This was posted 2 years 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 12 Months Digital Subscription to News Corp Websites (The Australian, Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun etc.)


This popped up as a social media ad. "As a Sydney University student, you are entitled to a free campus subscription to The Australian and The Daily Telegraph! Register for free access to leading local and international news coverage"

Not really a news person but free is free.

I am not a uni student, so signed up using my gmail account and it worked. Subscription valid for 12 months until May 2023.

Usually $7/week, $364 over 12 months.

Mod: As per brandogs comment it works on all News Corp sites.

Related Stores

The Australian
The Australian
Daily Telegraph
Daily Telegraph

closed Comments

            • -4


              1. War is hell. I take it you've never served in the military? Its horrible. I can only imagine how much more horrible it was to have treachourous towel-heads trying to stab you in the back at any moment. The only people guilty of war crimes are the politicians who perpetuated that pointless war - i.e. Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard - who were the ones in Power at the time.

              2. Yeah, its called spycraft. Its fun. Get on board.

              3. No means no. If you arrive in Australia by boat, you will never make Australia home.

              • +1

                @Gamer Dad Reviews:

                The only people guilty of war crimes are the politicians who perpetuated that pointless war - i.e. Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard - who were the ones in Power at the time.

                lol, wut?

                Australia entered the war in Afghanistan in 2001, a long time before Kevin007 became PM.

              • +1

                @Gamer Dad Reviews:

                No means no. If you arrive in Australia by boat, you will never make Australia home.

                But seeking asylum by plane is accepted?

            • -2


              Peter Dutton tried to sue a refugee advocate over a freaking tweet calling Dutton a Rape Apologist.

              Let us start calling you a rape apologist from now on and let's see how long you're happy to be continually smeared with that slur.

              It was an absolutely vile thing to say

              • +1

                @payton: I thought the LNP was the party of free speech?

                Refugees are held on Nauru Island against their will, imprisoned. Peter Dutton is quoted as saying that some female refugees were "trying it on" to get a medical transfer to Australia. If this had any credibility, it would be sexual coercion and only reflects on the credibility of the security forces on Nauru.

                It is easy to see how Mr Bazzi (the refugee advocate) came to that opinion.

                The refugee advocate’s successful appeal in Peter Dutton’s defamation action over a six-word tweet has been hailed as a victory for political discussion and free speech.

                You should look into Paladin, Payton. Half a $B ($500m, mate) given to Paladin to run security on Manus island - at the time, Paladin was run out of a shack on Kangaroo island. Paladin was fined more than 3700 times in a year for failing to meet minimum service standards. That was signed off by Peter Dutton's dept. I cannot stress this enough - $500 million to a company that was being run out of a shack on Kangaroo Island. This is the man you are coming to the defence of.

            • -1


              Is this your free-speech in action, mate? This is your conservative party of Free Speech?

              So maybe an explanation will help you grasp this concept (or maybe not).
              On the spectrum of free speech, 0 being North Korea and 10 being the US First Amendment which set the historical benchmark for individual expression, the Liberal party is maybe an 8 and Labor maybe a 7 leaning towards a 6 (They actively opposed the Free Speech bill introduce last year). In the grand scheme of things they are quite similar, with the LNP doing slightly better. And although LNP still has a way to go to reach the ideal, it is less further away than the alternative, therefore it is the least worst option of the two.

              Does that make sense to you?

              • +1

                @1st-Amendment: Did …. did you even read the comment of mine you are replying to?

                I can't even tell if you're joking.

                I literally just listed a handful of examples of the LNP suing/prosecuting people for speech and you have put Labor slightly lower on this arbitrary free speech index?

                Can you grasp the cognitive dissonance on display?

                • -1


                  did you even read the comment of mine you are replying to?

                  I sure did. Did you read mine?

                  I literally just listed a handful of examples of the LNP suing/prosecuting people for speech and you have put Labor slightly lower on this arbitrary free speech index?

                  Yes and I explained why yet you just ignored all the parts you didn't agree with.

                  Can you grasp the cognitive dissonance on display?

                  Sure can, you've given us a fantastic display, thanks for that 🤣🤣🤣

                  • +1

                    @1st-Amendment: I listed a few instances of the LNP-lead prosecutions of people for something they've said. Freedom of Speech at it's core value is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction by the government

                    You mentioned some Freedom of Speech bill that Labor rejected … which bill are you even talking about?

                    • @ThithLord:

                      I listed a few instances of the LNP-lead prosecutions of people for something they've said.

                      You sure did, and the reason the LNP only get an 8 instead of a 9 or 10 is because they also have some work to do.

                      You mentioned some Freedom of Speech bill that Labor rejected … which bill are you even talking about?


                      Labor voted against it because they think it gives "legal protection for hate speech" which a pathetic argument that wouldn't withstand a high school debate, hence why they I give them a 6. Labor also have a long track record of identity politics and privilege for special interest groups which is the antithesis of a free society.

                      • @1st-Amendment: Do you understand the Bill, or have you just seen the "Freedom of Speech" part and run with it?

                        I got this from the Hansard on the Second Reading of that bill:

                        Senator McALLISTER (New South Wales) (11:42): Labor will support the Higher Education Support Amendment (Freedom of Speech) Bill 2020. This bill adopts the recommendations from the French review and aligns the current legislation with the French model code to strengthen protections for academic freedom and freedom of speech in Australian universities. This legislation inserts a new definition of 'academic freedom' into the Higher Education Support Act and replaces the existing term 'free intellectual inquiry' in relevant provisions with the allied concepts of 'freedom of speech' and 'academic freedom'. These are reasonable measures.

                        The Labor Party supports academic freedom. University students and researchers should absolutely be free to follow their intellectual curiosity, to express their opinions and beliefs and to contribute to public debate. All universities have agreed voluntarily to adopt the French model code, and the agreement is now included in their mission based compacts. This should not be a controversial statement. Australia has world-class universities with a reputation for intellectual freedom and academic independence. Gough Whitlam told us:

                        Academic freedom is the first requirement, the essential property of a free society. More than trade, more than strategic interests, more even than common systems of law or social or political structures, free and flourishing universities provide the true foundation of our western kinship, and define the true commonality of the democratic order.

                        That is as true today as it was then. The fact is Morrison and the Liberals only like freedom of speech when it suits them. When Senator Birmingham was the minister for education, he alone vetoed more than $4 million of Australian Research Council grants because he didn't like the sound of them, an act universities called reprehensible and which undermined the impartiality of the whole grant process.

                        Former Chief Justice French himself says in the report:

                        From the available evidence … claims of a freedom of speech crisis on Australian campuses are not substantiated.

                        The only reason this bill has been introduced when it has is that this government has done a deal with Pauline Hanson.

                        Debate interrupted.

                        Why on earth would they vote for that? Can you read a little deeper into what they were trying to amend, mate?

                        • @ThithLord:

                          Why on earth would they vote for that?

                          But Labor did vote for it. If you read your own reference "Labor will support the Higher Education Support Amendment (Freedom of Speech) Bill 2020".

                          You see they kicked up a stink about hate speech for political points, turned it into a political football to play the 'hate speech' card, then turned around and supported it anyway.

                          Can you read a little deeper into what they were trying to amend, mate?


                          • +1

                            @1st-Amendment: They voted on the second reading, my comment was ambiguous (my bad).

                            Why on earth would they vote for that? Can you read a little deeper into what they were trying to amend, mate?

                            Was referring to:

                            Former Chief Justice French himself says in the report:

                            From the available evidence … claims of a freedom of speech crisis on Australian campuses are not substantiated. (this is regarding the first proposed amendment)

  • +9

    Great find OP ! Thanks for sharing in the OZBargain spirit 👍🏼👍🏼

    I am not sure the OZBargain community was their target audience for this deal. Someone in IT/ marketing is going to get bolicked for having no limits on this 🤣

    • +5

      Not at all.

      It's a deliberate move to say "look at our 'circulation'"

      While they are a 'paid publication' most of their revenue is in advertising, and with the amount of free copies/access they give out, it's curious that anyone pays for it.

  • +6

    Another 12 month free deal with Murdoch… I wonder if this one will go as well as the last one.

    • Something fishy going on with Murdoch’s products/services!

      • +15

        The end of the financial year is coming. They don’t want to tell investors they are losing subscribers

        • +1

          Yeah, I think it's all to do with metrics. They report that news corp has say 1.1 million subscribers but a proportion of these are either getting free or discounted kayo.

          Foxtel is looking to float on the asx in the near future but they are heavily indebted and bumping up subscriber numbers albeit artificially may look good to potential investors.

    • +3

      In this case it seems USyd has done corporate deal.

      More generally though print news services are in decline, so they do things to pump circulation numbers. This would be an example, I am sure the uni got a very good deal.

      And all MSM do it. It’s why you can get piles of the OZ or the SMH lying around in cafes and airports. Those are claimed as sold.

      From what I understand, the Oz has never made much money but is a flagship product. The state based Murdoch tabloids are apparently profitable as they tailor for their market (eg the Advertiser is more left and Telegraph more right, and the courier Mail is just provincial).
      Nine /Fairfax pubs are all a black hole money pit ( even the rural press), with The Age the biggest loss maker. Probably because they have to compete for the same audience with government funded ABC/SBS and the myriad of left oriented papers such as the gruniard.

  • +56

    Newscorp 🤮

  • +75

    Willingly exposing yourself to Murdoch propaganda… no deal.

    • +5

      It includes 12 months access to the Wall Street Journal, which is a real deal here.

      • +1

        How? Just tried WSJ, login doesn't work.

        • +2

          Upon signing up, it says a separate email will be sent shortly providing access to the WSJ.

      • +1

        The real deal is free 12 months Supercoach Plus, but they are still absolute rags.

      • +1

        Sure is! Peeing in the wind if you think half the drones here would have their eyes open long enough to notice it though.

      • Thanks for the fake news you c#?!

  • +3

    This is great, can't work around using browser hacks, so an actual subscription is very handy.

      • Interesting. With SMH, I just need to open in incognito.

      • Do these Chrome Extensions work on any paywalls or just the ones they list?

        • +1

          Usually just the ones they list.

      • The old bypass paywalls extension stopped working a few months ago. The new github one works but requires manual installation and updating. Also, it doesn't display the comments section.

    • +1 works for a few but yeah, not the Australian I've found

  • +1

    Subscribed, just waiting for email confirmation.

  • +12

    The confirmation email went to spam, go figure.

  • thanks. sub it

  • +24

    Free lobotomy.
    Enquire within.

    • +1

      Free dogwhistle too. Comes with extra stochastic terrorism!

  • +11

    Get your Murdoch, daily Murdoch. Includes extra Sky News.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Great find.

  • +1

    It works!

  • +63

    Murdoch is a threat to democracy everywhere.

    Spreads misinformation and hate, just cancer.

    • -6

      as opposed to the ABC, BBC, CNN, MNSBC etc?

      • +6

        Yes, they dont tell me who to; kill, overthrow, beat up and vote for.

  • +42

    This publication is a load of utter shite. Loss of brain cells = no deal.

  • +5

    It works for Herald Sun too. 🤩

  • +6

    Still costs too much!

  • +43

    The best thing that happened in the digital age is the daily telegraph/Australian print papers were no longer viable and the online edition went behind a paywall. Let's keep it that way, maybe we get lucky like New Zealand and we'll be a Murdoch free 'press'

  • +17

    Prob a deliberate ploy to try and reach a larger audience with their propaganda less than a week out until election

  • +9

    Hi Rupert.

  • +26

    Lol no thanks don’t want to shoot my fellow citizen after reading Murdoch propaganda brain wash.!

  • +13

    Think of the children here. Don't leave copies of The Australian lying around the street waiting to be picked up.

  • -1

    I only got 6 months.

  • +10

    News Corp trying last gasp to get new eyeballs to their strictly censored view of the world before the election. A bit like the Your Money TV channel…

    Caveat emptor to the MAX.

    • Am I still an emptor if it's gratis?

      • existential question if you read the Australian for the articles and forming political views. Free for the wallet, potential cost for mind/soul.

  • +38

    Great way to become misinformed.

  • +43

    No thanks to Murdoch gutter media.

  • +27

    Unreliable sources

  • +1

    Free is free, great find, thanks!

  • +2


  • +17

    Not sure why so many negatives. A free subscription is a legitimate deal.

    Whether you agree with the content is subjective. Just like deals on fast food, it may be junk food but still a deal.

    • +27

      I dunno. If there was a fast food joint that literally served toxic burgers, I think people would downvote deals from them too.

      • +6

        Obesity and the like is real, people lap up the junk food deals.

    • +8

      Just people being triggered. I am as anti murdoch as any level headed person, would never ever pay for their publications let alone read it unless on a cafe table or something, but almost all mainstream media is dreadfully bias and selective. There are countless shocking examples of it, if all someone does is feed self prejudice you rarely find out contrary perspectives or omitted information (let alone the lawsuits they quietly settle as a result of it).

      • +8

        The "they're all as bad as each other" response.

    • +1

      Quite so
      The interesting thing is the very high upvote for the deal but the comment thread is full of hate for the evil Murdokkk.

    • +1

      OP says this is a news deal. How is this news?
      They say they are 'entertainment' to people that sue them. For everyone else this is an alternate reality without having to buy a VR headset.

    • As per Ozbargain voting guidelines:
      Appropriate uses of negative vote

      Issue with product

      Issue with retailer

  • +2

    Murdoch is crap, but useful for some local articles. The sub works across the whole platform as well it seems. I can now read Adelaide Advertiser.

    • +7

      Snowflakes because we don't buy in to his blatant propaganda? Yeah, nice one. That's a convincing argument, do you write for The Australian?

      • +1

        "his blatant propaganda"

        • Enjoy your shitty coalition of shit conservative parties getting booted out this weekend! I know I will! :D

      • He made a spelling error and it was missed in editing, so it seems likely!

  • +14

    May as well be a free sub to cancer

  • +6

    My email says below, I can’t see 1yr and I used Gmail for signup . Have you guys got same?

    Your subscription confirmation and receipt:


    The Australian and The Daily Telegraph Corporate Digital subscription


    Corporate Digital Access - free


    Paid for by your Employer


    May 18, 2022

    • Same
      Was going to ask who the employer is and how long this will be paid up for?
      No mention of 12 months…

      • I'd say the employer is Sydney Uni based on the coupon attached to the offer.

  • +22

    Free cancer is still cancer

    • +3

      Cancer doesn't come with the crossword and the travel section

    • +1

      There's a drop down at the upper right corner next to your name, a list of 12 newspapers, including the ones you have listed.

    • No

  • +2

    I found the 'Offers' section after signing up with my burner email:

    Wall Street Journal Access.
    Not available.
    Sorry, you're not eligible to redeem this offer.
    Your registered account or subscription does not include access to redeem offers

    Unfortunately so, as this was the only reason I bothered signing up.

  • -7

    This reeks of sockpuppeting and vote-buying. 176 upvotes in 43 minutes, 40+ comments many vague, and an account that seemingly only posts gift cards and extra services.

    • +7

      sock puppeting for murdoch on ozbargain?
      your imagination is impressive

      • funny you mention my imagination
        I'm releasing a list of 101 ways Mr Morrison saved the country

    • For transparency, on OzBargain you can see all the voters on any deal by clicking the vote tab. We also have a number of automated and manual checks to detect sockpuppeting but you are always welcome to report any specific suspicion and moderators will review.

    • Vote buying?

      Seriously? That is frickin strong kool aid dude.

  • +1

    Given it's targeted to sydney uni students I would say Murdoch is looking to convert some progressive voters to Conservative. Bloke is more cunning than a sh*thouse rat. Signed up anyway for all non politics stories.

  • +5

    The Australian, despite having a bunch of right wing columnists and some dubious editorial lines, is actually the best newspaper in the country. Read this and balance it out with the Guardian if you want to ensure you get both sides of the story for free.

    • +8

      Two forms of 'extreme' don't make for a balanced view. Better off putting twice the time into well researched, balanced pieces that avoid inflammatory writing or biased, single viewpoint opinions.

      • Nobody does that though, so best alternative is to read different perspectives. ABC is closest but their written stuff is crap

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