Legaldrugs » user profile

Member Since 07/07/2021
Last Seen 14 hours 15 min
Location Darwin

Recent Activities

I guess that's dependant on personal experience. I've never had an issue with either of my 2 printers, albeit when you get an ender 3 you…
10/11/2023 - 16:36
A few factors! -Cost was one of them, its about $1000 cheaper roughly. I'm just a casual user and wanted a really good upgrade from my…
10/11/2023 - 16:30
Creality K1 Max AI Fast 3D Printer $1167 Delivered @ Creality
Hey guys first time posting a proper deal I think. Been benefiting from this site over the year, figured it's time to give back. Please…
10/11/2023 - 15:58
I'm just gonna leave this right here:
26/05/2023 - 14:51
I don't know about the negative reviews people are commenting but I got this for my grandma last year. It's incredibly easy to use , syncs…
31/10/2022 - 15:18
Surface 8s almost double the price, stick with 7 as it'll do exactly what you need it to do and put the extra cash in savings for another…
17/07/2022 - 13:06
Sorry for the late reply *. Was interested in qantas points for business class upgrades with economy tickets. I've got a few friends that…
11/07/2022 - 12:01
Wait .. I can double up on the points if I get both ?! I didn't even think of that... Need to spend a bit though to qualify... ( if I get…
09/07/2022 - 10:59
First time looking into Qantas frequent flyers and the various posts about Qantas points and benefits that come with them so I've done some…
09/07/2022 - 00:31
It's a joke. Don't buy this thing like my mum did off Kogan thinking it was actually going to work. It's actually a dud, my laptop sucks in…
19/06/2022 - 08:06
Hey guys, torn between getting the Gigabyte Aorus 48in FO48U OLED ($1250-$1300 delivered) with a year 3 manufacturer warranty vs the 48in…
11/06/2022 - 07:02
Nice, I think scorptec and PLE have these in aswell for $110 if I'm correct... PLE having free shipping. Always wanted to make a mini ATX…
10/05/2022 - 08:44
Yea nah, this isn't happening anytime soon considering we haven't even been notified of this scheme or how it's going to be implemented.…
14/01/2022 - 09:05
This or a 3080 aorus extreme (with that cool LCD display ) for the same price ?
18/08/2021 - 14:23
$80 shipping and handling ? Lol what
09/08/2021 - 12:09
Same , worth a shot considering the very low risk.
08/08/2021 - 13:46
Australia says no to overpriced GPUs
07/08/2021 - 12:20
Thanks for your opinion . Now buzz off
31/07/2021 - 08:47
Bit the bullet and bought one for my sis when this post came up. Should be a decent picker upper from her GTX 970. Cash rewards calculated…
30/07/2021 - 23:10
Next month you'll probably be able to get a pre built with a 3070 at this price. Card alone is a no go
28/07/2021 - 19:36
hmm I wonder why they've specified only v8 models. What's stopping it from being used with the V11? Looks like the same width/push button…
24/07/2021 - 12:46
Here's my 2cents for you OP. I was in search for a gaming wireless headphone that had great audio and a decent mic, had a reasonable…
23/07/2021 - 12:45
Consumer affairs NT , I'll look into that thank you
23/07/2021 - 11:34
I see , so T1 in this case has forfeited the bond as he was paying it on behalf for his brother as a good gesture , basically in a sense…
23/07/2021 - 11:17
I agree, family dealings like this can get messy 😓
23/07/2021 - 11:15
I see thank you, technically then T2 is to have the bond returned to him when he decides to vacate even though T1 has paid 100% of the…
23/07/2021 - 11:12
Im trying to stay out of it as it's a dispute between the two but they're basically involving me in it because I'm the landlord holding the…
23/07/2021 - 10:53