I started weight training a few years back seriously. When I started I saw some Youtube videos and learned about a well-known myth in the fitness industry which is the "Anabolic Window"(as small as 30 minutes). That you should consume some protein in that Anabolic window. So I bought a Whey protein bucket and used it for a few months.
After that, I did some more research and figured that this is a big fat lie which makes total sense to me.
If we damage our muscles by doing some work (Finding food) when we are in caveman days and if there is no food around available like in harsh winters and if our muscle doesn't recover. How would we survive then? Our body has an inbuilt mechanism to gather protein from our body and repair that damaged muscle.
You may think you may not do good by consuming also you aren't doing any bad as well. But all these protein powders are highly refined and our body isn't used to getting the protein in this form.
I know a few side effects of having protein supplements. What's your experience with protein supplements?
You can build muscle without supplements. Just have a well balanced diet and it's basically the same thing.
Really depends if you're the average gym goer looking to get toned or Mr Schwarzenegger himself.