This was posted 2 years 8 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 12 Months Digital Subscription to News Corp Websites (The Australian, Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun etc.)


This popped up as a social media ad. "As a Sydney University student, you are entitled to a free campus subscription to The Australian and The Daily Telegraph! Register for free access to leading local and international news coverage"

Not really a news person but free is free.

I am not a uni student, so signed up using my gmail account and it worked. Subscription valid for 12 months until May 2023.

Usually $7/week, $364 over 12 months.

Mod: As per brandogs comment it works on all News Corp sites.

Related Stores

The Australian
The Australian
Daily Telegraph
Daily Telegraph

closed Comments

            • -2

              @heal: If there's a popular enough Reddit thread, I'm sure one of their "journos" would write an article made up of quotes from Reddit. Great for boomers to discover memes.

  • +7

    I just came for a freebie and stumbled upon a poor man's Twitter clone. More bargain, less opinion would be nice.

    Did somebody say KFC?

    • +1

      yes, let us hear your opinion about silencing opinions.

      • Nah I've stumbled this great deal for 12 months free newspaper subscription. I hear that it will form opinions for me.

    • Don't KFC deals get hundreds of comments complaining about being unhealthy and advertising to kids?

  • Thanks OP not a big fan of the Australian but a fan of free stuff so signed up.

    Got say though, my inbox this morning is already full of The Australian spam.

    • +1

      Yeah, Ive got to workout how to unsubscribe from that

  • +3

    Societal Cancer

  • +1

    It a shame it doesn't come with a paper as some of the Snow Flakes will know where to use it lol :)

    • +2

      how's that QAnon going for ya, has the current 'real' legitimate president Trump of the great America jailed those child eating Dems yet?

  • +2

    Media has damaged this country a lot. Classic examples are covid19 news, interest rate hike news and house price hike news. People impacted mentally a lot more with constant news than its real impact. Media = stress.

  • +2

    Nothing better than hearing the Palmer song everywhere I go and seeing his gut fall out of his Tshirt encouraging people to vote for him = the real motive preferences to Scomo.
    Its a great country :)

  • +2

    Free right wing propaganda!
    No thanks!

  • +1

    Boomers be booming, my Dad says thanks OP

  • +6

    Guys, it’s just a paper! The vitriol is dreadful!

    I’m more worried for the poor bugger who created the free link and his ability to maintain his job till the end of the day.

  • There was one good journo at The Australian - George Mega - but he left long ago. PVL is ok. Can't think of anybody else.

  • +12

    Geez this place has become such a forum for butthurt.
    A deal for a newspaper that you don't agree with? Downvote that shit into infinity and make a social pariah out of anyone who thinks otherwise..
    Take your bullshit political whining elsewhere.
    You'd think the Op posted a deal on clubbing baby seals the way people overreact.

    • +4

      that you don't agree with?

      I really wish that was the case and I was that deranged soul. However, the 18 y/o in Buffalo, USA seems to agree with them. Hence he shot down 10 black people in a grocery store citing The Great Replacement Theory, thanks Murdoch.

    • +3

      1 to 10 downvote ratio is barely downvoting to infinity. Looks like you're the one overreacting ^^

    • Everyone knows baby seals can’t dance 🙄

    • +5

      Agree, this comment section is an absolute dumpster fire and has been turned into some political nonsense. At the end of the day it is a free subscription that works on a number of websites that have content about a whole range of things that have nothing to do with politics, such as sport, travel, food, health… unless that is all propaganda too.

      "reee murdoch" is getting a bit tiring on social media, also amazing that it seems everyone on social media has memorized every Murdoch related organization so they can comment about how evil it is every time it comes up.

    • +1

      Downvotes are free speech. Typical Sky News strategy - triggered, overreacting while acting like everyone else is the problem.

  • +2

    Is the Daily Telegraph still classified as news?

  • Thanks op awesome deal. Will be especially good to have this viewpoint in the coming year if the leaners get elected.

  • +3

    hahah sht cnts

  • +5

    It would appear the masses have spoken and a free subscription is a free subscription, thanks OP !

  • +1

    Miranda "Devine"…… what a goddamn oxymoron

    • +1

      She is a vile woman, as is Janet Albrectson, Rita Panahi, Andrew Bolt, so many awful 'journalists'.

      • -2

        She's a genuine Australia hero. She broke the Laptop from Hell story. Which was unethically censored.

  • +1

    Free subscription to an alternate reality without having to buy a VR headset.

    • -2

      With how much you've commented on this thread I genuinely feel sorry for you.

      • +1

        Me too. Couldn't help it. I probably appear like a bot too lol

  • Surely team Murdoch, being the superior economic managers that they are, will find this leak and fix it. Unless it really is an insidious plan to indoctrinate the yoof of Australia.

    • +1

      They probably won't mind a couple thousand free subscribers to take them in a free virtual reality ride. Plus they can sell them ads, and their private information, and behavior like which kind of content they clicked on, how long they viewed it for, which kind of far-right rhetoric the free subscribers enjoy etc. It's a win win.

  • Fantastic. Not a huge fan, but sometimes there are artcilcles I'd like to read, so why not .Thanks

    • +1

      So like Playboy used to be?

  • +4

    Didn't know propaganda was allowed on here 🤢

  • +1

    Anyone else having problems with sign-up? I've tried two emails however have not received a confirmation, nor can I log in with the details I used.

    • Same here-perhaps its over now

  • +6


  • +3

    No thanks.

  • +1

    Great timing, Thanks OP. In the current financial environment, Australians business section is going to be useful

  • +3

    The negs on the neg comments haha. Someone is upset.

    • +4

      News corp readers have bent the knee to Murdoch's will and hate free speech unless it's in Murdoch publications

  • +3

    Thanks OP! Murdoch may be evil, but a deal is a deal.

    Whenever I get sick of the "left-wing agenda" at ABC & Guardian, I can flick over to Murdoch and see how much worse it could be! :-)
    Still, better than Sky :)

    Seriously. I'm OK with ABCs election coverage, but some other issues are very lacking in balance, such as relating to disadvantaged minorities and other "victims", and benefit from wider reading. It's also good to hear what the conservatives are thinking on things like climate change, even if I don't agree.

    Don't forget to turn off SPAM: - "marketing preferences"
    • +2

      They're actually still trying to prevent action on it by trying to get a government that doesn't take any real action re-elected. Their position is largely pandering to younger readers. Newscorp is still supportive of their advertiser's agendas.

      I personally wouldn't even call them conservative with conservative values just being a hook to trick people into supporting their corporate agenda.

    • +2

      You will observe that most of the presenters are ex Murdoch/sky.

  • +7

    Many servants of the dark lord here

  • Signed up purely to get supercoach plus for free

  • +6

    Bought and paid for, unscientific, unethical, biased tabloid garbage.

    • How can it be tabloid if online? Besides, The Aus is a broadsheet :-)

  • +6

    Here's a few things that Newscorp publications missed, softly reported on or lied about

    Or a short video on corruption.

    This publication is complicit(imo) in covering all of this up and keeping the public misinformed while record amounts of public money are transferred to private hands, often liberal party donors. They barely touch on the secret trials for whistleblowers the LNP are supportive of.

  • +7

    Basically just propaganda, not a real deal

  • +5

    Thanks! Got it. But I didn't understand the down votes until I started to read the Australian. Wow, that was serious nonsense! But a massive up vote from me for the ozbargain!

  • +4

    Paper quality is not v good. Scratchy on my bottom.

  • +4

    I block these guys every time I see anything from any of their publications.

  • +4

    Thanks OP - can read some of the sport articles now.

    Some really precious people in this thread.

    • +5

      Indeed, it is certainly precious to be upset over someone's opinion of a company.

      • +1

        If the media landscape were only just a smidge more honest with their reporting this country would be monumentally better.

    • +2

      If you don't see how propaganda has kept the bulk of Australia blind to the legislative, political and international failures and bad governing then I see your point.

  • Cheers I was just about to resubscribe and thought I would see if this worked. Happy to say it did.
    Appreciate it.

  • +4

    Independent news doesn't exist, better way to educate yourself is explore multiple sources including from sources that you don't politically agree on. Then you are entitled to an educated opinion.

    • +1

      Mate there is plenty of independent reporting. What are you talking about? Is that what ol' Rupey told you?

  • +6

    Not enough pejoratives in the English language to truly convey how terrible these publications are. A legitimate threat to our democracy.

    • +1

      Thanks for the belly laugh.

  • Can someone give me the layman's issue with these publications? Are we saying that because of the ownership, the material will have an agenda, in this case, Murdoch, who has a bias towards LNP?
    If this is happening why does our government. allow it?

    • +10

      They are unashamedly biased towards the LNP, excuse their rorts and scandals, actively biased against Greens and ALP. They are putting their own business interests first and are in the pockets with the LNP.

      Why would the government do anything about it?? The LNP love having this free cheer squad, congratulating them at every turn.

      • +4

        I would love to hear an opinion from a Newscorp viewer rather than the cowardly attempts at censorship through downvoting.

      • +4

        Yeah but its a free country. There are no unbiased media outlets in the country. In fact almost every single major media outlet apart from the Murdoch-owned ones are actively biased towards the Greens and ALP. The 2019 election night coverage on the ABC was hilarious. Watching them all start of jubilant when they thought Bill Shorten was going to win, then gradually growing more and more forlorn as the night went on, until when ScoMo declared victory and it was like wake there.

        ABC is so far left they are to the left of Labor, and only ever view everything from the green-left perspective. Which is fine - but they should be privatised if they're not going to be unbiased.

        • +9

          Thanks for your reply… This is however the complete opposite of studies on the matter which show that all media is right biased. The ABC in particular are under more scrutiny than any other media organisation. Through Liberal party actions, the board has been stacked with pro-LNP members, had funding cut. As I have watched a bit of Sky, they are the only ones yelling loudly(as far as I am aware) about this. Newscorp has an interesting history in that it was founded to control and manage dissent of workers - it's well worth having a look into it.

          Watching them all start of jubilant when they thought Bill Shorten was going to win, then gradually growing more and more forlorn as the night went on, until when ScoMo declared victory and it was like wake there.

          The polls were wrong. The Australian public was told for months it would be a Labor win. Other than what you saw on TV, i'm sure the reaction in the general public was a lot more balanced. If you want to talk about the right, look at the reaction from the right in the US - storming the capital.

        • -6

          Well said Gamer.
          ABC should be defunded and made to go private. I am from Melbourne and the 774 ABC radio station is so blatantly biased towards the ALP ( Hello Virginia Trioli and Raf Epstein) they might as well wear ALP T shirts as part of their work uniforms.

          Although I dislike Scomo, in a way i want him to win , just to witness the meltdown reactions from the ABC and the lefties.

        • +2

          Please provide literally one iota of evidence that the ABC is pro-Labor.

          They are run and funded by the LNP. The majority of the board and chief political editors are ex-Murdoch hacks.

          The ABC have literally been caught flying the LNPs colours in their election coverage.

      • +4

        Hi Placard, no different from the ABC , and Guardian paper who are blatantly biased towards the left side of politics. The worst thing about the ABC is that it is funded by taxpayers and it is supposed to be unbiased.

        • +8

          People keep repeating this line, but there's no evidence of this. The LNP has tried numerous times to attack the ABC through reducing their funding, setting up investigations that don't conclude there is bias.

          Yet the LNP will still say they are.

          When you get the likes of Sky news and Murdoch so far to the right, everything else 'appears' left wing, when in fact it's sitting centre-ish.

          The LNP will not be happy with the ABC unless they start carrying on like Sky News, who froth over everything LNP and poo-poo everything else.

          • -1

            @placard: Spoken like an actual communist.

            • +1

              @Gamer Dad Reviews: What's your plan to end communism in Australia? End Medicare - too expensive for tax payers anyway. End paid parental leave and council rates?

              • +2

                @MKBHD: I cannot believe that personal attacks and insults are being allowed on here.

            • +2

              @Gamer Dad Reviews: Strange,

              • repetition of lies until people believe them
              • the threat of never ending investigations

              are both things that are more at home in a communist society than a democracy. Getting strong 1984 vibes from your comment.

            • +2

              @Gamer Dad Reviews: Man, that is a seriously embarrassing comment.

              Do you understand even the most basic fundamentals of Communism?

              • +2

                @ThithLord: They're just repeating what's been fed to them without a second thought.

                Labor is communist!
                Labor bad!

                LNP appeals to the monkey population.

                • +1

                  @compound: Excuse me I think you'll find that Labor is, in fact, lefty communist socialists!

          • +6

            @placard: ABC tend to cover more facts than emotion and personal opinions. Unfortunately facts are considered leftist to some people.

  • +5

    Thanks OP. I know most people won't appreciate this offer, since sites such as Ozbargain are swamped by greenies and lefties. But thank you once again.

    • +5

      Lol based on what? Right wing people don't like bargains???

      • +7

        Don't worry, soon his current legitimate president lord Trump will drain all the swamps here and fill it with patriots (ahmm Kremlin bots) soon.

  • -2

    You guys will get these cancelled for sure, I don’t expect them to honor without a uni email

  • +1

    Perfect for those days when I need to get angry

  • +2

    Thanks op, I manage to wade through the nonsense in the fairfax and guardian sites to find the few morsels of news that aren’t pushing an agenda I’m sure I can do the same with newscorp sites too.

  • +1

    Wow, the butt hurt is real in this comments section.
    If News Corp isn't your thing, here is a tip, don't click on the link.
    So much hate and vitriol coming from these keyboard warriors.

    • -2

      That’s what the left do best, have a whinge and throw around baseless claims. 90% of Ozbargain is made up of them unfortunately.

      • +1

        Left? I think it's coming from Left, Right, Centre, Haters, etc. etc.

        Gawd, with such petty bickering, we sound more like a bunch of (profanity) Americans every day.

        Thanks OP. I'm no fan of the Murdoch Press but, sometimes there is an article I need to read which is locked behind a paywall. For such occasions this is much appreciated.

    • +4

      keyboard warriors

      not everyone is. the 18 y/o who shot down 10 black people in Buffalo USA few days ago was not one. the Christchurch liberator was definitely a doer too. I think our immediate future has less keyboard warriors and more action takers like these

      • -1

        Why not throw in Hitler and Stalin while you are at it?

        • +3

          is that all you got? invoking a different era when there were no keyboards to begin with?

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