Legaldrugs » user profile

Member Since | 07/07/2021 |
Last Seen | 14 hours 15 min |
Location | Darwin |
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I guess that's dependant on personal experience. I've never had an issue with either of my 2 printers, albeit when you get an ender 3 you…

A few factors! -Cost was one of them, its about $1000 cheaper roughly. I'm just a casual user and wanted a really good upgrade from my…

Hey guys first time posting a proper deal I think. Been benefiting from this site over the year, figured it's time to give back. Please…

Legaldrugs commented on 5-in-1 Chin Up $139.99 ($123.19 with Loyalty Discount Code) + Delivery ($0 C&C & Delivery for SYD, MEL, BNE) @ Sports Leisure
I'm just gonna leave this right here:

Legaldrugs commented on Withings BPM Connect Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor $99 (Was $179) + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi
I don't know about the negative reviews people are commenting but I got this for my grandma last year. It's incredibly easy to use , syncs…

Legaldrugs commented on Surface Pro 8 or 7
Surface 8s almost double the price, stick with 7 as it'll do exactly what you need it to do and put the extra cash in savings for another…

Sorry for the late reply *. Was interested in qantas points for business class upgrades with economy tickets. I've got a few friends that…

Wait .. I can double up on the points if I get both ?! I didn't even think of that... Need to spend a bit though to qualify... ( if I get…

Legaldrugs posted a forum topic Westpac Altitude Black VS Qantas AmEx Ultimate
First time looking into Qantas frequent flyers and the various posts about Qantas points and benefits that come with them so I've done some…

It's a joke. Don't buy this thing like my mum did off Kogan thinking it was actually going to work. It's actually a dud, my laptop sucks in…

Legaldrugs posted a forum topic LG C1 Vs Aorus FO48U for PC Gaming
Hey guys, torn between getting the Gigabyte Aorus 48in FO48U OLED ($1250-$1300 delivered) with a year 3 manufacturer warranty vs the 48in…

Legaldrugs replied to
silvion on (eBay) Insufficient Quantity Deals (Post Your Low Quantity Deals Here)

Nice, I think scorptec and PLE have these in aswell for $110 if I'm correct... PLE having free shipping. Always wanted to make a mini ATX…

Legaldrugs replied to
bloom on Up to 10 Free Rapid Antigen Tests over 3 Months (5 Per Month Cap) for Pensioner, Veteran, Health Care Card Holder @ Pharmacies

Yea nah, this isn't happening anytime soon considering we haven't even been notified of this scheme or how it's going to be implemented.…

Legaldrugs commented on PNY GeForce RTX 3080 Ti XLR8 Gaming Revel Epic-X RGB 12GB $2299 + Delivery @ PC Case Gear
This or a 3080 aorus extreme (with that cool LCD display ) for the same price ?

$80 shipping and handling ? Lol what

Legaldrugs replied to
Ilikecars on [Backorder] PowerColor AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT $567.58 + Delivery (Free with Prime) @ Amazon US via AU

Same , worth a shot considering the very low risk.

Legaldrugs commented on Sabrent 1TB Rocket NVMe 4.0 Gen4 PCIe M.2 Internal SSD $229.99 Delivered @ Store4PC via Amazon AU
Price in title please

Legaldrugs commented on GALAX GeForce RTX 3080 Ti HOF White 12GB Graphics Card $2549 + Delivery @ BPC Tech
Australia says no to overpriced GPUs

Legaldrugs replied to
steelsabs on EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti XC Gaming LHR Graphics Card $810.64 @ F Digital via Catch

Thanks for your opinion . Now buzz off

Legaldrugs commented on EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti XC Gaming LHR Graphics Card $810.64 @ F Digital via Catch
Bit the bullet and bought one for my sis when this post came up. Should be a decent picker upper from her GTX 970. Cash rewards calculated…

Legaldrugs commented on EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 XC3 8GB (Non LHR) Graphics Card $1399 Delivered @ Scorptec
Next month you'll probably be able to get a pre built with a 3070 at this price. Card alone is a no go

Legaldrugs commented on Gainward GeForce RTX 3070 8GB Phoenix (LHR) $1199, 3080 Phantom (Non-LHR) $1788 (OOS) + Delivery @ Techfast
HODL , only down from here !

hmm I wonder why they've specified only v8 models. What's stopping it from being used with the V11? Looks like the same width/push button…

Legaldrugs commented on Corsair Virtuoso RGB Wireless Headset $234.95 Delivered @ PCByte via Amazon AU
Here's my 2cents for you OP. I was in search for a gaming wireless headphone that had great audio and a decent mic, had a reasonable…

Legaldrugs replied to
holdenmg on Rental Security Bond Complication - Legal Advice Would Be Appreciated

Consumer affairs NT , I'll look into that thank you

Legaldrugs replied to
bobbified on Rental Security Bond Complication - Legal Advice Would Be Appreciated

I see , so T1 in this case has forfeited the bond as he was paying it on behalf for his brother as a good gesture , basically in a sense…

I agree, family dealings like this can get messy 😓

Legaldrugs replied to
holdenmg on Rental Security Bond Complication - Legal Advice Would Be Appreciated

I see thank you, technically then T2 is to have the bond returned to him when he decides to vacate even though T1 has paid 100% of the…

Legaldrugs replied to
loulou1 on Rental Security Bond Complication - Legal Advice Would Be Appreciated

Im trying to stay out of it as it's a dispute between the two but they're basically involving me in it because I'm the landlord holding the…