Awesome deal for very lovely ozbargainers. This is not a subscription to any podcast stuff this is subscription to enlightenment, entertainment and education of top quality standards. Listen, watch and enjoy. Don't thank me. Your welcome
Dailywire+ Insider Plus Annual Subscription US$93.60 (~A$137, Was US$144) @ Dailywire

Last edited 01/07/2022 - 16:01 by 2 other users
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My feelings don’t care about your facts!
Imagine having a personality that revolves around irritating others. That sounds exhausting.
They'd need to pay me $8 per day to listen to this crap.
Yeah … why would you watch this when Cnn the most trusted news organisation is free!!!
CNN not that great either, anything peddling opinion as news should be ignored.
Well then that about covers everything… you can include all media and Hollywood
If you haven't worked out any media organisation is there to push an agenda and manipulate the information you see - which is how they get funding - then it's no wonder you downvoted this deal.
@pharcyde: So because all media has some level of bias, it makes sense to pick the one that's incredibly biased and has very little attachment to reality?
Might as well read a communist newsletter for your "news" then.
@freefall101: Speaking of which, Kevin Rudd gave an excellent talk in the last couple of days where he clearly lays out China's 10 concentric spheres of influence. I've linked to the pertinent part;
I'm not saying I like Kevin Rudd or not. What does it matter? I listen to a range of sources, understanding there is bias. I have firm opinions but am open to persuasion.
@Daabido: I'm thinking more the shitty homemade newsletter kind of thing from a kid in Melbourne who read a Chomsky book and decided they know how the world works now. Probably should have gone with "socialist".
I can definitely see the value in listening to someone who has studied Chinese culture and had a position where he had access to far more information than us, like Rudd did. Same reason I listen to what Trump says. Believe it or not, like them or not, it's a perspective worth looking at.
What's unnecessary is someone telling me why Trump, Rudd or whoever should or shouldn't be listened to. I can make up my own mind on that, I don't need to be fed a line on it that I can regurgitate on a forum later.
Same reason I like to learn about science from scientists and not the people who apparently have an expert opinion on everything, whether Dailywire or the internet. My opinion is completely worthless too and absolutely no one should pay me for it.
@freefall101: That's your own opinion. I could say the same about CNN+ and whatever other outlets you consume.
@pharcyde: See now you're just projecting, assuming everyone else watches overhyped American bullshit too and that it's normal to pick a side in this thing.
24 hour new cycles filled with talking heads is most of the problem with the media and CNN were there at the beginning for such rubbish. Subscribing to an entire network of people who have no idea what they're talking about is just incredibly stupid.
@pharcyde: What do you think projecting means?
What news I consume is irrelevant, Dailywire+ should be defendable on its own merits but it clearly isn't.
What else would you do for $8? 🤔
this is [a] subscription to… …education of top quality standards
Is it?
Your welcome
Guess not.
Wow you really took him apart bro! You really hammered Daily Wire too! wrekt
This could well be a reference to everyone’s favourite anarchist.
LOL, that was my thought as well
Made up bullshit for the clinically ignorant.
Did you know Ben Shapiros wife is a doctor?
She was a Ligma alumni
Who's Steve Jobs
Ligma balls, gottem
More importantly, will subscribing to this get me closer to Ben Shapiro's sister?
I rather be like her cousin, Matilda, yes that one! And stay the fvck away from him.
Apparently Ben has never brought her to the point of arousal. It's really nice that he feels open to talk about it though.
"enlightenment, entertainment and education of top quality standards".
FakenewsmediaAnyone stupid enough to listen to that moron is stupid enough to pay full price, surely. (As demonstrated by the description.)
Bloody hell, this is depressing. $8 USD to be lied to? Give me a break.
Easy enough to be lied to for free on every news website
Exactly, I can get the lies for free. Don't tell me I have to start paying for them please, I beg you.
What did they lie about specifically?
Or is it that you just don't like their opinions?Give us one example
You said they lied but you don't have an answer…
Very reasonable question
I'm not the one looking stupid here.Let me guess, they are ideologically opposed to your opinion so you slander them and call them liars because of course YOUR opinion and YOUR worldview is the only correct one possible. You are a true intellectual.
@zombrex: Seems like he got triggered ( and instead of sharing archives of evidence that he must have, he said something daft. 🤷♂️
Ben Shapiro is the type of person who looks smart to dumb people. Building a strawman argument and talking really quickly doesn't make what you're saying factual. The quality of his arguments gets summed up perfectly by this video:
But hey, you asked for a specific example, Let's take a random article of his:
- Suicide Rates Among Transgenders Do Not Decrease Thanks to Sex-Change Surgery.
The suicide rates among transgenders do not drop after surgery. 41 percent of transgender people attempt suicide sometime in their life; just 4.6 percent of the rest of the population does. The suicide rate among transgender people who say they are never identified as transgender is still 46 percent. 45 percent of transgender people who undergo hormone therapy attempt suicide – higher than the general transgender suicide rate.
That's a lie, because the source Ben Shapiro relies on talks about lifetime suicide attempt rates. If you had an suicide attempt before getting surgery it will still count as a lifetime attempt even if you had surgery.
Those that underwent surgery have a higher lifetime suicide attempt rate, because those that have more severe problems are more likely to get surgery.
His argument is 100% idiotic and 100% a lie. He should have relied on a study that actually compares the rates before and after instead of just making up things that suit his feelings.
- Most Children Grow Out Of Transgender Feelings.
Dr. Paul McHugh, former head of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University, finds that 70 to 80 percent of all children with transgender feelings grow out of it. This is important because the media has already told parents that children confused about their sex should consider whether they are transgender.
The children that grew out of it also had the least severe symptoms and in the vast majority of cases didn't even get a diagnosis for gender dysphoria.
His argument is again 100% idiotic and 100% misleading.
- Transgender Regret Is Very Real
Consider the findings of a 2011 Swedish study published seven years after the 2004 UK review. It looked at mortality and morbidity after gender reassignment surgery and found that people who changed genders had a higher risk of suicide.
The sex-reassigned persons had substantially higher rates of death from cardiovascular disease and suicide, and substantially higher rates of attempted suicide. Gender surgery is not effective treatment for depression, anxiety or mental disorders.
Here's the Swedish study.…
Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.
But all he was able to parse was
Persons with transsexualism have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity after sex reassignment
Which is just a completely insane misunderstanding. The actual study says that it helps, but that it's still higher than the general population. Yet he managed to misunderstand it as saying that it makes things worse. His misinterpretation is just completely delusional.
This study didn't even compare the rates before surgery to the rates after surgery and never talks about regret at all so it doesn't even make any sense to use this study to prove that regret is real or that surgery doesn't work.
Again his argument is 100% idiotic and 100% disingenuous.
At least Shapiro is willing to debate people who hold contrary opinions. His critics simply want to silence and deplatform anyone they disagree with.
Again his argument is 100% idiotic and 100% disingenuous.
Shapiro has always been a devout Jew and a conservative, at what point in his life did he decide not to be sincere in his opinions? He was debating transgenderism a decade ago. Your point is a untenable.
Disagree with him by all means, I don’t agree with some of his positions, but don’t doubt his sincerity. Calling the quoting of studies you disagree with lies is a lie in itself and disingenuous.
@Grok: He’s just another right wing grifter.
He’s a devout Jew larping as an evangelical Christian for $$$
At least Shapiro is willing to debate people who hold contrary opinions. His critics simply want to silence and deplatform anyone they disagree with.
There's the next move in the bullshit conservative playbook: "ok so I was wrong in a harmful way, but I'm just asking questions so it's actually fine", followed by a nonsense assertion that the "other side" is opposed to free and open discussions.
@liamwb: You really do seem to immediately fall back to the standard progressive behaviour of not accepting the legitimacy of someone else expressing a point of view.
@Grok: I don't accept that particular point of view because it's crap. It has nothing to do with my attitude towards other perspectives in general.
@liamwb: That is exactly what you are doing. Making up nonsense “playbooks” of bad faith motivations for conservatives.
Progressives don’t want to discuss their policies because they are a house of cards. They don’t work.
- Suicide Rates Among Transgenders Do Not Decrease Thanks to Sex-Change Surgery.
what are we being lied to about?
Paying for propaganda…..
We all pay for propaganda through our taxes.
Yep, the Libs&Nats spent 9yrs using taxpayer money to fund (and then getting FB & Google to co-fund) Nine, Murdoch & Stokes media empires.
How so? Are you talking about that controversy regarding social media paying Aus news agencies for article links?
@m0usju1c3: Partly. That media bargaining code was just a classic mafia shakedown. When explicitly excluded ABC & SBS. Articles were behind paywalls, but they allowed Google to index them so they'd turn up in search results (for free). So linking to them
Shouldn't be paid. Co-incidentally the tax Google & FB had started paying to the federal govt, before this came in, was about the same amount paid to media outlets and they suddenly stop paying tax afterwards.Also the Public Interest News Gathering (Ping) grants which predominantly went to lib/nay seats, but the organisations still sacked staff & closed regional offices
$40m to Foxtel to broadcast women's sport (but not for free).
Awesome, these guys are great. Just signed JBP too! I trust that ozbargain respects diversity of thought.
Respect diversity of thought? I accept it, but respect is a different matter. Do you "respect" CNN? Do you "respect" Fox News? I certainly don't.
No to both i encourage any platform that isn't the corporate press.
DailyWire is a giant corporation 🤣🤣
These guys are actively making the world worse. Take a hike
Reason and logic always goes out the window with these clowns, they prefer uncontrolled illogical outrage.
they prefer uncontrolled illogical outrage.
I'll admit I'd never heard of Dailywire, but after 10mins looking, that's exactly their modus operandi. Oh well a fool & their money….
By promoting hateful ideas that are directly causing more pain to people in marginalised communities. Freedom of speech should be allowed, but acting like they're saying something revolutionary when it's just hate speech does nothing to help anyone.
(Sources: Any of Ben Shapiro's comments on gender affirming surgery, abortion, or gay rights)
Dailywire is for people who can recognise that mainstream media has many issues, but lack the critical thinking skills to not realise this is ALSO garbage.
Msm is the issue…
Msm is the issue…
I think you just proved @BargainGeezer's point.
Daily Wire is based in the USA and appeals to people who see the MSM for what they are. The MSM there are all very progressive Democrat shills and not to be trusted.
Those people hold opinions which were absolutely mainstream a decade ago, sometimes five years ago but cannot be uttered now on social media without being banned.
You are doing the same thing the US media does all the time. attack those people not their argument.
Why does fox get to pretend they’re not msm?
Fox have the largest cable news audience by far, all of which are largely opinion based now.
In straight news reporting Fox is not regarded as legitimate by everyone else. Increasingly the rest of the news media attempt to silence and delegitimise Fox News. In the past they sometimes defended Fox from Democrat attacks.
Your point is valid but Fox is not an influential news organisation in the manner of NYT, WP, Atlantic etc who all trade on past glories but are now largely Democrat shills.
@Grok: Fox is absolutely one of the most influential news organisations in the USA.
Tucker has got the nation’s right wrapped around his little finger
“Education of top quality standard” what a joke
But we already have skynews?
lol this deal got some lefties triggered!
get bent
hahahaha TRIGGERED!!!, keep wearing your damn mask and take a booster every 3 months.
Thanks. I will. I like being healthy and not spreading risk to others.
@StarPlatinum: well it doesnt matter, people with no common sense will do as politicians and media tells them hahaha if they suddenly told you the pandemic is over you will think its over hahahaha you guys are brainwashed so much you think everyone who has a different view is a right wing extremist, they have done a great job creating division because we have weak people like you.
@7ekn00: Please don't share debunked theories…If you want to reference scientific studies, I would suggest you look for randomised controlled trials at a minimum. Double blinded, placebo controlled is better.
@sting316: oh not only triggered brainwashed too lol yeah take 20 boosters. hahahah state of this world!!
@sammyla: Defence against diseases. The very definition of health. But you're arguing against it. I'm laughing at how brainwashed you are Sammy. Keep living in your echo chamber and maybe read up on polio while you're at it.
To quote your vernacular… Haha lol lmao
The libs have been telling the conservatives to go build their own platform for years. Now that it's happening, they are doing great while the establishment swirls the drain. People are so mad, it's hilarious
A foundation of shit is still shit.
You must have at least one published comment with a valid reason for your negative vote : this is not useful.
What is your reason for downvoting based on the guidelines? How is this not a deal?
Or are you abusing the downvote system based on ideology?I just wanted to downvote, has been a while, sorry I thought I could sneak one in.
If u looking for a hypocrite, look left.
Three left's make a right.
They're all opinionated, biased, and hypocrites.I used to think if you listen to the far-right news and far-left news, they would cancel each other out and you would get informed. THATS FLAWED. You just end up going crazy because they don't cover the same things and everything is doomed.
There's hypocrisy on both sides.
Bans abortions to save Lives < - > Keeps guns that kill people
Fight for individual freedoms < - > Trans/Gays shunned.
Believe the swamp is the democratic leaders < - > votes in obvious swamp people
Hates pedofiles < - > loves the people who hang around them
etc. etc.
Look at em all crawl out and froth, provide your examples people and we will evaluate them on their merit, instead of spewing out hatred.
FACTS- This deal is lame