Bitcoin on target to hit $8000 as predicted the other week. Fite me.
Bitcoin on The Way down OUCH!

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Ready for him to outpost the OP in this thread.
💻🪙📈 🌕 🤑 🧨📉
Ahh yes, all the true financial markets savants hang out on these forums. I presume you have invested heavily in CFDs/puts against Bitcoin in order to take advantage of this insight?
Edit: Nevermind, I see what your investment strategy is.
Everyone's super is at record highs everyday because everyday you work you get super derp derp
Wrong answer
The profile pic is actually his face. Bloody parrot he is.
THATS your best shot?
my super was at record highs
Hope is there, as wealthy and healthy as ever, when you actually try to cash in your Super.Research about the Danish collapse on Pensions for a reality check.
Oh it's that guy. We would be better off listening to rektrading 🤣
Buy the dip lol
Dip the buy lol
By the by
dip the dip olo
Dip and crackers.
dip the tip
Nobody is buying any dips now.
Bitcoin to 20k then candle wick straight to 100k, you heard it from me first.
ouch everything, look at netflix and zip
Not to worry.
Fiat truck lock and loaded for a pivot.
The pivot will be there but no time soon.
Central banks' Credibility is on the lineI've time. I've been waiting +2Y for a proper crash.
sir btc was 9k 2Y ago
Move into gold.
I did.Gold is good right now. Good advice.
Gold is always good, just look at the gold price over the last 20 years
20 years ago I was telling everybody to buy gold and they laughed at me.
Gold underperforming the CPI since 1980.$gold
@rektrading: Yep, that's right, gold does not have a linear performance.
But when it does, it goes parabolic as the supplied chart demonstrates.
@MontyMacaw: My boss was telling me 10 years ago, his brother was telling him 10 years before that, I never got round to it 😭
It is a safe haven and it has still gone up huge!
Price falls? This is good for bitcoin. More people can now buy in, and existing HODLers can buy more cheaper.
Price rises? This is good for bitcoin. Your stash is now worth more.
Conclusion: Everything is good for bitcoin. Few understand.
I think the last 2 words of your conclusion are correct. The rest? Not so much.
It's getting there.
May be today is the day.
just shy buddy - 23.6 low at 1am
$22,600 1hr ago.
The $SPX is getting slaughtered.
Not long now.
oops I did mean 22.6k. 20k's and 10k's looking possible.
SPX might hit low 3k zone.
or everything to 0 at this rate 🤣
@Brodo Faggins: Wait for Wednesday when the US cash rates hikes. Looking at between 50 BPS and 75 BPS.
This week should hit both the $SPX and $XJO hard.
$VIX +18.78%.
GFC 2.0 imminent.
Remember subprime mortgages in 2000? How can anyone Gen X or Boomers forget?
Well, for those that haven't experienced a crisis, welcome to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2022.Think about all the 5% downs, approved for the girl who works at a cafe.
Or the pensioner putting $50/wk to chip away their mortgage, right until they turn over.
Look at all the stats on 90-day arrears, mortgage defaults, and small biz going insolvent.
And the big ones too? Nah, Metricon probably is going to be bailed out.Or what about the Oz Bargainer making $100k, tryna get their new Tesla Y..
Or rising interest rates.
Or the student debt 💣.
Or AU debt 💣 or US debt 💣.
Look at all the stonks/crpto/fx right now 📉
Bonds about to invert again, indicating a graphical "recession" in markets.No amount of 💵🖨 will save this shytshow now. Just kick the can down the road, until the globe implodes.
Of all history's cash in circulation, 40% of it was 💵🖨 in the last 2 years. Hyper-infltion is already here.You think the g0v will save you? You think they have you, your wealth, your health, your liberty in their best interests? Or is everything they touch a rort to enslave you?
Y'all can make fun of Rekt, but Rekt speaks the truth and is only trying to show you the way. The sooner you realise and stop being in denial, the sooner it's in your benefit.
We warned you. Last chance to prepare.Apocalypse this is not. Inflation and recession fears are over hyped. The subprime mortgage situation is not a factor here. It’s about supply chains, labour shortages and a war. When supply chains are not coping that means there is room for growth. An oversupply on the other hand would be a very real worry. That was what happened in the GFC. Millennial day traders need to be brought back to reality. The VIX needs to spike above 40 and then settle for the market to form a bottom. We are not there yet. There was a minor bear market rally the other week and there may be another yet but bear markets don’t last very long compared to bull markets. However crypto was supposed to be a haven in a bear market but it now mirrors the general trend of the markets. This means it’s no longer the haven it was so what use is it?
Nah man, we’re heading for a 90s recession hard and fast. The big question will it become a 20s recession? The global economy is screwed. I fear only isolated nations will come off better.
I think you are wrong on all positions and this is a result of politicized media who want you to believe in "supply chain crisis".
There is NO supply chain crisis in a free economy - companies quickly jump on any "moat" of opportunity.What we see is a cash-burn induced crisis that has inflation, recession and a stagflation as a result.
Do you think that 4-6 trillions of $ that all world governments splashed to protect their gentle bottoms from a revolting dildo of masses did not contribute to the demand side? REALLY?Seriously? If you believe there are no supply chain issues then you dont work in an industry that depends on supply chains. You think companies can just start up a new factory overnight to 'jump on' the moat of opportunity? What might happen is massive oversupply in 1- 3 years time because everyone has 'jumped' today and all the production comes on line.
@dtc: Factories are still there, people are still working.
There WERE bottlenecks that we had exactly at the point in time when the clearly-thinking governments decided to give a massive cash injection because of exactly why and for what reasons did they need to stimulate demand when supply chains were in a temporary shock?Exactly for the reasons you have described there were no serious movements in the supply source. And those would have been worked out if ONLY the governments were to stay PUT and not intervene. But NO, Australian consumer cannot endure even a slightest pain of a default - let's flood them with cash via absolutely ineffective channels.
The inflation that we have today have origins from 1-2 years back and now you are being fed the stories about "supply chain" and "Putin's tax".
Also keep in mind that the monetary tools also work with a lag. So brace for at least 2 more 50 basis points rate hikes.@ALesha77: You are both right, just at different times (micro vs macro). @ALesha77 is looking at the bigger picture economics.
Apocalypse this is not.
So you're in denial of a potential crisis? Exactly what data or facts are you looking at, to come to this conclusion? (sauce pls).
Literally the only thing that can save us now, is more 💵🖨, and as I said above, "No amount of 💵🖨 will save this shytshow now."The subprime mortgage situation is not a factor here.
I was referring to AU economics, and yes it is. All the elements are there. If anything, AU could be the 1st domino to fall (due to our crazy property prices), triggering an event similar to 2000 subprime crash. To name a few:
*5-10% downs.
*Pensioners with mortgages they'll never pay off.
*0 wage growth (for a decade?).
*Ballooning cost of living (fuel, electricity bills, groceries, goods, literally everything).
*People overleveraged with multiple HL, multiple CC debt, personal loans, and BNPL loans.
*Don't forget student loans.
*90-day arrears are through the roof. That means 3 months without paying rent or mortgage. Idk if you know, but everyday Aussies are defaulting on their homes, being repossessed & sold to cover losses.It’s about supply chains, labour shortages and a war.
Lmao I see. Washed by the media to keep people distracted. Even if this was the truth, and you believed this was the sole cause of all markets tanking & rising costs of living, are you still denying the potential of a crisis? lol
The VIX needs to spike above 40.
We are currently 5.97 pts away. In Jan we were at 38.94. What are you waiting for? lol
crypto was supposed to be a haven in a bear market
Not really - who said it was a haven in bear markets? Why not just look at it another investment vehicle instead of comparing as either/or? People went to it because it's decoupled away from the inflted Dollar (which everyone hates), and very high profits (and losses) can be made. In that sense, haven to some as we no longer have to rely on the strength of $US.
I'm not saying there's a right answer, we just need keep an open mind. Even if it's cyrpto and against one's beliefs. Things will soon change drastically. We need to adapt & press on.
@Hobbit 😜 I’ve been following financial markets on a daily basis for 40 years. I had a home mortgage at 14% and credit cards at 35% long long ago. Believe me the world is much better prepared for rough times than it has ever been. Companies are not valued based on having “.com” in their name, subprime mortgages are a thing of the past. I was once a day trader and learnt the hard way that everyone makes money when the market rises but the newbies get cleaned out when there is panic. The solid investors like the sharks on Wall Street clean up all the cash. Long term investors see things like this as just a blip in the cycle. Panic creates opportunities for the experienced investors. As for Crypto being a haven? Well many commentators I have watched on the likes of Bloomberg and CNBC. They are saying that crypto is now just a technical trade because there is nothing else to value it by. It has no intrinsic value. If blockchain can get the energy hungry technology sorted and it is adopted by the mainstream financial market almost none of the existing tokens will be adopted. New ones will emerge with proper backing and actual security for users so they can actually use it and not treat it as just a speculative token.
Finally, people taking money for Crypto from those that should never be investing believe it is a sin not to separate a fool from their money.
So what do we do, brodo gamer f word
Y'all can make fun of Rekt, but Rekt speaks the truth and is only trying to show you the way. The sooner you realise and stop being in denial, the sooner it's in your benefit.
We warned you. Last chance to prepare.Sounds like all the printed cult material.
Do you follow btc @netjock? Keen to get your thoughts as your are quite literate financially (not sure about crypto though) :)
(I will start buying again < 20k)(I will start buying again < 20k)
There is a probability that you (we) can buy more this week.
Watch for Wednesday's rate hike in the US. It should be volatile.
quite literate financially
That is useless in crypto.
It is all prayers and hope the charts repeat themselves.
Why does rekt say buy at less than $20k? Why not $10k, $8k or zero. It is all look at the charts and hope everything repeat themselves.
Luna / stable coin fiasco is the same garbage they tried in 2009/10 by using some funny math to say only if x% of mortgages fell over the securities the securities will still be AAA rated.
Celcius was popular on these boards and now they have stopped withdraws. Isn't that the same as a bank run? When you lend to a bank offering interest rates which you can't get anywhere else other than pay day loans / loan sharks you're gambling with your capital.
There is a lot of margin loans out there which is great when prices are going up. Forced liquidations are going to send prices spiraling down in waves of liquidations.
My take on this. If The Fed is at 1% right now and overnight the bond market thinks it is going to 4.9% what do you think is going to happen to crypto?
For BTC and ETH to go up in price a lot of other cryptos need to go bust. There isn't a big enough market for all of them, the scams suck money out of cryptos that have a user case.
I don't get it @netjock. You seem to have high IQ, but as soon as cyrpto or Rekt is mentioned, you lose your mind.
Did you get burned on a 💩 coin in 2017/18 when Btcoin went from 2k to 20k in 6 months and plummeted back to 6k?I'd welcome you to share your views it, or on my post above.
There you go trolling again. Everyone is a loser except for you two it seems. You know when people get personal it is always because you have a personal point of pain.
There you go trolling again.
I'm actually not trolling and legitimately want your perspective. I just don't get why you're so opposed and defensive when it comes to this. Idk your story or how your mind works 🤷♂️
I even upvoted on this comment from @Tomhaigh1 ("Do you follow btc @netjock? Keen to get your thoughts as your are quite literate financially")
It seems that perhaps you are trolling with your 1 liner and avoiding any contribution to the thread or my comment. Just don't comment at all then. Simples.
Everyone is a loser except for you two it seems.
When did I say this? Just having an opinion, but never said I'm right? I'd like you to share your views please.
You know when people get personal it is always because you have a personal point of pain.
Says the one who got defensive as soon as I mentioned 💩coin in 2017/18 🤣
Somebody knows something.
This is not oil, a meme stock or even a scam. It’s U.S 2-year bond yield
Wow, bonds getting destroyed
The collective wisdom is rarely wrong
Are we headed to 5% or 6.8%? 😅
If you really want to know the answer - check JGB YCC.
It looks like Japan might be giving up on yield curve control or at least widening the limits - announced some new yesterday.
This had a domino effects of all government papers with US short-dated hit the most.
The last time I looked the costs to mine a bitcoin was around US$8K. New gold mines get green-lit when there is a 20% margin in good times. So pricing US$8-10K is about right in normal conditions. Personally, I will take an interest below US$8K when I see stabilization.
Neatly hit the weekly 200ma as I predicted a couple of weeks back. Now will she bounce from here or wont she?…
The 300 MA looks 👍 at this point.
Remember not to FOMO. There is plenty of time to wait and see.
Yeah I try to look for value these days instead of trying to pick the bottom.
I have my eye on a couple that were performing well until the current downturnENJ
BNBlook like good value, XMR has held up pretty well only dropping around 35% or so and maybe topping up some ARRR at 65c might be worth a look as well though it hasn't been performing as well as those other ones (just musing, not advising. :) ).
It will be a good speculative buy @ $8K!
I think that statement is correct. But the key word is speculative. I wouldn’t touch it. But I don’t like roller coasters either and the last time I went on one was a couple of years ago. I was by far the oldest person on there too so I like a bit of risk now and then.
1 year in crypto is like 10 years in real life
I have already placed forward @ $ 4K next month. I don't find there is any traction to hold with the current drop happening. Not sure why Elon Musk is not tweeting as i believe the moment he tweets his crypto-crazy fan amplify so much that crypto jump by 20% overnight.
Musk has an army of bots to do that for him
$XJO -4.51%.
What a bloodbath.
XJO - 5 day: -8.5%
BTC - 5 day: -25.84%this is fine….
at least your TSLA orders hit now its ~$650
People should be worried if the $XJO damp -25.0%.
.#Bitcoin damp -25.0% is normal for a bear market.
at least your TSLA orders hit now its ~$650
I got my $TSLA buy orders in. I'll buy more if it goes lower for the split in a few months.
Just some margin calls.
Low volume, high volatility - low conviction move.
the whales basically telegraphed 8k with this:…
its just a question of when and how
You can find charts with lines at almost any price
Enough monkeys on typewriters and one of them will get it right
that's not a line some whale sold enough to move price down to 8k
check BTCUSD on Binance US
some whale sold
No, some poorly written trading algorithm, combined with probably low market depth at the time (and my synical mind thinks, likely a large amount of leveraged longs and some binance market tweaking)
@SBOB: if that were the case these should be all over the charts, can you find another example?
i believe a similar thing happened during the 2014 bear market, and lo and behold price moved there months, although i can't remember on which chart
personally i dont think we go straight to 8k should take years to get there, but it looks like btc will dump to levels that will make the average guy question their sanity, personally if it gets to 8k i'll be on the side lines.
not financial advice
Waiting for China to ban #Bitcoin.
This is great news to some people. Buy at the dippest of dips and wait 5 years. Kaboom!
Why does it fall so much harder than the stock market?
Because the stock market is for real investors who want to buy things with an intrinsic value. That’s not a smug reply btw. Crypto is purely speculative.
Stock market are real business that power the economy
And generates cash flow and income you can live off without touching your capitalCrypto is speculative but most people blur the line between investment and speculation and maybe some can’t tell the differences, they think buy something like crypto is an investment no it is not, it pure speculation
Let put it this way if you have 40-50bn spare would you rather buy Woolies with thousands of sites around Australia making you a billion of dollar of profit a year without doing anything or crypto ?
Every generation has its speculative products
Crypto is your generation previous generation deal with dot com, tulip mania, South China Sea company to Poseidon, history are filled with these stories with people piled in want to get rich quick
From Bloomberg: “Digital winter is coming. Coinbase is following Gemini and BlockFi in cutting jobs, with plans to lay off about 18% of its workforce, citing a pending recession. MicroStrategy's CEO told investors not to worry about a potential margin call on a Bitcoin-backed loan, and the SEC's Gary Gensler reiterated his warnings about pouring money into crypto.”
Buidl different.
» Crypto firms across the board are laying off employees and freezing hiring. Why is Binance the exception? | Fortune
World's largest crypto exchange Binance says it's hiring for more than 2,000 roles amid a multi-trillion dollar slump in the crypto market different.
1) Zig Zag and hiring:why FTX is going to keep growing as others cut jobs
Binance and FTX: We have no plans to slow down hiringThere is no room for 🧟 companies or too big to fail.
This industry is either grow or die.
Time to buy BTC and NASDAQ shares with Super! Anybody know a platform which allows this??
even Max Keiser is starting to post hopium threads
never seen him do this before LOL
Maxis Keiser doesn't need hopium.
His net worth could be more than Elon's for all we know.
ya he's got lik 300k btc or something
i'm just saying i've never seen him tweet like this in 2 years lol…
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Ready for some of @rektrading's comments