

        • +2

          If you die, the health insurance company does not need to pay out. There is no event.

          The life insurance companies on the other hand would like to know your vaccination status.

    • +6

      say the line…the vaccines are 'safe & effective'

      • +2

        You sound like the jet fuel cant melt steel beams type

        • +1

          sure mate…keep masking up, keep getting the jabs every couple months and stay home lest you get the wicked wicked virus.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Careful mate, travel too far from home and you might fall off the edge of earth

            • +2

              @donkcat: Did he generalise and accuse you of castrating kids under the pretence of ‘gender reaffirmation’
              No, because he’d rather just just stick to the topic at hand unlike you who has to clutch straws by calling him a flat earther and a 9/11 conspiracy theorist.
              So much for integrity ?

              • @Gervais fanboy: His comments have just been rhetoric with zero substance. Happy to enter a factual debate but antivaxxers never like facts, their end game is that everyone is paid off and the data is manipulated.

                • @donkcat: did you just assume my gender?? how dare you….

                • +4


                  His comments have just been rhetoric with zero substance

                  Okay, then just say that. Atleast that way you atleast wouldn’t be digressing into whatever you are digressing into.


                  I have noticed our corporate overlords say it, their media shills propagate it and now I see their minions call other people that…
                  99% of people that you call that are actually anti - mandates and not anti vax..
                  I never had one person come to me or coerce me into not getting the vaccine.
                  Being pro-choice doesn’t make you anti anything.
                  So stop using these buzzwords like everyone else, we don’t need no more sheep mate.

                  Happy to debate but antivaxxers never like facts, their end game is that everyone is paid off and the data is manipulated.

                  Okay let’s assume that’s 100% accurate
                  But the solution to that isn’t you going Tit for Tat and start insulting him ?
                  Go ahead and beat him our superior logic and if you think he’s spouting drivel, part ways…atleast keep your integrity.

    • Doubt you would be treated in a private hospital for the effects of COVID…

      • You realize you (at your discretion) can be treated as a private patient in a public hospital?

        • I know that - not that there's any reason to do so - seeing as you've already paid (through tax / Medicare levy) the cost of admission, but again, if you're one of the absolute minority who are hospitalised for COVID you're almost certain to be in a public hospital.

  • Thanks Pam

  • +11

    $10 😂

    You guys don’t value your health much

    • bro…you can get 2 dominos for that. besides…yolo

      • +1

        Nope, the inflation hit them and they are now $8

  • +3

    Bruh. You dont need to get vacinated, just click the track button. Lol

  • +1

    points??? wheres my free pizza??

    • Slavvy won't be happy with you. He hates 'fatties' more than covid.

      • +3

        using a fatphobic term like 'fatties'…in this day & age???
        how dare you….

        • It's what slavvy calls them (hence quotation marks)

          • +3

            @Ughhh: youre the one using hate-speech here though…the term you are looking for is 'BMI challenged'
            its 2022 & hate labels like that are only used by the priviledged

            • @[Deactivated]: I know youre deliberately being obtuse. What can I expect from a chemist warehouse price jacking perfume hog fan like yourself.

              • +2

                @Ughhh: you seem triggered…lol

  • +3

    Checked this post just to read the comments.
    Not disappointed, better than reality TV…..

    • +3

      There's certainly a larger than expected cohort on Ozb that have chosen to reject reality and substitute the one they've seen on Facebook and telegram that's for sure!

      • +3

        Why so grumpy mate? Do you need your 5th booster?

        • +3

          Hehe you antivaxxers are so cute. It would be funny if the taxpayer didn't have to pay for your inability to decipher fact from disinformation

          • +1

            @tdth99: NPC rhetoric. I've been jabbed so nice try, but these "bargains" are just ridiculous.

          • +2

            @tdth99: ….ITS A pAnDEmIC of The UNvaCCINaTed!!!

  • +2

    Is this targeted? I didn't get the first one so I'm not eligible.

  • +3

    The anti-vax memes are literally coming true lmao. This is so pathetic

    • +3

      theres a new booster version thats been approved…so its time to clear out the old stock for new. get em while their hot!

  • +1

    Nope. Not for $10. May be for $1000.

  • +2

    When you track the activity, just type 1999 so that you get 999,500 credits and immediately get to level 3 for the quarter

  • I have to say well done to a lot of people. as in they are so cooked they are well done.

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