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[VIC] Up to Full HECS Undergrad Subsidies, Part Postgrad Scholarships for Nursing & Midwifery Degrees for Victorian Students


Be the next Gaylord Focker.

More than 10,000 students will have the cost of their nursing or midwifery undergraduate studies paid for, while scholarships will be available for thousands more who complete postgraduate studies in areas of need including intensive care, cancer care, paediatrics and nurse practitioner specialities.

All new domestic students enrolling in a professional-entry nursing or midwifery course in 2023 and 2024 will receive a scholarship of up to $16,500 to cover course costs.

Students will receive $9,000 while they study and the remaining $7,500 if they work in Victorian public health services for two years.

Daniel Andrews - “If you’re in Year 12 and you’ve been thinking about studying nursing or midwifery – go for it. We’ve got your HECS fees covered.”

Applications to courses are currently open via VTAC.

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closed Comments

  • +92

    I guess every Ozbargainer now gets a Nursing degree.

    • +33

      Or a unidays account

    • +2

      Thanks, I picked up 3

      • +3

        Only $16,500 reimbursed?

    • Dan Andrews - “We’ve locked our state down for the longest period of any state and imposed vaccination requirements as a condition to work and travel on our people, here’s a little sweetener to anyone interested in the healthcare field because we’ve lost a good portion of our healthcare professionals due to absurd mandates to what was an already stretched hospital system.”

      • -1

        That's 100% right. The government helped to sack 1000s of nurses because of their ridiculous vaccine mandate. Now they are crying out for more nurses.

        • +4

          Nurses that declined the vaccine indicate a. failure of education b. propensity for delusion.

      • +9

        Don't know why you got downvoted… He might not have said it in those words, but that's what happened…

      • +3

        Approximately 0.3% quit due to vaccine mandates.

        There's been a number leave due to burnout, although nursing always has a degree of annual churn

        • +8

          Don't wanna blurt out BS without any sauces, but lets say, even if it was just the 0.3% leaving due to vaccine mandates,

          1. That 0.3% leaving causes even more strain on an already short staffed environment.

          2. When the 0.3% leave, that impact is not going to spread out evenly on the rest of the 99.7%.

          It's going to cause intensified stress and responsibilities on their immediate colleagues.

          And when they also leave due to being burnt out, another 0.3% leave. Then another 0.6%, then another 1.2%, then another 2.4%, etc…

          It spirals down. Unless they manage to fill the gaps quick enough.

          Not a hospital, but I know lots of resorts are still struggling to find enough workers for F&B, security, etc…

          This is not financial advice.

    • +1

      Ready to be a nurse :)

    • -8

      LOL. Nursing. That's manual labourer job. Working with your hands. Unsustainable as you get older in your 40s. Majority can't work from home. I'll stick with being a software eng. I create things out of pure thoughts. All I need is fast internet (90Mbps). I'm currently working 100% remote in Da Nang, Vietnam while getting paid $1,300 USD per day as a contractor.

  • +14

    Nurses are so hot right now! You would think that society wouldn't function without them

    • +22

      The last 30mths would show that's true.

        • +39

          No, who do you think keeps the hospitals running, it aint the doctors.

        • +26

          the doctors that refuse to even see people face to face in fear of catching the spicy cough while the nurses look after everyone

          • +10

            @Teh White Mamba: I don’t think that’s fair on hospital Drs. They are seeing people with spicy cough day in and day out. Many have had to forgo their main clinical specialty and look after COVID wards.

            This doesn’t take away from the excellent work nurses do either. But there are definitely Drs working hard too.

        • +1

          You clearly have no idea how hospitals and medical centres work lol 😂

        • +2

          Nurses doing what doctors should be doing. Cleaners are doing what nurses should be doing 🙄

        • I know most doctors would say no, they were correct.

    • -2

      That’s because people call an ambulance when they get a positive RAT result

    • +2

      I like hot nurses

    • +1

      In my youth the town I lived in the nurses were the only regular imports, so yes they were hot even then.

    • +54

      Just don't come into our hospitals. I'd be happy not to treat you with any of our poisons <3

      • -2

        The mask drops!

    • +3

      Chill out, there’s a time and place for everything..

      This post isn’t about what you are trying to relate it to.

        • +32

          And yours is wrong 🥰

        • +2

          Okay 🤦🏻‍♂️

        • This aggression will not stand, man.

        • “You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.”

    • +17

      People who believe this aren't going to get medical degrees from a university (the education equivalent of mAinStReAm mEdiA)

      Though it would be hilarious for one of you lot to sign up for the scholarship and ask for an immediate payout because they already watched all the videos on their Telegram account so they're already qualified.

        • +18

          You should seek help, it's either a mental illness, or you never received proper schooling in a scientific manner. Either way, I feel sorry for you.

        • +7

          holy (profanity) you antivaxxers make boring memes. drop a goddamn cat or family guy in there - or is too MSM?

            • +15

              @trevor99: "Here's a graph. I'll let you infer whichever conspiracy you're most comfortable with, also known as "Do Your Own Research", follow the breadcrumbs and connect the dots, fellow free-thinker!"

              • -7

                @Crow K: Australian Bureau of Statistics, US Institute of Actuaries reporting on working age 18-65 year old deaths, German Institute of Life Insurers all show similar 15-40% increase in all cause mortalities, NOT related to COVID, but correlated with VAX, just to name a few.
                What you say is ridiculous.

                • +5

                  @trevor99: The fact you believe that dataset disassociates COVID and VAX rates in first world countries to start with is enough to have you sit in the corner wearing a silly hat.

                  Let me guess, we all just started getting vaxxed for no particular reason and then covid came along as a coincidence? Or maybe those two unrelated events happened in reverse order?

                  Stick to the "tunnels under the city, connecting all the pizza parlours for convenient child trafficking" stuff.

                  • -2

                    @Crow K: "dataset disassociates COVID and VAX rates in first world countries"

                    And what's your plausible explanation? What was the possible coincidentally timed event?

                    A 10% rise in all cause death is a 1 in 200 year event. We have 20%+.

                    • +12

                      @trevor99: "well if the vaccine isn't killing off unprecedented amounts of people, what else is, we haven't had deaths like this in decades?????"

                      — someone Just Asking Questions during an actual 1-in-100-years pandemic

                      • -1

                        @Crow K: It's not correlated with COVID or lockdowns.
                        Weak answer explains nothing.

                        • +13

                          @trevor99: People who stare at Telegram accounts and fill their brains with conspiracy theories have automatically lost the right to criticise anyone else's reasoning. "I know the answer, and it's a secret" works on your siblings when you're a kid, but it doesn't fly in the adult world.

                          Weak reasoning is something you would aspire to, in your current state. It would be an upgrade.

        • +3

          That chart directly correlates with covid deaths in Australia, what's your point?


          • -1

            @freefall101: This is from an official report from US institute of Actuaries.
            Boost up, go on do it.


            • +8

              @trevor99: Already done mate, avoided covid entirely so far, not a single day off sick and my life has gone as as normal. Mask up during the surge, back to living life as normal now.

              Anyway, you've found that deaths spiked, you haven't explained how. It only impacted young people, which if you remember back before the vaccine covid was killing perfectly healthy kids who had barely any symptoms with heart attacks. Heart attacks rose in 2021. Join the dots. But old people were more likely to take the vaccine than young people and yet didn't die. It doesn't line up by location either, in the report it shows that the state with the biggest rate of non-covid deaths is Georgia, which has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the US. But nothing lines up with vaccination, TN and NY have about the same levels of non-covid excess deaths despite having wildly different vaccination levels. Your vaccination conspiracy just doesn't add up.

              On the data itself I went to find the source of the US Institute of Actuaries you keep quoting but that group doesn't even exist, so I went and found the actual source, the Society of Actuaries Research Institute, chalk one up for doing my own research - https://www.soa.org/4a368a/globalassets/assets/files/resourc…

              There's no defined source of cause in their report either. But there is a very well known cause of death in the US that happened, deaths due to overcrowded hospitals - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2022-01-26/u-s-ho… . Up to 1 in 4 deaths were found to be caused by that when covid cases spiked.

              There's also that the number of people with life insurance has dropped significantly the past few years. And who is most likely to drop their life insurance policy, someone who is at high risk of dying or someone who is relatively healthy? That would push up the death rate of their clientele all by itself. It's worth noting the number didn't move much, not many young people die each year so moving that number a lot is hard but it's only 4% extra among all deaths over the year.

              • +3

                @freefall101: I wouldn't have the patience to engage with this idiot. However, you have nailed him with sound logic and sourced data. Well done.

                I notice you haven't got a reply….

                • -2

                  @Dannyism: That's because I'm not repeating everything I say if you can't pay attention.
                  Excess deaths are now a proven fact by US Institute of Actuaries as not COVID deaths.
                  Further, Govts are listing many deaths as "COVID deaths" when they test positive only, not necessarily die of it.
                  Further, hospitals get paid over $10,000 extra for each death if it's listed as COVID.
                  Boost up, for your health. Win the Darwin award.


                  • +1

                    @trevor99: Could be a million things causing increased mortality. Correlation does not mean causation.

                    Boost up. Eat Fresh.

                  • +2

                    @trevor99: lol, for those playing along at home

                    Excess deaths are now a proven fact by US Institute of Actuaries as not COVID deaths.

                    Group doesn't exist

                    Further, Govts are listing many deaths as "COVID deaths" when they test positive only, not necessarily die of it.

                    This has nothing to do with vaccines, now you're going full COVID denialist, good look for you. Also, not true in Australia at all.

                    Further, hospitals get paid over $10,000 extra for each death if it's listed as COVID.

                    The number is $13,000, source is an American congressman who was using it for political purposes. It's based on the medicare cost of treating a covid patient. The thing is, if hospitals wanted to fake a diagnosis to get more money though they'd be far better off with cancer treatments, costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to put someone through that, might as well go for gold on fake treatments.

                    Anyway, I look forward to you ignoring more of my posts.

                    • @freefall101: Listen carefully. These deaths are real.


                      • +2

                        @trevor99: I guess it is easier to let someone on youtube explain what you clearly can't.

                        It has exactly the same failings, there is no link to vaccines at all. There is a clear link between covid itself and heart disease though.

                        Dr. Campbell has had a real problem with showing a whole lot of data then dreaming up the conclusion, much like you do. Ever heard the saying there are lies, damn lies and statistics? Simply because you're presenting a tonne of data doesn't make your claim even remotely true, you need to show how the data links to your premise. Neither he nor you do that (he's terrible at it).

                • +1

                  @Dannyism: I work in data analytics. If one of my team presented this to a client where they couldnt' even source the data properly and there was no basis for the argument they were making they would be torn a new one, first by the client then by me.

                  It was strangely relaxing to do. I think I have a problem.

        • +9

          Never argue with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level and win over with experience … enough said.

          • +1


            win over with experience

            this addition to the old adage is gold

        • +4

          Think I just lost brain cells trying to actually understand your argument @trevor99

          Correlation doesn't make causation. Your proof is nothing but a very wobbly correlation which has had other members already topple it over with a bit of Googling.

          Without reading the paper (because you're not worth the effort), a stronger correlation would likely be from people not being willing, or being able, to seek apropriate health care due to COVID.

          Not the Vax.

          That is actually one of the issues this scheme would assist in addressing.

          And no, the Vax isn't 100% safe, but it's not the conspiracy you think it is.

          • @Whilezee: Thank you for your paragraph of your misguided fact free opinion.

            Facts are now appearing.

            Listen carefully if you want to learn the truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wLu98NygrA

            • +3

              @trevor99: Lol. The guy said the vax isn't 100% safe. You then said his opinion was fact free.

              So the vax IS 100% safe.

              Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up.

              • @Dannyism: Reeled him in! Hook line and sinker.

                Now that @trevor99 has admitted the vaccine is totally safe, how do they explain the deaths? Guys we might be able to save them yet!

                Come on Trev, we know you can do it! You can use that brain!

    • +10

      It sounds like you struggle with reading comprehension.

      • -6

        Feeling comfortable in a crowd, like a sheep, can make you feel good but does not make you correct.

        • +18

          You are literally baaahhhhing the same shit you read off your little telegram/facebook echo chamber. The irony of calling someone a sheep whilst your entire existence is based on poor understanding and an inability to do any critical thinking is incredible.

    • +1

      MAGABot be gone!

    • +2

      All cause mortality all time high. Those mRNA covidians just won't accept they took a genetic treatment rather than a vaccine.

    • Why have you been downvoted ??? I don't understand

  • +54

    Upvoting because we really need more nurses.

    • +18

      Me too. My sister is a nurse and moved to a country town. Within a month she had (casual) jobs with 3 different hospitals in nearby towns. And they are all asking her to do more shifts.

      Probably need a similar scheme for early educators (child care).

    • +7

      Yes we do and you can thank Dan.

      Ever single medical staff member who feels like they can talk to me are honest as duck and plain as day blame current circumstances on the cv policies.

    • +1

      Is the governments fault for demanding nurses be vaccinated or lose their jobs.

      • +2

        Its terrible how they demand that healthcare workers who want the best for their patients should follow medical advice and get vaccinated to stop spreading diseases. Very rude of VIC government. 😶

        • You do realise the vaccines do not prevent infection or stop the spread right? And you do realise that the “vaccines” are as novel as the virus itself…

      • +2

        Nope, only insignificant numbers quit due to covid mandates, which were country-wide, and nurses have always had a certain level of mandatory vaccination requirements from training through to employment.

        There's a number of factors why the industry is slammed at the minute, but vaccination requirements are not a factor.

      • +1

        SFA people actually left because of this, far more nurses would have left if tasked with dealing with an unvaccinated populace.

  • +9

    We already have the largest debt of all the states. How are we going to fund it? And how do we ensure if we do go ahead, that people are not going to a) frivolously enroll and never work in that field b) leave VIC and work in another state as soon as they graduate?

    • +56

      Got any other ideas how to fix the nursing crisis? Write them to your local member.

      • -7

        Private hospital nurse tax?

      • +9

        @GeneralSkunk Raise their income/benefits and improve their working conditions, and legislate better protection for nurses, ie harsh sentences for those who abuse our nursing staff. We know what are the factors contributing to their burn out rates, we just need to fix those. And I'm not saying not free degrees isn't a bad idea, but there needs to be certain clawbacks and conditions to tighten the conditions or it'll turn out to be another stupid policy like our solar or free laptop schemes etc. The policy makers need to sit down and work out all the conditions needed so that this isn't abuses, or exploited. Poorly written policies seem to be the standard of the day compared to other countries.

        • -6

          Have you seen some ad for nurse?
          Most recent from my cousin's work hospital, one morning shift, $500 bonus plus all benefits.

          No one want to work.

          There is a problem in the system, their pay and benefits is more than adequate. When $1000+ shifts pops up, they can ignore it.

          I don't know how they going to fix the problem, but new nurse in basic rate will definitely be enticed and competitive to some existing smoke break every 15 minutes octopuses.

      • And be simply ignored? Or sometimes you get in response some condescending partisan dribble.

    • +6

      Great points. The fact you are being negged reflects the sad state of affairs we are in

    • +9

      Wont' the "global reset" get rid of all debt? When is this happening anyway? Seems to be pushed every 6months…. You'll own nothing and be happy……

      • There's no global reset unless we go into WWIII or there's a popular uprising/revolution resetting wealth and land ownership. Not going to happen in AU where the income divide isn't huge. I'm surprised it hasn't happend in the US already though. The lower and middle class are being exploited so much, it's sad and funny to watch at the same time.

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