Are You Going to Eat The Bugs?

Seems obvious that the global order wants us to ditch meat and turn to crickets and other tasty crawlers as an environemtly-friendly solution to greenhouse gasses.

With environmentalism picking up and food shortages already evident, I think we're heading for a point where they will try turning crickets into the new vaccine - anyone who doesn't chow down the new menu and express how grateful they are will be brandished selfish, brainwashed, irresponsible etc. In other words, the plate will be political. Eating the crickets will give some a renewed sense of purpose or meaning, yet there will always be those who resist for whatever reason, and I sense this will be the next big issue that divides us in the future.

That's just my theory though. You are entitled to think more optimistically than I am.

So, where do you stand?

Poll Options

  • 257
    I will NEVER eat bugs or give up meat no matter what
  • 115
    I will switch to bugs if someone makes a compelling argument or it becomes popular
  • 42
    I am open to switching but still undecided
  • 86
    I have already started eating bugs
  • 79
    Meat will be available forever and this will never happen


  • +22

    eating insects……reminds me of the scene in snowpiercer…..

    • +3

      Food standards permit up to 450 insect parts and 9 rodent hairs in a box of spaghetti Link

      We're already eating bugs. The gist of the food standards is that there should not be enough insect or maggot material to be noticeable.

      • +12

        Ah yes, I see you've chosen American food standards, the back to back world champions of food standards.

        • -1
          • +7


            However, unlike the US, food standards in Australia don’t specially allow for insects and insect matter in packaged foods

            Thanks for posting.

            • +2

              @yewman: As the article states we would, most likely, be following the American model. This could mean we allow for more bugs as long as it is considered “safe”.

              “Blackburn explains that the Food Authority uses the FDA codes as a guideline, so effectively, the standards in Australia are similar to those in the US.”

              You are fooling yourself if you think you aren’t eating bugs in your food.

      • Or colouring in lollies. Red colouring (can't remember the name atm, starts with c)

  • +26

    So, where do you stand?

    I stand on bugs. Literally.

    • +7

      You are entitled to think more optimistically than I am.

      You are entitled to think more optimistically than I am. FTFY

      • +7


        He does have (an unrealised) point. Human gastric system was not designed for eating insects. A small amount, like eating a portion of peanuts, is usually fine. But not as a substitute to your standard meal. It is very difficult to control insects, and have them free from contaminants, pesticides, and certain microorganisms. So having a small portion likely will do nothing, or might make you feel icky, or give belly aches. A higher amount would increase the concentration of the compounds I listed earlier. Similar to eating fish who live next a factory run off (mercury poisoning), as you eat more of the fish or sometimes a larger fish, the worse the contamination becomes. Especially when it comes to insect poop. Or what if the insects get a viral infection en-masse, a huge difference to account for between eating a wild insect and a farmed insect.

        I guess it is possible people will have to evolve, just like we did earlier to lactose, or to fish. By the way, you cannot compare insects like a locust to the likes of a crab. They have fundamentally different meat, and different farming/fishing strategies.

        But they do have high protein content, and these could be used to make protein supplements. And that could be taken alongside your regular meal, which may not be as nutritional as before. And we don't know what the environmental effects of "insect farming" could be. Does this mean removing them from the environment? Or making our own artificial chambers. What if they're accidentally released? Could we have a super-swarm of locusts that will eat all our crops for the winter? And what do we even feed them. They could be eating the excess vegetables/foods, but these are already given to livestock. So do we just trade one protein source for another?

        But there are still inefficiencies in our food chain. We should focus mostly on those first, before making changes to our diet. Things like living closer to the source of the food, using solar and wind to generate fertilisers and clean water, giving subsidies to local independent farmers, or to farmers who are poor or are environmentally-friendly, using worms and crop-mixing to keep soil healthy, feeding seaweed to cattle, capturing carbon and methane at the high-concentration source, and bringing our modern-technology freely (and/or cheaply) to second-world and third-world nations. And lastly my personal idea would be to expand the size of Planet Earth, by terraforming it, and slowly changing our harsh deserts into lush forests.

        • I am surprised this comment doesn't have enough upvotes! good one..

  • +20

    food shortages already evident

    You clearly haven't seen how much food is wasted on a daily basis

    • +1

      Only in some countries.

      • +1

        Best before dates.

    • +27

      More crops are "wasted' on feeding farm animals than anything else. Can't believe people are taking about food shortages when our current crops could feed multiple tens of billions of people. OP's dilemma is not actual but ideological and political.

      • +8

        It's food distribution that leads to food shortages, not a lack of crops being planted.

        • +8

          Of course.

          In a (capitalist) society where profit motives are stronger than social concern it makes more sense to dispose of "excess" food than distribute it amongst those in need.

          It also makes more sense to destroy (Amazonian) forests to create pasture to fatten up cattle for wealthier countries rather than leave that land alone.

          • @fantombloo: Destruction of the amazon is absolutely tragic. However the majority of beef in Brazil is still for the local market, despite being the world's biggest exporter. A lot of the destruction can also be attributed to mining (including 'illegal') and fires, which is related to global warming.

            But yes, capitalism does interfere with food distribution. Interestingly though, countries who have closed their markets completely haven't faired so well when it comes to access to food, when they have. So if not capitalism i.e. profit driven supply and demand, how would a world food market distribute food more successfully?

            • +2

              @morse: Half of Brazil's cattle are for export. Anyway, whatever.

              How would a world food market distribute food more successfully?

              Other economic variants have had their own issues. Most "socialist" regimes to date have been authoritarian failures. There are many more possibilities - democratic anti-capitalism / socialism, including free-market variants, are well discussed for those that care to look beyond the establishment's spoon feeding. No-one can know what will work till we give it a go. As long as it's properly democratic what's the worst that can happen? We return to what we are doing now?

            • +1

              @morse: Why did you receive down votes?
              Ignorant people have down voted.

              80% of produced beef is consumed internally.

              Brazil has exported the same amount of Kg beef (or less) for export since 2006, with hardly any growth.
              (around 800million tonnes then falling to 550M tones in 2012, rising to 800M tonnes in 2016, then falling again).

              Also why aren't Brazilians eating more Chicken????? Perhaps thats the major problem?!

          • +1

            @fantombloo: Its not to grow beef. Its to grow Soya.

            Here are some facts about Brazil meat:
            "The Amazon states of Amazonas, Roraima and Amapá were responsible for only 0,01% cattle heads of Brazil in 2019."

            And quote: "More than 400 sq miles (1,000 sq km) of Amazon rainforest has been felled to expand farms growing soya in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso in a 10-year period, despite an agreement to protect it, according to a new investigation."

            90% of Cattle in Brazil is grass feed, not soya - so its not going to feed cattle.

            • -1

              @Other: "grass finished" not grass fed. That soy is for cattle.

              • +1


                @Other: "grass finished" not grass fed. That soy is for cattle.

                Nope. Completely incorrect.

                => Quote: "88% of all Brazilian beef is grass fed". <= (so nearly 90%)

                NOT finished but FED. So it is Not for cattle.

                Brazil has lots of land, just like Australia and even better weather (it rains).
                So why do they have to feed cattle soybeans? What farmer is going to pay for soy beans when the cattle can eat the grass for free?
                exactly like in Australia (McDonalds ads in Australia say "100% grass feed!!!" - Why? because all cattle in Australia are basically grass fed).

                My understanding is that Cattle can't even consume more than 20% of their diet in soybeans without sickness.

                The only place where cattle are Not grass feed is in countries that have cold climates - EU/US, where the Animals have to live in a Barn, until spring/summer, where (most of the time) they go back to eating grass….. because grass is cheaper than feed stock.

        • It's food distribution that leads to food shortages

          Food falling off trucks and going into the ditch and being wasted?

          Food distribution is just moving food that people want. Households and super markets throw out a lot of food that is best before / just past expired per the label.

          • @netjock: I was thinking more import and export markets, currency valuation, wars and associated boycotts, natural disasters etc.

          • @netjock:

            Food falling off trucks and going into the ditch and being wasted?

            No - Its Government preventing food being distributed to ethnic cleanse their population, because they are in the wrong tribe or as revenge for wanting self governance.
            Many times the famine is an act of genocide (ie. Crime against Humanity).
            Eg. Ethiopia before Eritrea became independent.

            While supermarket waste is an issue, Humanity grows enough food for double the World's current population already.

            • @Other:

              Many times the famine is an act of genocide

              You make it sound like everyone is barbarians. A small number of governments. Don't forget whether you look at Russian Communists, Chinese Communists or Cambodian Pol Pot it is the greater number enabling a small number of brutal regimes. Don't expect all hands are clean. Makes you appreciate we live in a democracy however precarious it might be.

              Humanity grows enough food for double the World's current population already

              Not everyone knows that. Not everyone knows we feed most of that food to live stock to keep up with their demands. If people stopped eating live stock it is possible to restore the environment and use less land to grow food. Unfortunately most people just want to eat live stock and now they might have to turn to insects. I bet the big meat processing companies are right onto the insect breeding trade already.

              • @netjock: Insect breeding is pretty simple and everyone can do it. You don't even need land, you could do it in an apartment.

                I don't think the big companies will be happy about losing the advantage that comes with large land and specialised processing machinery. Expect to see some sort of regulations prohibiting the self-growth of insects - they'll make you buy it from approved breeders or distributors to keep out the little guys. They already do this with many foodstuffs.

                It's going to be a massive hit to the economy if meat processing dies out. We're talking millions of jobs, as well as people growing their own insects.

                • @SlavOz:

                  Expect to see some sort of regulations prohibiting the self-growth of insects - they'll make you buy it from approved breeders or distributors to keep out the little guys. They already do this with many foodstuffs.

                  Why aren't they doing this to growing own fruit and veg? and owning chickens etc?

                • @SlavOz:

                  Insect breeding is pretty simple and everyone can do it

                  So is keeping chickens. But I'd dare suggest keeping it at a scale to keep up with self consumption is going to be a problem. You know arm chair experts think everything is "easy"

              • @netjock: Tell me after 1975 - how many famines are a result of (Civil) War? Or Communism policies?
                vs only drought?

                I will help you out - humanity has had 23 famines since then with 2 currently ongoing
                I would suggest less than 1/5th is solely caused by drought - 10% caused by communism (1,000,000 victims) and 70% caused by War.

                they might have to turn to insects.

                No they don't. Go look at the lettuce supply in the EU, before it was grown in the ground, and now its grown hydroponically, reducing growing times by 50% (from 60 days to 30 days).

                There is a huge amount we can do to massively increase crop production. And the more humans = more innovation.

                Actually part of the problem is keeping alive inefficient european farmers and this has the effect on downward pressure on crop prices.
                If only the free market, aka capitalism, was allowed to rule, rather a Government solution - eg. the taxpayer paying french farmers to literally pour milk down drains.
                Or American farmers growing ethanol.

                Just by using electric vehicles, we will free up approximately 36,000,000 acres of land in the US alone, which equals about 60% of Victoria.
                and so can grow more cows.

                • @Other:

                  would suggest less than 1/5th is solely caused by drought - 10% caused by communism (1,000,000 victims) and 70% caused by War.

                  So the solution is to stop wars then communism. Enough said.

                  There is a huge amount we can do to massively increase crop production. And the more humans = more innovation.

                  Why do we need to do that when stopping wars and communism will solve it. More humans don't equal more innovation. More cows, pigs and chickens they haven't built their own societies. Look at Australia. We have grown our population but still mostly mining, agriculture and construction with imported equipment.

                  here is the answer from bloomberg, just in time

      • +1

        More crops are "wasted' on feeding farm animals than anything else.

        If it didn't make sense economically then farmers wouldn't do it.

        It's not a waste to convert a low value resource into a high value resource.

      • +4

        OP's dilemma is not actual but ideological and political.

        You new to OzB? This is SlavOz we're talking about here lmao

        • +1

          Yeah, but this one is unfortunately much wider-spread. Too many people can't imagine life without vitamin meat.

      • More crops are "wasted' on feeding farm animals than anything else

        Obviously the global elite ruling class doesn't want people to know that. Now the people who don't want to know are left with creepy crawlies to eat and they complain about it.

    • +2

      This is why we are repricing food and resources with inflation.

      Fertiliser reduction schemes are coming into place in several countries to meet net-zero targets. This will only increase as we do more.

      All these people sitting in the first world thinking nothing is going to happen are going to be in for a rude awakening because they voted for it.

      • +2

        This is why we are repricing food and resources with inflation.

        For a lot of the population (overweight) they can offset the reprice by going on a diet. But you can't tell people that because they get offended.

      • +1

        "We did it Patrick, we solved climate change!"

        piles of bodies in the background, people licking the dirt because they're so hungry, while the elites feast on their gold-plated steaks.

    • Waste is an expression of the inherent cost of maintaining a distribution system that is resilient/can endure shocks.

      If you try to engineer waste out of a system you will engineer fragility into that system. One change in the environment & the whole thing shatters.

    • +1
  • +62

    If you eat crabs, lobsters, or mussels, it's not that far a stretch. If prepared well, I have no problem with this. But trust SlavOz to front load this poll with more of his trademark paranoid conspiracy theorist bullshit.

    • -6

      So what did he post that wasn't true?

      • +21

        Seems obvious that the global order wants us to ditch meat and turn to crickets

        we're heading for a point where they will try turning crickets into the new vaccine - anyone who doesn't chow down the new menu and express how grateful they are will be brandished selfish, brainwashed, irresponsible etc

        Eating the crickets will give some a renewed sense of purpose or meaning, yet there will always be those who resist for whatever reason, and I sense this will be the next big issue that divides us in the future.

        What did he say that was true or made sense to you?

          • +16


            Weather it is THE issue they will use for causing more division or not? I'm not convinced. If they do in conjunction with their 'climate change' agenda then that would make more sense to me

            This is conspiracy theory. Who are "they" that you keep mentioning??

            The weather really does have an impact.

            You've seen how just a few months rain has pushed the price of lettuce from $2-$3 to $10.

            What if this happens to beef? $30/kg beef will then cost $120/kg. Are you going to buy it?

            • -3

              @ForkSnorter: I can hardly afford it now!

              'They' I posted a link above, you can find your way forward from there if you like.

              Yes, weather has an impact, it always has. More tax will not change it, destroying livestock will not change it, destroying farming will not change it, eating bugs will not change it.

              • +10

                @EightImmortals: Who is proposing "destroying farming"? We need to eat. Even if we eat bugs, we'll have to farm them.

                But farming needs to be efficient and economical. Otherwise it has to be supported/subsidised by our tax $.

                • +4

                  @ForkSnorter: Have you not noticed the war on farmers taking place in Europe ATM? Especially Amsterdam?

                  But for a general overview the Ice Age Farmer has been doing a good job keeping tabs on it all.


                  • +6


                    Bird flu is the real pandemic: C19 was just practice

                    Certainly seems like a hub of well informed content from which we can & should learn about the world economy.

                    • @pais: Was that the quote by the former CDC director? I haven't watched it so I don't know what his argument or evidence was. But yes I agree, CDC directors and the people who hire them are not people we should be putting too much trust in. Some people are starting to realise that.

                • +4


                  Who is proposing "destroying farming"?

                  Cattle and meat farming, specifically. The WEF and WHO are pushing for reductions, and many countries are following. Police are literally shooting at farmers in Netherlands for peacefully protesting against the order. Many of them are poised to go out of business from the new taxes and restrictions imposed on them.

                  Seems a bit insensitive to pretend none of this is happening or to downplay it.

                  • +8

                    @SlavOz: Please don't pretend cattle farming hasn't wiped out millions of hectares of Australian forest over the past few decades. Yes, millions. Please don't pretend beef consumption is sustainable for the majority of the Earth's population.

                  • +8

                    @SlavOz: What is insensitive is to try to deny a cheap form of protein because it doesn’t fit with your ideology. I, suggest, you have a good look at the most effective farming methods and the bang for buck return on nutrition. It isn’t with farming animals. You seem to be the one downplaying that the world should be exploring all nutrient options to determine what is the best return on investment.

                    Meat is, increasingly, pricing itself out of the market. It is expensive to produce and environmentally damaging. So why shouldn’t the alternatives be pushed? It would appear to be a no brainer.

                    • +4


                      What is insensitive is to try to deny a cheap form of protein because it doesn’t fit with your ideology

                      As per my last post - does it not cross your mind that if you're trying restrict other people's diet and tell them how they must eat, the problem might be with your ideology?

                      Like if there are 2 ideologies - one is about the person just wanting to live his own life, and the other one is about telling that person they MUST live a certain way. Which one do you think is the problem?

                      • +18

                        @SlavOz: You don’t want to live your own life; you spend a fair amount of time telling the rest of us how to live ours. You keep posting all these confected outage posts.

                        The planet is a finite resource. Particularly, in Australia, our farming can be marginal. It makes no sense to waste resources growing food that is inefficient. The Government has whole departments associated with food production, storage, safety, etc. they are, already, dictating most elements associated with the food that gets delivered to your table. You are naive if you think that isn’t the case.

                        You are, already, consuming a lot of insect matter in your food and drink so you are fighting against something you, already, do.

                        The world will feed itself with what the planet is able to produce. There are, already, large sections of the world where meat just isn’t feasible as anything but an occasional meal. If insects become the most nutrient efficient form of protein then it makes sense it is something that will be pushed. This site is called Ozbargain, it isn’t called “outage of the day”. Insects will become the bargain form of protein. This isn’t just about “your family” it is how your family affects everyone else’s family,

                        • +4

                          @try2bhelpful: Jeez, are you on Klaus Schwab's payroll or something bro?

                          You are, already, consuming a lot of insect matter in your food and drink so you are fighting against something you, already, do.

                          That talking point isn't the win that you think it is, mate.

                          • +5

                            @whatwasherproblem: The whole post is an attempt to creep people out about eating insects. Well, we already do. I would be happier if they are processed as food grade rather than just “allowed”.

                            • +5

                              @try2bhelpful: We already do mostly by accident and as a byproduct of shitty factory conditions. Pretending that since we already eat 200ppm of crushed up cockroach anyway so we "should be fine with a 100% substitute to bug meat" is just disingenuous.

                              • @whatwasherproblem: Saying “we shouldn’t eat bugs”, when we already do is disingenuous. If “bug meat” is a safe option for proteins then why not have it as a substitute? The Dodo’s went extinct because sailors decided they were good to eat. We would, probably, approach this in a different way, today. This post is confected outrage. It is yet another in the long line of paranoid posts from this guy.

                        • -2


                          you spend a fair amount of time telling the rest of us how to live ours

                          Never have I ever. I'm more of a right/libertarian on social issues, ie I favour minimal government intervention in people's lives.

                          they are, already, dictating most elements associated with the food that gets delivered to your table

                          Speak for yourself. You're ignoring the millions of people (billions around the world) that grow their own food. I get most animal products from my backyard.

                          The only reason I go to the butcher is because they have the expertise and machinery to chop up the meat efficiently on short notice.

                          Not everyone lives in a high-rise in the CBD and relies on Woolworths. The world is more diverse than you think it is.

                          You are, already, consuming a lot of insect matter in your food and drink so you are fighting against something you, already, do.

                          There's trace amounts of human hair and rat shit in processed food as well, so I'm assuming you'd have no problem with a ratviolli dish topped with human hair pudding?

                          You're already eating it, what's the problem?

                          This isn’t just about “your family” it is how your family affects everyone else’s family,

                          Its not just about "your environment" or your dream of a clean planet - it's how those things affect other people who will starve to death because of your delusional policies.

                          • +7

                            @SlavOz: So if you provide your own food; then why are you worried about a future where they are looking at including insects in the diet? As I have said, all along, you are creating a confected outrage.

                        • @try2bhelpful:

                          You are, already, consuming a lot of insect matter in your food and drink so you are fighting against something you, already, do.'

                          But I don't already. Sure, there may be some insect matter in the food I already eat, but I'm not sitting down to chomp on a grasshopper.

                          If insects become the most nutrient efficient form of protein then it makes sense it is something that will be pushed.

                          I don't see it happening. Which insects? What sort of scale would we need to be breeding them at to replace the protein content already being consumed. Ecological side effects of this insect market, at scale? Not to downplay the ecological side effects of the existing meat market, but an insect market would have different effects. Meat may be bad for the environment, but at least we know how/why.

                          • @Chandler: The odds are, in the future, you won’t chomp down on a grasshopper either, it will be processed powder put into other food products.

                            If you look into the resources required to create animal protein it is, very, doubtful that insects will require the same sort of resources. Particularly given issues around animal husbandry, transport, slaughtering, etc. the care factor of how insects are treated is going to be much less than things like cattle. Insects breed quickly, they don’t require vets, medicines, etc. the resulting powders won’t require refrigeration and would have longer shelf lives. yes they would have different effects but it is, highly, unlikely they would require more resources.

                      • -2

                        @SlavOz: Ideologies aren't reality; they are just concepts created by the human mind (aka "social constructs"). "Man made global warming" is just a social construct, no more real than Scientology or 'gender fluidity'.

                        • @RefusdClassification: How can you be so close, but completely miss.
                          Something like "libertarians", yes that's a social construct. They ignore that there's a need to have systems in place (eg having a minimum vaccination rate to minimise the number of deaths) because they always go back to 'muh liberty'.
                          But something like global warming? That's fact.
                          If in doubt because you've been consuming too many mummy blogs and Alex Jones podcasts, look at the numbers. They don't lie.

            • @ForkSnorter: "Who are "they" that you keep mentioning??"

              Ahh this classic tactic. Usually works but in this case he explicitly mentioned & linked to the WEF, so you have a they. You need to switch up your rhetoric a bit more.

      • You mean apart from the first sentence when he postulates the existence of a mysterious "global order"?

        But I see you're on the "people I don't agree with must all be conspiring against me" train as well, so I'm kinda wasting my CO2 here

    • Crabs, lobsters, and mussels are made of meat…

    • +1

      Haha this post is exactly the sort of LOL response I come to Ozbargain for.

      "Yes, eating bugs is fine, we already do it. But only a conspiracy theorist would think we're all going to be eating bugs one day". 🤣

      • +5

        I think you come here just to troll as many people as you can.

  • +31

    Ah another month another showcase of the demented ramblings of SlavOz

    • +4

      Just OP's first world problems.

  • +2

    Bugs have meat in them, just in small quantity though. Majority of the non-western world eat bugs anyways. The western world just has to catch up with the rest.

    • yea, this is why i'm ok with eating crabs and prawns etc, but not bugs.

    • +4

      ^This. Have eaten crickets in south asia, (had already had as few rums so that might explain it). Didn't taste different to anything else. If its bred hygienically.

      OP makes it sound as if we're heading towards a snowpiercer or eating them from the floor scenario. Environmentally, large animal breeding for meat is relatively harmful per 1000 kj anyway, so balancing that with a few veggie days thoughout the week cuts down water waste/carbon etc by buying local, as lucky enough to have nearby growers co-op not everyone does.

      Weforum not a reliable source of peer reviewed information, simply a confirmation bias reservoir that needs dredging and, like the cockroaches OP is scaring us about, a light shining on the basement trolls.

      But OP, Ssshhh, they're monitoring us here, better not 'truth tell' on open forums!

      • +1

        Weforum not a reliable source of peer reviewed information, simply a confirmation bias reservoir that needs dredging and, like the cockroaches OP is scaring us about, a light shining on the basement trolls.

        I respectfully disagree.

        I do agree with the rest of your post.

        • Thank you.

          I've had a good look through weforum, so I can ackowledge my above comment seems a bit harsh in retrospect. Whilst I'm not a fan of lobby groups (hey, a personal bias!), as they tend not to answer to anyone and have an agenda, and the articles do sometimes come across senationalised for clicks with a quasi political slant to the science, they do at least refer to source articles for some of the claims they make so the reader can read from source to cut through their stance to raw facts if so desired, so not all bad. Some of their sources do tend to be rather commercial/capitalist or industry biased but with enough literacy you can read through to the unadjusted information.

          Like anything else, has to be read through the lens of "what is the agenda of the author and as they say in Rush Hour "follow the rich old white dude"! :)

      • -2

        Weforum not a reliable source of peer reviewed information,

        You need a scientist or journalist to tell you if you're hungry?

        There are some things you can deduce for yourself. If the price of food is going up and people can't afford to eat, why the **** do you need a peer reviewed journal to tell you if it's real or not?

        "Hmm, what's this strange bursting feeling in my bladder…maybe I need to go to the bathroom….better check the peer reviewed studies to make sure".

  • +3

    So, where do you stand?

    At school assembly.

  • the plate will be political.

    New York city in the year 2022

  • +1


    • +2

      Avatar checks out.

  • +3

    I just tried to call an exterminator for a termite problem and think the police were tapping my call. Then again it could have been the termites…

  • +3

    I will eat whatever my government tells me to eat.

    • +2

      +15 points added to your social credit score

      • +2

        Thank you I hope dear leader is proud of me

        • +1

          Yes you are now eligible for a free 7/11 slushy voucher when you go for your next booster

  • +19

    You are entitled to think more optimistically than I am.
    Thank f* for that.

    Perhaps you should try it.

    I have no idea how you get through the day. Whatever your regular sources of information that form the basis of your views, "facts", and ramblings are, is clearly doing it's intended job. Keeping the disenfranchised engaged, and thinking the world/'man' is out to get you.

    It sure as anything isn't informing or educating you. It's just re-enforcing a continuous negative spiral of ozbargain rants.

    • -2

      Do you have any facts to comprehensively debunked what I said, or is it just going to be more personal attacks?

      There's already been links posted in this thread indicating that this is the direction some major global influencers want us to take.

      • +16

        with nuggets like this

        they will try turning crickets into the new vaccine

        exactly why would anyone need 'facts' to comprehensively debunk what you say :/

        I'm curious what podcast, youtube video, or 'news' article triggered this rant, as its clearly due to something you just read that triggered you enough to make the post.

        These aren't 'independent' thoughts.

        • -2

          The politicisation of the vaccine was an unprecedented move in human history, despite how much some people tried to pretend it was normal ("we've always had vaccine requirements to work in nursing, so it makes perfect sense to have vaccine requirements to renew your license or visit friends" LOL).

          Most people will happily admit that pre-2019, coming to work with a cough or sniffle was commonplace, and that taking a day off just because Debbie from HR had a cough was probably a little irrational.

          To suggest that social attitudes haven't changed in the last few years, or that these changes were the result of natural human development rather than propaganda, does not make you sound smart.

          You're the one with the conspiracy theory as what you're saying doesn't line up at all with reality. Your best (and only) argument is "but the TV/Scomo/Gladys/Stefanovic said I'm right so shut up and accept it!!")

          • +8


            You're the one with the conspiracy theory as what you're saying doesn't line up at all with reality

            Finally, I was here for an irony class.
            Please make sure you mark me down on the attendance role.

            nfi how you link 'they making me eat bugs' to vaccines, but whatever, enjoy that wild ride that is your rambling thought process.

          • +1

            @SlavOz: Look at covid death rates in USA compared to Australia, and Perth where most of the population has been sensible and did the right thing. If you can reach the required targets and controls, people stop dying. Where would you rather live?

            Agree social attitudes did change in the last few years - noone questioned vaccines before all this baseless propaganda.

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