This was posted 2 years 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dailywire+ Insider Plus Annual Subscription US$93.60 (~A$137, Was US$144) @ Dailywire


Awesome deal for very lovely ozbargainers. This is not a subscription to any podcast stuff this is subscription to enlightenment, entertainment and education of top quality standards. Listen, watch and enjoy. Don't thank me. Your welcome

Related Stores

The Daily Wire
The Daily Wire

closed Comments

    • -5

      Well, all of that would be right but for the fact that they only upload snippets or selected segments on their YouTube channels.
      There’s much larger content that’s available on their website. Stuff like hour long shows, skits, movies etc. The stuff that they hardly ever upload on YouTube.
      Something like what Optus sports does, uploads loads of short highlights. But to watch the full game or that fitness cr@p, we need to buy a subscription. I never saw anyone complain about that.

      To your point about pricing. What I learnt was that pricing is what ultimately the consumers decides is fair or not. I mean the last time i checked, despite their relatively short life span. They are registering profits. So maybe not you, but surely your fellow man seems it to be fair. (As defined by economics)

      Stupid Supreme brand sells their stupid stuff for hundreds and thousands of dollars.
      But we just dismiss that madness as ‘each to their own’

      So based on all those points, why don’t you just admit that it’s about the political discourse for you ? If not, please prove otherwise

      • "So based on all those points, why don’t you just admit that it’s about the political discourse for you ? If not, please prove otherwise"

        My youtube algorithm gives me Matt Walsh, Brett Cooper, Andrew Klavan, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Jimmy Dore, Michael Knowle…etc
        I've watched Klavan play video games on youtube more times than I could count.

        Four of them belong to the Dailywire. The fact that I can't point out a bad deal on ozbargain of all places without bitter people insinuating that I'm somehow doing it for political reasons kinda makes me wonder about the people who consume the same content I do. Maybe keep that tribal instinct in check, because it's distasteful and you're not winning anyone over.

        • Maybe I was wrong in my assumption about you being politically opposed to DW and to your credit, you called me out on that.

          Having said that, my point about Daily Wire only uploading a proportion of their total content on YT still stands. Plus the movies/docs that only a subscriber can access.
          And the whole economics bit gave you about fair pricing.

          Besides my point that frustrated you, you could have still addressed the rest of my arguments.

          • +3

            @Gervais fanboy: Sure I'll address your arguments.

            Yes the extra content sound good but are they worth 8 dollars?
            Furthermore, if you take a look at OP's description, they said nothing of the sort and instead claim you are paying 8 dollars for enlightenment and education. If you go to their website, the 8 dollars membership will get you:

            Watch feature films, shows, and documentaries

            They never mention what these are. The only promotion I've seen them do is for What is a woman, and I've already seen Matt Walsh talk about it so often that I don't feel the need to subscribe to see the whole thing. What other content do you get?

            Read exclusive op-eds and commentary

            No political commentary is worth 8 dollars consider there are tons of them on youtube or tik tok for free.

            Unlock Apple TV, Roku, and mobile apps

            Not really a feature

            Shop with up to 10% off savings

            You have to spend money to get something out of these perks.

            Based on all these above reasoning, I have come to the conclusion that 8 dollars for Dailywire subscription is not a bargain.
            It's completely fair if you think people should pay to support the content they do, kinda like patreon for your favourite youtuber or channel, but as I said, this is ozbargain.

            People usually try harder to justify what makes the deal they posted a bargain, and once again, as you can see, OP did none of that. Just waltz in and said you're paying for enlightenment. Not really surprising that he got downvoted to oblivion.

            • @Showatt: ‘Yes the extra content sound good but are they worth 8 dollars? Furthermore, if you take a look at OP's description, they said nothing of the sort and instead claim you are paying 8 dollars for enlightenment and education’

              Well, based on what you told me earlier about you being aware of the DW content, it would have been natural to believe that you must be familiar with their premium content as they do advertise them a lot. However, you are right in your point about op not adding more info in the bio and if that’s what hindered you from learning more about DW’s exclusive content. Then, you do have a fair point in your criticism of this deal/post.
              Thanks for your response.

              • +1

                @Gervais fanboy: "Well, based on what you told me earlier about you being aware of the DW content, it would have been natural to believe that you must be familiar with their premium content as they do advertise them a lot."

                I'm familiar with them enough to know that Klavan played Ghost of Tsushima and absolutely failed at Elden Ring, and Matt Walsh got into a spat with Samatha Lux and Professor Dave, but not familiar enough to remember anything about their "premium content" apart from the usual "extra content, podcast, exclusive shows" they advertise (which they rarely if ever mention what they are.)

                If they did advertise anything like specific movies or doco beyond What is a Woman then I don't recall hearing about it. I wouldn't pay to see them anyway. Paying for political opinions and news in 2022 is like throwing money into gutter trash. I wouldn't even go to the movies without a decent discount on the tickets.

    • +1

      They only put some stuff on YouTube. All of their movies, documentaries like What is a Woman, the Candace Show (not my cup of tea) are subscription only.

    • Their + product has special dedicated content. You would have to be a real fan to pay up though.

  • +3

    Funny how Left-wing deals arent swamped with a tonne of neg's for no reason… case in action

    Edit: in before CnN is CenTrIST

    • +1

      Flash is left-wing? Lol.

      Not sure which direction you are facing.

      • +1

        Only browsed for like 2 min and used keyword search in ozb of leftie sources - Al Jazeera/CNN, I don't know if Flash is left / right or attempts to be impartial. I Was just pointing out that they (like the other two deals I linked) featured left-wing news sources and were not subject to this choas.

        • +1

          If 2 mins searching the 'net is more important than accuracy then this is the perfect deal I suppose.

    • "Left-wing" deal with 190 negative votes - "Bin him" sticker.

      CNN is American. Don't forget you're Australian.

      • Not a news outlet deal.

        Also Ben is American too… ?

      • Ohh yes, you disingenuously just mentioned the 190 downvotes and didn’t care to mention the upvotes. (1100+)

        And you compared that to this particular post where over 50% + people have downvoted.

        WOW, have some integrity dude.

        • +2

          Comment i'm replying to mentions negs. 190 downvotes is a ton of negs. You were just rekt with facts and logic.

          • +1

            @ihfree: I didn't just mention 'negs'. I mentioned negs for no reason.

          • +2

            @ihfree: So you don’t care about the context ?

            Ratio of likes/dislikes ?

            • -1

              @Gervais fanboy: I care about facts and logic. You're only mentioning ratio now which is a different conversation.

              • @ihfree: Na what you care about is ‘selective facts’ that aid you in proving your narratives.

                @Terry deemed a relatively low number 25(at that time) as high. I think for the sake of integrity you should have considered the fact that 25 dislikes seems considerable when they are placed next to only 48 upvotes (at that time)

                But It’s all but obvious that if there were something like 200 likes for those 25 dislikes, he surely wouldn’t have made that comment.
                Context is important but clearly for yourself it isn’t.

                • -1

                  @Gervais fanboy: That's your interpretation based on your feelings.


                  • +1

                    @ihfree: Great rebuttal there mate 👍🏻

                    • -1

                      @Gervais fanboy: Not much point replying to someone who brings feelings on what Scary Terry would or wouldn't have done instead of relying on facts or logic.

                      • +1

                        @ihfree: I used relative context and fair logic in my comments.

                        But ‘FEELINGS’ is when a child who’s incapable of having a straight professional conversation, resorts to saying juvenile things like ‘rekt’ in their comments.

                      • @ihfree: Scary Terry - love it…. BOoooo

    • +1

      The links you shared actually sounds like half decent deals because you get a huge amount of content from one sub, and I don't even like those because who pays for news these days?

      This 8 dollars is just for Dailywire. Talk about highway robbery.

      • -1

        you could just as easily say you get what you pay for?

        • +1

          In this case, not really. Like I said, 96 dollars a year for one service that doesn't nearly produce as much content as the other streaming service is not a "Bargain". Going through the thread, plenty of people who actually LIKE ben shapiro in this thread said they wouldn't be paying this money.

          Getting downvoted for a shit deal on ozbargain is not exactly uncommon, let alone a service that is political in nature.

          • @Showatt: It seems like a bargain as it was X price … which people were paying for but its now X-y price. Seems like the definition of a bargain.

            Downvotes for legit reasons are one thing but downvotes for little - no reason are just rediculous.

    • +2

      WTF - left wing deals ?

      Flash is a streaming service with multiple sources, some left wing, some right wing.

      If you think Sky News, Fox News and are left wing, then I think you should check yourself into rehab.

      Or maybe actually read the source you use as a reference. It makes you look pretty silly if your reference actually disproves your point.

  • +3

    I want to buy his Leftist Tears Mug.

    I love Ben Shapiro, however I am pro choice.

    • +1

      Same same

    • You can hold that position about Shapiro because he doesn’t insult the people he disagrees with.

  • +3

    Exactly what I came looking for on OzBargain. Why this is still up is beyond me.

  • +6

    I always get a chuckle out of all the hysterical people (many of which are in this thread) that think Ben Shapiro is an idiot and that they're smarter than him. The guy graduated UCLA "summa cum laude" and Phi Beta Kappa. He also graduated "cum laude" at Harvard Law. Now since you're all smarter than him I'm sure you already know what that means… But for those that don't, it basically means that they are living in a delusional fantasy world.

    Remember kids, when you disagree with someone, you try and defeat their bad ideas with good ones. Merely hurling insults at them is just a bad reflection on yourself.

    • +2

      To play the devils advocate here

      I think people here are attacking Ben for his views/opinions and not particularly his academic merits.

      You could be a accomplished academic and still be a total moron. Example-Cackling Kamala.

      • +1

        Are they? It seems like they are just calling him stupid, fake news! and spreading misinformation without giving any examples. This is because no one here has actually listened to the guy or read anything he has published, they are merely parroting their favourite celebrity or what their TV has told them about him. Some of them probably believe he is a "nazi" even though he is Jewish.

        With that said, Kamala doesn't have anywhere near the credentials that Ben has. A "right-wing conservative" graduating "cum laude" from Harvard Law is unbelievable.

        • +1

          I haven’t really seen anyone call him ‘stupid’.

          ‘Fake news and misinformation’ are allegations that he might be a liar.
          Even smart people with top degrees can and do lie.
          So one’s qualifications have nothing to do with his/her moral conduct.

          Well, Kamala is a fairly well educated woman but if you want I can look up some better examples for you… coz there’s plenty of very well educated idiots around us.

          • +2

            @Gervais fanboy: They call him much worse but I think there's a language filter on this website so I just leave it at that. Just look around.

            Of course they lie. And I'm not necessarily defending Bens character or viewpoints here. Merely pointing out the comedy in people calling him stupid when in reality if they were to meet him face to face he would be one of the smartest people they'd ever met and he would run rings around them. He's a Harvard educated Lawyer after all.

            I might add that I actually don't think Kamala is a moron. To add to that, Nancy Pelosi looks like she is having a seizure and can't form a single coherent sentence whenever she speaks publicly. However, no one get to where they are in the political world and stays there for as long as they have if they are a moron. Politics is extremely competitive, cut-throat and treacherous. They're there because they were smarter than everyone else contesting them.

            • +1

              @eatu4tea: I think you have misunderstood my points there or maybe I wasn’t that clear with my arguments.

              Either way, clearly your heart’s in the right place. So we don’t need argue over this…

              Nice chat 👍🏻

    • +3

      He may have been a good law student but that does not make him an impartial journalist. He is a skilled in advocating for a specific view point but he is bad at being impartial and at honestly searching for the truth. I think this is due to his training as a lawyer where you are taught to argue in favour of a viewpoint regardless of if it is true or not. The key is to select just the facts to support your argument. He would make a good lawyer but a bad scientist or honest journalist

      • This is pretty fair, although I would say that if you define "honest journalist" as one who is largely objective, there are very few. In Australia, I'd say Leigh Sales, David Speers, Fran Kelly are well known for not putting their personal views on blast, and also doing tough interviews with those on both sides.

        Sadly that quality doesn't sell tickets these days - people want Peter Fitzsimons, The Project or most Sky or ABC panels to tell them just one viewpoint.

    • Ben Shapiro got those university results by writing anonymously marked essays holding progressive positions he disagreed with otherwise his lecturers would have failed him.

      • That’s quite the leap you took there

        Btw Ben Shapiro graduated at a time when the universities weren’t this opinionated and biased.

        Also, why do you assume that he had a long list of essays that were centred around the polarising social issues that we have today.

        • +2

          I didn’t take a leap, he has said it a few times.

          He said something along the lines that he was conservative in class but a progressive in exams and essays because they were anonymously marked. His teachers were all leftists.

          He said a few times not to let your conservatism derail your career before it started, give the lecturers what they want. Plenty of time after college to advocate.

          • +1

            @Grok: Well, in that case I do apologise as i initially put your comment down as an ‘opinion’ piece when you were being factual.
            My bad.

      • Sounds very unlikely. Any assessment has a rubric which outlines what the marking criteria is. If his submission met the criteria but he somehow failed you can clearly appeal this at reputable universities. Was the rubric only accepting of a left wing viewpoint on a topic? Seems like a pretty shit course if that was the case. It is more likely he told this story to perpetuate the censored victim narrative common to a lot of right wing media. Regardless it is his presumption he would have failed, not that he actually failed so it is just conjecture.

    • True, are you donald trumps little fun time?

  • +2

    Wow, people actually pay to have these grifters gaslight and lie to them?

    Then again, Trump MAGA mobs are happy to let Trump steal from them and lie to them.

    What a depraved cesspit of the blind leading the blind

  • Downvote for all the Ben Shapiro want-to-bes that deals like this create.

  • +1

    So much hate… not sure why…

    People say fake news when I'm pretty sure they don't advertise themselves as being news.

    And there doesn't seem to be any examples of it… just intolerance of another point of view..

    These people are exactly what they accuse others of being

    • +1

      Daily wire has numerous posts by "Daily Wire News".

      "It's not news" is a weird defence of the site. If it's not news or opinion based on facts, then you may as well be reading fiction. Wikipedia states Daily Wire has accuracy issues.

      • According to left wing outlets… dw distorts the news …

    • +1

      It literally says it in the second sentence of their About page…

      "We’re one of America’s fastest-growing media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news"
      (followed by opinion and entertainment - but news first.)

      • Shapiro says at the end of every episode that DW is the largest conservative media outlet in the country.

        Being biased one way and being a news organisation are not mutually exclusive. Almost all news organisations today are biased, public or private. The fact this thread is about 75% invective throwing out labels like "garbage" "grifters" "fake news" mirrors the fact most people motivated enough to pay for news are pretty polarised.

        • The link to their own page was in response to the statement:

          I'm pretty sure they don't advertise themselves as being news

          And apparently Shapiro says it after every episode.. well there you go. So I guess the "they don't claim to be news" defence isn't relevant.
          **Also known at the Tucker Carlson defence:

  • +11

    As an American-Australian, I didn't think there were enough gullible conspiracist in this country for something like this to even be posted here. Either all the comments in this thread are trolls or I've massively underestimated pervasive nature of snake oil salesmen on the internet.

    • Well they don't want to pay for cnn… but are happily paying for nazis … am I right?

      • +4

        Ben Shapiro, the famous Nazi Jew?

        • +1

          That's the one…

        • Avi, despite his imperfections is also a Jew by birth.
          The left in all its toxicity labels him as a ‘Jew’ too.

          If put down to questioning, a lefty dismisses that madness as ‘its only a minority, most of us aren’t like that’

          Well, why don’t they ever call them out then.
          But they would never and would rather encourage a crazy communist with 6 felonies, than calling out bad behaviour when they see it. Coz identity Politics > Integrity.
          The rich bit : they do it in the name of being virtuous and ‘nice’.

    • My thoughts precisely.

      I'm disappointed with both sides of this comments section. The upvoters because I didn't think there were that many supporters of this sort of opinion in this country, and the downvoters because of the vitriol and abuse.

      I'm not going to downvote this. It's not my cup of tea. But it may be a good deal if you like this sort of thing. I don't know.

  • +4

    Ohhh conspiracies and gaslighting, pretending to be factual.. sign me up

  • Not taking sides but they have just got Jordan Peterson onboard.

  • +3

    I would much rather listen to Matt Walsh and Jordan Peterson than ever watch network news again.

  • +2

    Shapiro is a transphobic, homophobic climate denier and a puppet of right-wing billionaires but sure give him your money if you too lack a spine and love being grifted.

    • -1

      Omfg hahahahaha.

  • +2

    What a load of rubbish

  • +5

    Lol. So much butthurt. Just signed up and watched a couple of movies. They're really good! Shut in and Run, Hide, Fight are my favourites.

    • Haha, me too, I just watched Terror on the Prairie. I don't agree with the DW on a lot and not into the nitty gritties of US politics, but I figure I'll try a year. Movie was actually pretty good - must better than I was expecting.

      I thought Run, Hide and Fight was geolocked? When I clicked on it, it said not available in my region. Are you using a VPN?

      • +1

        Yeah. Nordvpn.

  • Why did I have to use a VPN to watch Run, Hide Fight? There are only a few movies and one of the best ones is georestricted? I hope they add some more films soon.

  • +3

    So many triggered Ozbargainers today…

  • +1

    You couldn’t pay me enough to listen to that whiny cretin Ben Shapiro.

  • +1

    Sky news not enough propaganda for you? How about funding even more right wing culture war misdirections.

  • +1

    ‘Your welcome’
    Trust dumb conservatives to have poor grammar.
    Get lost with your fake, anger inducing ‘news’.

  • +2

    This is not a deal. If you value your news and "facts" from a man who thinks its normal to be unable to make your wife wet then I pity you.

  • +4

    The direction the US has been headed with Trump, the GOP and now the Supreme Court should be concerning not only to their citizens but also other countries that may look too follow them as an example.

    The shambles of Trump and his apparent threat to a democratic election is a book in itself. However, the recent removal of federal legislation of abortion and the watering down of their own environmental protection agency is a terrify state of affairs with immediate and long term repercussions.

    Ben Shapiro and his ilk propagate and support all of these ideals. This may be a bargain in regards to definition, however any money saved comes with wider consequences that I find completely terrifying.

  • +2

    This service providing misinformation is not a deal.

  • +1

    If you get your 'news' from Ben Shapiro, God help you.

  • +2

    To those saying it's about the deal, not about politics – NYT annual subscription is usually $120A p.a., and can be got for $20 for the first year. So it's hard to see how something which doesn't even try to have a sense of balance (NYT publishes dozens of conservative opinion pieces; the Daily Wire posts zero left leaning pieces) costs more than a well established paper that has won many awards for investigative journalism over the years.

    I really don't see how at $137 this is a deal.

    And yes it's obviously all just right wing culture war drivel

    • The pricing of something is ultimately defined by the consumer and not a dissenting non-consumer like you.

      Surely, they have enough subscribers who deem $137 to be a fair price. As DailyWire has consistently been recording profits.

      Also unlike NYT, DailyWire produces and offers media content like movies, skits etc which don’t come cheap. Plus unlike the publishers at NYT, DailyWire has prominent names like Jordan Peterson, Shapiro etc who also get paid way more than your average news editor.
      These are somethings you could have considered before writing your arguments.

    • +2

      Yes the NYTs publishes dozens of conservative opinion pieces but tens or hundreds of thousands of progressive opinion pieces. Increasingly the staff rebel at even those few conservative pieces.

      The NYT makes a habit of sitting on stories detrimental to Democrats. Nothing to see here.

      They did a stealth edit on an already whitewashed story on the sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden to remove one small line mildly damming of Biden because the Biden Campaign asked them to.

      Have your heard about Bari Weiss?. She was forced out,

      The NYTs has been pushing the 1619 Project which attacks the fundamental underpinnings of the USA despite being completely debunked by many prominent historians as totally flawed.

      The NYTs is positively hostile to non progressives.

      The NYT proclaims it is the newspaper of record when they are profoundly biased to the left.

      The Daily Wire is fully transparent in their ideological positions. They are always ready to respectfully debate progressives on their site, very few take them on. They are always calm affairs.

      I wouldn’t pay to read any of them.

  • Extra hard and extra large

  • I thought 35% was a good discount. LOL

  • Wet P word

  • Ah yes! Opium for righties.

  • Only clicked on this for the comments, I was not disappointed.

    You all need to go outside and find a hobby.

    • It’s raining!

  • Why pay for misinformation?

  • -6

    All these downvotes are okay though, mods? You are biased af. Have a look at what you did the last time I downvoted something.

    • +5

      Your last vote was removed due to 8 downvotes. Understand the rules, learn facts, apply logic, and stop victimising yourself.

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