This was posted 2 years 6 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

GALAX GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 1-Click OC 8G $788.00 + Delivery ($0 in-Store) @ Online Computer


These are sure getting cheaper, could be the lowest current price for a RTX 3070ti

Have a good day.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    HOLD until 15 Sep, price will cut half.

      • +36

        Apparently 3090ti's for $100

      • +20

        My mums birthday.

      • +8

        Ethereum mining is ending. The crypto is moving from Proof of Work (mining) to Proof of Stake (need money to make money)

        • +4

          I believe it when I see it. Wouldn’t surprise me if there is a last-minute holdup of some sort.

          And besides, there are plenty of PoW cryptocurrencies to go around. Chances are that mining farms will try and switch to those, rather than to sell their GPUs at a loss.

          • @maxbon: Those other coins are barely if at all profitable today, let alone when the difficulty sky rockets after the 900PH gets moved off eth. Mining just isn't going to be a thing like it is today.

        • How many times has ETH POS been pushed back now?

    • +1

      Ok half is a bit extreme, prices will definitely drop, but by $394? Not so sure about that

  • +1

    Does anyone else think manufacturers were intentionally holding back stock they had at hand when prices were sky high to keep them there? Now they may have 12-18+ months worth of surplus stock they are looking to dump before the new models come in and the ETH merge occurs. Was the great GPU shortage of 2020/21 a hoax by manufacturers exacerbated by crypto hysteria which is now backfiring on them? There has to be some conspiracy theorists on this…

    • +8

      Its one of those conspiracies that would require literally hundreds of companies who internally trade to go along with it.

      its not like a single shop holding stock; most of the component manufacturers make a LOT of things, and would shoot their own stock value in the foot if it looked like the fab was sub-par for current demands.

      Not to mention, its unrealistic to hide how many motherwafers and such they purchased to make dies; so….. Nothings impossible but no large group of humans are that organised.

    • +2

      You almost sound like SlavOz

    • +9

      Not sure what your background is, but I have experience in supply chain and logistics, global sourcing, and also currently own a manufacturing business.

      Although I don't specifically work in the electronics space the fundamentals are still the same.

      1. I'll say straight up at the start, this is not true.
      2. Graphics cards are made up of many components, which are sourced from many areas.
        Manufacturers would have made massive allocation orders way in advance based on forecasting, which results in massive lead times to consolidate all components (in addition to global raw material shortages, delayed logistics, and competition from other companies ordering the same components).
        Companies can't back out of allocation orders they placed months/years in advance simply, and just cop the original agreed wholesale unit price.
        Once all components are consolidated they fabricate graphics cards and distributed them to retailers based on advance orders (also shipping delayed in logistics).
      3. You never hold onto stock in a warehouse/retail environment, as that space can be utilised to make/sell other moving stock. That's just a simple space allocation rule.
      4. Companies don't hold stock for a long period, as they pay for rent, employees, licensing, contracts with ETAs from retailers of fulfillment.

      I left a lot of other stuff out, but that's enough points.

      This is obviously also based on my opinion and experience.

    • +1

      If you think the idea of withholding supply is an extreme move for a company you should investigate the diamond market/De Beers and it's history.

      Under regular supply and demand mechanics they're essentially a worthless stone but one company owns basically the whole supply and they only release a bit of it at a time to create artificial scarcity. NVIDIA basically has the same stranglehold on the market but there is no "diamond merge" when suddenly people don't need their product anymore and demand evaporates

      There would have been a genuine supply constraint like there was with everything because the whole supply chain was messed up but 1000% they restricted supply intentionally.

  • may be manufacturerer were doing eth mining themselves with the cards hence there was less supply earlier…

  • +1

    Wow a twin fan 3070ti, that is going to be warm and loud.

  • +1

    This meme card should be $400

  • +5

    Jesus every card is continuing to drop except the 3060 ti, which is entirely reliant on eBay site wide deals to be mildly reasonable

    • +5

      Which is the card I'm waiting patiently for.

      • Is that just from a price v performance sweet spot perspective?

        My 1650 Super is more than adequate for me but have an upgrade itch despite upgrading everything except my GPU in Nov :(

      • +1

        Well the whole point of people wanting a 3060ti is that it's supposed to be the sweet spot for power and low price.

        If it never hits that low enough price, that defeats the purpose.

        (Still, every reason to HODL and see unless you need one today).

        • +2

          Yeah I gave up on waiting for it for this reason, just got the $500 Asus 3060. I suspect it will go cheaper but at least I'm locked in safely now with a card which will last years, and I can see what the future may bring for upgrades.

          I think 3060 Tis are made from defective 3070s, and the better they get at making those, the fewer 3060 Tis there are, so they may never be cheap.

          • +2

            @CodeExplode: honestly im with you there, if 3060 drops any further im just gonna buy a 3060, im quickly running out of time before i do in some sense need a gpu and 3060 ti has moved barely at all over several months when compared to other cards
            Maybe ill just overclock one to the moon

            • @Pugkin: The Asus Ko came with a small factory overclock and I think most models might now, which is also nice because I feel like extra juice has been pumped out of it without needing to worry about testing stability etc.

              • @CodeExplode: Yeah I’ll definitely keep an eye out for another deal like that

  • +3

    $399 by the end of this year.

  • +1

    HODL green team bleeding hard

  • +2

    I'd buy 1 @ 488.00

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