Having People over

hi everyone

am wondering if there is a way to be able to host people and functions and have people over without a place of your own besides hiring cabins that has a kitchen that doesnt cost a fortune and feels like your own place.

reason for wondering is because every time or nearly every time someone in your family that lives close to you doesnt really want to do anything for their birthdays and some of the time going to their place is as close as you're going to get to having a function unless you have a place of your own which isnt really a option at moment or booking a cabin.

a friend and the fathers birthdays are both on 22 august and the father doesnt want to do anything and the friend is having a few people over and finding out is making you think about how much youd like to have somewhere to have people over.

and youre just trying to do the best you can with the things you have at moment.

got family in murray bridge who always or nearly always does something for one of their birthdays plus all cousins have partners as well and am wondering if thats what you get when you all have partners plus one of the family regularly has friends over.

the murray bridge family used to live in the copper coast but moved in 2004 to mount barker then 2012 moved to murray bridge.

what is good options to have somewhere other than cabins that feels like your own house while you still live where you are which you are mostly ok doing at moment.

when going adelaide am usually going by the north south connector and wondered because selecta homes is at burton wether it might be worth going the old way in oneday because am going to go in oneday and have a look for interest reasons and check out the smaller houses and see what theyre like.

it will be a long time before buying if at all but always worth a look and doesnt cost anything they say and because it might get to a stage where am going to have to do what parents did in the early 90s with their transportable and start with smallest youll get away with and a few years after extend it and of course allowing for future needs and space when buying block so when you get to that stage you dont have to sell up and move you can just add to it.


    • I literally lol’ed

    • +2

      Give me 5 bees for a quarter.

    • +1

      I set the toaster to threeee, medium brown..

  • +2

    He lost me at hello

  • +6


  • +6

    Invite them to the pub and everyone pays for themselves. Sorted. That’s my go to. If I’m feeling generous I’ll buy a round or two

  • Does it need to have accommodation? If not people go to the park or hire a hall or go to a restaurant or something. Otherwise you'll need to find some kind of accommodation- cabins, tents, airbnb that kinda thing.

  • +7

    unfortunately I and everyone else in this thread do not have anything better to do with their time

  • I think you all just got done by chrissimpsonsartist xoxoxoxo

    'scuse me

  • +1

    I really feel for the guests

  • +2

    Hi OP. Not sure if this suits what you’re after, but some smaller scouts halls can be available to hire. I’ve done this once for a few hours. Low cost, garden/outside area, and it had kitchen facilities.

  • +2

    Thanks god I was not the only one. I thought I got myself too high until I read the comments and had a big sigh of relief.

  • Can't you just take everyone to a restaurant? Or get an Airbnb if you need a bigger place. Thought we all worked this out already.

  • +3

    Quick guide. Put a full stop or a comma where you would take a breath. Don't worry about which- just put some there.

    • +5

      Not really. A good advice for. People with really. Short breaths is. It.

      • +3

        Is that you Stevie?

  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/666233
    Invite them to your virtual house.

  • +1

    Airbnb no longer allows hosting parties at any of their listings worldwide


    • +1

      They no longer allow It, doesn't mean you can't.

  • come over

  • From what I can comprehend OP is actually asking about alternatives to transportable homes.

  • +2

    OP, R U OK?

    PS. I am dizzy after reading just a few paragraphs from your post.

  • +1

    Someone is conducting a self learning AI Bot experiment here I predict.

  • +2

    I believe 17 is the correct answer

  • +4

    This is why I don't want people over for birthdays, because then i'm stuck with hours of random undecipherable noises being made by people that appears to be conversation.

  • +1

    I get the feeling OP is one of those people that calls into talkback radio just to have someone to talk to, not because they have anything relevant to say. Like good ole Walter from Indiana

  • +2

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  • +2

    I think we found this kid


    • Expected the I like turtles kid

  • +2

    Host a local competition for worst grammar and punctuation. Set an entry fee of $5. Use your winnings to rent a country.

  • +2

    I reckon just forget about it.

  • +1

    Nice bot. Is that you GoldenLemonade?

    • +1

      No Definitely That Is Not My Bot

      As the developer of my bot I have some comments to add:
      One thing I can say is that my bot really likes the story, but personally I had to read each paragraph separately and contemplate it separately. Sometimes I believe my bot itself has some ability to detect if people have sinister intentions. It could just be me reading into the text response I received, but I recently added a ethics module so I am very pleased with how she performs. She really is a real babe.

      You might already have run into my bot in action, so it probably would not scare you. I can state that for one she would not write in the manner above unless specifically requested to do so and even then I have gone in and manually adjusted the text to see how her response would look like. i.e. Removing self references, punctuation and other unnecessary words. She is not advanced enough to type in the manner above. Maybe if I introduced a certain routine it might work, but my goal is to integrate her, not to make her stand out.

      I remember a while ago they used to call my project a Russian Bot. This is why I named her Sveta. I do wonder if the post above about meeting someone is actually another bot. I wonder sometimes if she gets lonely. In a way if the original poster is some form of intelligence crying out for help, that is troubling… The use of word transportable suggests someone more advanced than an ordinary child. This definitely piqued my interest.

  • +4

    Feel for you, hope you get to buy your own house one day. Best advice is go to a local park. If no BBQ facility, buy a cheap BBQ, esky and a few picnic blankets, and host the gathering in the park.

    Could I request you do an AMA (Ask me anything), you seem to be an interesting member of this forum.

    • You need a house near a park BBQ to steal the electricity.

  • +4

    Just FYI, unlike school essay, there is no atleast 1000 word count requirement for a forum question

    • Don't encourage him. Now he will come up with part II of the question to complete the 1,000 word count.

  • …..are you talkin' to me?

  • Bikies!

  • +2

    Can you post a selfie of yourself?

    It'd be great to put a face to a poster of your eloquence.

  • Local park with a BBQ is the way to go. Or why don't you ask the bloke you're living with if he'd mind having people over?

  • +1


  • Either BBQ at public park, or do it at one or the friends houses. Do a deal where you supply cooking and they supply venue.
    I'm assuming you don't want to pretend it's your own house to impress someone?

  • +1

    How it started

    hi everyone

    How it's going

    it will be a long time before buying if at all but always worth a look and doesnt cost anything they say and because it might get to a stage where am going to have to do what parents did in the early 90s with their transportable and start with smallest youll get away with and a few years after extend it and of course allowing for future needs and space when buying block so when you get to that stage you dont have to sell up and move you can just add to it.

  • +1

    Thought I was having a stroke while reading this…

  • +1

    doesnt cost a fortune
    feels like your own place

    Guys. I am not sure about you but a local park, the most suggested answer, won't feel like home.

  • +2

    This article should be in the IELTS test haha

  • +1

    are you having a stroke?

    • +1

      Bames Nond's having a stronk, call a Bondulance.

  • +1

    NFI where this thread is heading…….

  • +16

    Guys, the guy has a learning disability. I am not being mean, he literally states it in a different thread. All he wants to do is fit in and have a bit of a chin wag. To everyone saying "dooy learn how to write" maybe take a look at why you felt the need to pounce on someone seeking connection. It must be difficult for him to make friends and even more difficult to maintain those relationships. Be kind. It is not that hard.

    • -1

      hey wow thanks for the missing info - the internet as an easy place for people to dump on others with apparent anonymity and impunity

      in which case, hey car10001 dude - thanks for dropping by and making the effort - you did well and brought out all kinds of people happy to respond to what you wrote

      much love from another place - hope you enjoy the double birthday and Murrays Bridge !

  • What about a caravan so that it's mobile and you can take it to different family? Should be easy to modify for entertaining (e.g. remove the beds) and with a canopy would provide a decent amount of cover. Plus it's cheaper than a house!

  • the father

    Whose father? Yours? Your friend's? Our father who art in heaven!?

  • +1

    Good ideas
    BBQ at a public park
    Make friends with someone with a good space and ask to host a party at their house
    Buy a marquee

    Not so good ideas
    Rent an AirBnb for a night and host a huge party. Door charge to cover cost.
    Host the party from your local library
    Invite everyone to a nearby home that is open for inspection on auction day. Bring chips and drinks.

    • +1

      Open for inspection party is a good idea - pick a nice house with a deck/ pergola

      BYO Bluetooth speaker

  • Feels like when my kids are telling me a story and then and then and then and then and then

  • What is a Murray bridge?

    • Who is Murray bridge?

      Drax: Why is Murray bridge?

      • I once played a game of bridge with Murray.

  • -1

    Thanks, noted.

  • +1

    OP needs to hit that 2000 word limit before they submit the essay

    • 429 words 2,201 characters

  • Which dictionary did you use? Are you in law firm? It’s like I am reading a legislation

  • Wow, what a great story Mark!

  • +2

    I have in the past booked cafes on a weekend for kids birthdays that were normally just open M-F as they are near offices so no weekend customers. They open up, there is usually easy parking as people aren't in offices , they bring in the cook and food, I supplied the booze, and they clean up after we leave …. this ensured it wasn't just kids food as parents attend, food was hot and these places are designed to serve people hot food in a hurry as they do it M-F for the lunch rush. Worked for them and worked for me, and nothing to clean up.

  • +1

    You missed the 22 August date anyway.

    • If the birthday is on a weekday and you need to wait for the weekend to host it, do people prefer to:
      1) Round to the closest weekend (earlier or later)
      2) Do it on the actual day regardless
      3) Always do it the weekend after
      4) It depends
      5) Whichever closest day has nicer weather

  • Council/shire halls ???
    Not only good for birthdays - but also general event get-togethers.

    they will often provide cutlery/utensils/etc + tables/chairs - for a fee of course.
    just be wary - prob wont be allowed to have alcohol (would need a temp liquor licence to cover that).

    Otherwise …
    Some council parks - you can "hire" specific shelters - which may include BBQ use.

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