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[VIC] Up to Full HECS Undergrad Subsidies, Part Postgrad Scholarships for Nursing & Midwifery Degrees for Victorian Students


Be the next Gaylord Focker.

More than 10,000 students will have the cost of their nursing or midwifery undergraduate studies paid for, while scholarships will be available for thousands more who complete postgraduate studies in areas of need including intensive care, cancer care, paediatrics and nurse practitioner specialities.

All new domestic students enrolling in a professional-entry nursing or midwifery course in 2023 and 2024 will receive a scholarship of up to $16,500 to cover course costs.

Students will receive $9,000 while they study and the remaining $7,500 if they work in Victorian public health services for two years.

Daniel Andrews - “If you’re in Year 12 and you’ve been thinking about studying nursing or midwifery – go for it. We’ve got your HECS fees covered.”

Applications to courses are currently open via VTAC.

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        • yeah im sure they teach "white people bad" in nursing or any of the stem fields

          Do you even know what a Karen is?

      • +1

        Exactly. I don't know why you're being down voted for just being based in reality.

        • Ohh this website is a cesspit of extreme extreme left wingers with rabid Socialist tendencies…
          They are okay with legalised abortions upto the full term because ‘pro choice’ and in the next breath hate people that didn’t wanna get the jab.
          Irony - They justify the mandate because it’s for everyone’s sAfEtY, meanwhile being A-okay with terminating babies..

          So, if I am surrounded by people like that then I’d be more concerned if more and more people were agreeing with what I had to say than not.

          Now Watch me get dislikes on this comment.

          • @Gervais fanboy: if you used the the word "woke" in that delusional rambling. you could have hit grumpy conservative bingo.

            • @amzinguserman: Or in lesser words…
              ‘I dOnT LiKe wHaT yOu hAvE wRiTtEn, sO I cAnT hElP bUt iNsUlT yOu’

              Btw Fun fact - Woke was actually a term brought into the culture by the very same ‘wOkE’ kinds to describe themselves..
              Weirdly, they stopped saying it when everyone else started calling them woke.
              And now I have you here, who you thinks I’d be a nut If I had said it.
              Hmmmm, interesting innit ?

              • @Gervais fanboy:

                refers groups as cesspit , rabid socialist , makes false equivalencies .

                gets upset that they get labeled correctly.

                • @amzinguserman: I didn’t come at you individually. I generalised the demographics of the majority of users on the site.
                  If you felt slighted, probably coz you couldn’t help but resonate with that ‘majority’.
                  Anyways, you had the opportunity to refute and provide a rebuttal, instead you felt I was being ‘delusional’.

                  Anyways, it could have been worse
                  I could have called them woke

    • +1

      Yh all the ultra feminist are too soft for nursing, stick to psychology, social work and lesbian pink unicorn studies, blue hair, hairy armpit studies.

  • +1

    What a great way to get people motivated by money, instead of nursing.

  • COVID@Home call centre triaging is where the money's at for many nurses.

  • I’m sure this scheme will attract the best people into nursing.


    • Money might so that. But at least those who don't think they can afford it can at least try.

      Funny how most of the older politicians, lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc today whom got free or cheap University education complain about.the current crop getting a free ride.

      The Americanization of the education system doesn't work well. University education usual means graduates pay more taxes over their lifetime. You don't see trades being charged at similar levels.

    • -1

      Exams and entrance requirements are not being removed.

      Its not like they are sending them straight to the hospitals.

      but any excuse to be mad

    • +1

      He's been in power for mere 20 years.
      We should give him another chance and in 30 years he will be as successful as Biden.

  • +2

    Tradiesget apprenticeships, nurses get Jack shiet on their placements, weeks and weeks of placement 0 dollars, accomodation costs all to wipe the asses of the nation. Nurses deserve paid placements

    • can i vote u to be Australia's next Prime Minister?

    • -5

      Because hard blood and sweat physical labour deserves pay. A lot of nurses sit around doing virtually nothing but watch TV like those in the prison ward

      • -1

        yeah doubt that.

      • +1

        Felt worse of the EN, Night shift in 1 ward here in SA has 2 RN whose job was just to give medication and paperwork. 1 EN had to do blood pressure, towel bath, support those with disabilities/elderly (pad change, support walk to toilet) ect.
        Was with a mate overnight when he was really sick years ago over and on over 2 weeks, depressing stuff.

        • Some backwards nursing facilities, shoundt be like, should get your patient load, en's essentialy do the same role, just can't double check medicine with one another, get paid less and can't go to head nurse.

    • +1

      Agree that they should really look into paying them SOMETHING during their placements in their last 2 years……its just free labour at the moment.

  • +4

    good initiative. still wouldnt do it if i was coming out of school. hard job with shit conditions

    • I agree… Much easier similar paying gigs. If you have eye on some the cushier nursing jobs, its probably worth it. Nurse OnCall, homecare, vaccines etc though I the roof is probably that 130-150k if you workaholic it. Can do that in other.jobs with less risk n stress, maybe more hours.

      • we might only be able to fill the gap by offering an easier, more accessible visa pathway for qualified nurses. of course, the problem of retention would remain

  • so i receive the money to pay the uni or the uni is paid directly by the gov? how does the scholarship work exactly?

  • Why would you waste years of your life just to end up as a nurse with piss low income and a huge amount of stress.

    When you can be a 21 year old Real estate property insurance salesman working from home with no bachelors degree requirement.
    30 hours per week with a 80k per year salary not including bonuses.

    • Would it be a satisfying, stable career for 40 years? Sounds like the type of job someone does for 10 years before moving to something else…

    • Don't tell Dan lovers that, they're incredibly narrow-minded and uneducated. But also dangerous because they keep voting for an idiot destroying real progress. God I hate stupid people.

    • You are correct. Nursing is a pretty dead end job. To reach the top with all the responsibility and stress that comes with it ( nurse manager, nurse practitioner) is simply not worth it. But this is a normal job and we do need them

  • +3

    This is not how I want the tax money to be spent.

    • sure.. election coming soon..

  • +1

    I just paid back 50k of my hecs debt for my health degree before indexation. I don't think financial incentives are the wrong way to go, but I think this in particular is not the best use of the state's resources.

    If they're looking for retention, especially of skilled bedside nurses then this would be better done as a hecs payout after 5 years of service (cumulative, doesn't have to be consecutive, understanding that people will have kids, go on career breaks, or move states) in the Victorian hospital system, rather than upfront. Much better bang for your buck that way.

  • +3

    Trying to fake care before an election isnt going to work. We will always remember the 800 deaths that he caused. We will always remember the hundreds of days lockdowns.
    This sort of solution should have been presented two years ago not now when everything is in shambles.

    • Labor's answer to every question is (after the crisis is a full blown disaster) handing out free quals which helps their mates in the education sector stay employed and potentially weds them all to the militant nursing unions. However, getting a ton of inexperienced workers into a sector doesn't cover the skills gaps from the unhappy workers who leave, doesn't mean those who get free education will stay once they know what the job is, does not solve the immediate crisis as all those nurses need to go through and does not mean the quality of the newly sprung up education to cover demand is any good.

  • um… Am I missing something, but I didn't think $16,500 even covers half of the course fees to complete a nursing degree??? So it's not "Up to Full HECS Undergrad Subsidies", but more like "Almost 50% off HECS fees"?

    • Total degree course is around $16-18k. They give you ~9k of it whilst you study, the rest once you work for 2 years (having finished your degree).

      • Ah I see. I missed this part:

        enrolling in a professional-entry

        Fully free for new undergrads but have to work for vic healthcare for 2 years if you want to do a postgrad, or jump careers if you hold an existing bachelors degree.

        Hmm, I'd be interested to see the dropout rates of nursing in the next few years

  • +1

    Sweet I'll just wait 4 years to be sick

    • +1

      lol, nailed it. But Dan lovers think he is the best we had. The guy that has on record destroyed our health system for over a decade. That somehow brainwashed "educated" people that the unvaccinated will fill hospital beds. Those idiots that continued to post rubbish are the reason we're here. They're just to blame for killing people waiting for 000 and those who cannot get treatment because they were too stupid to see through the BS.

  • Better than stealing staff from other countries that also need them..

    Nurses do a tough job.. I unfortunately spent a couple of months in hospital a few years ago after an accident and it is amazing the amount of unnecessary crap from patients nurses have to put up with ..

  • This shouldn't be limited to nurses. We need more teachers and paramedics too.

    • Unis churn out teachers. They're just overworked so they quit or never start.

      • This is why handing out free quals doesn't solve a problem - if the job has problems that remain unsolved more workers won't fix it, and encouraging those on the promise of free education doesn't motivate people for the right reasons.

        • maybe. i don't have the data to make those assumptions. however, i can see student nurses taking this deal then just moving interstate due to absurd housing prices in vic.

    • not true afaik, I know multiple paramedic grads who have been unable to find jobs due to limited openings.

  • -2

    Have we always had nurse shortages or has there only been a shortage since they were forced to take some experimental injection?

  • +1

    *Paid for by the tax payer.

    • -3

      Free for bludgers

    • virtually every free product has a cost that is paid for by someone or something.

  • +1

    Whilst this is great to try Dil in the nursing gap I can't help but feel Dan is trying to buy votes here….

  • so we are going to have all election promises as bargains now? This is more a political advertisement ..

  • Waiting for offers from other states.

  • How do you think existing nursing students feel about this?

    • +1

      happy that they'll have more colleagues to share the load, most likely

      • -1

        I know several that enrolled this year, and they are the opposite of happy. I was NOT talking about existing nurses.

        • +1

          Ah missing out by a year would definitely suck but someone's gotta miss out

  • +1

    Can I get Cashrewards on this?

    • And use an egift card to pay for the deficit ?

      • +1

        And get a pile of Qantas points as well.

        • Probably use it as a taxable deduction after..

  • Whilst I think this is a great program, it doesn't address the underlying problem such as the retention of nurses and the things such as unpaid clinical placements etc which should also be addressed

  • I reckon one of the worst parts of nursing would be wiping people's bums who are unable to do it themselves. I just don't understand how anyone could get any job satisfaction from that.

  • can i get a nursing degree without ever having to be near a sick person?>

    • You have around ~800 hours of unpaid clinical placements so no

  • Is it for year 12 Victorian students only or anybody that moves to Victoria?

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