Cheapest price for these chains by about $100. Most snow stores stock these at $375. I've ordered a pair and they seem to be the real deal.
See you on the slopes.
Cheapest price for these chains by about $100. Most snow stores stock these at $375. I've ordered a pair and they seem to be the real deal.
See you on the slopes.
That's still faster than Fastway
Look at that pavement fly!
Personally I couldn't justify the Konig for the few times I'd use them versus the Autofit ones.
Autofit ones were $170 vs $300 for Konig (
It's a long ROI at $25 / day for me, but worth it to not have to pick up and drop off on a day trip.
Do you mind linking to the Autofit ones?
These ones
After 22% off they were $171.
No longer 22% off though sorry.
I'd rather the Konig ones at full whack and if I didn't need them urgently.
Can you run these on the street to improve tyre life??
dude! the main purpose is to keep us safe….
I mean … I guess you're not wrong…
Considering they reduce the safe speeds to like 30-40 km/h, you might get better tyre life because you're putting half the mileage on in a given time frame… With the bonus that they have a good chance at causing an accident which would given your car some time off the road which will also extend tyre life.
10mm chains - basically only a few vehicles don't have the clearance for them.
Can I use snow chains on summer/sports tyres?
This may sound a wee bit asinine but, why for? We live in a sun burnt country after all.
It's for the snow mountains
That has a snow region larger than that of the swiss alps.
Is that really true? Holy crap
Urban myth, that one.
yeah that's why I asked. Thanks for clarifying
from bbcearth. the love child of Richard Attenborough
I was driving in the snow literally yesterday. Australia gets snow in plenty of places.
Carrying the chains is required for access to the Kosciuszko National Park during peak snow season (June to October) unless your vehicle is 4/AWD.
And all resorts in Vic require you to carry chains, regardless of 2wd,4wd,awd I believe.
Overnight only for 4AWD I believe (at times)
@gunslinger: nope its at all times, at least in all the VIC areas I've ever been. You just don't have to fit them on a 4wd unless it gets really bad.
@abeeson: Nope,…
Not today for 2 or 4wd unless overnight.
I was originally under the same impression as you TBH.
@gunslinger: interesting, looks like NSW is the same, but Falls creek where i normally am follows vic roads which says you must carry them at all times:…
Good to see its consistent :P
Do you guys buy a new set of chains everytime you change your car?
not if you have the same wheel & tyre size
??? Your tyres are the same size when you get a new car? I have never seen that happen
yep a lot have the same, especially if you're upgrading to just a newer model
Can't believe how much they have jacked up lift ticket prices. Especially the weekend prices!
I can't recall what I paid last time I went in 2019, but I expected it to be a lot more expensive
I'm pretty outraged at how much everything is - I think NSW is cheaper as the resorts are in National Parks.
Falls Creek (Epic) lift ticked - $160/day
Falls Creek Resort Entry - $55/day
So we pay as much as people in Whistler pay for a day of skiing, except we have about 250m of vertical vs their 1530m.
If you're really switched on you buy your epic season pass for $850 at the super early bird, then pick which resort you want to spend most of your time at and buy a season resort entry pass for about $535 (Falls) or $550 (Hotham). This leaves you with only accommodation (extortionate) and food (bring up from the lowlands), assuming you have all your own gear. Of course, life gets in the way and you wonder if you really got your $1400 worth of skiing in.
Weekend day rates are more at Vic. $184 a day if buy in advance, or $199 at the ticket counter. I'm pretty sure that's a $40 - 50 mark up from 2019. Can any one remember the prices? I wish I kept my emails. Guess they have done their market research with demographics and what people are willing to pay in Vic
Mt Buller put their prices out first quite early then it appeared that Falls and Hotham waited to see the response and followed suit release pricing just before the .season opened. Next year I'll just head to NZ. Lift passes are much cheaper 1 Day 139, 2 Days 129, 3 Days 109, 4+ Days 99. That's in $NZ too so even cheaper in Aus $.
Japan is also a great option assuming they open ever again.
On Google Earth, someone has posted a picture of the resort entry fees to Falls in 2011 - $32 a day or $270 for a season pass.
Used these exact chains on the weekend (as a rental).
Was pretty happy with how they fit and the mechanism for taking up the slack. Would've bought these at this price, except didn't think to try Amazon UK and local prices were too high.
Ended up paying a similar price for Autotechnica CAP-410 chains.
How much is chain hire per day now?
Cost me $30
Iended up purchasing these instead…
they seem to be thicker and auto tensioner, any comments?
As long as they fit!
I live in Perth - never seen snow before but the ozbargain itch is telling me to buy this anyway to score a bargain. What is wrong with me.
The answer is in your message. ;)
Try these out on the way in the Nullarbor mate… :)
They look terrible. I wouldn't trust an unknown brand for a piece of equipment that can literally be the difference of life and death.
Also looks like an incredibly bad way to fit them to the wheel. Would be impossible to fit on many cars due to clearance.
not allowed at Mt Gotham, and probably also buller, falls and bawbaw
a copy of spider chains that slip horribly.
What tricksters! Purchase price is for 4 pieces, image shows 7.
And horrible product anyway - I'd give up before trying to ratchet strap 7 of those onto each wheel!
I grew up in the north of Sweden and I've never seen a car with chains on. No doubt i'll see some muppet in Australia with chains on..
Chains are mandatory to enter many of the ski resorts in Australia.
Canadian here and you'd be hard pressed to see chains…actually, they're illegal to use unless in the most extreme weather events or to get yourself unstuck.
But then again, we do have snow tyres in Canada that we change over to when winter comes and store the summer tyres. Were here in OZ, it's just summer tyres they sell and I guess these make sense in that regard.
Yeah, there is no point for someone living in Sydney or Melbourne to bother chasing down winter tyres for the 4 weekends a year they get to the snow .
Jesus, I lived in the Central Asian Steppe area for 3 years and I've never saw snow chains used there (even in the mountainous areas). It snows hard and gets to -40C in winter. People get by fine with winter tyres.
Who exactly are these chains targeted at?
Chains are mandatory to enter many of the ski resorts in Australia.
…People get by fine with winter tyres.
Who exactly are these chains targeted at?
People who don't change the tyres on their cars for winter tyres
we get ice rather than snow.
but what do I know.
neg away.
You forgot about slush.
Ice and slush is the Australian way.
I did some skiing in Sweden earlier this year and it's night and day between the quality of the snow.
Who do you know in Australia with winter tyres?
people that get sucked in by snowtyres at - he is not loved.
this might sound dumb - so do you suppose to get out of the car just before you hit a road with snowfall/icy and put these chains on?
at a resort, fit at the "fit chains here" bay as required by law, other times when traction required if off road or at night.
thanks mate, but can we use those bay to put our BYO chains on?
Yeah, they're just a flat pullover spot on the way to the resort. Picture like a little bit of extra road you can pull over on and let people pass. Most of them are before you reach the actual resort boundary.
we snowrunner now
They do come from the UK so there is a bit of a wait. I ordered on 16 June and received on 28 June.