Having People over

hi everyone

am wondering if there is a way to be able to host people and functions and have people over without a place of your own besides hiring cabins that has a kitchen that doesnt cost a fortune and feels like your own place.

reason for wondering is because every time or nearly every time someone in your family that lives close to you doesnt really want to do anything for their birthdays and some of the time going to their place is as close as you're going to get to having a function unless you have a place of your own which isnt really a option at moment or booking a cabin.

a friend and the fathers birthdays are both on 22 august and the father doesnt want to do anything and the friend is having a few people over and finding out is making you think about how much youd like to have somewhere to have people over.

and youre just trying to do the best you can with the things you have at moment.

got family in murray bridge who always or nearly always does something for one of their birthdays plus all cousins have partners as well and am wondering if thats what you get when you all have partners plus one of the family regularly has friends over.

the murray bridge family used to live in the copper coast but moved in 2004 to mount barker then 2012 moved to murray bridge.

what is good options to have somewhere other than cabins that feels like your own house while you still live where you are which you are mostly ok doing at moment.

when going adelaide am usually going by the north south connector and wondered because selecta homes is at burton wether it might be worth going the old way in oneday because am going to go in oneday and have a look for interest reasons and check out the smaller houses and see what theyre like.

it will be a long time before buying if at all but always worth a look and doesnt cost anything they say and because it might get to a stage where am going to have to do what parents did in the early 90s with their transportable and start with smallest youll get away with and a few years after extend it and of course allowing for future needs and space when buying block so when you get to that stage you dont have to sell up and move you can just add to it.


  • +240

    Tldr and I can really crap on so if I'm saying that, you really gotta do something about they way you've written this and framed the discussion.

    • +9


    • +49

      Sometimes I wonder if people posting are actually secretly conducting online social expirements or gathering data for their psychology thesis

      • +2

        I swear this is true.

      • +5

        this is AI posted… not a real person, its a test to see how realistic it can be….

        • +1

          It didn't do too badly for an OzBargain post TBH

        • I thought the same thing… this is nothing more than vaguely coherent rambling

    • +73


      Greetings and saluations to one and all.

      I am posting this enquiry to enquire to the collective assembly of Ozbargainers if they perchance in their experience knew of a social scheme to be able to host a soiree without bringing into one’s place of residence a congregation of people. I seek an avenue of thought where in which this place, this abode, is furnished with a kitchen. I have discarded the thought of hiring a cabin due to the immediate fact the momentary cost associated with the venue hire is outside my budgetary constraints. I am also of the belief that such a venue will not bring forth the ambience and atmosphere that is reminiscent of my own habitation.


      dung gon didly darnit i a bees fixing to pull up me britches but mees feels eyes too big for mies brithces so I tied an onion to my belt. Thay …err latch on thay …err bek gate done needed ayy nail. The blaand man done counted his awful old coins. That there guy is the writuurr ov ayy few banned books. Sikness done kept him home the therd week. It snowed, rained, ayn' hailed thay …err same mawning up theres in murray bridge. He done broke his ties with groups av fawmuurr friends. If y'all cant affawd ta here ayy cabin then ay suggest y'all use thay …err mowney ta get some engleysh tuishun. Y'all come back know ya hear.

      • +8

        I read the response like Jar Jar Binks🤣

        • +3

          I don't know how you did it. I need subtitles.

        • Boomhauer.

      • Eloquently put, senor cogswallop.

      • +1

        Man I wish we spoke like this. It would be such fun.

      • I'm Sheriff JW PEPPA

    • +13

      There isn’t a single comma. I’m actually quite impressed.

      • +6

        There's also no single Capital Letter, not as impressive as no commas though.

        • maybe AI generated

    • +2

      I thought I was the only one having difficulty reading that.

    • +1

      I thought I was going mad cause the sentences were just not making any sense. Thought I just needed another coffee..

  • +76

    So what’s your question?

    • +6

      Looks like it is just a statement

      • +10

        and just waiting for a mate.

  • +80

    When will part 2 of this novel be released?

    • +20

      I don't think I'll finish the part 1. It hurts my soul.

    • +3

      Rhymes that keep their secrets
      Will unfold behind the clouds
      And there upon a rainbow
      Is the answer to a neverending story
      Neverending story
      Neverending story
      Neverending story
      Neverending story

      • poor Artax :(

    • +1

      Im waiting for the movie… I can see Samuel L Jackson playing as Car10001

      • +2

        "I've had it with this motherf'n punctuation in these motherf'n paragraphs!"

    • +1

      I am waiting for the directors cut

  • +54

    Here are the best free blogging sites you can use to start your own blog today:
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    Tumblr (www.tumblr.com)

    Btw, where’s the bargain?

  • +4

    Considering OP's post history, wasn't surprised to just see this verbal diarrhoea lol

  • +10

    My answer to what I think your question is: Airbnbs that allows parties/guests, holiday houses, timeshares (if they exist still?)

      • +130

        Thanks for the reply but I don't know what that means

        • +29

          You must feel very blessed; you managed to elicit a reply from the OP who is notorious for not bothering to reply to comments

          • +2


            You must feel very blessed

            Judging by the reply, perhaps not…

          • +1

            @kerfuffle: I'm truly honoured, OP and I must be on the same wavelength ya know?

          • +3

            @kerfuffle: I feel no reply would be far less confusing and brain twisting.

        • Glad it wasn't just me that couldn't decipher this nonsense. Makes no sense at all. AirBNB /closethread.

      • +21

        This is like an AI attempting to post a response but with very limited data to work from.

      • +2

        4 'and' in a single sentence with no punctuation anywhere. Don't mind but where did you go to school?

      • Is this the Australian take on the Californians skits from Saturday Night Live?

    • This is the first genuine response.

  • +12

    Actually, I'm not sure.

    • +2

      Can you repeat the question?

      • +4


        am wondering if there is a way to be able to host people and functions and have people over without a place of your own besides hiring cabins that has a kitchen that doesnt cost a fortune and feels like your own place.

        reason for wondering is because every time or nearly every time someone in your family that lives close to you doesnt really want to do anything for their birthdays and some of the time going to their place is as close as you're going to get to having a function unless you have a place of your own which isnt really a option at moment or booking a cabin.

        a friend and the fathers birthdays are both on 22 august and the father doesnt want to do anything and the friend is having a few people over and finding out is making you think about how much youd like to have somewhere to have people over.

        and youre just trying to do the best you can with the things you have at moment.

        got family in murray bridge who always or nearly always does something for one of their birthdays plus all cousins have partners as well and am wondering if thats what you get when you all have partners plus one of the family regularly has friends over.

        the murray bridge family used to live in the copper coast but moved in 2004 to mount barker then 2012 moved to murray bridge.

        what is good options to have somewhere other than cabins that feels like your own house while you still live where you are which you are mostly ok doing at moment.

        when going adelaide am usually going by the north south connector and wondered because selecta homes is at burton wether it might be worth going the old way in oneday because am going to go in oneday and have a look for interest reasons and check out the smaller houses and see what theyre like.

        it will be a long time before buying if at all but always worth a look and doesnt cost anything they say and because it might get to a stage where am going to have to do what parents did in the early 90s with their transportable and start with smallest youll get away with and a few years after extend it and of course allowing for future needs and space when buying block so when you get to that stage you dont have to sell up and move you can just add to it.

      • You should have asked can you rephrase the question in less than 30 words (I am being generous here)

      • +1

        You're not the boss of me now.

  • +2

    I think Dencorub might help.

  • followed by a quick dip in pool hehe

    • +1

      Did they go to the races yesterday?

    • +5

      And then?

      • +10

        no and then..!!!!

  • am wondering if there is a way to be able to host people and functions and have people over without a place of your own besides hiring cabins that has a kitchen that doesnt cost a fortune and feels like your own place.

    Check Airbnb if it's just a couple of friends and family.

  • +4

    Rent mansion. tell family you made major money in crypto. winning.

  • +13

    go to the public park

  • +20

    You've posted a few threads about wanting to know short-cuts to get your own home, workshop, and the likes… Blowing money on a party house is the kind of thing you should not be doing, wasted money…

    Party OR grow up and prep/save for the future….

    If you want to host a function/party go to a park/beach/bush and have a BBQ…

  • +28

    Local Park with free BBQ facilities.

    • +14

      Just don’t steal electricity from the neighbours to power your light while cooking risotto

      • +3

        Remember that thread where the dude was cooking in the park out the back of his house…. every night…. for the free gas bbq….. and his neighbour complained. Fun times.

        • +1


        • +1

          I think that was the point of the comment.

  • +8

    Still a better love story than twilight.

  • +6

    my head hurts after that

    also you need friends to be able to have people over

  • Social eunuch

  • +14

    TLDR - So in other words, a stop gap solution to host people and functions and have people over without a place of your own besides hiring cabins that has a kitchen that doesn't cost a fortune and feels like your own place.

  • +1

    me tot me carn got dumr bot me did got dumr afta reedn dis,

    • +5

      You do know the OP is (likely cognitive going by their internet history) disabled, right?

      • +5

        I have no idea. I don't investigate into everyone that I reply to. To tell you the truth, I really think this is a troll post so I replying accordingly.

      • +1

        "has a disability"

    • Why did I read this in my head like I was a friggen leprechaun?

  • +5


    i think the post is something about a solution to hemorrhoids

  • Get a blog

  • +11

    Just go to a local Park with free BBQ facilities. Or go to a restaurant/RSL/Leagues Club for a family gathering.

  • -1

    What a coincidence. I'm from murray bridge too.

  • +4

    shift key broken

    • +5

      And the comma key

  • +2

    I'm not entirely sure I understood what I read, but the answer seems to be airbnb or a local club (although it won't feel like home). Family Christmas get together (30+ people) we rent out a bowls club with a kitchen/club room, smaller family things we tend to get an airbnb with the biggest living area possible

    • I could not find a single venue in SA which let me BYO alcohol.

      I rang 50+ places.

      Literally they all want your money these days.

      I've found people rent Airbnbs for small functions, 15-20 people a d seem to manage that way.

      • There are places. Look for function centres/hall hire rather than pubs/ (dance) clubs of that sort.

      • https://issca.org.au/hall-hire/ That took me about 5 minutes to find.

        Look for halls, community centres, sports clubs. Don't call anywhere that sells alcohol because they'll never let you book their venue if they can't sell you drinks.

  • +4

    Wow. What a story.
    So you are saying you need a backyard and covered deck for entertaining?
    A large space and room for all your extended family members?
    Don't we all?

    • +1

      Hard to work out why they cannot have people over.
      Are they in a shared house? Parents house? Living in thier car? Renting a small apartment?

      • They appear to live with people who aren't their parents.

        • The OP has no space for gatherings.

      • +1

        The family doesn't even want gatherings so why bother!

      • They live in a cabin. I’m assuming at a holiday park.

        • Not sure about that. In previous posts, the OP states that he needs a shed, his own shed.
          Maybe he lives on a farm with others.

  • +2

    Ok I read 80% of it and I think I know….

    OP doesn't want to host a function at their own place and needs a home-like place to host but OP doesn't want a function room or similar.

    OP, your best bet is to hire an AirBNB house. You get a kitchen and it feels like home.

  • +22

    “So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time”

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