So I've been lazy and checked in on my super account for the first time in 4 months. I'm with Australian Super and I like that I can change my allocations between:
High Growth
Socially Aware
Indexed Diversified
Conservative Balanced
Australian Shares
International Shares
Diversified Fixed Interest
Not sure if other companies allow you to do something similar…
Before, I think I had 70-30 split between high growth and balanced respectively.
After viewing the losses (everything other than cash is going down somewhere between 1-3% per day), I've decided to split mine:
40% Cash
30% Aus shares
20% Balanced
10% High Growth
Was this a good idea? Curious to see the financially savvy OzBargainers' thoughts…
UPDATE: Okay, so it seems the consensus is that I'm an idiot.. but I think the key thing people keep brushing over is that though the market has plummeted a little bit, it's still in for lots of crashING.. I'm expecting it to continue being very bumpy over the next year (2-5% ups and downs, but netting below zero). When it looks like it can't get any worse, isn't THEN the time to configure back to something like 20 Balanced, 40 Aus shares and 40 High growth?
Seems like a lot of cash to hold in super unless you're planning on drawing down the account soon-ish (like funding retirement, using the FHSS or the next scheme to let people draw down super early).