Albo Not Knowing The Cash Rate or Unemployment Rate Is Worrying…

how the hell can this guy be the leader of the opposition?

literally the 2 big issues us Australians are facing are employment/under employment and housing costs/cost of living guy doesn't know basic figures that you would expect every MP to know…..

is there no one else!? dead set this guy is worse then Shorten….every time he opens his mouth i think he is a fraud who knows jack all about the job he is going for…

i think i would honestly accept him getting the unemployment rate wrong because the number changes every 1/4 but the cash rate has been at 0.1 percent since November 2020 thats almost 2 years. Albo is trying to be the next PM and he studied finance how the hell could he not know what the cash rate is….

i know this place is a LNP hate fest but considering most people here want love the ALP to win and they 'probably will' but this has to be concerning that this guy is leading the ALP.

for people saying this isnt a big deal - it is actually huge it is a massive gaff and it is something that any MP let alone future PM should know, i think the 'bias' to ALP kind of shines though on OZbargin - i guess will see how things go on May 21


      • +52

        Here is a list of 124 things that the ALP hasn’t done if it helps.

        The sad reality is that it takes a bunch of people known for taking the piss to create a list demonstrating the demise of politics in this country to nothing short of 3rd world levels of corruption as the mainstream media continues on as this is the new norm.

        Are the ALP the silver bullet? Not by a long shot. But a guy not being able to recite one figure has generated more hatred/fist shaking than a list of 124 actions that are some of the most reckless, callous and criminal actions in our political history.…

          • +11

            @82norm: They got absolutely smashed in the last elections. Were you asleep? What do you want them to do, take the same policies to the election and expect a different result? We have almost $10T in property market in Australia. It's absolutely INSANE.

        • Pretty sure ALP is usually used for Australian Labor Party. The abbreviation I see most often for the Liberal Party is the LNP.

          • @LordM00:

            Liberal Party is the LNP.

            Liberal national party.
            Remember it's effectively 2 parties against 1 ;)

          • @LordM00: Hence why I highlighted a list of what the ALP hasn’t done, in an attempt to assist the OP when stating “how would of the ALP done better would be my question”.

      • +26

        Every country have issues, at least the ALP try to fix it with the last election by making changes to the tax system. The Liberal, instead of being a responsible government, seize the opportunity to attack Labour on it. The Liberal have no interest in the long term interest of the middle or lower class. Their primary interest is to get elected, regardless of what it does to the country in the long term.

        Look at Abbott, he attacks the NBN relentlessly and did not want to build it. Only to change his mind and build a second-class network. If you're one of the people who WFH and do not have access to adequate internet speed, you can thank the Liberal.

        Malcolm, got deposed the first time around because he supported Gillard carbon tax. Imagine if we use the money from the carbon tax to invest in and support the renewable energy industry. There might be a lot of people in Australia who are ignorance to this opportunity, but I can assure you, the next trillion dollar industry will be this.

        Scott, he went into the last election with no major policy and as expected have no policy this time around either.

        But this is Australia, I don't expect us to change. The country is conservative, not progressive. If we do change government, it will be for 1 or 2 term max before the Liberal get back into power.

        • +6

          The liberal party have left this country in such a mess even if the alp manages to win, anything they do to try to save australia will be savaged by our biased liberal media throughout their first term to brainwash australia to re elect another liberal govt.

      • +4

        Libs binned NRAS, that alone shows they don't give a shit about people who are struggling with the cost of living.

        • +1

          NRAS sounded like a bargain straight out of Hardly Normal….

      • +9

        Majority of the debt was accumulated prior to COVID.

        • -4

          this is true if you ignore forward estimates, where the debt is forecast to grow from pre pandemic levels of $400 billion to around a $trillion in 2024.

          I think we can safely say that covid has been the cause of an increase in debt greater than any existing levels of debt. As greens/labor voter, I have no issue with this

          • +9

            @Bren20: Absolute rubbish!!!

            Our economy was tanking well before fires or COVID. And it wasn't $400 billion, stop rewriting history.
            It was over $600 billion.

            They have taken it from $175 billion (debt our grandkids would be paying off remember… fear fear fear).

            Now all of sudden one trillion is OK.

            IT'S NOT, and SloMo has "better economically managed" us into a bottomless pit that how many generations will be paying off?

            • +4

              @UFO: You are correct. I believe there was talk about a recession before covid hit. The coalition trashed our economy. Scomo and co must be happy as hell covid hit so they can hide behind it.

              • +2

                @subywagon: Exactly right. We just barely avoided the technical definition of recession… and I think the government was quietly thanking fires and covid for the mask hiding the real damage to our economy.

                The economy has been in serious trouble for years now, and its all been conveniently swept under the rugs of Fires and COVID. One trillion in debt and absolutely nothing to show for it. No transition to clean energy, no policy on encouraging high quality EV here. People would have taken a hit like that for real tax reform. Or a major investment in health or education.

                But we have nothing. Nothing at all to show for all that blown money. That's called MISMANAGEMENT.

                SloMo has to go!

                • +3


                  No transition to clean energy, no policy on encouraging high quality EV here.

                  This is one of the MANY things that has p)ssed me off with the current government.

                  They've fully nerfed Australia. Regardless of how the average person "feels" (thanks to the bought out media) about climate change etc, clean energy is the future no matter how much you love your V8s you can't stop that.

                  The whole developed world, Europe, the US, and China is transitioning, they are investing and developing the technology. Thanks to this government and their donors (bribers) and we've been left so far behind that we may as well be a developing nation.

                  We used to be cutting edge, world leaders in solar and many other techs but now we're just a joke.

                  They've ruined Australia's future just to line their pockets. It's criminal. They should be in prison.

            • @UFO: My numbers are net debt from here

              I'm not arguing that about who's better at economic management, but I'm also not concerned at taking on high levels of debt in a global crisis.

              • +1

                @Bren20: yes… take on debt if its given us something real in return.

                A temporary hit to the budget that'll be recouped because whatever awesome initiative put in place needed time to take off.
                But that's not the case. All that debt for NO GAIN at all. Ok… lets allow $200 billion or so for covid and fires. The other $700 billion went where?
                On what? NOTHING! And he's got permanent tax cuts coming for the richest people in the nation. When they already have means to minimise their tax anyway! Absolutely ludicrous.

                • +1

                  @UFO: I completely agree. I don't care if the government takes on debt that benefits the nation. In fact a government should, they shouldn't be trying to turn a profit. They should be building the country through infrastructure and education, laying foundations for industry and looking after the citizens health. Making sure we get a return of investment on that debt and that we are all better for it, but there's nothing to show except probably in their mates bank accounts, like that pure scum Gerry Harvey.

                • @UFO: Honest question, is there any good source tracing exactly how the national debt has increased so much, what the changes to spending and revenue have been over the past 5 years?

                  • @Bren20: The budgets each year, but I'm not trawling through all of them looking for trends over the last 5 years. I just know how much waste there has been, and how much has gone to big business… or worse, to people and organisations that have never properly applied or tendered for a cent. Billions (not an exaggeration).

      • +3

        I think the main difference in responses would be job keeper payments would have been given to worker's directly rather than being funneled through business's. The net result would be the over payments that went to profitable companies would have went to workers not Gerry Harvey et al.

    • -4

      freedoms we took for granted are diminishing

      Vote uap - freedom forever :P

    • +4

      the current Government has destroyed Australia

      yet we have one of the strongest post covid economies in the world…

      go figure…

      • +5

        Amazing what printing money can do. We have a very strong (and increasing) level of national debt as well.

        • +10

          $1 trillion in debt is apparently OK now…. but less than 10 years ago $175 billion was enough to scare the nation enough to vote for Abbott.

          Debt your grandkids would be paying off?

          Stating we have one of the strongest economies in the world is a cop out, when other nations have been mismanaged as well.
          We've been mismanaged for longer…. our economy was tanking well before fires and covid came along.

    • This. And I work for the current government.
      They are an absolute shambles.

      • +1

        Sounds like you don't work for "the current government" who moves on if voted out. You're just an individual who works in the government sector which has always been in shambles, regardless of who or which party is in leadership.

        Might be time to get off the high horse which you hear things from

      • I had a guy next door who had a job for the QLD government. He hardly ever had to show up for work, build 2 houses in his spare time and hotwired every electricity meter. Easy to guess who he is voting for!

  • +1
  • +62

    I don't remember every answer about my job though I know where to find it when needed.

    Who cares.

    • +8

      This is true - why the down vote?

      CEO of any company won't know every detail, but most will know who to ask or how to get it.

      • that's why we have google

      • -2

        You may not know how to operate or the types of stiches, but a surgeon who operates regularly must know how to, as well as the types of stiches.
        Similarly, as a candidate for PM, you are expected to know the important figures about the economy. Hence, there is such a big hue and cry.

        If there was Shorten, my vote would have gone for him. But, I will reserve my judgement till closer to the elections..

        • +1

          But a surgeon would do research and study on a know problem before he goes into operation, Its not like they go blindly all the time.

    • +5

      I don't remember every answer about my job though

      You should know the most important ones though…

      • +8

        Like what are the policies that may impact unemployment and interest rates?

      • +1

        If you knew how many briefs politicians read daily, how many verbal briefs they receive and how much statistics they are expected to remember you'd be less judgemental. Not recalling statistics which are based on constantly changing figures is not surprising.

        The problem with politics is most Australians don't know what they're taking about and spruik the rubbish they hear on talk back radio and A Current Affair. Then vote accordingly.

        • +1

          If you knew how many briefs politicians read daily

          Doesn't need a brief to know the current unemployment rate and interest rate…

          No excuse for not knowing these…

          • @jv: There absolutely is.. It's an inflated number with zero reflection whatsoever to true unemployment. When even Howard doesn't care you know it's a non issue blown out of proportion.

  • +12

    Failing an exam, doesn't mean you are not good at your job.

    Lots of people can answer exams, but can't do sh1t in real life.

    • Failing an exam, doesn't mean you are not good at your job.

      There is a lot of correlation though…

      But yes, there might be the odd exception…

  • +28

    You must be a regular in the comments section.

    And no, that is not something to be proud of.

  • +16

    Yep, better to stick with Mr perfect…

    Couldnt care less, in the same way I don't care if a politician can't answer the price of a litre of milk.

    It's not a game of memory, and if it was, why we keep hiring forgetful old white guys as prime ministers?

    • +11

      why we keep hiring forgetful old white guys as prime ministers?

      True, we need more Asians running this country. We’d get a high quality high speed rail from Sydney to Melbourne built in a year if Asians were in charge.

      More Asians in power please!

      • +5

        Specifically, the Japanese, those guys could use all the natural resources that we have and turn us into a manufacturing powerhouse.

      • +3

        When you say ‘Asians’ you might want to be more specific if high speed rail is your thing.

        But yes, Australian parliament is disproportionately white.

        Anyone truely efficient, Asian or otherwise would have a really hard time as an Australian parliamentarian.

      • +1

        We'd never get that level of high speed rail unfortunately, we simply don't have the usage numbers to justify the costs

    • +1

      In general, there's a lot of old white guys in higher levels of power, be it politics or finance.

      It's not a trend that's going to end anytime soon considering the existence of Pauline Hanson and Clive Palmer

  • +45

    how the hell can this guy be the leader of the opposition?

    Exactly, dude should be PM already.

    If you think not being sure of a couple of figures is such an unforgivable act, I'd love to know what your reaction was to the shit tonne of bs the coalition has pulled over the last decade.

      • +19

        Then vote independent or Greens if they float your boat. Scomo and his LNP have been nothing but a scourge on Australia, holding us back and lining his mates' pockets in the process.

        • -3

          I will be voting Independent i would never vote Greens they are worse then LNP and ALP

          I would also never vote United party as they are also lunatics

          • @Trying2SaveABuck: Sounds like independent, labor, LNP, greens then UAP?

          • +5

            @Trying2SaveABuck: Worse than.

            You keep writing then when it is than.

          • +2

            @Trying2SaveABuck: Good to hear that you're not suckered in by Clive's BS and not voting for UAP. I'm sick of all the bs myself across the board. I don't think Labor is going to be a silver bullet. I do agree with them being called the Shit Lite party by Juice Media. I don't want to stuff around this election and want to make sure that all traces of the Coal-ition is eradicated.

          • +10

            @Trying2SaveABuck: Voting independent is fine, assuming they have reasonable policies, but unless you're in one of very few electorates, they won't win, so your preference ends up at LNP or ALP.

            It's a matter of deciding which one is least bad. You can pick 'money for my mates Morrison', and ignore the bazillion scandals, or you can vote for the guy who forget a couple of numbers (and remember, that it's a whole team of people that run the government, they have advisors that know all the trivia).

            The media is specifically out there trying to generate this gotcha bullshit - if he answered that right, they'll keep trying random other things until he gets something wrong so they can crow about it.

            • @dayta: "so your preference ends up at LNP or ALP."
              No your preference goes wherever you put it.

        • lining his mates' pockets


          Like holding a private drinks event for the media.

  • +21

    I am still not going to vote for scomo and gang this time. I will vote anyone even if it’s albo.

    • +1

      I will vote anyone even if it’s albo.

      That's what happened with rudd, and look how that turned out…

      • +4

        They complained he worked too hard.

        So we got a big oaf that doesn't do anything even when we need him to.

      • +3

        Only way to get the liberal party back in the hands of people like Howard is to give them their "sandpapergate" moment. They need to loss enough seats that they are forced to revisit the middle and get away from the religious extremism that has started to take over the party. Just look at the filibustering bullshit that went on in NSW to allow Morrison to hand pick candidates without the electorates having any say in pre-selection. The fact of the matter is Albo and labour are closer to the Howard government than the current mob of clown's. Biggest disgrace of Australian politic's isn't the chopping and changing of leader's it's the fact that both parties went to the 2007 election proposing an emissions trading scheme and 15 year's latter we still don't have any form of climate change policy that can survive a change in government.

      • +8

        Yeah Rudd was so bad with all the government stimulus that resulted in Australia being the only western economy that avoided a recession during the GFC.

        • -3

          You don't believe that the $900 did anything at all to avoid the recession, do you?
          Please tell me this is sarcasm or satire

          • @imurgod: They undertook a variety of methods to underpin their #1 performing economy for four years out of five - the $900 was one of them. Straight into peoples bank accounts, straight out their bank accounts into the economy.

            Do you…. do you know how an economy works? Do you understand the bare basics of stimulus?

            • -5

              @ThithLord: Yeah I actually do so I am fully aware that KRudd stimulus did absolutely nothing to save the economy.
              It was laughable and a waste of government spending which added to the debt.

              I notice that you're very emotional and narrow-minded in this thread so I don't intend to engage with you too much.

              You vote for whatever fantasy you believe, that's the beauty of a democracy!

              • +2


                Yeah I actually do so I am fully aware that KRudd stimulus did absolutely nothing to save the economy.

                lol okay well I'll just ignore the #1 performing economy ON EARTH, during a GFC, for four years out of five, then. I'll also ignore Wayne Swan becoming Australia's most awarded and revered treasurer in history.

                • @ThithLord: Let's just ignore that you believe the $900 stimulus had anything to do with that at all.

                  By that rationale, the $250 that we're about to get should make our economy bulletproof then!

                  Thanks for the Economics 101 lesson, professor.

                  • +2

                    @imurgod: Mate, that $250 is years into a recession and it is stated as being a "cost of living" one-off payment. It is, as usual with the Liberals, way too little, wayyyyyy too late, and meaningless. They've also held off depositing the money until just before the election, lol. You haven't even received the payment yet you're spruiking it?

                    How obviously do you need to be getting played before it actually sinks in?

                    • -1

                      @ThithLord: You're making assumptions like uneducated people do.

                      I don't agree with the $250 (just as I didn't with the $900) because I understand how both the domestic and global economies work and it's clear that you don't.

                      You're here just to argue and you've shown yourself to be misinformed with every comment. I'm betting you don't have a degree that has had even minor focus on business or economics.

                      Are you sure UAP isn't a better fit for you?

                      • +2

                        @imurgod: Respectfully, you're dismissed.

                        • @ThithLord: I love it when people back themselves into a corner.

                          Have a lovely day.

                          • +1

                            @imurgod: You are so far out of your grasp that whatever I say to you, you will not comprehend and then interpret that as you coming off as successfully rebuking anything I say.

                            • @ThithLord: OK then. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

                              Maybe if you didn't make wild, misinformed claims I'd listen.

                              Anyhow, it's of no consequence, we will all vote to suit our particular circumstances.

                              • +1

                                @imurgod: Ditto - enjoy Easter Weekend

                                • @ThithLord: Thanks. You too.

                                  • +5

                                    @imurgod: I can point out that @ThithLord made at least some arguments while you just went with "no it did not". And you think you won too… must be nice.

                                    • @misu p: Well if didn't. What else do you eqntf me to say? There's no points to be made when a statement is flat out false.

                                      If you google the GFC and the Australian economy, there is even a statement from treasurer explaining the myriad of reasons we avoided recession. I'm not going to type that whole report out for you here.

                                      But in the end, common sense will tell you that giving every $900 for no reason doesn't save an economy. If it were true, no economy in the world would ever be in recession.

                                      • +1

                                        @imurgod: While I disagree with @ThithLord on almost everything… again bringing common sense into a discussion online while telling people to google… maybe that is why we keep losing all the time.

                                        • @misu p: All of us have the right to vote however we choose and that's awesome.

                                          I tell you to google because you can't expect me to retype the entire report to save you a google search. Not going to happen but the option to get the facts is just a few keystrokes away for anyone who is interested.

                                          I'm not that invested in this topic because I know I'm right, I know how I will vote and I respect everyone else's right to vote the way they see fit, but hey, if you can show me how a $900 stimulus can save an economy from recession, I'm more than happy to be proven wrong.

                                            • @misu p: Thanks. Have you read it? Should we pretend it was the 900 bucks or should we accept out uber string banking system, international trade (notably China, who also had no recession), etc?

                                              • +2

                                                @imurgod: The article proves your point… this is how you win an argument (or at least try) … not by insulting people and telling them to google it and use their "common sense". Give a link to something that is published by an authority and prove your point.

                                                They can come back with an argument that the article is bogus… etc… and come back with their own article… they will fail at that.

                                                • -2

                                                  @misu p: Fair enough but I don't like to do others' work for them.

                                                  The information is common knowledge and on the Govt website.

                                                  While I agree this way is effective, I just don't care enough to have to educate others on what they can easily read themselves.

                                                  After all, how do you think I read that report?

                                                  For the record, when you insult someone, you have to expect to be insulted back and to be fair, the insults on both sides were mild and we even ended it amicably. Don't make an issue where there isn't one and thank you for posting the link so others can read up on it as well. Kudos to you, have an upvote!

  • +54

    One error. And you've forgotten Robodebt, the torture of legitimate refugees by holding them for nearly a decade, the rorts associated with Jobkeeper, the $1tn in debt the LNP has led us to, the very suspicious dealings by Dutton and his mates, the submarine debacle that will cost us $5bn, our reputation as a climate pariah, the downgrading to the worst we've ever been on global corruption rankings. You're kidding. I haven't started about the absolute deliberate negligence around transitioning to renewable energy which will happen; it's just unfortunate we will not be as profitable as we could have been in the transition thanks to the LNP who has no plan to move forward.Then there's the water rorts around Angus Taylor.

    • +23

      And Porter having a non disclosed $1 million blind trust. And Barnaby being removed for sexual harassment claims. Then having another family and coming back for a drink each question time.

      And the Tudge $500k settlement. And the sports torts.

      But their achievements…

      • +9

        You forgot Barnaby's bill for ~$650k whilst drought envoy for, what was it? A few weeks? Where he produced some text messages as a report to the PM about the results. Freedom Of Information requests all denied when trying to locate that report.

    • +10

      It's pretty telling in my eyes, that even on much less controversial issues they have managed to take the absolute worst, obtuse approaches. We're a geographically isolated country in a world that is now more connected than ever, and instead of scoring easy wins by assisting growth in the tech sector to make us world leaders, they instead push through vaguely worded laws to [pearl clutching] ThInK oF tHe ChIlDrEn or StOp ThE tErRoRiStS. Laws that at best are toothless and easily circumvented, and at worst completely erode privacy, discourages international investment, and gives law enforcement unnecessarily broad power bordering authoritarianism.

      They could have made plenty of easy decisions to help boost long term prosperity of the nation, and instead they've decided to line their own pockets, kick the can down the road, and follow dumbass populist rhetoric which serves no one but the interests of those in dying industries.

      • +4

        This 10000%

        Just a small example of the many incompetent, backwards decisions made by the Libs is to look at what they did to the NBN. It's not like it's extremely important to have reliable and fast internet these days, or into the future… I was pulling my hair out back then when they were talking shit about downloading movies etc knowing how vital it is to have cutting edge internet reliability and speeds in our highly connected global society, especially considering our geographical isolation as you mentioned.

        They've nerfed Australia in so many ways. We used to be global leaders. We are now a global laughing stock.

    • -3

      You forgot labours Pink Batts scheme and the deaths.

      • +16

        These things aren't even remotely comparable. The pink batts killed four people, and whilst poorly managed, was major infrastructure spending focused on reducing our energy consumption by providing better thermal insulation.

        The Robodebt program was a shakedown by issuing fake debts to the poorest and most vulnerable members of our society. It ended up costing the tax payer billions in net damages after the class action lawsuit, and had a final death toll of 3,300. The LNP refuses to release statistics on how many of those deaths were suicides, but it's likely to be in excess of one thousand people - harassed into killing themselves by their own government. It remains as Australia's largest national tragedy and it's quite disgusting that you would even think about comparing it to the pink batts scheme.

        • +7

          But … but…. the batts….

        • a final death toll of 3,300

          I think you're being misleading at best with 'death toll'. The 3,300 weren't killed as a result of robodebt, but 3,300 people who had died were on the list of people who were owed refunds.

          Completely different meaning, and it's this kind of twisting of words to stick it to the other 'team' that's ruining politics around the world generally.

          • @Kill Joy: Correct. I hope Labor will find the actual number. Royal commission?

            I am sure it's in the double or triple digits.

          • @Kill Joy: We don't know how many died because of the program, the government won't release the figures and are very much unlikely to. I see no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt due to concealing the real number.

            Also, 3,300 deaths in such a young cohort of lives that received these notices is an absurd number. 500-800 over 4 years presuming a 20-60 uniform distribution (age pensioners were excluded) is more realistic. There's an excess mortality of ~2,500 lives.

            • @iseeyou1312: I'm just advocating for not saying one thing, then using an article that says another thing to seemingly support your information. It removes all your credibility, especially in an online context where your identity can't be used to provide authenticity.

              Im not here to argue with you over what you believe the real numbers are because I'm not educated on the topic - You clearly have a bias here so I wouldn't listen to you.

  • +49

    You watch too much LNP controlled Murdoch press. I’m sure ScumMo would not have had these figures either…

    And how can we trust a PM that when Australia was burning, he laughed about it from his beachside hotel in Hawaii? The guy is a walking shit stain. Instead of answering questions, he just smirks like the shit eating (fropanity) that he is and either refuses to answer, or changes the question to something he does want to answer.

    LNP is just the Landlords and Boomers party. I would vote for a cow turd over giving ScumMo any more time. I hope he loses his own electorate as well like that shitbag before him.

    • -1

      I’m sure ScumMo would not have had these figures either…

      That is speculative… Aloobo proved he doesn't know…

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