I never thought I'd see the day when I'd side with Bill Shorten. However, he has now stepped in to stop the use of the term "birthing parent" in medical forms. See: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jul/21/bill-…
Mothers will continue to be called mothers.
The phrase "woke erasure" rings true. But I'm also nauseous that it was from the Daily Telegraph and that I have something in common with Katherine Deves.
Some things I support are:
1. Gay marriage. The right to be as miserable as straight married people lol
2. Passports and birth certificates reflecting gender identity.
Some things I don't support are:
1. Removing the option of "mother" and replacing it with "birthing parent" or "birthing person".
2. Biologically male transgender people who have the advantage of male puberty saying that it's discrimination if they can't compete with women.
Why is it suddenly discrimination when the minority don't have their way? If minorities want equal rights I'm all for it. If they want recognition I'm all for it. They deserve as much happiness as anyone else. But taking out the option to call someone a mother from a form is in my belief the thin edge of the wedge of woke erasure.
Is what Bill Shorten did discrimination?
Hi SlavOz.