This was posted 2 years 9 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Pre Order] PlayStation 5 Disc Console with Horizon Forbidden West or GT7 Bundle $859 ($200 Deposit Req.) @ EB Games (C&C Only)


$10 expensive than their usual bundles :(

With Horizon Forbidden West:…

With Gran Turismo 7:…

They also have a Digital Edition with extra midnight black controller for $659

PS5 Disc version for preorder at EB Games. Estimated Early June.
Strictly max 1 per customer.
$200 deposit required.
Go go go!

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • Do it.

    • Great to see EB doing frequent drops, despite locking people into bundles.

  • +3

    Not super impressed with them charging $10 more than they did for the last bundles though.

    • +1


    • imagine how many more minutes they would have lasted before selling out at $10 cheaper

  • +33

    Remember when console bundles meant you'd get a game(s) thrown in for free? Now bundle means a chance to rip off customers.

    • +3

      Seems that you are describing Nintendo, I mean on the part where they do special console editions of specific games without the game, so ripping people!

      • +1

        That’s a different issue but agree that special editions consoles should include the game at no extra cost

    • +1

      I remember that fondly……YEARS AGO!!!

      • -2

        Why are you yelling?

        • Because that's how long it's been since extras were thrown in for free. You make it sound like it was just last week….

          • -1


            You make it sound like it was just last week….

            Where exactly did I say something that made it sound like "last week"?

            Even if did (which I didn't), why does that warrant yelling? We're talking about video game consoles here, not war, politics, COVID etc., calm the hell down.

            • @PainToad: Just my opinion, but it seemed like an odd comment to make given freebies haven’t been thrown in with consoles in a hell-of-a-long time so you making the comment (on this post) makes it seem like you expect bundles without the additional cost.

              Unless of course, you go around making the same comment on every console bundle that’s been released (where there aren’t stock shortages) in the last few years.

          • @MaximumEffort777:

            Remember when console bundles meant you'd get a game(s) thrown in for free?

            I don’t see how the wording implies it’s very recent change.
            As for when, it was petty much was the norm pre-Covid. Can blame lockdowns and shortages for the change

            • @FireRunner: Can you show me some examples of where PS5’s or XSX’s have had bundles where there is no additional cost to the console price?

              • @MaximumEffort777: Don’t think there have been any. As I said, lockdowns (increased demand) and shortages from COVID killed any deals on consoles.
                PainToad’s comment was about past console bundles in general, not just the current Gen

                • @FireRunner: Well considering this deal is about PS5 it seems prettier irrelevant to make a comment about bundles when no current gen consoles have been sold with anything thrown in for free.

                  • @MaximumEffort777: Not completely irrelevant. Yes, there’s been shortage since launch but it’s a jab that retailers are taking advantage of the bad situation with bundled games at full RRP. It would be better just to have the console on its own than being forced to buy a game you might not want at full price

    • +2

      Throwback to OG Xbox One deals that had like 4 bonus and decent games for damn cheap prices!!

    • Yep I remember when i bought my last console PS4 (years ago now) at HN/Gerry's shop. I was able to negotiate and get couple of games, a remote control and a HDMI cable all thrown in for free.

      Its a sellers market these days, from cars to houses to consoles, sellers know if you don't want to pay the asking price the next loaded person in the line will be willing and ready.

    • Unfortunately that’s capitalism. They know the consumer will pay for it.

    • It will happen again. Just need to wait until supply outstrips demand, in another 3 years or so.

  • -1

    is this 1 per drop or 1 per account? Strictly limited to 1x PlayStation 5 Console per customer

  • If you change your mind in a few days, can you get your money back?

    • +3


      • Cool, now I can sleep on it, and still get it if I want it.

        • Good choice. Better to have the option there as opposed to not doing it and regretting it.

    • Mind you, you have to rock up at the store for them to see your pretty face first to cancel

      I ended up grabbing an Xbox because of this lol

      • I've cancelled a PS5 preorder online before. Shot customer service a message. Took maybe 15minutes to get a response and let me know it was done. ~3days later i had a refund of my deposit.

  • Horizon bundle is gone.

  • +3

    Whinge about $10, sold out within minutes

  • Let the Hunger Games……commence

    Edit: gone in 60sec

  • Looks like digital edition only left.

  • +2

    Only the digital left now.

    With the new PS+ tiers I was happy to go with the DE and save some money given the array of games we'll have coming soon.

    • +2

      Honestly, not a bad call.

  • +1

    Are they going to release console only deal like last time once they sucker in people on the rip off bundle deals? LOL

    • Yep

      * reading comprehension isn't my strong suit. But they did release a disc + controller bundle right after the game bundles sold out. Much better value imo

  • The last few times this has been posted, people have said they were able to get the game portion refunded but YMMV

    • +2

      They refused to refund game for me, said I would have to trade in as a used game though still sealed in shrinkwrap. Trade in price a pathetic $49 only.

      • Damn, sorry to hear that. Probably worth trying your luck on scumtree/fleabay if that's the case.

  • -6

    Save your money folks Labor will be raising taxes!

    • -3

      Won’t be easy under Albaneasy

      • -2

        I don’t get why people negging this, taxes are going up under Labor? Is that’s a good thing is it!

        Won’t be easy under….

        • +4

          Probably because it's a ridiculous thing to say in a thread about the PS5.

  • Can we still trade in our ps4 for this ?

    • +2

      Definitely can. Not sure what the current values are as the last trade-in bonus deal ended on the 9th

      • +1

        $270 for PS4 Pro
        $200 for PS4 OG 500GB
        $220 for PS4 Slim 500GB

    • +1

      You can, you just won’t get the boosted trade values from 2 weeks ago.

  • +1

    don't envy anyone having to go through this shit just to buy a console.

    very happy i preordered at launch.

    • +3

      To be honest, the preorder process was a shit show too.

  • +8

    EB Games back at it with their scam bundles… Can't really expect much from them I guess

  • +4

    I've made a conscious effort to not buy the current model and go for the "slim" version which will undoubtedly come soon as chip manufacturing goes up.

    • +1

      Meh, I love my Phat PS2 and PS3

      • Yeah - it's not so much for the visual design, more the fact newer technology and sometimes kinks are ironed out.

    • Good luck with that!

  • +3

    As someone who has had one since release, kind of disgusting to see how stores are now bundling games and over charging for both to get the sale…. not much better than scalpers tbh.

    Also if you're having FOMO from not having one. Don't, there's bugger all titles on it anyways. Mine hasn't been turned on in ages.

    • This is a great point. First time ever I haven't FOMO with things like this.

  • +1

    Managed to secure a digital edition!!

    GT7 here we come.

  • Thanks for sharing the link of the deal with us.. i was trying to get one since over 2 months .. finally got it…

  • -1

    Still dont get the rush to 'upgrade' to this console, barely any next gen games for it

  • +1

    Just got a call my console is in store ready for pick up.

  • Anyone still waiting? I'm worried I missed the call because I don't usually pic up the call if it's an unknown number. I wonder if they will try to text me instead?

    • Give the store a buzz. I did that and they told me mine was ready to pickup.

    • im still waiting. i got text saying it was being shipped to my local shop last friday. Im hoping should have arrived at the shop by now. might have to give them a call today or tomorrow

  • Oh my order got cancelled

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