This was posted 2 years 10 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3060 GAMING OC V2 Graphics Card $579 Delivered @ BPCTech


First post so apologies for any errors. Not as cheap as the Colorful iGame 3060 posted previously but still a decent deal for a 3x fan 3060.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    So yuck compared to the $340 GTX 1060 of it's time. $600 for a 1080p card

    • +6

      welcome to inflation, scalping, mining, chip shortage, covid.

      • +1

        It's the Putin price hike.

        • +2

          Putin our prices up.

    • +3

      Is that you Jimmy from Whirlpool Forum again who has been whinging about GPU prices for the past 2 years?

      • -3

        Someone obviously is feeling threatened by the sinking ship that is gpu values. No likes to my comment verifies this forum is trawled by defensive rtx owners, miners and fantasy nvidia shareholders. Not even a single person likes a RTX 3060 for $340 lol.

        Look at the gpu you overpaid for like a new car not an everlasting gobstopper

        • -1

          LOL, it is you, you poor soul. I was a HODLer until last month when Asus slashed their GPU prices big time and I finally bought a 3080 at a price I am happy to pay. I still welcome further GPU price reduction now, but I do agree with other Whirlpool members we are all sick and tired of your constant whinging.

          • -3

            @edfoo: You're all sick and tired of me suggesting to new people asking for pc build advice not to buy gpu's yet and you find this annoying because they're all pigeons to you. Always the same thing never wait buy now pay double and don't inform them of the gpu crisis at all, they don't even know gpu's are inflated in comparison to past gens, they are completely new to pc and they're just fodder to keep your gpu values inflated. I should be knighted for my work on that forum particularly for when you techheads said $1100 for a 6700xt was a bargain. Drinking bleach is probably a better recommendation than a $1100 6700xt. Waiting until the bs crypto was over or buying a placeholder card (the critically acclaimed gtx 970) was muuch better advice.

            The other question is where are all the outraged people wanting to punish nvidia/amd for allowing consumers to be ripped off? The culture on both this gpu ozbargain page & whirlpool is more like Wall St. Instead of consumers who have just been price gouged for 14 months (or 10 years).

            • +1

              @Jimmy77: We are know the prices of GPU were ridiculous in the past year, but you can't deny the prices now is a lot better than just a couple of months ago. It's good if you can inform new PC buyers about the current state of GPU market but frankly if you keep whinging about the prices of 3060 should be $300 or 3080 should be $700, like those prices 3-4 years ago, we will get sick of hearing you. Saying buying a GPU at current pricing like drinking bleach that bad, maybe you should consider quitting PC gaming altogether? Personally I hope and still think GPU prices can fall a bit more, but we won't get that kind of pricing like 3-4 years ago this year.

              • -1

                @edfoo: Lol I'm not the only one wanting lower prices and I'm not in the minority. I get sick of people with no social life expecting others to spend half their salary to video game. I never said a 3060ti should be $300 I said $540. I also never mentioned a price for the 3080 so get real. And why would people wanting cheaper prices annoy you anyway? shareholder?

                • +2

                  @Jimmy77: The irony of you telling others that they have no social life when your post history is the definition of someone with no social life is palpable.

                • -1

                  @Jimmy77: You with social life waiting for 2 years for cheap GPU? Sounds like you have no social life yourself. Just go out and do other things rather than just gaming mate. Like you said many people have been or are still waiting for cheaper GPU (including me recently) but you are the only one in Whirlpool forum keep on whinging all the time, other members are not like you.

                  • +1

                    @edfoo: Lol I'm not whinging on there. I post a good deal or say "more room to move down" and everyone else starts whinging about my expectations. Even mentioning directly how my "expectations are outrageous". Therefore directly admitting lower prices outrages them. Because apparently wanting cheaper gpu's is outrageous for some tribal reason.

                    There are a lot of apathetic people in Australia with no values. I don't expect them to call out bedroom neocapitalists, scalpers and miners trawling bargainhunter webpages. They barely care about much bigger issues. But I personally I will continue calling out whatever anti consumer pro inflation comment that catches my eye until I've got my gpu.

                    • +1

                      @Jimmy77: So what, after you got your GPU, you won't care anymore? That just mean you have been posting all these comments for the past year, not for everyone's benefit, but for your own self. Isn't that whinging is? Just find a cheap second-hand GPU from anywhere and be done with for now, so you can get on with your life, rather than keep posting on every GPU deal.

                      • +1

                        @edfoo: Lol no. I only see the comments because I'm looking for a gpu. Once I have my gpu I won't see the little bedroom neocapitalist comments anymore.

                        So wanting cheaper gpu is selfish? You make it sound like cheaper gpu's are at everyone elses expense for my benefit lol. More like everyones benefit. But you, non-lhr and others clearly have a problem with people wanting cheaper deals than the current market. Call it whinging, garbage and so on. Bit weird attacking people who want better deals than the current shitshow. You're obviously all miners or enjoy the pathetic sense of classism from locking casual users out of pc gaming.

                        • +1

                          @Jimmy77: LOL, I have had debate with non-LHR a few times recently, because he kept on telling people the GPU deals posted on OzB in the past few months were good deal and people shouldn't HODL. I was right to HODL until mid March when there was the big price cut I was able to purchase a Asus 3080 at much reduced price. Like I've said, I still hope the GPU prices will fall a bit more. I will call a GPU deal good or bad in my own point of view, like the $400+ GTX1660 deal posted yesterday I called it a bad deal. Unlike you, who has been calling every GPU deal too expensive. You're nothing but a nuisance to those people seeking to buy a GPU now, those people don't want to HODL forever, they want to buy a GPU now and they are seeking the best deals available at the current market.

                          • +1

                            @edfoo: Then why does me complaining about high gpu prices annoy you? I know they've dropped in price but they're still horrifically expensive. Of course you should expect people to still be annoyed at current pricings.

                            How am I a nuisance to people buying a gpu? I'm constantly informing people on here that deals aren't as good as they think they are. All this can do is help everyone. I've had many people say "damn" I knew prices were bad but that's nuts. Even on whirlpool with my $559 2070s link. This puts them off buying which helps everyone access a gpu sooner. So get real you dummy spitting crybaby. Perhaps you're getting triggled because you stopped hodling liek you admitted. So if prices continue to fall it's not in your interest

                            • +1

                              @Jimmy77: Because you have been whinging in similar way constantly on the Whirlpool forum. You are not providing constructive opinions to those people who are looking to buy a GPU now, not waiting. GPU prices have been terrible for the past 12-18 months, only until the past month the prices have improved significantly. So when those people are asking for GPU choices, if you know the best deals available now then you suggest to them. Rather than just telling them prices are bad and to keep hodling. If it is so simple, everyone will just reply the same "don't buy GPU and keeping hodling" replies. And please read my posts properly, I have mentioned I think and still hope GPU prices continue to fall. And I do call a GPU a bad deal if I think so. Unlike you.

                              • +1

                                @edfoo: A lot of contradiction and salad in your post. You seem very hellbent on labelling me as un helpful whinger which is very subjective. It's as though the more you say it the more you think it'll set in stone. All your posts are literally you sooking over my posts. For context my posts are simply calling a $600 3060 too expensive.

                                Did you see the $409 1660? The upvotes almost equal the downvotes when it's a terrible deal. How can you think my comments aren't needed? Are you a scalper?

                                • +1

                                  @Jimmy77: I was talking about you in Whirlpool forum, all the whinge posts.

                                  As for that $409 1660, it initially had 7 upvotes and zero downvotes, I was the first person who downvoted it before more downvotes came later.

                                  • +1

                                    @edfoo: How specifically are they whinge posts? I post "that card is still too expensive more room to go down" then everyone actually whinges at my expectation for a lower price.

                                    • +1

                                      @Jimmy77: You keep referring to prices of GPU should be like 3-4 years ago when clearly we won’t get there in the near future, especially when the prices only just started to come down from stratospheric level in the past year. Keep saying every GPU is too expensive is not constructive to people who are planning to buy now and not waiting. That’s why all of us got sick of your whinging.

                                      • @edfoo: All I gather is I'm irritating a bunch of out of touch bedroom dwellers with decent wages? Do you understand how markets work? The cause/effect of the current climate?

                                        It's naïve to think higher prices are normalized compared to 3-4 years ago it's basic supply and demand. People don't buy them prices fall, crypto becomes less viable they also fall. The only thing keeping them expensive are miners and reckless idiots addicted to video games who can't go without.

                                        At best you could argue I'm "whinging" prices will take months longer to become reasonable thanks to scum miners/addicted gamers. You really need to ask yourself why this annoys you. Why does it annoy you when people whinge the prices are too high? Why aren't you on their side?

                                        Anyway instead of arguing I will be negging every bad deal I see with no relent. And posting a link to how cheap it's been in the past. I've decided to go a lot harder in terms of informing people clicking these deals how overpriced these cards still are. We've gone in circles for 2 days because you feel the need to have the last word. So have it!

                                        • +2

                                          @Jimmy77: Jimmy you've wrote 10's of thousands of words in this thread - yet call others bedroom dwellers, or scum miners/addicted gamers?

                                          Dude please seek help! We're rooting for you man. We all want to see you get healthy and stop with the obsessive paranoia and complete lack of self awareness.

                                          • +1

                                            @studentl0an: You've already admitted you're a miner. Why are you trawling this site? Are you the market for lhr gpu's or in the market to market manipulate deals posted on here?

                                            • +1

                                              @Jimmy77: I'm a gamer! Look at all the gaming deals I've posted!!

                                              Please get help dude.

                                              • +1

                                                @studentl0an: Who honestly wants to see roi equations in ozbargain comments section. I don't think you really realize what you are to other people. Most here hate people like you and just want a fair price to casually game.

                                                • +1

                                                  @Jimmy77: I'm scum because I keep up with tech news?

                                                  Dude you're a paranoid mental case. Please get help!!

                                                  • +1

                                                    @studentl0an: your not a gamer your am miner your roi equation was negged to death

                                                    • +1

                                                      @Jimmy77: Jimmy, I love you and want you to get help man.

                                                      I want you to have a healthy life and stop with the paranoid obsessive hatred.

                                                      • +1

                                                        @studentl0an: Here we go with the evangelical crap again. You can't justify your argument hence this crap. You are a miner posting roi eqautions on other deals lol. Absolutely pathetic but keep telling me I need help

                                                        I'll be gone in 6 weeks once i'll have my card. You'll be here for years trying to stop low priced gpu's because that's your life

                                                        • +1

                                                          @Jimmy77: You are possibly the saddest person I've ever talked to online and I want you to get better. I really think it's terrible that someone could be so unwell, hateful and spending the sheer amount of time talking about the same thing only to be downvoted by many communioty members.

                                                          You don't deserve a life where you spend most of it being a hateful paranoid obsessive online. You deserve better man.

                                                          • +1

                                                            @studentl0an: Look I don't even know what an roi equation is. I haven't delved that deep into antisocial isolationist bedroom hobbies.

                                                            Yet you are telling me I have no life lol in a spam like evangalical fashion! Talk about projecting!

                                                            • +1

                                                              @Jimmy77: You don't know basic terminology of something you spend hours everyday talking about?

                                                              I just saw the comment where you mentioned my comment about ROI was downvoted. Surely you can see it's got +2 upvotes while your comments are downvoted?

                                                              You don't have a grasp on reality man! It's for everyone to see in this thread.

                                                              You need to get professional help. I wish you all the best. I can't devote anymore time to you, but in the future I will link to this thread when I see you comment in the future as I think others should make up their own mind about your mental capacity.

                                                              • +1

                                                                @studentl0an: I can't even be bothered reading your post. But keep going round and round trying to have the last word.

                                                              • +1

                                                                @studentl0an: Don't bother advising little Jimmy boy about getting help, you've already told him enough times. He has OCD and paranoia delusion disorder, and he doesn't sound like he is going to take your advice, so just let him be. At the end I can see him not buying a GPU for a long time because he will never be satisfy with GPU prices. He even called all of us who paid near MSRP for our GPUs in the past month as morons, because we bought up those deals posted so now he became paranoid the sellers won't lower the prices any further, and little Jimmy boy won't be able to get one at a low-low price. Sad beyond help.

  • +1

    Ethereum merge got delayed again, expect to see GPU price rises in the next week or so. If there's a price jump then expect shortages again too.

    • +1

      Ethereum merge got delayed again,


      • +1

        So the afterpay GPU sales was the biggest dip of prices we would get for a while ?

        • +1

          I think so, until 4xxx series prices are set in concrete. Depends how much stock they want to move and if it's just sitting there they might slash the price again.

          • +1

            @Jazza2400: Nah the poster is trying to do a Musk and pump panic/gpu prices. ETH isn't viable anymore on lhr cards so no need to panic buy. The cards are still overpriced and are now old.

            • @Jimmy77: Why isn't it viable anymore?

              I mean there's a reason why these cards haven't been cut further right? No Intel cards yet. Mining pos delayed so ppl could buy and pay off their card over 10 months of mining non stop if they want to take the risk of they think pos will move back past sept.

              Until something actually happens it's all speculation and hopium.

              And you say cards are old while ppl here are like "these prices are too expensive going to keep gaming on my 4850 512mb"

            • +1

              @Jimmy77: So read your profile, people aren't down voting you because they want gpu prices to stay high so they can sell them when pos. Miners want cheap gpus too duh. More megahash. They are down voting you because you type garbage.

              • +1

                @Jazza2400: Well studentloans comment directly incites panic and fear. I wouldn't call that garbage that's what he's doing. Eth 2.0 got delayed so lets scare a few suckers out of hodling and into panic mode

                Do you think he's sincerely trying to be helpful and warn people to buy now before this price hike (oh and next week!).

                I had a big debate with him before. I have good reason to be he is both a scalper and devout evangelical.

              • @Jazza2400: Just realized your a miner hahaha. The ROI's on your existing hardware are now all out of whack. Who cares about adding cheaper ones when you now have to wait longer to do that anyway.

                Obviously you would've rather "sold the farm" before it effectively halved in value over March. Since you didn't I assume you'd prefer it's value pumped back up

        • CPU's were had at good prices to with eBays After pay deal what was that 4 weeks back?

    • +1

      Source? Nm

      I don't think it'll impact prices. Everyone has a strong feeling it will happen really soon and unlikely to want to put more money into GPUs at this stage

      • +1

        " should be deployed a few months after the scheduled June date"

        So I doubt miners are going to be sinking money in new GPUs for what will probably be a few months of potential profits..

        • +2

          It's not just a few months, it's potentially half a year+:…

          That means people can still purchase a card now and expect to mine ROI before the merge. Expect to see GPU prices stagnate or go up in the next week or so with that news. If crypto has a price rally then expect a similar crunch that was around half a year ago with the 6600 XT release which saw about a month where GPU prices fell before going higher than they ever were:

    • +1

      Dammit, just when things were starting to recover

  • +3

    I love when nocoiners bring up ETH 2.0.
    It's been a long running joke that ETH will merge "next year" in my crypto community SINCE 2017.

    It's probably the same people that tell people to "wait for a cheaper price" for 2 generations of GPU's.
    But please don't stop, these forums entertain some of us.

    Happy Easter

    • I love when miners trawl gpu deals pages attacking people who want deals. As if them setting the gpu market above msrp wasn't pathetic enough already.

      Maybe you could make a necklace of all your older retired gpu's and feel like a king in your world

  • +1

    their online ordering system is a joke.. cancelled my ordered then out of stock on colorful

  • +1

    Seems 3060 & Ti hold their prices well above compare to other still

    • -1

      According to @edfoo prices are completely reasonable and we aren't! Never seen anything like it. A bunch of individuals who couldn't wait to buy their cards are now literally annoyed normal people are complaining about prices still above msrp. Simply because they paid massive overs for them and consider $700 for a 3060ti cheap (probably because they're video games addicts).

      • +2

        Your post history shows that you only comment on GPU deals and moan about prices.

        It's literally the only thing you do on this website and you seem to get downvoted a lot more than upvoted.

        Surely you have the basic level intelligence to see that the time you devote to moaning about GPU prices is incredibly unhealthy, unhelpful to others and detrimental to your own life?

        • You understand this is right? I don't care if a cabal of miners are on here trying to censor the culture.

          And no I will keep pointing out when they're too expensive. I don't go to lengths of going on market websites to defend gpu values because it's my life. Why are you even on here when you're not in the market for a gpu lol? You're going out of your way to defend high prices.. get a life

          • +2

            @Jimmy77: "I don't go to lengths to go on market websites to defend gpu values because it's my life. "

            Press X to doubt.

            I hope you find the happiness, love and peace you desperately need in your life so that you don't devote countless hours to moaning about GPU prices, yet somehow also write about how you don't.

            • @studentl0an: I click the shortcut everyday waiting for a cheap gpu to pop up. Then see comments from miners who actually spend their time here despite not being in the market and feel like I'm in an eth/nvidia shareholders meeting instead of ozbargain comments section

              And no I am not associated with the seller. The box is auto ticked for some reason.

              • +2

                @Jimmy77: You care too much about something that is obviously hurting your life and detrimental to your health.

                Devote some of that time to bettering yourself, like a productive hobby, exercise, better nutrition ect. and you'll find that you'll stop making your entire personality about things out of your control.

                Can I recommend you try some guided breathing meditation videos on youtube? The Wim Hof one with 45+ million views helps immensely.

                • @studentl0an: It's pretty obvious this forum (for some pathetic reason) is being trawled by miners and people who paid too much for gpu's lol. Keep projecting though.

                  • +2

                    @Jimmy77: Yes, all the downvotes to your comments are from sneaky miners and not ozb community members who think it's deranged for someone to devote all the time and effort to writing the same thing over and over.

                    Give the meditation a try dude, the benefits to your life could be extremely positive.

                    • @studentl0an: I do believe all my downvotes are from sneaky miners and protective people who paid overs for gpu.

                      There's a lot of people hating on lower prices. Isn't that rather odd?

                      • +2

                        @Jimmy77: Most people would consider the comment "I do believe all my downvotes are from sneaky miners" to be indicative of real paranoid delusion and a serious sign of declining mental health.

                        I really think you should start making positive changes to your life. You clearly need it. I hope you make the positive changes you need. All the best.

                        • @studentl0an: I appreciate the condescending reply but I consider my comment to be the utter truth and not paranoia

                          • +2

                            @Jimmy77: I feel very sorry for you that you consider the literal definition of paranoid delusion thought as 'utter truth'.

                            You are hurting yourself and those around you by not getting the help you need. It's really sad and I really hope you can make the small steps needed to help yourself. Maybe start by not posting on forums for a week or so, or at the very least - not discuss GPU prices to benefit your health?

                            • @studentl0an: So you actually are saying consumers are downvoting my comments because they want the cards to be expensive.

                              I'm pretty sure the downvotes are coming from miners/current gen gpu owners because they're salty people aren't accepting the current prices. Probably because it means the values of the gpu's they overpaid for will drop further.

                              • +2

                                @Jimmy77: I'm saying you have very overt paranoid delusional thought processes, as evident by your articulation of the victim complex which has you believing that people are downvoting you because they are part of some shadowy mining cabal rather than just disagreeing with your derangement for what it is - a sickness.

                                The fact is the people disagreeing with you talk about many things on this website and you can look through our post histories to confirm this.

                                It's actually your post history that indicates a very sick obsession with GPUs. It's all you talk about dude and it's really unhealthy. We want you to get better. Meditation, exercise, nutrition and hobbies (that don't involve computing) are things you should really look into for your own benefit and for those who care about you.

                                • +1

                                  @studentl0an: All I said is the downvotes are coming from miners & people protecting the values of their gpu's. You disagreed with this and offered no counter explanation.

                                  Think about it that's exactly where the downvotes are coming from. I comment "this gpu is too expensive" and people downvote that.

                                  It's not exactly paranoid to assume those downvoters are people who don't want cheaper gpu's. ie miners/gamers who paid top price. It's a simple process of deduction not paranoia. Who do you suggest is downvoting my comments. Bargain hunters?

                                  • +2

                                    @Jimmy77: We don't care if prices fall man, we upvote the deals when they do.

                                    We care that people who need help are making paranoid delusional comments that further their delusions rather than get the help they need. We take issue with your delusional comments, not GPU prices.

                                    • +1

                                      @studentl0an: If you don't care then why are there downvotes/drama on my comments that encourage cheaper deals. If you read the original post all these melts result from me pointing out a entry level 1080p card is $600 compared to the $340 GTX 1060.

                                      • +2

                                        @Jimmy77: But it's you who initiates the drama about GPU pricing… obsessively for 2+ years apparently on here and whirlpool. It's all you talk about here as evident by your post history.

                                        What do you have to lose if you stop commenting online about GPUs and find a new hobby offline? Why are you replying to me, furthering your delusions, rather than making any positive change to your life?

                                        • +1

                                          @studentl0an: Umm duh because they're all overpriced. You might want to check yourself on that 2 years claim. And trolling bedroom neocapitalists isn't a hobby?

                                          • +1

                                            @Jimmy77: I don't even really troll tbh. I just push my agenda of cheaper gpu's because that's what I want. Then I find myself reeling in all these melts all the time

                                            I post because I don't want people to buy. When I post a $289 1660 super it's to put people off buying the $400 ripoff 1660 non super. Kapiche? Incase you haven't realized people paying the current prices is why they're still overpriced.

                                            This for some reason annoys you and your fellows. A lot. Obviously you are conflicted somewhere ie probably paid over 2k for a 3080.

                                          • +2

                                            @Jimmy77: You, myself and everyone else on this site has no control over GPU pricing. We only upvote the deals when they are good (even if you disagree). I don't care for whirlpool so I'm not going to check however I have no reason to not take edfoo's comments as truth, while I do have reason to not trust your comments (for the reasons discussed).

                                            You owe it to yourself to make the positive changes you need in your life. We're all rooting for you man. I think it would be a great sadness in your own life if you can't step away from GPU price discussion and further continue in paranoid delusional thinking.

                                            If you think you're trolling others, rather than cementing your delusions with your statements then I think you really need to talk to someone about it. You're trolling your own life and it's really sad. You deserve better.

                                            • +1

                                              @studentl0an: Your idea of good is rather generous. A lot of overpriced deals are upvoted simply because they're good for the current climate which has the effect of normalizing the current climate into well the normal climate. I don't really have a problem with these upvotes because they are indeed good deals for the current climate. But when I mention the current climate is terrible, this deal is ultimately terrible, don't buy at all ie hold. You all melt

                                              Honestly look at the reaction from me pointing out a $600 3060 is a shocking deal compared to a $340 GTX 1060. People are irked because I'm pointing out a 3060 is still too far expensive? It's not even msrp yet. Mock/fantasy shareholders, miners, people who overpaid etc and so on. Oh and I appreciate the concern

                  • @Jimmy77: I don't mine and paid to much and dare I say twice for two 3060 TIs, though one was a trade just before the big price drop for my 3070 which I was ahead anway still technically paid $1100 for both yeah a big loss, so much like the stock market buying big on shares before then 'comes along 2008 housing crash, a continuous learning experience lolz 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

                    Edit: now I'm reading all the comments above all I can say is entertaining reading 🤑👍

  • This been the cheapest so far for the 3060's? Bookmarked also 👍😁

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