Hi everyone, long time member, posted a few deals in my time but this is my first forum post.
I recently resigned from my job, where I had a combined total of 14 weeks annual and long service leave. To my surprise, I was paid my usual take home amount but no superannuation, which would have been a couple grand.
From what I can see from the ATO, Fair Work NSW and my super fund’s website, superannuation is NOT paid on top of unused annual or long service leave.
While the reason for this is beyond me, it would have been fine, if the funds that would have been paid to my super fund were paid directly to me instead, which was not the case.
As my salary package was inclusive of super, which was not paid on resignation, my employer has essentially received a 9.09% discount on my salary.
If that’s the case, wouldn’t everyone in this scenario just go on leave and then resign when leave entitlements were exhausted? In that case, after 14 weeks leave, I would have accrued at least another week.
Fully appreciate that not everyone is fortunate enough to be continuously employed through the pandemic, let alone for 11 years continuously.
Also want to add that I left my employer on good terms and there’s never been an issue with pay. For that reason, I hate to think they’ve paid me by the book, in which case, I can’t hold it against them.
If anyone can share their knowledge on this area in the comments below, it’d be greatly appreciated. Otherwise I’ve included a poll below. Let me know your thoughts!
I agree it should be paid out with your entitlements (into your super fund) but for some reason it isnt.
You are correct in the sense you are better off using the leave and quiting before you return to work as they have to pay you your super whilst u 'take' your leave
Sounds like you missed out in a few grand in super which sucks but I guess it is a lesson learnt