Westpac Altitude Black VS Qantas AmEx Ultimate

First time looking into Qantas frequent flyers and the various posts about Qantas points and benefits that come with them so I've done some quick research and narrowed it down to these 2 cards.

Also If you're a Woolies member (got my phone plan with them), you can actually avoid the $99 Qantas frequent flyers membership fee altogether and join for free through here!(qantas.com) as I needed to have a frequent flyers number prior to applying for a credit card

I noticed Qantas themselves have a bonus 20k point offer if you get a credit card that can tie in with their frequent flyers program before end of July so thinking about giving it a go.

Any advice would be appreciated (if there's better offers with other cards, please let me know).

Key points about the cards:

Both cards come with x2 complimentary lounge invites for the year

Not planning on accumulating any interest or spending money I don't have (planning on paying in full with each statement period so interest doesn't charge), really just interested in the perks.

Westpac Altitude Black(qantas.com) :

  • minimum credit limit of 15k
  • 90,000 points for the first year if 6k spent within 120 days .
    -$300 annual fee ($250 card fee and $50 Qantas rewards fee) but it's also $100 less as there's a promo for current Westpac customers (so $200 all up for the first year).
    -0.75 points per $ spent on eligible purchases (couldn't figure out what defined eligible purchases).

Qantas Amex Ultimate(americanexpress.com) :

-mininum credit limit was way less than the above, like 3k onwards
-75,000 points for the first year if 3k spent within 90 days.
-Pricey $450 annual fee, but you also get $450 in Qantas flight credits to use with each annual renewal so it evens out I guess .
-1.25 Qantas points per $ spent on eligible card purchases

Thank you !

Poll Options

  • 1
    Westpac Altitude Black
  • 4
    Qantas AmEx Ultimate
  • 5
    Other better cards with perks available


  • +2

    I love them, but worth pointing out not everyone takes Amex.

    • +2

      True, personally for me AMEX is accepted for apron 75% of my spend.

      Can't carry an AMEX alone, always need a Mastercard/VISA for backup.

  • +1

    How much are you spending? Why Qantas points? What would you redeem on?

    • Sorry for the late reply *. Was interested in qantas points for business class upgrades with economy tickets. I've got a few friends that travel business frequently so I asked them how they afforded trips so often and apparently that's how they do it. The worst way to spend your Qantas points apparently is to convert into gift cards. Best way is flight upgrades.

      Ended up applying for both amex quantas and Westpac black, got approved for both just today. The new job coming up will involve frequent interstate trips ( wonder if I can provide work with my frequent flyer number if they're booking tickets for me 😵‍💫…Probably not as I won't be the one paying out of pocket unless I book tickets for trips and they reimburse after?

      Spending wise to meet the point criteria, it's 6k spending within 120 days for Westpac and 3k spending within 90 for amex. Might not reach those values alone because thats way more than what I can afford so I'll get the parents to use my cards for their usual purchases to reach those goals.

  • +2

    Why not both

    • Wait .. I can double up on the points if I get both ?! I didn't even think of that… Need to spend a bit though to qualify… ( if I get approved to begin with) . But good point thank you!

  • NAB had a goodish offer via Champagne Mile a few days back

  • +1

    I have both, amex pays for itself thru credit and gives better points for food and fuel, other card for those that dont take amex, included insurance is better, 4 club passes and points is worth the annual fee. As for spending limit, find somewhere that sells discounted Woolworths gift vouchers (3-4% off) and buy a stack, you can use them to pay for your Woolies shopping via the app while you are also getting your mobile 10% off your shop every month.

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