• expired

Sounds Air Season Pass - Unlimited Flights within NZ for 3 Months for NZ$799 (A$718) @ Sounds Air


Eyeing up an extended holiday to New Zealand? This deal might just be perfect for you.

"Fly all you like, all of spring on one fare. With nine destinations around New Zealand, you can pop into Picton, swing by Wanaka, check out Christchurch, see the rellies in Welly then your mates in Taupo, one minute Westport, nek minnit Nelson, Blenheim today, Paraparaumu tomorrow."

Only 1000 season passes available. Travel dates are from the 1st of September 2022 to the 30th of November 2022.

Routes are as follows:

Wellington ↔ Picton
Wellington ↔ Nelson
Wellington ↔ Blenheim
Blenheim ↔ Paraparaumu
Nelson ↔ Paraparaumu
Wellington ↔ Westport
Wellington ↔ Taupo
Blenheim ↔ Christchurch
Christchurch ↔ Wanaka

Connecting flights are available, however, please note that Season Pass seats are limited on each flight and your desired connection may not be available.

Flight bookings for all Season Pass members are subject to availability. Space may be limited for bookings during peak travel periods and public holidays

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Sounds Air NZ Airline
Sounds Air NZ Airline

closed Comments

  • +4

    "Flight bookings must be made 7 days prior to travel and be booked via our reservations call centre."

    • +8

      "Season Pass holders are permitted to have 2x active return bookings at any time. "

      So it's not really unlimited, those two conditions limit the number of flights… Still cool though…

      • Would be interesting to work out the maximum theoretical value you can extract from it

        • +4

          Seems like you should be able to fly approximately every four days. This should be about 22 flights over three months. Couldnt find an approximate value for their flights in 5 seconds of looking so hard to get a $ value.

          Given they only have a handful of destinations, doing all of them over three months would probably be the most "real" value you can get.

      • Well if your body can only physically be on one plane at a time it's not unlimited right lol. At most you can be on every scheduled flight

    • +2

      And if you can't make a flight you will either need to pay a $40 cancellation fee if it is foreseeable a day or more in advance, or a $150 fee if things go wrong for you closer to the flight time.

      "All changes and cancellation requests made at least 24 hours prior to travel will incur a $40 fee."

      "If you cancel, change, or fail to check in for your flight (No-Show) within 24 hours of departure, your Season Pass will be suspended for further bookings and a $150 reactivation fee will apply."

      If C19 infection or some other issue occurs you may be up for significant fees as punishment.

  • +2

    An interesting concept (and a bargain) - never seen an unlimited version before :-)

    • +6

      This type of products have been proven successful in China post their first wave of covid and before the Delta wave. Even more value if you have unlimited lounge access from loungekey/priority pass.

      • First thing that came up on my mind too

      • +2

        There's currently one on offer with wideroe in Norway if you are interested.

    • +1

      TuiFly offered this (article in German) for the summer holidays in Europe for young people in the early 2000s. All you can fly for two months for 199€ and you could book until 48hrs before departure.

      • yeah I was sure i remembered a few euro versions of this pass many years ago

    • +4

      My parents got one of these across USA when I was a kid for the whole family. I have amazing memories of catching a flight every few days to another US city. This is when flying domestically used to actually be an enjoyable experience rather than nowadays where it's a pain.

      • -2

        Before 9/11?

      • It's a 'pain' everywhere, post-11/9

  • +7

    Almost like the unlimited American Airlines pass, pretty cool +1

  • +3

    wow, its like an all you can fly buffet

  • +12

    I wish there was something like this in Au. I might think of a federal job if I didn’t have to live in Canberra.

  • Yeah na, unless you were going to take Sounds air more than 7 or 8 times during the 3 months, no point. One way flights start at about NZ$ 79.

    Sounds air is a fairly small airline, limited amount of flights, limited amount of seats due to being fairly small planes (15 seats?!).

    Did it prior to covid to travel between Christchurch and Blenheim, very cool.

  • +2

    This sounds like a good deal, but is it really?

  • +2

    This sounds like a great deal; and it's entirely possible to extract value from it.

    Keep in mind that someone smarter than me and you have done the numbers and concluded that this will make money for the company.

    Which means the odds are likely that it's not a real bargain on the average.

    • +1

      it means for the majority of people it's unlikely to be a bargain, we will require a venn diagram of some form though to establish how many ozbargainers also fly Sound Air though as no doubt this community would find a way to extract value :P

    • +11

      But we are not average, we are professionals

    • +3

      Not necessarily, though. Often products like this are targeted at people that wouldn't be customers anyway, for seats that wouldn't be filled anyway. They might just be aimed at offsetting operating costs rather than returning a profit.

      Additionally, many 'unlimited' type products rely on average consumption, if you're a true OzBargainer and go out of your way to maximize it, it can definitely become a deal.

    • Also withe the 2 conditions, you can only call the call centre 7 days prior which means if you leave it too late, you may not be able to get a return flight back and end up either out of pocket or have to shorten the trip to get a better chance of getting a seat so I would say lucky to get 2.5 months out of it. Seems like another ozb mentioned that the plan is quite small so good luck to have a travel plan that you can stick with it.

      • Travel dates are from the 1st of September 2022 to the 30th of November 2022. No extensions are permitted.
  • +1

    Choice bro!

  • +1

    So you fly into Queestown, go to Wanaka take flight 1 from Wanaka to Christchurch. Then take the Coastal Pacific train up to Picton. Take flight 2 from Picton to Wellington. Take a return trip from Wellington to Nelson flight 3 and 4. Then take the final flight from Wellington to Taupo, flight 5. Trek it up to Auckland and then fly back.

    So 5 flights for 799? Probably not worth it. Probably can squeeze in a couple more if you take the train from Christchurch via Arthurs Pass to Greymouth, then bus it up to Wesport. Then fly there to Wellington. Once at Wellington, take the ferry to Picton and fly back.

    Eitherway, it will be hard to make the most of it.

    • +2

      If you lived in one of the locations and regularly commuted for reasons, the equation would be quite a bit different.

      • +7

        But this is OZbargain not ChoiceCheapies.

  • +4

    Reminds me when I bought a 3 flight deal for the USA, recommended by my travel agent. It was super cheap (less than one internal flight) I didn't read the small print, turns out it was standby only, I only managed to use one of the 3 flights and that took 7 hours of waiting around.

  • +3

    1000 available.

    Destinations: Wanaka, Christchurch, Westport, Nelson, Blenheim Picton, Wellington, Paraparaumu,Taupo

    Terms & Conditions

    • Individuals who are 15 years and above may purchase a Sounds Air Season Pass via the website.
    • Purchasing a Season Pass requires individuals to create a customer log in.


    • Flight bookings must be made 7 days prior to travel and be booked via our reservations call centre.
    • Season Pass holders are permitted to have 2x active return bookings at any time.
    • The Season Pass can only be used by the Season Pass owner.
    • Travel dates are from the 1st of September 2022 to the 30th of November 2022. No extensions are permitted.
    • Flight bookings for all Season Pass members are subject to availability. Space may be limited for bookings during peak travel periods and public holidays. Please call reservations on 0800 505 005 for options.

    Changes, Cancellations and No Show

    • All changes and cancellation requests made at least 24 hours prior to travel will incur a $40 fee.
    • If you cancel, change, or fail to check in for your flight (No-Show) within 24 hours of departure, your Season Pass will be suspended for further bookings and a $150 reactivation fee will apply.
    • Changes can be made by calling reservations and/or via email. Email is required outside of office hours.
    • Sounds Air Season Pass are non-refundable and cannot be placed in credit.

    Prior to departure

    • Valid identification must be presented at the check-in desk prior to departure, passengers who do not present valid identification will not be permitted to travel.
    • Sounds Air’s standard Terms and Conditions apply.
    • +1

      Sounds too hard to me

    • Season Pass holders are permitted to have 2x active return bookings at any time.

      Ahh, the fly in the ointment.

  • +1

    Organising car rentals or local transport would be a pain at each destination…

  • +3

    Good deal, it's always nice to see a company break the norm and try something new.
    Also props for the "Nek Minnit" on the website.

    • Jessie Ryder. What a throwback.

  • +1

    Many interesting sceneries are along a road trip while driving.

  • Sounds interesting. I'll wait for reviews.
    Can see this turn into nightmare with not getting any availability of flights

  • +6

    They've got a fleet of 10 planes, 6 of them with a capacity of 9 passengers and 4 of them with a capacity of 12 passengers. Seat availability will be an issue, especially if you are on holiday and your dates are not flexible. It's a great concept, but not the right airline.

  • Wouldn't max flights be 90 days(3 months) divided by 7 (days in advanced needed to book) multiplied by 2(max bookings) so 12*2 = 24 flights max?
    Average of $80 flights = $1120
    Toilet seat maths so probably wrong

    • The 2 bookings are return bookings so you can have 4 flights booked at any given time, so it would come to double your amount.

  • My boss says no!

  • Picton to Wellington is one of the most beautiful routes I've ever taken. Sometimes you get to sit co-pilot in the cessna caravan too which is a novelty.

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