• expired

$10 Cashback (100%) on Woolworths Mobile 12GB 30-Day Prepaid Starter Pack (Physical SIM & eSIM Eligible) @ Cashrewards


Just saw this banner on Cashrewards, similar to this deal previously

Cashrewards has just lifted the cashback rate to $10 on all of the 30 day starter packs making the $20 prepaid 12GB plan free

Special Terms

  • Applies to $20, $30, and $40 30-day prepaid starter packs (now discounted to $10, $15, and $20). See Woolworths Mobile website for details.

  • Cashback is eligible for customers buying a new service (SIM) & new sign-ups (new customers). Cashback is ineligible on recharges to existing services.

  • Cashback is limited to two prepaid services per member per month, provided they are purchased across separate transactions. Cashback is paid on only one plan/item per order/transaction, regardless of the number of plans/items purchased on that order/transaction.

  • Service must be activated within 30 days of purchase and remain active for 30 days to be eligible for cashback.

  • Cashback is ineligible if sale is cancelled, withdrawn, changed, refunded.

  • Cashback will not be paid in conjunction with any other offer, voucher or discount code unless listed on this page, or with any other discounts such as staff or student discounts.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3779)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +1

    Woolies the new Amaysim of free SIMs lately.

    • -1

      Slightly different as you have to be with Woolies for 30 days, making it a cheap source of monthly discount rather than free sims.

      • +3

        No it is still a free SIM, I have had all my woolies sims approved 100% or more cashback with never recharging.

        • as long as you're happy to keep a few numbers under your name for one year period after expire date… I normally just keep two long-term numbers plus one porting number.

          • +2

            @Toxinor: I have 10 ATM. Helps for new user phone#

  • -2

    I had seen somewhere before, that CR is physical sim only, SB is esim only ??

    • The banner on CR reads:

      Half price 30-day starter packs, plus $10 cashback (includes eSIMs)

      From previous TA’s comment

      • -7

        does that mean it includes physical sims too ??? if it is only saying includes esims?

        Like they changed website to only include eSims now instead of physical only before?

        • -4

          Yes but that's just saying esim are eligible,

          Not both esim and physical sim are eligible

          Can you confirm @TA over here please if physical sims are still eligible before I decide to finally try woolies mobile

          • +1

            @USER DC: Previously only physical SIMs were eligible on Cashrewards, now it’s both physical and eSIMs too

            TA has confirmed in the link I posted above as well as on the Cashrewards’ banner

          • @USER DC: It doesn't say excludes physical SIMs anywhere.

  • +12

    Good deal grabber, thanks. You should link up with TA & do a deal with a code.
    It could be grabarse.

    • +3

      Haha that sounds like a dope code
      Maybe when I hit a major deal posting stats 😉

    • +3

      what if I link up with TA? 🤔

  • Service must be activated within 30 days of purchase and remain active for 30 days to be eligible for cashback.

    Is this usually enforced? So can't purchase now and activate after 5m?

    • also interested in this. I'm guessing the sims you can activate anytime but the cashback might get nulled if not activated within 30 days?

  • +1

    Don't forget this SIM allows you to 10% off a grocery shop a month (after your first recharge).

    • is that ongoing?

      Just read 'one shop per month'

      • +1

        yes, each month. Woolies even allow grace period. So, if your service has expired, it remains in suspended status (assuming you don't port the number out), but still offers you that 10% off discount. Another loophole is that that 10% was meant to start only after having active service for one month (from what I saw in terms and conditions). However, it started for me before 1 month.

        I expect those two loopholes to be closed eventually.

        • nice

          • +1

            @Irishness: The 10% off won't start immediately though (i.e. not active right away). I had to wait for a few days (although as mentioned before, I think it might be up to 30 days wait based on the official terms and conditions).

        • You basically get 7 months of 10% off, but it can take a few days/weeks for the 10% off to be enabled

        • +1

          I definitely did not start before 1 month. It only started after I recharged. It says you are only eligible after 45 days, however, after I recharged, the discount immediately came up. I guess its kinda moot as the 45 days requirement is to ensure people recharged at least once before getting it.

          Having it expire but not ported out state is definitely a loophole. Abuse it while you can :D.

  • +1

    between this and belong, i might not have to pay any phone bills for a year

    • What's the belong deal?

      • Free Sims from Telstra points

  • Can anyone confirm if the referral bonus for both user and referee can work as well?

  • Might as well keep getting them until I've got 4 sims so that every week has 10% off shopping?

    I guess I need 4 everyday rewards accounts though

  • You can activate as physical sim then change to an esim down the line?

    • +1

      Yes, I did it last time.

  • -2

    Can anyone confirm if physical sim is getting tracked ?

    • In the offer term: “ Cashback is eligible for customers buying a new service (SIM) & new sign-ups (new customers).”

      So I expect it to track. Take a screenshot to be sure.

    • +2

      Both physical SIMs and eSIMs are eligible for cashback via Cashrewards for Woolworths Mobile. Physical SIMs have always been eligible. eSIMs have been eligible since 6pm AEST 17/05/22. Hope this clears up any confusion.

      • Thanks for confirmation TA, will end up buying this sim for 100% CB now

  • Will I still be considered a "new customer" (and hence eligible for this cashback deal) if I use the same email address that I created an account with Woolworths Mobile for a previous CR cashback deal (where the mobile phone number associated with the previous CR cashback deal has now expired & is disconnected) ?

    Just concerned that if I sign up using a new service (SIM) but might not be considered a new sign-up (new customer) if I use an email address that already has an account with Woolworths Mobile


    • checked my click history and it appears fine to use the same email address to sign up for new Woolworths mobile starter packs

  • Thanks, tracked after purchasing esim

  • How long does tracking take for people ? when paying using ANZ max linked card

    • +2

      Should not take longer than 15 minutes. However, as you know I have your details from previous enquiries. Checked your click history and you had AdBlock enabled at click-out, so I doubt it will track. In fact, almost all your clicks to stores show AdBlock was enabled. Please start using the CR mobile app to avoid these types of issues.

      • AAww probably wouldhave had forgotten to disable that,

        Hope it tracks though, if not then not i guess.
        I also thought anz might be sharing purchase data to confirm transaction made or not.
        But i guess its not.

        If not already trying to cancel order from Woolworths mobile.

        You know what's funny TA ???
        My ebay purchases especially ones with voucher used they get tracked always even without me clicking on their link to activate (with AdBlock on)

        • +1

          eBay hasn't been on CR since start of March :)

          See if you can cancel the Woolies SIM then re-buy via the CR app. Offer ends midnight.

          • @tightarse: No i was just saying not a bloody clue how SB manages to track my ebay orders when i never click on SB extension or activate CB link from them, ( even with AdBlock on )

            But only really at eBay

    • Somehow the tracking from Cashrewards is much much better and faster than ShopBack.

      Although ShopBack has more cashback promo than CR (of course with chance it won’t be tracked immediately by SB or some even complained you won’t get the cashback). Ymmv

      • Yup I think SB uses slow but more penetrating trackers against adblockers etc.

        but CR uses Fast trackers that don't penetrates tracker against adblockers etc as much

  • can we use the $40 credit for $65 6 months recharge.

    $35 for 6 months seems to be a better deal considering 10% off groceries.

    • Yes

      • Hi futaris Can you please advise how the $40 30-day prepaid starter packs can be used for recharge?

  • Ss there any way of picking these up in store as my current boost service runs out in 2 days?

    • They get delivered pretty quickly from experience.

      • +1

        not always, have had to wait for 2-3 weeks couple of times.

  • +2

    Thanks OP and Cashrewards,
    Didn't need it, but free thought why not try out an Esim for a month.

  • Can I move data from this plan ?

  • Doordash doesn't accept the range of numbers Woolies has given me last two times 0493 or 0439 I think but can't remember. Haven't tried support

  • Currently recharging $20 every 7 months to keep the service and monthly 10% off alive.
    Thinking of churning out and back in as I soon won't be able to receive SMS. And get esim instead.
    Is there a minimum time required to be out before joining back in?

    • how can you recharge $20 for keep service active for 7 months?

      • +1

        $20 is the cheapest recharge. Then you get
        * 1 month of service
        * 3 months when you can only receive SMS/call
        * 3 months when you can receive SMS/call
        Then your service is deactivated

        • If I choose 180 days service plan, in theory I can spend $35 dollars to have total 12 months 10% discount?
          * 6 months service
          * 3 months when you can only receive SMS/call
          * 3 months when you can receive SMS/call

        • Hi, could you please clarify what the difference between the first 3 months and the second 3 months is?

  • "Cashback is ineligible if sale is cancelled, withdrawn, changed, refunded."

    If I purchase this 30 days prepaid and change to 365 days prepaid after 30 days, will this be considered as plan change and Cashback will become ineligible?

  • +1

    I bought the sim card last time and activated it in 30 days. After staying for another 30 days I found out my cash back had not been tracked despite the click history.

    No way to submit a claim on their website and…

    According to Cashrewards T&C

    If a purchase was made more than 60 days ago, and the transaction has not tracked, in accordance with our Terms of Use you are unable to submit a cashback claim.

    • 60 days scam

  • +1

    'Service must be activated within 30 days of purchase and remain active for 30 days to be eligible for cashback.'

    Anyone knows what will happen to the number if i didnt recharge after 30 days? Will I lose the number? thanks

    • +2

      You won't lose the number, from memory you will not be able to receive calls/SMS after 90 days (stand to be corrected) and the number will go back into the pool after 180 days (again stand to be corrected).

      • +2

        See here
        + They send you a SMS a few days before they deactivate your service, which is quite nice.

  • As usual I left it for too long and when I go to purchase the 50% off sale has ended :(

    • Huh, on Woolies Mobile it says offer ends 7th June. The day hasn’t ended yet but I don’t see the discount anymore lmao

      • +2

        It discounts when you press buy!!!!!

      • Yup I am an idiot, discount shows after you add to cart and go to the next page.

  • +3

    Great to use up my BWS $10 card on, cheers OP

  • +1

    Thanks bargainsgrabber and CR as always. Tracked within mins

  • Try to make the purchase bit won't check with credit card.
    Tried Multiple cards with same problem. What a pain

  • No visual voicemail, SIM needs to be registered within 30 days of purchase – both kill Woolies Mobile for me

  • Anyone else's new number still stuck on the "Activation submitted" step? Last time it only took an hour or two to activate.

  • +1

    I purchased and it never tracked. How do I submit an enquiry? @tightarse

  • Is anyone else having trouble activating this sim? Its not accepting any credit cards for me at the final step

  • No deal. Ended up rejecting my claim simply because I didn't renew.

    • even remain active for 30 days? I mean if you ported out within 30 days. If so, may raise to tightarse.

      • Yep, didn't port out at all, just turned off auto renew.

  • Declined, havn't queried it yet, need to track down order ID or other proof of purchase.

  • Did anyone get cashback approved?

    • Mine is declined too. I didn't port out, I simply turned off auto renew. Anybody reached out to TA yet?

      • I’ll only know in 9 days if mine gets rejected/approved

      • Same here. Contacted CR they said they cant give any good news as they haven't received funds from Woolworths because order was cancelled/returned. Which is not the case. Had bought esim and is still active but not recharged.

        • Yeah said same thing cancelled/returned.. well woolworths never shopping in your stores again.

  • Now it has gone from declined back to pending …..

    • +1

      Had raised it with TA. This has been escalated to Woolies.

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